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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1962)
Stuart News By Mm. Herb Kk*i» Dana F. Bigelow. California, arrived home Thursday evening for a short visit with his parents. Mr. and Mrs F. Dana Bigelow. He left Sunday evening for Lin eoln ami from there he will go to Cleveland. Ohio, to act as a delegate for the I>e!ta Upsilon h ratemity at a convention. He will return to Lincoln to attend college at the University of Ne braska. Mrs. Karl Cadwallader took Coral Finch to her school south of Gordon Saturday. School was to liegin Monday morning While in Gordon Mrs. Cadwallader vis ited with the Kenneth Cadwalla der family. Mrs Joe Colson and Mrs. Ver non McCIurg drove to Spencer Sunday to visit Mrs. Colson’s grandmother, Mrs. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs Harold Butler visited Sunday afternoon at the Bert Kritman home at Basaett I>nord I)orr and son, Lynn. Orchard, were Tuesday afternoon visitors of Mr and Mrs, Harold Butler Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kaup, For sythe, Mont., were Sunday eve ning visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Batenhorst. John Campbell, Gordon, came Saturday to attend the wedding of his sister, Charlene, to Edward Ziska, and returned to Gordon ■KmMI Sunday afternoon. Mrs William Rempe, Penny and Bruce, Omaha, and Shirley and Jim Tunender, Omaha, were here to attend the wedding of Charlene Campbell. Mrs Rempe is an aunt and Shirley and Jim are cousins of Charlene. Celia Newt Mrs. Merrill Andenos Mr and Mrs Frank Sicheneder were Sunday dinner guests Aug ust 19 at the John Sicheneder home. Mr and Mrs. Don Frickel, Blair, were overnight guests of Don’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Con nie Frickel Tuesday evening en route home from a few days va cationing in South Dakota. Mrs. Frickel will teach school in Oma ha this term. Mr and Mrs. John Sicheneder and family visited Friday eve ning at the James Dobias home. Mr and Mrs. Orville Ander son ami Pat, Ainsworth, were Sunday dinner and supper guests at the Merrill Anderson home. LeRoy, Dorothy and Roger Hoffman visited at the Frank Kilmurry home Thursday eve ning. Attending pre-o[>emng meeting for the Holt County rural teach ers held Friday at O’Neill were Mrs. Dorothy Hoffman, Mrs. Er ma Colfack, Mrs. Marjorie Me Kathnie and Larry Hayes. Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman attended the meeting of the American le gion Auxiliary Wednesday eve ning in Atkinson. Garold and Vicki Frickel and Roger Hoffman attended the meeting of the Walther League in Atkinson Wednesday evening. Roger Hoffman, Vicki Frickel and Mary Poessnecker took their pre-entry high school tests Mon day morning. Ed Hoffman. Garry Hoffman and Garold Frickel went to Mor ristown, S. D., Thursday with the Hoffmans’ ponies where they were entered in the Carson Fair at Carson, N, D. The ponies, driven by Susan Hoffman, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoff man, Morristown, won second place. Mr. Hoffman, Garry and Garold were guests of the Henry Hoffman family at Morristown. Stisjui was also the second place winner of the reserve champion in the livestock division. She is a niece of Mr. Hoffman and granddaughter of Mrs. Amy Slay maker of Atkinson. Riverside News lly Mrs. Lionel Gunter Mrs. Louise Hohman and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hohman, Green field, la., came to the Keith Bid dlecome home Wednesday after noon to attend funeral services on Thursday for Sarah Hohman. Mrs. Louise Hohman stayed at the Biddlecome and Schlotman homes and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hohman left Thursday to visit vin the Dakotas, before returning home. Ray Kester, Neligh, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Kester, Clearwater, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Biddlecome, Mrs. Earl Schnabel sr., Norfolk, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hegr of Leigh came Thursday morning for the Sarah Hohman funeral. In the afternoon the Kesters, Hegrs, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Biddlecome, Mrs. Louise Hohman and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hohman visited at the S. S. Schlotman home. Rev. William Ross was an evening caller. Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Ryan and family visited at the Alfred Na pier home Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hadduck PHONE AHEAD for a lively Labor Day A low-cost phone call is all it takes to line up comfortable lodgings, pleasant activities for your holiday. Get things organized now-by phonel Save time by number. Save money... call station-to-station. Northwestern Bell ^ in Nebraska visited a few days last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller. The Had docks left Monday for their home in Colorado taking their sun. Tommy with them. He spent the summer helping at the Mil lei home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ruse and soo-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Lockhart, all of Cedar Rapids, la., came Thurv day to visit at the Floyd and Web Napier homes and other re latives. Mr. and Mrs Willie Shrader and David left Wednesday morn ing to spend a couple days vaca tioning in the Black Hills. Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Mrs. Wil bur Bennett attended Star Ken sington at Mrs. Lewis Carters Friday afternoon. Rev. William Ross called at the George Montgomery home Thurs day evening. Mrs. Alfred Napier called on Mrs. Raymond Mullens Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McNabb and Terry Lofquist left Friday morn ing to do a little sight seeing in Colorado. Mrs. Alfred Napier visited Mr and Mrs Gary Tessmer at the R. A. Hord home Saturday after noon Keith Btddlecome left Sunday morning for Chicago He was called home the funeral services of his mother-in-law. Sarah Hoh man. Mrs. Louise Hohman ac companied Keith as far as her home in Greenfield, la. Dale Napier, Richard Napier, Melvin Napier, Robert McDaniel and Wayne Fry and families at tended the Antelope County Fair Mrs Grant Montt, Sharon and Tammy, Mrs. Ronnie Mott and Terry Barnhart were Norfolk vis itors Wednesday. Glenda Napier was an over night guest last Monday and Tuesday at the Rich Napier home. Mrs George Keller and child ren visited Tuesday at the Alfred Napier home. Mrs. Wayne Fry and children and Z. H. Fry and Nancy Napier attended a musical program Wed nesday afternoon at the United Brethren church in Orchard. Nancy presented a piano solo and Jody and Jane Fry and Nancy Napier sang and were accompan ied on the piano by Julie Fry. Glenda Napier stayed with the George Keller children Wednes day. Mrs. Lynn Fry, Mrs. Vearl Tut tle and Mrs. Grant Mott attended a meeting Thursday with ladies of the different churches to plan a reception for the teachers in the Ewing Public school The meet ing was at the Edna Lofquist home. Julie, Cheryl and Connie Pier son. who have been staying at the Earl Pierson home the past six weeks, since their mother was injured returned to their home Sunday. Mrs. Marcus Pier son came home from the hospital Friday and is in a partial cast and will be for four months. Steve Napier has the three day measles Leroy Napier has s planter wan on his foot. Mrs. Z. H. Fry, Mrs. Dale Na pier and Mr. and Mrs Wayne Fry attended the Style review Friday evening in Nelig... Reta Napier and Julie Jnd Jodj Fry modled their aprons, potholders and towels and Johnny Rutledge modeled their aprons, potholders Clayton Hoke and Gordon Shra der took Leon Luzio to his home near Homer last Sunday. Mrs. Alfred Conner visited Wed Monday George was joined toy S. S SchJatman. who drove to Omaha toy car, and flew to Lua Angeles, Calif., to attend funeral nesday at the S. S. Schiottnan home Lucille Rotherham, A Unique r que, N. M. u visiting at the Will iam Lofquist home Other guests the past week were Mr. and Mrs. Earl RoUnrham and son, Don. Sioux Falls, S. D. and Mr and Mrs. Lyle McN'abto and sons. Omaha. Mr and Mrs Rudy Abler* stopped at the Jerry Meyers home at Wisner on their way home from Oklahoma Tuesday night, arriving home at 10 a m Wednesday. The weather was much cooler in Nebraska than Kansas