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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1962)
Celia News Mm. Morrill Andernoa Mrs. Leonard Chaffin was hos tess Wednesday afternoon to the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society attended by 15 members. Mrs. Elmore Blain read the ef ficiency standard and discussed various phases of the work pro gram. Mrs. Dan Snyder and Mrs. Raymond Dubias enrolled as new members of the society. Mrs. Merrill Anderson present ed the lesson on Christian educa tion. Mrs. Leonard Chaffin con ducted the study of Romans. Each member present was as signed missionary prayer part ners. Mrs Herman Meyer will be hostess for the November meet ing. Dinner guests Sunday of Mrs. Helen Beck, Atkinson, were Mr. and Mrs. Duane >3eck and family Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mlinar, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mlinar, Mr and Mrs. Albert Smith and fain ily, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence John son, Mrs. Marvel Jean Baten horst and daughter, Lynette and Mrs. Libby Mlinar. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyer sr. were * upper guests at the Raymond Dubias home Friday evening. Cheryl Beck, daugnler oi Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck, is ex periencing reoccuring attacks of the hives. Mr. and Mrs. Beck took her to the Atkinson Clinic for medical attention. Mark Hendricks, Omer Poynts, Arlin Hendricks and Mrs. Robert Hendricks, visited Mrs. Omer Poynts at the Methodist hospital in Sioux City Saturday. Mrs. Poynts underwent surgery Thurs day. Mrs. Richard Klinger re turned to Atkinson with them. Mrs. Mark Hendricks remained with her mother. Mrs. Poynts is expected to be released from the hospital the first of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyer sr. were O'Neill business visitors Friday. Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman and son, Gary, attended the freshman init iation at Atkinson Tuesday eve ning. Roger Hoffman is a member of the freshman class. A kanga roo court was held as a part of the event. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heiser, Jer akl and Sharon were evening guests Friday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Duane Beck and fam ily. The showing of slides high lights the evenings entertain ment. Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman, Gary and Roger, Mrs. Iva Deseive and Mrs. Berl Beck went to Omaha Saturday to visit Ed Hoffman at the Immanuel hospital. Mr. Hoff PECANS Per lb. $1.60 For Sale By WSCS Ladies Phone 259 or 2S7W man is recovering from recent surgery and is expected to be re leased from the hospital Wedncs day. He plans to spend a few days m Fremont his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ma bel, before returning to Atkin son this weekend. Mr and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman and sons, Gary and Roger, and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frickel and family attended the Mission Fes tival at the all-day services Sun day at the Immanuel Lutheran church in Atkinson. James Eh lers, Omaha, Institutional Chap lain, was principle speaker for the afternoon program. He also was guest speaker at Sunday morning worship services al the Burton and Ainsworth churches His wife is a niece of Mrs. Kas per Harley, Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Connie Frickel and son, Kurt, spent the weekend in Omaha visiting Robert and Carolyn Collins and the children They also visited with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Frickel. While at Carolyn’s they were guests at a birthday party in honor of Mark’s 3rd birthday which was October B. Enoute home Sunday the Frick els visited Connie’s sister, Mrs Allen Marquardt and family at Norfolk. Mrs. Natchel Rzeszotarski at tended a party Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Alfred Stra ka. Emmet And Community Dolores Tunender Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bauer and family Monday night. Victory Homemakers club met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Ray Conway. Mr and Mrs. Ray Tunender, Dolores and Boh were Tuesday night visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family. Pleasant 4-Her’s 4-H club will meet this