The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 11, 1962, Special Food Section, Image 20

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    Lift the lid on new Suppers-in-a-Dish!
Vi pound around beef
Vt teaspoon salt
Vi teaspoon pepper
1 enK
Vi rup soft bread crumbs
2 tablespoons shorleninn
I can (I lb. 15 oi.) pork ansi beans
Combine first five ingredients. Form into small
balls. Brown in shortening.
Pour pork and l>eans into buttered casserole.
(You’ll have easy cleaning if you line the dish with
foil!) Add browned meat balls. Bake, uncovered,
in moderate oven, 350° for 20 minutes, or until
bubbly warm.
hor a spicier dish, add your favorite seasoning —
catsup, onions, a dash of molasses. Recipe makes
1 to 6 servings.
I tablespoon butter
Vi cup light molasses
I slice cooked htirn (Vt to Vi-tnch thick)
4 slices canned pineapple
1 can (16 or 17 ox.) sweet potatoes, sliced
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons light molasses
Combine butter and molasses in skillet. Add ham
and pineapple slices. Cook 8 to 10 minutes, turning
pineapple as it browns. Turn ham, then place pine
apple slices on top. Add sliced sweet potatoes.
Brush potatoes with molasses and butter; let brown
while ham cooks on second side. Serves 4.
Smut’ cook quickly, some hake long anti lazily
. . . each one serves up “best of all”!
Priie Winner in 9th Grand National Bake-Off
'pound bacon
I cup (2 bunches) chopped green onions,
including lops
1 rani (l lb. each) pork and beans
W cup chili sauce
‘A cup firmly packed broun sugar
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
lA teaspoon dry mustard
2 drops Tabasco sauce
I1'.' cups sifted all purpose flour
12 cup corn meal
? teaspoons double-acting baking powder
2 teaspoons sugar
l teaspoon salt
V* cup shortening
V* cup milk
Fry bacon until crisp; crumble. Saute onions in
2 tablespoons of bacon fat. Combine with beans and
seasonings in 2-quart casserole.
Bake at 350 for 45 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Increase temperature to 425°. Top with Corn Meal
Biscuits. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes until deep golden
Corn Steal Biscuits: Sift flour with com meal,
baking powder, sugar and salt into mixing bowl
Cut in shortening until fine. Add milk; stir until
dough clings together. Knead lightly on floured sur
face, about 10 strokes. Roll out to M-inch thickness.
Cut with 2-inch round cutter. Serves 8 to 10.
Pri*« Winner in 9th Grand Notional Bake Oft
I r'tr/M si) ted alt purpose flour
I1.’ teaspoons salt
1 rup shortening
44 Iff •' < cup water
!'.■ pounds round steak, cut into l-inch pieces
3 medium onions, slwed (about I cup I
3 cups sliced potatoes
I' ? cups diced carrots
11 -• cups water
•I tablespoons flour
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon pot herbs
*4 teaspoon pepper
I1.' teaspoons meat extract
I teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
>nr Hour with salt into mixing IhiwI. Cut hi
shortening until particles are fine Sprinkle water
over mixture, stirring lightly with fork until dough
holds together
Divide dough into two portions, one twice as
large as the other Roll out larger portion on
floured surface to fit a 12x8x2-inch baking dish
or a 3-quart casserole, fit loosely into baking dish.
Meat 'n Vegetable Fillinp,: Plat e steak in bottom
of pastry lined dish Top with onions, potatoes and
carrots. Combine water. Hour, salt, pot herbs,
pepper, meat extract and Worcestershire saute
Pour over meat and vegetables.
Roll out remaining dough to fit top of baking
dish. Cut slits lor escajie of steam. Place over filling
seal and flute. Rake at 100 for 30 minutes, then at
350. for 1J* hours to 2 hours, until meat is tender.
You’ll have servings for 8.
Meat 'n potatoes with vegetables too, bubble under a flaky crust
of One-Step Beef Pie.
Browned meatballs mix and bake with beans for 20 minutes — then serve up
proud and hearty.
Skillet ham and sweet potatoes po to supper in minutes, all plazed and buttery:
This dish you must try!
Corn meed biscuits top a South-of-the-border way with pork and beans.
A big. big recipe!