The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 04, 1962, Image 6

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    Ewing News
' By Mm Harold Harris
Mr and Mis Fred Hollwitt and
•on were dinner guests Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
L'rlian. They also went to O’Neill
to see their infant daughter at St.
Anthony's hospital
Duane Hord spent the weekend
with his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Roland Hord. returning to Syra
cuse Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Roland Hord and
son. Duane, Syracuse, were en
tertained Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier
Word comes from Mrs. Dewitt
Gunter that she is improved from
last week's illness. She is at the
Lutheran liospital in Norfolk Mr.
and Mrs. IJonel Gunter visited
her Sunday and also Mr. Gunter
at the rest home.
Saturday evening guests at the
Roland Hord home were Mr. and
Mrs. Lionel Gunter.
Mr. and Mrs l^arry Malena
and son, Kevin, Norfolk, accom
panied by his parents, Mr and
Mrs. Clarence Malena, Battle
Creek, were guests at the home
of Mrs Helen Wright Friday eve
ning. The gentlemen attended the
Fwing - Battle Creek football
Mrs Anna Savidge spent Sun
day at the Charles Bartak home.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones and
son were Sunday guests of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tuck
John Juracek, Norfolk, spent
Saturday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Rudy Juracek and family.
The Rev. J. R. Parker, Wil
rnore, Ky., was the guest speak
er at the First Methodist church
or while stock lasts
I'- » / 1) » I
Portable and Spinet Styles
Priced from only $ 095
Pfaff Sewing Center
223 So. Fourth O'Neill, Nebr.
in Ewing Sumlay. He will conduct
evangelistic meetings this week
at the Clearwater Methodist
church. The Rev Parker will be
a guest at the home of the Rev.
and Mrs. Lester Spragg, Ewing,
during this time.
Mrs. Mildred Bergstrom and
family accompanied by her mo
ther. Mrs Caroline Sanders, spent
Sunday as guests at the home at
Mr and Mrs A. J. Sanders at
Laurel. «■
Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Koenig
were Sunday afternoon guesta at
the home of Mrs. Anna Miller
Card games were played for en
Mr. and Mrs Leo Schueth.
Humphrey, accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs Robert Schueth, Nor
folk, spent Sunday afternoon with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs Theo
dore Schueth.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Scluetter
and family, Omaha, were Satur
day evening guests of Mrs Josie
Versaw and Sandra.
Mr. and Mrs Oliver Gnewikow,
Nindoro, Wis. were guests from
Thursday to Saturday at the Ed
Urban home.
Mr. and Mrs Ed Urban accom
panied by Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
Gnewikow, Nindoro, Wis., visited
Friday at the Richard Bollwitt
home in Neligh.
Callers at the Victor Bollwitt
and Fred Bollwitt home Thursday
were Mr. and Mrs Ed Urban and
their guests Mr. and Mrs. Oliver
Gnewikow, Nindoro, Wis.
Mrs. Inland Welke and Bonnie
accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Har
nIH PrvloArs O’Neill tn
City, la., Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Milan Welke and
daughters spent Sunday visiting
at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Scott, Chambers.
Mrs. Harriet Welke and her
sister, Mrs. E. J. Snyder, Glas
gow, Mont., were entertained
Sunday at the home of Mrs. Al
thea Peterson.
Mrs. Althea Peterson attended
a social party at the David
Wright ranch home Friday.
The house and outbuildings on
the lots recently acquired by the
Board of Education of the Ewing
public school were sold at auc
tion Saturday. Wilbur Spangler
purchased the house.
Weekend guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davis were
Willard Ingerson and Birdine In
gerson, Grand Island. Other re
cent weekend guests at the Davis
home were his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Orval Davis and Mr. and I
Mrs. Oscar Bauch, Valentine.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Vandersnick ,
and granddaughter, Cecelia Van
dersnick, went to Page Thursday |
to visit at the home of Mr. and j
Mrs. Richard Cunningham.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hobbs had
as their dinner and evening
guests Wednesday the Rev. and
Mrs. Lester Spragg and Vicki.
Andrew Olson entered the An
telope Memorial hospital Thurs
day for a checkup.
Monday evening dinner guests
at the home of the Rev. and Mrs.
Lester Spragg were the Rev. and
Mrs. Earl Hess, Chambers.
Sunday School Award Presented
Promotion Day for the Sunday
School of the First Methodist
church was held Sunday, Sept.
30, with a large attendance.
The opening prayer was given
by Supt. Curtis Roberts sr. Mrs.
