The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 13, 1962, Image 2

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    Page News
By Mr*. Ur* Aiktf
Those who attended the meeting
of county American Legion and
Auxiliary at Chambers Monday
night were: Mr. and Mrs. Will
ian Schemoat, Mr and Mrs. Kay
Harmon, Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Kennedy, Mr anti Mrs Ben Ash
er, Mr. and Mrs. George Wettlau
fer, Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Cork
and Mrs. Floyd Frahm Mr. Will
iam Nissen, Plain view, address
ed the joint nu tting on child wel
fare. It was announced that the
next county meeting will be held
Nov. 19 a Ewing. The district
meeting will be September 17 at
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Inxon, Den
ver, Colo., spent a few days here
visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs H. G, Kennedy. Another
daughter, Mrs. Sterling Albright,
Brooklyn, la., was also here.
Sunday supper guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Kay Hannon were Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Vorce and Sher
ry, O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart,
PiiPi* :i ml Mr -in/l Mro \A/illifim
Jutte, Chambers, were Sunday
dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art
Miller, Chambers. The birthdays
of Art and Mr. Jutte were cele
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fusselman
went to Omaha Thursday to at
tend a coffee at the Methodist
hospital for parents of girls en
tering nurse’s training Their
daughter, Charlene, will attend.
Mr. Fusselman returned home
and Mrs. Fusselman remained
until Sunday, from Omaha she
went to Sioux City where Lloyd
was attending a grocer’s meet
ing. They returned home that
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Matschullat
and family were Sunday guests in
Scotia visiting Mr. and Mrs. A1
Couples Bridge met Thursday
night at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Cronk. Winners were
Elvin Roach and Frank Cronk.
GGG and G club met Friday
with Mrs. John Steinberg with
Mrs. Elsie Cork as hostess. Cards
were played with prizes going to
Mmes. Ethel Waring, Anton Nla
ser i and Hester Edmtsten,
RNA Lodge met Wednesday
night at the lOOF Hall with 12
members present. Mrs. Harold
Kelly and Mrs Alta Finch serv
ed lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nissen,
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Grues and
the Rev. and Mrs. Robert Linder
were Saturday night guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lucas.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prill and
family were Sunday dinner guests
of his mother, Mrs. Bertha Prill.
Dennis Ickes, son of Mr. and
Mrs. N. D. Ickes, returned Fri
day after spending the summer
working in a packing house in
Nampa, Ida. Dennis stayed with
his brother and family, Dr. Mil
lard Ickes while in Idaho. Wed
nesday Dennis went to Lincoln
where he registered for his 2nd
year at the University. Fri. Dr.
Ickes will fly to Lincoln from
Nampa and accompany Dennis
to Page. Saturday he <Dr. Ickes)
will judge the quarter horse show
in O’Neill.
Last week guests in the Alton
Braddock home were Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Braddock and child
ren and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Braddock and Dale, Omaha.
Mrs. Carl Max entertained at
u MlffAft fT'hi ai/ rr»/\rnincy in
honor of Mrs. Joe Beelaert who
was leaving this part of the coun
try. Her guests included last
year’s and this year’s bowling
team. They were Mmes. Don iNis
sen, R. V. Crumly, Robert Lind
er, Ron Park, Allan Gross and
Carl Lucas.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Kemper
left Tuesday to visit their daugh
ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Al
lan Zemple in Moiese, Mont.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tnoshynski
and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roach
were Sunday evening callers at
the Frank Belmar home.
Mmes. Emma Kemper, Mae
Copes and Frieda Asher were all
Sunday dinner guests of Mrs.
Hester Edmisten.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wettlau
fer attended the District 6 Amer
ican Legion and Auxiliary con
vention held at Kearney. George
is Area B commander.
