The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 13, 1962, Section Two, Image 10

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    Chambers News
By Mrs. E. It. Carpenter
A large group of friends and
neighbors gathered at the Ernest
and Sam Young ranches Tuesday
morning to mow their hay and
returned Wednesday and stacked
it. Mr. Ernest Young is a pa
tient in St. Anthony’s hospital, re
covering from a severe heart at
tack which occurred two weeks
ago. Neighbors helping hay were:
B. Grimes, R. Grimes, G.
Grimes, R. Maas, M. Bell, H.
Weber, D. Mintle, E. Cavanaugh,
R. Klabenes. E. Halsey, K. Hal
sey, A. Miller, E. R. Baker, E.
Eisenhauer, D. Gartner, B. Gart
ner, V Whitaker, D Cameron,
R. Walter, C. Coolalge and G.
Body Shop
24 Hr. Wrecker Service
Complete Body Work
Glass Cut & Installed
06 Day - 473 Night
| Money To Loan!
Properly, Cars, Trucks,
Farm Equipment
Household Roods, Personal
Loan and Investment
Ladies helping with the lunch
were Mmes. D. Cameron, C.
Coolidge, B Grimes, R. Kiabe
nes and E. Cavanaugh,
The first meeting of the Beth
any Women’s Association after
a summer recess, was in the
home of Mrs. Jim Gibson. Mrs.
John Hart conducted the worship
service which opened with a
hymn and prayer. Mrs. Irwin La
Rue reported several news items
concerning Africa. There was a
short business meeting. Lunch
was served to 13 ladies and 5
children. The next meeting will
be Sept. 26. at the church.
Mr. and Mrs Erwin Carpenter
spent the weekend at Ogallala
where they attended a reunion of
the 355th Infantry of World War
1. There were 475 present. The
speaker at the Memorial services
Sunday morning was the Rev.
John Ekwall, 9eward, formerly
superintendent of the North East
District of the Methodist church.
He also served with the 355th In
fantry in the First World War.
The Carpenters visited cousins at
Whitman enroute and also the
Kingsley Dan and Lake McCon
aughy north of Ogallala.
Cun/loif niluL'lu nf Uru
Blair and mother, Mrs. Whidden,
were the formers brother and sis
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Whidden, Spencer, and her mo
ther, Mrs. Blakolb, Bonesteel,
and her sister and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Klasna, Spencer.
Gary and Gail Holcomb return
ed home recently from a vaca
tion in the Colorado mountains,
where they climbed five of tho
14,000 ft. peaks. They were: Mt.
Shavano, Mt. Quadray, Mt. Lin
coln, Bross Peak and Mt. Demo
rat. Tho boys then went to Jack
son in. the Grand Teton National
Park, Wyo., and attended climb
ing school in preparation for the
ascent of Grand Teton. Here they
joined six other climbers and two
guides. The first five days took
them to the half way house where
they spent the night. Snow fell
all night, making the next days
climb hazardous. When some 300
feet from the peak of Grand Te
- "• ~..I
ton, the party was forced to turn
back due to the snow on top of
ice. The boys who thoroughly en
joy the hobby, plan to try again
next year to reach the peak of
Grand Teton.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hoerle ac
companied by Susan Thomson
drove to Lincoln Sunday, Sept
2nd to attend the State Fair and
to visit with Mrs. Bayne Grubb
and family. The group returned
home Monday.
Beautiful Valley Garden club
met with Mrs. George Smith
Tuesday evening, Sept. 4, with
li members answering roll call
by naming their favorite flower
for arrangements. It was voted
to order tulip bulbs to plant as
a memorial of Mrs. Hattie Tib
A display of Gladiolas was ex
hibited at the Holt County Fair
this year. A convention to be held
at Kearney Oct. 4 was announced
Delegates elected to go were:
Mrs. George Smith and Mrs. C.
V. Robertson. Alternates are Mrs.
James Platt and Mrs. Wayne Ste
Election of officers resulted as
follows, president, Mrs. Russell
Barelman; vice president, Mrs.
Donald Hoffman; secretary, Mrs.
Vern Sageser; treasurer, Mrs.
Wayne Stevens and news report
er, Mrs. Victor Harley. Lunch
was served by the hostess.
Mrs. Norris Schlect and Mrs.
Ferdinand Herley, Garden City,
Calif., and Mrs. Donald Herley,
Clearwater, visited Mrs. Pear]
Hoerle on day last week.
Word reaches relatives here
that Mrs. Richard Smith, who
had been hospitalized for ten
weeks is now home at Welming
ton, 111. Mrs. Smith is a daugh
ter-in-law of Mrs. Fred Smith,
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Grimes and
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Grimes
and children spent Sunday, Sept.
2, with Mrs. Glen Grimes, par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Russell,
Long Pine. Others visiting the
Russells were their son-in-law
and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John
Reynolds and grand children, J.
D. and Pam Bejot, Ling Pine.
Leonard Wintermote, who has
recently returned home after
spending the summer working for
Stanley Elkins with a seed com
pany, has registered at the
Wayne State Teachers College.