Willis Rockey was in charge of
the "Question and Answer" per
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An electric dryer does ALL the work!
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iod followed by the presentation
of Bibles to the boys and girls
for completing their memory
work of their grade Receiving
Bibles were Randall Rockey. Ro
l>ert Pruden, Bruce Sedivy, Rita
Snyder. Delores Lat/el and Mar
lene Mullens
Supt. Roberts also presented
pins for perfect attendance
Those receiving one year pins
were Delores Lat/el, Craig Ro
berts, Kenneth Snyder, Rita Sny
der and Terry' Anson; Two year
liars went to Cheryl Boies, Steven
Boies and Geraldine Snyder;
Three year bars, Kddie Rockey,
Randall Rockey, Robert Pruden,
Evelyn Snyder and Karen Woep
pel; Four year bars, Randall
Rockey. David Woeppel, Evelyn
Snyder and Karen Woeppel.
Promotions were made at the
close of the session by Supt. Ro
berts as follows: In the Primary
Department, from Mrs Ray Sed
ivy’s class to Mrs. Willis Rock
ey's were Wade Lat/el, Sue
Shain, Vicki Spragg, Laurie Jo
Eacker and Gregg Anderson;
Students of Mrs. Hockey's class
to the junior class, Randall Rock
ey, Robert Pruden, Delores Lat
zel, Rita Snyder, Bruce Sedivy,
and Marlene Mullens Marilyn
Sedivy was promoted from the
junior class to the junior high and
Rozlynne Spragg from junior high
to the senior high.
Other teachers in the Sunday
school are Ray Sedivy and Aub
rey Wood, of the adult classes,
Waldo Davis, the senior high and
Mrs. Curtis Rolierts sr., the
junior and junior high hoys and
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Bahm
were Friday evening guests at
the home of Mr and Mrs. Leland
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schroe
der returned home Friday from
a ten day vacation. They were
guests of her mother at Pierce
for a few days, then visited rela
tives and friends at Madison,
Norfolk, and Meadow Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. John Walker,
Norfolk, and Mr and Mrs. Fred
Gragge, O’Neill, were guests
Sunday, Sept. 23, at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Max Wanser.
Mrs. Anna Pollock is back
home after spending a few days
in Omaha for a physical checkup
and to visit her daughter. Elea
nor Pollock Before reluming to
Ewing she visited in the Don Pol
lock home in Naligh.
Mrs. Ralph Eacker returned
home Wednesday from Sioux Qty
where she had been a guest at
the home of her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr and Mrs. Gene
Ruby. Mr Ruby, who had under
gone surgery at the Methodist
hospital about ten days ago. was
released Wednesday and is now
convalescing in his home
Guests Thursday and Friday
in the homes of Mi's Laura Spitt
ler and Mrs Nellie Komer were
their brother-in-law and sister,
Dr. and Mrs. W. H Melcher,
Mrs I-aura Spittler was a guest
Sunday at the Robert Bartak
Dr. and Mrs. Merton Dierks
purchased the acreage of Delano
Scholl in north Ewing which sold
at auction Thursday afternoon
The Past Matrons' club and
Star Kensington met at the home
of Mrs Alfred Conner Friday af
ternoon. Mrs. Keith Biddlecome
conducted the business meeting,
followed by a social hour and re
freshments served by the hostess
Mrs. Blddlecome and Mrs Henry
Fleming furnished cars for the
Ewing members.
S. E. Ebbengaard is attending
the races in South Sioux Qty
this week.
Mrs. Merlyn Meyer entertain
ed a group of friends at a 9:30
a.m. party Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Norwood
and Arlene, Mrs. Amy Jacobsen.
Mrs. Edna Lofquest and the Rev.
M E. Combs attended evangel
istic meetings held at the Wes
leyan Methodist church at Page
Monday and Wednesday evening.
Mrs Edna Lofquest and grand
daughter, Mary Jo Lofquest,
were visitors at the home of Mrs.
Daisy Miller Friday afternoon
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Schroe
der and Mr and Mrs. Sam
Stearns. Clearwater, drove to
Mitchell, S. D. Thursday to spend
the day. They went to the Corn
Palace to hear the Lawrence
Welke program.