Help-U-club met Wednesday be
ginning with a noon day meal
with Mrs. Ora Caskey. The ladies
_ _ I
We have some nice hunches listed for this sale blit can use a
lot more — Tin' buyers will be here in numbers for any kind
of cattle you might have to sell — We luwl a real active market
last Monday on both cattle and hogs — Sold over 400 Hogs and
iOO Cattle — Top on Butcher Hogs at $19.05 — If you have never
sold anything at the Ewing Livestock Market why not give us
a try and join our growing list of satisfied customers — We appre
ciate your business — We still feel this is a good time to sell
some cattle — If you want us to come out and look at any stock
you might have to sell <lrop us a card or give us a ring and
we will lx- glad to do so.
Terry, Larry and Max Wanser
A Nationally Certified Market
Phone 19 or 70 Ewing
picked walnut meats for the hos
tess. Mrs George Jeffrey won the
special prize. Mrs. William Bux
ton will be the next hostess.
Mr and Mrs Dick Stewart and
son. Grand Island, were here for
the weekend to visit her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Sorensen and
her brother, Lloyd, just released
from the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Meilson,
Atlantic, la., visited in the home
of Mrs. Anna Thompson and ot
her relatives.
A group of young people attend
ed a party in honor of Kent
Stauffer's birthday Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Harper, Mr.
and Mrs. Bi b Beelaert and Kathy
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beelaert
and Becky were Friday night
supper guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Prill.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kelly
spent the weekend in Farimont
visiting their granddaughters.
The sophomore class of PHS
entertained at a party Saturday
night at the IOOF hail for the
school in honor of Joe Beelaert.
Joe is moving to Oregon. Jot* re
ceived a cash gift.
A dance was held at the Legion
club Saturday night for Mr. and
Mrs. Joe Beelaert. Going away
gifts from the Legion and Auxil
iary were given to them.
A large crowd was on hand
Sunday evening at the Methodist
church to hear Dick Linder tell
of the mission tour he took this
summer. Dick showed slides and
told his views on the treatment
of negroes down south even in
church operated places. Dick,
who is the son of the Rev. and
Mrs. Robert Linder is the district
president of the MYF. A social
hour followed.
King's Daughters met Tuesday
at the Methodist church with 29
members and guests present.
Mrs. Robert Linder had the de
votion and lesson assisted by
Mmes. Frank Beelaert, Ivan
Heiss and Merwyn French jr.
Dick Linder reported on his trip
to Mt. Sequoyah in Arkansas. As
part of the entertainment Teresa
Ickes, Dinane Trowbridge and
Stephanie French gave piano so
los. Games were also played.
Hostesses were Mmes. Harold
Kelly, Larry Heiss and Dale
A coffee was held Thursday af
ternoon for Mrs. Carl Lucas and
Mrs. Bill Jackson in the home of
Mrs. Allan Gross. On hand to
welcome the newcomers were
Mmes. Dick Cunningham, Robert
Linder, Carl Max, Kenneth and
Darrell Heiss.
Mr. and Mrs. Alton Braddock
were Sunday dinner guests of
Alice French, O'Neill. q
A surprise birthday party *was
held Saturday night for Mrs.
Jessie Cronk. The self invited
guests included Mmes. Alton
Bradock, George Clasey, John
Steinberg, Lynman Park, Anna
Thompson and Otto Matschullat.
The regular meeting of the
WSCS was held Thursday at the
Methodist church. Mrs. Stauffer
reported on the school of missions
which she attended in Lincoln.
Her theme was “Oh Send Us
Forth”. It dealt with the Islands
along the rim of S. E. Asia. Tues
day at Atkinson an educational
meeting will be held. It was an
nounced that the Fall Seminar
will be held at Neligh October 2.
Sunday evening Dick Linder will
speak on his mission tour. Get
well cards went to Earl Rodaway,
Tommy Holliday and Lloyd Sor
ensen. Sympathy cards were
signed for Mrs. Etta Wertz and
Mrs. O. B. Stuart. Hostesses were
Sincere Thanks...
To Everyone who helped make the Grand Op
ening of our King Koin Launderette such an over
whelming success.