Friday night at school district 89. Ray Tunender, Dolores and Boh were in Yankton, S. D. last Tuesday on business. Carmen Benze, O’Neill, was a guest at the home of the Du satko girls Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ramold and family, O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. George Ramold and family. Inman, and Mr. and Mrs. John Schaaf and family, Atkinson, were Thursday night visitors of Mrs. Joe Ramold sr. and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Zakr zewski, O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. John Babl, Lionel and Luann, Margaret Conway, Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Babl, Jeanette and Linda, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Babl and family, O’Neill, last Sunday. The group also toured St. Mary’s during open house. Mrs. Joe Pongratz visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weichman and family. Stuart, were also visitors at the Winkler home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Daily, O’-, Complete Closing-Out Auctnon Sale SAT.. OCT. 20 12:30 p.m. Having sold our ranch, and since we are moving to Atkinson, we will sell all our personal property at the ranch located from Atkin son 8 miles north, 6 miles east. 5 miles north, then JVj miles east. HEREFORD CATTLE 10 Choice Hereford first calf heifers, some with calves at side 4 Choice Hereford second calf heifers 13 Hereford breeding cows, ages 4 to 8 years. These are all top producing cows, there are no culls. If you need a few replace ment cows be sure to see these. 1 Registered Hereford Bull. 2-year-old from the Sageser herd The Stock cows are all bred to start calving March 15. This is an outstanding set of cows which have always produced top selling feeder calves. 2 Holstein cows milking now. one just fresh, the other one to freshen January' 1. Machinery and Equipment 1950 IHC “H" Farmall. gocxi condition; 1949 Ford tractor; Wagner loader for Ford tractor; IHC No. 24 mower; IHC trail mower. 6-ft. bar; 2 IHC 12-ft. hay rakes and a two-rake hitch: Sweep for tractor: Slide stacker and back stop: Kramer Winch for H or M tractor; Heavy duty underslung 900x20 tires, dual in back, excellent condition; IHC 2-bottom 14-inch plow; IHC 2-row eli; John Deere 2 row lister; IHC single-row com picker; IHC manure spreader, excellent condition: Three section harrow and 2 discs; IHC hammermill with overhead blower; Richardson blue grass stripper, like new; Rubber tired wagon, steel wheel wagon and 1 hay rack: 300 gallon fuel barrel and stand: Sprayer, power take-off driven, near new; 4 50-gallon barrels. 3 rolls of corn cribbing. IHC 1 horse rye drill, new; Loading chute; post drill; S-inch bench saw; thread cutters: large wood pile; registered brand. WC left side and hip: IHC No. 3 cream separator: Buzz saw; lots of used iron and horse-drawn machinery; Duo therm heater, like new; Plus many articles too numerous to mention. Terms: Cash. Road will be marked Lunch served on grounds W. L Coleman Owner Dean Fleming & Elmer McClurg. Auctioneers Maynard Coleman & Gilbert Schneider. Clerks new, viiiiea ai me name oi mu. Georgia McGinnis. Emmet, Fri- I day afternoon. Mrs. Joe Bruder, Atkinson, and Mrs Mary Shald, Luann, Jimmy and Johnny, Stuart, visited at the home of Mrs Ed Winkler and Mary Alice Tuesday. John Tenborg, Wichita, Kan , called at the home of Mr. and Mrs Joe Winkler Thursday night Mrs. Tom Schneider, O'Neill, j visited at the home of Mrs. Lyle Fox Monday. Mr. and Mrs Leon Beckwith visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith, O’Neill. Monday night Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wasson and family, Atkinson. Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler were Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Earl Bauld, Newport. In the afternoon they called on Mrs Alois Bahl. Mr and Mrs. Larry Donlin and Linda, Central City, were the weekend guests at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Sehaaf and family. Mrs. Kenny Ruggless and Mrs I jeon Beckwith visited at the home of Agnes Gaffney Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kloppen iKirg and family went to Wag- '• ner, S. D. Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family were Friday night visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Carr and family, Amelia. Mr. and Mrs Bob Miksch, Stuart, were Sunday dinner guests at the home of her pur ents Mr and Mrs Tom Welsh. Tuesday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Bahl, Jeanette and Linda, were Mrs. John Bahl sr. and Lionel, Mrs. Joe Pongratz, Mrs. Floyd Barnes and John E. Babl. Mrs. Alfred Sehaaf and family, Mrs. Elmer Sehaaf and family. Emmet, Mrs. Jerry Sehaaf, O' Neill, Mrs. Ruth Barnes and Mrs. Orville Seger, Atkinson, helped Mrs. Freed celebrate her 84th birthday Thursday. They were dinner guests. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bauer and family were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fox, Atkin son, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Kramer i i- : i.. Cl IIII muiiij , * ’V** Mrs. Duane Pongratz, Dewey and Debbie, O'Neill, came to the farm with Duane and spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pon gratz. Mr. and Mrs. John Babl and Luann, Mrs. Lizzie Ryan and David. Atkinson, visited Mrs. Ag nes Heeb, O'Neill. Sunday. . Mr. and Mrs. George Pierson and boys, Sinclair, Wyo., spent the weekend with relatives. ' Mrs. Rex Beckwith visited her * niece. Mrs. Art Harley, and baby at the hospital Monday and Tues- , day afternoon. ' Supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ix'on Beckwith Saturday evening I were Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Young, Neligh, Mrs. Deraid Graham, | O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Ruggless and Ronnie. Mr. and | Mrs. Rex Beckwith called in the evening. | Mr. and Mrs. A1 Havranek and John Tenborg, Wichita. Kan., j spent Saturday night at the home t i Mr. and Mrs. Louis Havranek. , Charlotte Evans and Mrs. Lloyd 1 Evans, Atkinson, went to Sioux City on business Wednesday. 1 Charlotte Evans also helped at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Evans. ‘ Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Havranek I and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Havran ek visited at the home of Mr. | and Mrs. Chuck Havranek Sun day afternoon. Eight couples gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Ruggless Friday night, to play i pinochle. Those present were Mr. : and Mrs. Lyle Fox and Dougie. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mellor, Mr. | and Mrs. Duane Miller. Kenny. ■1 Scott and Todd, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Hickok. Dorian and David. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Puckett. Bren- j da and Susan. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rzeszotarski. Roxy. Joan and Suszane Lori and Mr. and Mrs. 1 Don Kloppenborg, Ruby, Marty and Kelly. Prizes were won by I Mrs. Duane Mi'ler. Don Kloppen borg. Mrs. Lyle Fox. Don Rzes- | zotarski and Jim Puckett. No vember party will be held at the | home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Rzes zotarski. _ _ | Mrs. James Havranek. O'Neill, spent last week at the home of , Mr. and Mrs. Louis Havranek. __ I Phene Your News to i The Frontier I Phone 788 1 - I GAS —TOONS| 1 —BY— Fritz Bazelman "Hey, I ain't through changin' your oil yet.” I Let us show you our speedy service! Bazelman Mobil Service SINCE 19-Z9 Phone 355 Hi way 20 Hast Sorry we ran out so soon last week. We hope we have Plenty to run this time. EXTRA FANCY - ROMES - DELICIOUS - JONATHAN DP PIES - ~ i gg P p Pg p^ gjp 4 sack 49cH | LOOK WHAT WILL BUY! Bacon Lives* Sausage Kami Shanks Minced Ham (Xidahy'it I*uritan BACON ff 2 lb. pkg. $1.19 Y Swift’s I'rcrniiim ■ FRANKS 3 Lb. 59c I SLAB Chunk Style FRESH ^g BEEF ARMOUR LB PORK SMOKED PER LB. CORN KING PER LB. I SWANS DOWN 1 CAKE MIX I A $ I if Pkgs. I HERSHEY'S CHOCOLATE I SYRUP I 16-oz. ^B can B STOKELY’S ('ream or Whole Kernel 303 c ans CORN.5 for $1 VELVEETA CHEESE.2 lb. box 89c (.HANDLE STl FFED Glass Harrell OLIVES . 39c RED DART 303 can WAX BEANS. 10c WILDERNESS No. 2 cans PIE FILLING.3 for 89c ZESTEE PRESERVES.4 lb. jar 89c IERSHEY’ 12-oi. pkj{. CHOCOLATE CHIPS. 39c JQI ID 22-o*. bottle DETERGENT LUX.49c FRESH FROZEN FRUIT PIES EACH PP IE ^ MIKCH'S FROZEN—Apple, Grape 6-02. cans JUICE.5 for 49c TASTE O SEA FROZEN 8-02. pkgs. FISH STICKS.3 for Si Prices effective Thurs. thru Sat., Oct. 11-13 We Give TOP VALUE STAMPS BUTTERNUT ( COFFEE I 3 Lb. $189 I can C STALEY'S WAFFLE 1 SYRUP I Fun s 39 I