Others going to Wayne this fall
from here are Daniela Whitaker,
carol Hotfman and Dennis Wal
Mrs. Bayne Grubb and family
and Patty Avard, Lincoln, spent
the weekend with relatives and
friends at Chambers.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thoma
zin, St. Edwards, attended church
services at the Memorial Baptist
church in Chambers, Sunday,
Sept. 2 and later called at the
Vern Wilkenson and Ed Jones
homes. The Thomazins former
ly resided in the Chambers com
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Blair and
family, Omaha and Mr. and Mrs.
John Blair, O'Neill, were guests
of Mrs. Hazel Blair Sunday, Set
ter 2. The group drove to Bart
lett to visit the Duane Blairs and
to see the new baby.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Damme
and daughter, Wichita, Kan.,
were overnight guests of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dam
me, Friday of last week, going on
to visit her parents at Gregory,
S. D. Saturday and home Mon
Raymond Urban, Omaha, was
a weekend guest Sept. 1 and 2 in
the home of his brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John
Honeywell. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin
Rubeck and Kathy, Columbus,
were overnight guests Saturday in
tiie Honeywell home.
Mrs. Minnie Dailey. Broken
Bow, was a luncheon guest in the
Clarence Damme home one day
last week.
Mr. and Mrs E H. Medcalf
and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Liedtke
drove to Alliance where they vis
ited in the Ray Medcalf home.
The three families went from Al
liance to the Black Hills for a
vacation and outing over the La
bor Day weekend, returning home
Tuesday night.
Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Cooper,
Chambers and friends, Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Holcomb, Aurora, re
turned Saturday from a vacation
in Wyoming and Colorado. They
visited first the Holcomb’s son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Holcomb and family,
North Platte, then to Cheyenne,
Wyo., to the home of the Hol
comb's daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Dieke and family. They
spent a couple days with Mr.
Copper’s sister, Mrs. Geneieve
Bell and nephew and w'lfe, Mr.
and Mrs. Don Grimes, Ft. Collins,
Colo., and with the Charles Gus
tafson family, Eaton, Colo., be
fore going on to Colorado Springs
to see the Holcomb’s other son
who is employed at the Air Force
Mr. and Mrs. Milan Welke and
girls, Ewing and Robert Scott,
O’Neill, were 9unday guests of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Har
ry Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hanna were
callers in the Vem Wilkinson
home Sunday evening.
The Chambers schools opened
Monday, Sept. 3, with an enroll
ment in the grades in town of
157 a id in High School of 55.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Boughn and
three children, Wayne, have mov
ed recently to Chambers where
Mr. Boughn will teach social stu
dies, 7th through the 12th grades
and English in junior high. Mr.
Boughn has had 8 years of teach
ing experience.
The Chambers Coyotes lost
their first game of the football
season to Bartlett by a score of
7 to 0. The game Friday, Sept.
* 14, will -be Chambers vs. Oakdale
at Chambers.
A phone was installed last week
in the school house of District
212. There are 16 pupils with Miss
Sharon Marcellus, teacher.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Summer
er are attending the World’s
Fair. They are touring by char
tered bus.
Sunday guests of Mrs. Ida Lam
bert were Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Lambert and children, Harting
ton and the Stanley Lambert and
Kenneth LaRue families, Cham
bers. The group enjoyed a lawn
picnic in the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bowen and
granddaughter, Kendra Younee,
Albion, were Sunday guests in
the Stanley Lambert home .
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Summerer
and children arrived home Sun
day trom a 2 week vacation in
Arkansas. Most of the time was
spent at Cherokee Village, a re
sort where they have their own
cabin. They also visited her bro
ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Benton Mellor near Little
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoffman
took their daughter, Carol to
Wayne Monday, Sept. 3, where
she enrolled in the State College.
She will major in Elementary
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lambert
and children came heme Sunday
from a 2 week vacation which
took them to the home of his sis
ter, Betty (the Dean Goransons),
Angola, Ind. They a!so visited
an army buddy of Mr. Lambert
at Anna, Ohio, and a friend at
Grand Haven, Mich,
Bill Logeman came home Mon
day after spending several days
as a patient in St. Anthony's boa
pita], O’Neill.
Guests in the Art Miller home
Sunday were Mr and Mrs. Glen
Miller and Don Me k: her, Omaha,
Mr. and Mrs, Loren Stewart,
Page and Milford Cook, O’Neill.
Sunday, September 9, the Millers
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Stewart, Page and Mr. and Mrs.
William Jutte, Chambers at din
ner. The occasion honored the
birthdays of Mr. Miller and Mr.
Jutte which had occur ed Sept. 5.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Cavanaugh
and Mrs Greta Galligan, Omaha,
spent Labor Day weekend with
their mother, Mrs. Mary Cava
naugh and Helen and with the
Edward Cavanaugh family.
Cynthia Wilkie, Omaha, spent
a few days recently with her
grandparents, Mr and Mrs. Gaius
Wintermote, while her parents va
cationed in the Black Hills.