—Mr. and Mrs. Herman Janzing
-mm ■ 1
Winners of Service Prizes were: |
Mrs. Bernard Keil. Inman
Mrs. Ralph Larson. O'Neill
Mrs. Charles Sfcopec, Stuart
Mrs. Kenneth Van Every, Page
Mrs. Ray Eby, O’Neill
Mrs. Robert Burival. O’Neill
Pat McKenzie, O’Neill
Mrs. Robert Prouty, O’Neill
Bill Richardson. O’Neill
Hope Brockman. Emmet
Maxine McLeish. O'Neill
Mrs. Ida Hughes. Lynch
Try our coin - operated Dry Cleaning
Across from O'Neill National Bank O'Neill, Nebr.
" ■
Mrs. Harry Tegler and Mrs Ly
man Parks.
Elkhorn Valley Holines;
youth rally was held at Page
Monday night. Wesleyan Metho
dist and Free Method 1st youth;
attended from Riverside, Naza
rene church, Ewing, Wayne, Ne
ligh, Venus, Lynch, Spencer, At
kinson, O’Neill and Page. Thi
Rev John Neal, Lynch, address
e<l the group Election of officer;
was held with the Rev. Elmori
Blain, Atkinson, being re-electet
president. Others included vice
president, the Rev. Dale Horn
back. Venus; secretary, Donn;
Smith, Page; treasurer, Garj
Brewster, O’Neill; song leader
Mrs. Donald Strong, O’Neill anc
pianist, Aletha Rutherford. Th<
Atkinson church was awarded the
attendance banner. Lunch wai
Celia News
Mr*. Merrill Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendrick;
and Arlin and Mr. and Mrs. Ro
bert Hendrick and family wen
Wednesday evening guests of Mr
and Mrs. Omer Poynts, Stuart.
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Andersen
were guests Sunday of their son
Merlyn and family, O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyei
sr. accompanied by their daugh
ter, Beverly, went to Waym
Thursday where Miss Meyer en
rolled as a sophomore at WSTC
They were dinner guests of the
Rev. and Mrs. Ivan Meyer. Re
turning home Mr. and Mrs. Mey
er visited their sister-in-law, Mrs
Mabel Meyer, who is a patien
at the hospital in Plainview.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendrick;
and Arlin and Mr. and Mrs
Richard Klinger and family, At
kinson, were Friday evening sup
per guests at the Robert Hend
rick home. The occasion was ii
honor of Becky’s birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendrick
Rhonda and Ricky spent Monday
at the Ivan Wayman home. Join
ed by Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lor
enz and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ritt;
and families, all enjoyed a fishinj
excursion to the Elkhom.
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Andersor
called at the Victor Frickel home
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman
Gary and Roger were Sunday
Sept. 2 dinner guests of Mr. am
Mrs. Duane Beck and family. Thi
men spent the afternoon fishing
south of Atkinson.
Sun. dinner guests of Mr. anc
Mrs. J. B. Mellor were Mr. ant
Mrs Leonard Chaffin, Edith anc
Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hipkc
and sons, 9pencer, Mr. and Mrs
Murray Mellor and family, Mr
anu ivus. dames ivienoi, ivu . an*
Mrs. Howard Stephens and Su
san, Council Bluffs, la., Roy Hip
ke, Stuart and Mr. and Mrs.
George Mellor and family, Spen
Thursday evening guests of Mr
and Mrs. Robert W. Hendricks
were the Rev. and Mrs. Elmore
Blain and sons, Atkinson, Rev
and Mrs. Glen Wessel, Mrs. Johr
Wessel and Jean Hulm, Rapic
Phyllis Lewis and her father
Merle Lewis, Longsford, Kan.
came early Sunday morning for a
brief visit at the Leonard Chaf
fin home. They also called at the
Hitchcock home and visited brief
ly with the Rev. and Mrs. Elmore
Blain in Atkinson. Miss Lewis
was teacher in the McKathnie
school last year, and stayed with
Mr. and Mrs. Garold Hitchcock
She is attending college this year
at Salina, Kan.
Sunday afternoon guests at the
Mark Hendricks home were Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Nelson, O’Neill,
Mr. and Mrs. Omer Poynts, Stu
art and the Rev. and Mrs. El
more Blain, Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stephens
and daughter, Susan, were Mon
day dinner guests at the home
of Mrs. Stephens’ sister, Mrs.