Mr. and Mrs. lAvight Schroe
drr and family spent Tuesday
evening at Meadow Grove, In the
home of Mr ami Mrs. Boh Coov
er to make the acquaintance of
the Coolers' daughter. Ijsa Lu
anne, who was torn August 28.
weighing six pounds and eleven
Mr ami Mrs K D McDonald
and family, Norfolk. were Friday
ing guests at the Hay Butler
Catherine Boies, who teaches
in Fremont, came home Friday
evening to sj»end the weekend
with her mother. Mrs Rose
Mr and Mrs Ray Boies, Mrs
fjeona Johansen. Mr ami Mrs
Donald White. Mr arid Mrs
Wendell Stelnkraus, PI am view,
were guests Friday evening at
the home of Mr and Mrs. Gail
Boies The occasion was to join
Mr. Boies in celebrating his birth
day. Cards were played for en
Mr and Mrs. Eben Grafft, who
have been vacationing in Nebras
ka ami Iowa, arrived home Wed
Mary Ann Bauer. Lincoln, was
a weekend guest at the home of
her mother, Mrs Rose Bauer.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rotherham
had as their dinner and evening
guests Tuesday, Sept. 25, his
cousin and wife, Sec. Lt. and
Mrs Ronald Rotherham.
The Try ami Do Extension club
was entertained Thursday eve
ning at the home of Mrs R S.
Brion. Guests were Mrs Ken
Rethmier, Mrs Melvin Cham
bers, Ewing, and Mrs Maud
Brion. Neligh.
An election of officers was held
with the following results: Mrs.
Dean Pofahl, president; Mrs.
Jerry Rotherham, vice president;
Mrs. Wayne Pollock, secretary;
Mrs. Merlyn Meyers, treasurer;
Mrs. R. S. Brion, card secretary,
and Mrs. George Keller, news
reporter. They will begin their
duties in January 1963. Mrs
Meyer assisted the hostess in
serving refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs Jerry Rother
ham, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wright
and Mr. and Mrs Leo O'Malley
had dinner at Harold’s Club at
Oakdale Thursday evening.
A shingling bee was held Tucs
day at the manae of the United
Presbyterian church. The great
er part of the job was complet
ed In one day Some repair work
waa made on the cave also Men
on the Job were Webb Napier.
John Napier, Richard Napier.
Ora Switzer, Wendell Switter.
Ralph Shrader, Archie Johnston.
l»r Wm H Roas. laonel Gunter,
Eddie Shrader. Delmar Johnson,
WUlie Shrader Forreat tlender
aon anti Ia*e Fink The ladies of
the church served dinner for the
men in the annex
Dr Wm. II. Ross pastor at the
United ITeahyterian church ami
the elders, Wilbur Bennett. Ralph
Shrader, Webb Napier, Archie
Johnston ami Willie Shrader, at
tended a meeting in O'Neill.
Monday evening.
The topic for discuss ton was
"The Church ami State", show
mg the relationship between the
A report was given by u com
mittee appointed to make a study
..f the subject The Rev John
Hart. of U* O Neill l»re*byterlan
church, wu moderator The Rev
la-e Hick*. Klgln, and Dr Ru*»
introduced the auhject
Mi* Joe Kac/or. Mr* Gall
Hole*, ami Mr* leonard Knapp
attended tlie ntituial convention o»
the Omatia Archdkiee*e Council
of the National Council of Cathar
tic Women held recently In Oma
ha at tlie Indian Hill* Inn Mr*
Knapp, financial secretary, gave
a report
Mr* Rotiert Tam* *r and
daughter* of Battle Oreek at
tended the Ewing Hattie Creek
game in Ewing Friday evening
ami also called on relative*.
Mr ami Mi* Farl Billing*
were in Neligh Turnday calling
on her motlier, Mr*. Myrtle
Kime* and at the Anihur Bill
ing* home
The Frontier
Special Calf and Yearling Sale
Mill have quite a lot of ealtle for Uw mile next Monday, with
plenty of Huy'rrs on hand — Have a lot of calve* and yearling*
listed for the lAUi hut ean uw- more for t>oth of thr*c *alen —
The market on llog* last Monday was lower with the top at
$17.4A — Cattle wan very strong with plenty Ituyer* — thir
cattle sales are getting larger each year and It sure bring * In
more Ituyer* — If you will let u* try your nett consignment
we are sure you will he well natlftfled — Don't forget Use Hog
StUe start* earlier — Conn- in iutd see wtuil Is going on at
our Auction.
Terry, Larry und Max Wan*er
A Nationally Certified Market
I’hone lit. 7»M'. 114.1
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There are twelve new models in 1963, including two dramat
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There is a very easy, quick way to confirm all this. Visfl
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