or Oklahoma. Mrs Dale Napier. Johnny Rut ledge. Jody and Julie took the perishables to the Antelope coun ty fair for the 4-H group. Friday morning. Mrs. George Montgomery met George in Norfolk Friday n<>on He came by plane to Omaha Thursday afternoon and was an overnight at the Frank Emsick home. Mr and Mra Verl Gunter and family uf Krnnard called at the Lionel Gunter and Archie John ■tun homes last Sunday after* noon Mr and Mrs Robert Hohha and family of Omaha visited last Sun day at the Dewitt Hoke home, re turning home Sunday evening G j Montgomery accompanied thrm to Omaha and spent the mgbt at the Frank Emaick home services lor Frank Montgomery at Burbank, Calif. Mrs. Schlot man and Mrs Alfred Conner took 8 8. Srhioiinan to Omaha and tbry at Lb# N#tbum Ihxh# for a abort visit on thru- way bom# Paul Shierk INSURANCE AGKNOT O'NEILL. NEBH James Davidson & Sons PLUMBING & HEATING Service Sine* 1901 W’tnlrr A Hummer Air ( onditioulng Um — (HI — (W American Standard Plumbing Fixtures Youngstown Kitchens Sheet Metal Work 513 E. Dougina Phono ?M O’WnlB. Watwr. Pork & Beansrr,:ir^ 4^ 89c Ifd | ronmsnow s»«-v«*in* i-9oiion QQ# ■ %ll Wwfllll save 31c from regular price Carton ^ Salad DressingrxJ.33c Potato Chips .x 59c Charcoal Briquets 98c Apple Sauce sx.-T'tr’l00 Soda Crackers w ». ,j25c 1 We're ready with foods for the long week-end ahead! Pack plenty of fun and good eating into summer’s final holiday.Take advantage of these carefree days for picnics, cook-outs, parties, outings, neighborhood gatherings or other things your family likes doing together.We have a wide selection of delicious foods for whatever you plan! Ideal for pack ’n tote lunches Frftos Lunch Pock.S« 29c Sandwich Bagsw^.oAs 21c Nestle's Quik Cocoa.cAA 49c ChoCOiatO PieS fireside Brand . .Pkg. 39c Cl* J CL Dutch Mill— 12-oz. 1A Sliced Cheese American.Pkg 49c Longhorn Cheese &Lb. 59c . ,* • ■ * xiy • if Check these items.. • English Muffins«30c Liquid Sweet 10.bSu?c 89c Chunk Tuna the Sea—light meat. /.'Can 38c Dixie Cold Drink Cups.S& 31c Paper Napkins assorted .., ...2& 19c Cottage Cheese Lucerne .16-oz. 25c U.S.D.A. Qrctde'A, fresh FRYERS Wlrafe^A Lb. £7 U.S.D.A. Grade-A, U.S. Inspected, tender, and full-meated. Always get fresh fryers at your ever-dependable Safeway. Canned Hams. S *2^9 Sliced Bacon ... .Pkg. 59c Rath Black Hawk; hickory smoked Swift's Premium —— smoked OPEN MONDAY ~r" SEPTEMBER 3 LABOR DAY from 8:30 to 6:00 Liquid Vel Detergent. .Bottle 67c Leaves your dishes ahincy clean and sparkling Fab Detergent."!p£ 76c (“7c off” pack), gets clothes clean Ajax Cleanser.2c&'33c Bleaches out stubborn stains, no hard rubbing Florient Deodorant.5/^ 79c Aerosol, kills household odors fast Zinc Jar Caps.£k&63c Ball—be sure to have a supply on band for canning Self-seal Jar Lids.225 35< Ball Brand—regular size, ideal for canning Instant Ted noc or* pack).85c Butter-Nut; (“5c off” pack), 1*4-0*. Jar 44e Sandwich Bread^-,^23c Skylark Breads"‘fi.'JS 19< Rye Bread 19c Hamburger Buns SjBfct.SS 23c | Cragmont Soft Drinks § Hcons1 98c | \ Afuiortecj flavors, no deposit can, no return! n !• I SWEET, Zippy Hot M 12or.Cf aa Kelisn Dog or Hamburger . «| Jars *|.UU kj __ L* , PAPER, Northern— *% Pksoa £ napkins White or colors.JL of to /j( Hydrox CookiesSS^ftS:25c Instant Sanka Coffee % *1.05 Waxed Paper wa*te* ?°?t2i23c Grade-A Eggs 47c Hamburger Pattie Maker b*.39( Corned Beefi^y. ..» 69c Veal Steaks^..f, T8c Perch Fillets *1.89 Link Sausage £-T*y:. Ul 49c GOLD BOMB «-* f — with purchase of £ ' 25-ft Boll . KITCHEN' CRAFT I HEAVY DUTY EOIL | Cg Offer good thru September 1 ifjj GOLD BOND I — with purchase of ry 18-oz. Jar ' N'UMADE £ PEANUT BUTTER | Offer good thru September 1 j S Iff' |e FRESH PRODUCE at SAFEWAY Smooth and creamy SWIFT'NING SHORTENING For finer cakes, flakier pies and better fried foods. You save 10c on each can. SEEDLESS GRAPES Thompson Seedless Variety 2-b29« Y Right Reserved vji_I — Red-ripe Tomatoes DeBcioua ,.. .Lb. 19. Da_,Lj., Colorado;MeaaCounty, lft-lb. J | rn reaches Mterta, fw*tone .... Crate 1 I .J7 Crisp Carrots .Poiyl^ 19c FREE 7-UP FLOATS FRI0AT and Saturday 7.UP 6 bonies 37c