Leonard Chaffin and family.
Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman was a
guest of her sister, Mrs. Pauline
Beck Friday. Clair Beck spent
from Tuesday until Thursday at
the Hoffman home. Gary accom
panied him home and remained
with him until Friday.
The third annual reunion of the
Moss family was held Sunday,
Sept. 2, at the home of Mrs. Char
les Smith in Atkinson with a cov
ered dish dinner at noon
i Present were Harry Muss, Spo
kane. Wash., Cheever Moss, Om
aha, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
i Smith and family, Page; Mr. and
Mrs Merrill Smith and family,
Mrs. Dorothy Garwood aiwi fam
ily and Mr and Mrs Ed Heiser.
Mrs. Charles Grimes called in the
afternoon. Harry Moss was bon
i ored at the occasion in obser
vance of his 76th birthday which
I was Sept. 3.
Ira Moss of O'Neill was not
i Enrolling as freshmen at the
Atkinson high school from this
area are Roger Hoffman, Vicki
I Frickel and Mary Poessnecker.
Sophomores are David Frickel,
• Edith Chaffin and Ralph Heiser
i Seniors, Harold and Gerold Fnc
kel and Dennis Colfack Mary
Catherine Kilmurry will enroll as
a senior at St. Joseeph’s high
school. Charles Chaffin enrolled
as a freshman at the Miltonvale
Wesleyan college at Miltonvale,
Amelia News
By M1*m Flurence Lindsey
Mrs. Harvey Hansen, Scott,
Chris and Rofom are visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Stark
and also Mr. Hansen's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen at
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce
were Burwell callers Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Greenstreet,
Kirksville, Mo. came Friday and
visited several days with the
Blake Ott and Floyd Adams fam
ilies. Mrs. Greenstreet is a cou
sin to Mr. Ott and Mrs. Adams.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peterson
went to Ogallala Sunday to at
tend a reunion of the company
division 355th infantry with
1 which Edgar served while in the
army. There were 55 deaths in
the group since the meeting a
year ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Overton
and family, Mead, visited from
Friday to Monday at the home of
her cousin, Mrs. Darrel Carr and
Mrs. William Fryrear called on
Mrs. Delia Ernst at the hospital
while in O’Neill Friday.
The building in Amelia belong
ing to Mrs. Stella Sparks was
torn down and moved out to her
farm this week. Her nephew, Bob
Adair lives on her place, and
plans to build an addition on to
the house with the salvaged lum
Mrs. Effie Withers plans to re
turn to her home here this week
after visiting her son, George
Chapman and family, Linton, N.
I ..
D and Mrs. Douglas Chapman
and lamiiy, Mobridge, S. D. Her
aon, Paul Chapman and wile,
who recently sold their business
ui Rapid City, S. D plan to bring
her home.
Mr and Mrs. Jerry Cuddy and
family, O'Neill, visited her par
euts, Mr. and Mrs Louis Burgett
and Wayne Sunday.
Debra Carr visited tier grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Peter,
O’Neill a lew days when the Pet
ers accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Carr and Mr and Mrs. Joe
Soukup brought her home and
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Darrel Carr and Darla. Mr. and
Mrs. Gene Carr and Connie Jo al
so were visitors there.
Dary and Gene Carr helped Ed
gar Jungman finish haying last
week. They are helping Dean
Prewitt this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dierks and
family, Cheyenne, Wyo. , Mrs
Betty (Dierks) Snyder and family
Scottsbluff, visited over the week
end with their sister and brother
in-law, Mr. und Mrs Gene
Ttiompson and family.
Mrs. Maude Forbes, Mrs. Em
ma Lindsey and Florence visited
Mrs Gertie Adair Saturday eve
Mr. and Mrs Vern Sageser and
Mr. and Mrs. Hienie Frahm re
turned home Wednesday from a
few days at the State fair.
Mrs. Maude Forbes helped Mrs.