Mr. and Mrs. Vem Wilkinson
were Thursday evening guests uf
Anna. Herman ami William
Mrs Duane Min tie, Darrel.
Shelia, Becky, Susan and Ru*
anne Gustafson visited the Ed
ward Cavanaugh’s Wednesday
Sumlay dinner guests of Mr
and Mrs Jessie Kelly, Page,
were Mr ami Mrs. G H Grimes.
Mr and Mrs Glen Grimes and
Mr and Mrs. Bernard Grimes
and two children. Chambers and
her mother, Mrs Thomsen, Page
Mr. and Mrs Ruben Miller,
Lincoln, spent the weekend with
her parents. Mr. and Mrs Clar
ence Damme and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mier, pil
ger were Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Chris Christensen.
Receiving baptism at St. Paul’s
Lutheran church Sunday was De
ruse He nee Moore, infant da ugh
ter of Mr. and Mr* Koy Moore
born Aug 17 at TUden. Mr*.
Moore i* the former Navonne
Schmidt. Chambers. Sponsor* for
tiie baby are Mr and Mrs Art
Horn, Lincoln.
Services at St Paul's Lutheran
church next Sunday will be held
at 8 p m There will be no Sun
day school or Bible class
The Woman's Society of Chris
tian Service met Thursday at the
Methodist church with 2-1 mem
bers present The lesson was pr«
seated by Mrs Charles Grime*
and Mrs Glen Grimes assisted
by others of the Society.
Mrs G. H. Adams conducted
the business meeting She an
nounced the Fall Seminar at Ne
ligh Oct 20. Plans were discuss
ed for the annual Birthday Tea
S«T>i 30 at the church. Mrs E
R Carpenter gave the names of
Missionaries whose birthdays
were that day and aaked for aL
lent prayer for them Hhe alao
read a letter from the District
Spiritual Life Secretary, asking
the group to join other gnxgie in
the study of the book of Ibanan*
Mrs Shoemaker reported that
twigs were on hand for used
clothing Mrs. E H Medcalf told
of the subscriptions to "Mrtho
diat Woman ’ and '"World Out
look" magazines which were due.
Lunch was served by Mrs Ar
thur Tangrman and Mrs Ahdn
Tang email
Teen Age
: :op
SAT., SEPT. 15
American Legion Auditorium
O'Neill, Nebraska
Music by
Admission: 75c
-— -—
up... down...
K*ai Fatal* Imm
On Parma and Ranch**
Boyd, (iarfMd, Holt Wtmator
Through Federal I .and Hank
farm cmr.nrr iuujhno
Lyl* P. Dtorka, M*r.,
Q’Nidll, Nobr
Because I have decided to quit the farm I will offer the following described personal property
to the highest bidder at public auction at the farm LOCATED . . .\V2 miles north and 3 east of Page
' ’ * * * 10 m,les nor,h and 1 west of Ewin9 • OR ... 5 west, 5 north and 1 west of Orchard
. . . (Watch for Farm Sale Arrows) on . . .
Tuesday, Sept. 18
Sale starts at 12:30 p.m. _Lunch al Sale
102 Head Of Livestock
15 — Very good Holstein milk
cows, some milking now,
others to freshen soon. Mat
ed to Angus bull. A very
good dairy herd.
2 — Guer nsey milk cows
1 — Yearling Guernsey heifer
17 — Spring and summer calves
1 2 — Open York and Hamp Gilts
55 Good Feeder Pigs, Landrace
50 — Good Kimber Red Leg \
1957 John Deere 520 tractor,
power troll, power steering,
A-l condition
! Massey-Harris 22 tractor, good.
Fluid in tires, good rubber
Duncan loader with manure
J. D. 2-16 plow on robber
J. D. 7-ft. power mower, No. 5
15-ft. J. D. disc, nearly new
J. D. 290 2-row corn planter
with fertilizer attachments
J. D. manure spreader on rub
I J. D. 4-section harrow, nearly
J. D. 2-row tractor cultivator,
near new
J. D. heavy duty trailer with
hoist and new 12-ft. box
10-in. hammermill
40-ft. endless drive belt
4-wheel trailer with flare box
Wagon gear and box
IHC endgate seeder
Wagon gear
Cable rack
2 — unit Surge Milking machine
new seamless stainless steel
IHC Cream Seperator, self-wash,
black type
Platform scale
Heat lamps
300-gal. fuel tank on stand
Fuel cans
Hog waterers, feeders, troughs j
Tank heater
300 bu. Oats and barley mixed
About 10 stacks 1st and 2nd
cutting alfalfa, 1962 crop
About 400 bales 3rd cutting in
wire tied bales j;
About 200 bales oats straw, !
wire tied, in barn
A good assortment of hand and ;
shop tools and other miscel- j
laneous items too numerous
to mention.
TERMS: CASH. No property to be removed until settled for
Roy Kirwan, Ed Thorin, Chuck Mahony Auction Service Butte and O'Neill |