Dick McConnell with some house
cleaning Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Thompson
visited at Louis Burgetts Sunday
Mrs. Alice Prewitt has been vis
iting her daughters, Mrs. Max
Dixson, Mrs. Gale Fix and Shar
on Prewitt, Scottsbluff the past
few weeks.
Mrs. Lew Backhaus helped
Mrs. Kenneth Werner with housd
cleaning this week.
Mrs. Tommie Doolittle receivid
word from her uncle, Sam Gil
man, who has been in the Vet
erans hospital at Grand Lsland
since July stating that he is feel
ling better.
Mr and Mrs. Don Cheney and
her parents from Kentucky were
dinner guests Saturday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sam
mons and family. Mr. Cheney
and Bill were Army buddies.
They were enroute to California.
WSCS Meet*
WSCS met at the annex Wed
nesday afternoon. Mrs. Lloyd
Waldo, vice president, acted as
chairman in the absence of the
president. Mrs. Blake Ott led the
Prayer Circle and Mrs. Clyde
Widman presented part one of
the new study lesson, Rim of As
ia. Mrs. Elmer Coolidge and Mrs.
Clyde Widman served lunch.
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott, Mr.
AQHA Approved
Halter Classes start — 9 a.m.
Performance Classes start — 2 p.m.
Evening Show starts — 7:30 p.m.
Youth Activities for children
14 and under in afternoon show
i I
Performance classes include these events:
Western Pleasure Cutting
Reining Roping Barrel Racing
Youth activities include:
Western Pleasure Barrel Racing
Pole Bending Showmanship
See some of the area's best quarter horses and
riders in this show.
rmns *1 HuIxm riixion In N*bta*ka l.’Mi (>re
year, elaewtwre in tla* United Mali*, *;t pei year,
rule jbroad provided upon request All lUtninp
bona payable tn advance
Entered al the (KUlclllir m O Neill. Hull «•»*«»•
ry Nebraska as second cl .is* mail nmti»-i under
the Act of Cong re** March V 1 s M Tin* in*
aapei I* a mem lie r o| the Nchr**kn Press \
tati m. National Editorial Asanoab m m ! . Audi*
kii> su "| t ircuiatmn*
and Mrs. Jack Greenstreet, Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Adams and Don,
Mr and Mrs. Harry Ott. Mrs
Gloria Lund rum and Sally were
picnicking at Fort Randall Sun
Vero Sageser and Merle Fagan
were Sioux City callers the first
of the week
Mr. and Mrs Jack Greenatreet,
Kirksville, Mo., and Mr. and Mrs
Blake Ott were supjiei guests
Friday eveiung with Mr and Mrs
Floyd Adams and Don.
Mr and Mrs Gus Pospichal,
Richard and Michael attended the
wedding of their daughter-in-law,
Mrs. Bonnie Pospichal to Fred
Friedel at Atkinson Saturday,
Sept 1 Mr-. Frlfdel'* ohlljifn,
Gary, Gregg, Joan and llarbara
IVptchiil stayed with their
grandparents. Mr and Mr* I’ua
pkhal while the Friedel* were on
a wedding trip
Mr and Mr* Charles Coulnlge
and Mrs. Vrrn Sageser were Sun
day caller* at Elmer Coolaige'e.
Mrs Edith Andersen, Mrs Ger
tie Adair. Mr Maud* F»rhe*,
Mrs Emma Lindsey and Flor
ence were visiting Mrs I *ella
Emit at Hie O'Neill Irospital Sun
day The Lindseys later culled
at the Ermand Keyes home Mr*.
Keyes is Mrs Lindsey's great
Ben Franklin*
Plant now for true spring beauty. Packages of
colorful tulip bulbs or early-blooming daffodils.
10 Daffodil bulbs 20 T«lip bulbs
Hyacinth bulbs in
assorted colors. 5
bulbs in _
each pkg. 79C
Tulip bulbs
per package. Mixed col
Shop Ben Franklin and Save
SEPTEMBER 20 - 21 - 22
O'Neill Merchants are loaded with Bargains just wait
ing for you. Plan now to shop in O'Neill during Dollar
Days. - Sponsored by