The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 30, 1962, Image 8

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    Page News
By Mrs. Bee Asker
A group of friends and neigh
bors entertained Mr and Mrs.
Roger Bowen at a belated 25th
wedding anniversary at Woody's
Cafe Saturday night. Those at
tending besides the honored
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mar
vin Stauffer, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Heiss, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van
Horn and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
The members of the MYF and
their guests enjoyed a hay rack
ride Monday night. The group
came back, to the church for
lunch. The Rev Linder was their
Page MYF met Sunday night
with 14 members and 2 gu«-st.s,
Larry Lund, California and Jack
Asher, Logan, la., present. Dar
rell Heiss was the sponser. Each
family is to bring two batches of
candy for the sale Labor Day.
All members are to be at the
church at 2 p.m. next Sunday to
work on the float. Caroline Max
and Mick Stewart served lunch.
Pvt. Ben Asher and Pvt. Ar
nold Hall arrived home Saturday
afternoon for a 14 day leave with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Asher and Mr. and Mrs. George
Hall. They both will return to
Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Throck
morton, Englewood, Calif., arriv
ed here last week to visit her bro
ther-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. William Buxton.
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Anthony and
family, Scotia, were overnight
guests Saturday at the Dale Mat
schullat home. Sunday for break
fast the Anthony’s and the Mat
schullat’s joined Mr. and Mrs. Sid
Stoiler at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Matschullat. The An
thonys left for their home and
the others remained for dinner.
Tuesday the Stoilers left for their
home in San Diego, Calif., stop
ping enroute at Scotia to visit
the Ai Anthony’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Eggan were
Sunday evening callers at the J.
W. Finch home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Park and
Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lucas
and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gross
and Arden were Friday supper
guests of the Rev. and Mrs. Ro
bert Linder.
The Sabin oral vaccine will
be givu *t the Page Methodist
church Sunday, September 2,
from one to four p.m.
Mrs. Alma Tegeler spent a few
days visiting her brother-in-law,
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Peterson at Tilden.
Last Wednesday, Mrs. Elmer
Trowbridge, Mrs. Lewis Copple
and children, Norfolk, visited in
the Harold Coburn home north of
Atkinson and also the home of
Carroll Marcellus, Stuart.
School will start at Page
Monday, Labor Day. So that all
can enjoy Page’s annual com
munity day school will be held
only for a couple of hours.
Mrs. Hester Edmisten, Mr. and
Mrs. Calvin Harvey and family
and Juanita Ragland, Page, Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Asher and
family, Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar Woods, and Mr. and Mrs.
Jess Bolin, Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs.
Chuck Furry, Norfolk, Virginia,
and Mr. and Mrs. “Bud” Woods
and boys, Centerville, S. D , met
at Pickstown, S. D. tor a picnic,
Wednesday night Mr. and Mrs.
Sid Stolier and daughter, Mr and
Mrs, Otto Matschullat and Dale
and Bob Matschullat, Arcadia,
Calif., were guests of Mr and
Mrs. Dale Matschullat. Thursday
the Stoilers and the Dale Mat
schullats took Bob and Dale to
Sioux City where the boys left
to visit relatives and friends in
Michigan City and Des. Moines,
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski
were Sunday guests in the Harold
Givens home, Stuart.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Parks and
Mr. and Mrs Marion Parks were
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs
Dick Trowbridge. Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Trowbridge and Mr. and
Mrs. Jerry Summers were also
Mrs Harold Tegeler and her
mother, Mrs. Anderson, Norfolk,
were Sunday guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Tegeler. Mrs. Della
Stauffer accompanied them.
Mrs. Marvin Stauffer entertain
ed at a get acquainted coffee in
honor of Mrs. William Jackson
and Mrs. Carl Lucas Wednesday
at her home. Her guests included
Mmes. Harold Freemeyer, Robert
Nissen, Frank Beelaert, Dale
Stauffer, Robert Van Horn, Ro
ger Bowen, Merwyn French jr.,
Frank Cronk, and Calvin Harvey.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Terrill re
turned home Wednesday from
Denver, coio., wnere tney assist
ed their son, Jerry and his family
move into their new home from
Lincoln. Jerry will be with the
Littleton, Colo., school system
as a guidance counselor. While in
Denver the Terrills visited their
son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle Parsons. Marilyn Ter
rill returned to the Bear Creek
school in Denver for the 2nd year.
Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes jr.
and family returned home Sun
day from a 2 weeks trip to the
Pacific northwest. They visited
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Asher and
family, Powell, Wyo., and Mr.
and Mrs. John Jackson, Seattle.
They also attended the World’s
Fair. They visited friends in Ro
chester, Wash., and Salem, Ore.
They spent several days visiting
Millard, Lionel and Dermis Ickes
at Nampa, Idaho. Mrs. Ickes’ mo
ther, Mrs. R. F. Park accompan
ied them as far as Nampa and
then returned home by bus Wed
The American Legion Auxiliary
will again sponsor a smorgas
bord community day at Miller’s
station. Adults will be a dollar
and children, twelve and under,
fifty cents.
Mrs. Lewis Copple and two of
her children, Norfolk, returned
home Friday after spending a few
days visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge.
Couples club met Thursday eve
ning with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Roach. Bridge was played and
Melvin Roach and C. E. Walker
won high score.
A group of young folks chari
varied Mr. and Mrs. C. Lucas at
Lucas is the new football coach.
The Improvement club will
serve sandwiches, pie and coffee
at the building on community day.
All members are to bring 2 pies.
Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Roach and
Special Fall and Winter Cattle
Sales will be held again this
MARKET — every other Satur
day starting Saturday, Sept. 15.
Again we ask you to consign your livestock, so
we may include your consignment in our ex
tensive advertising program which includes four
different midwest radio stations and numerous
newspapers, which brought buyers in last year
from five Midwest States.
To our old customers we thank you for the j
way you cooperated the past years and we send
out a special invitation to the many livestock
producers who have not, as yet, tried our
Our main goal at the Butte Livestock Market is
complete satisfaction for our customers.
We think the best advertising comes from the
many satisfied consignors throughout this area.
Again we will sell the cattle in the order that
they are consigned, believing this is fair to
We will be glad to come out to your farm or
ranch and look at your livestock at any time.
Feel free to call us collect.
Butte 5287 Home Ph. O'Neill 723 Home Ph.
6431 Bam Ph. 207 Office Ph.
Livestock Market
Mr and Mrs. Dan Tronhynski
were Friday night guests of Mr
and Mrs. Frank Beimar, Ewing.
Mr. and Mrs. William Kohle
and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. C.
"Pat" Patterson, Mr. and Mrs.
R. Estes and family, Leona Jaur
nig, Mr. and Mrs. "Bud" Kura
and family, Stuart, Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Asher and Debbi, Mr and
Mrs. George Wettlaufer and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs, Keith Kenne
dy and Pat, Mr. and Mrs Ray
Harmon and family, Mr. and
Mrs. William Scheinust and fam
ily, Page. Mr. and Mrs Alvin
Heese and family, O’Neill, Mr.
and Mrs. Al Chavet and Rex,
Plainview and Mr. and Mrs. Herb
Dickmeyer and family, Battle
Creek, met at the O’Neill park for
a picnic.
Linda Thompson entertained
last year’s freshman and sopho
mores at her home Friday night.
Bid or Bye club met Wednes
day with Mrs. John Steinberg.
Bridge was played with Mrs.
Lloyd Fusselman winning high
Mr. and Mrs. William Buxton
attended the Derkkson reunion
at the O'Neiil park Sunday. Other
guests included Mr. and Mrs.
William Derickson and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Derickson
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Danny
Derickson and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Merle Spangler and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Arnott Buxton and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Elroy Lieb
and family, O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs.
Arden Laursen and daughter, Or
chard, Mr. and Mrs. Darrell
Heese and boys, Randolph, Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Boyd and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Nielson,
Barnard, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Throckmorton, Englewood,
Calif.. Mrs. Elsie Pikiapp, Mon
owi, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Smith
and famliy and Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Smith, Verdigre.
The Throckmortons left Mon- i
day for Seattle, Wash., and Ore- •
gon before returning to their
home in California.
A coffee was held in the home
of Mrs. Otto Matschullat Mon
day in honor of her daughter,
Mrs. Sidney Stolier of California.
The guests included Mmes. John
Steinberg, Alton Braddock, Geo.
Classey, Harry Parks and Jessie
Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen
visited in the William Buxton
home Thursday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Taylor,
Mrs. Larry Taylor and children
and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch
went to Valentine Saturday where
they met the guard caravan which
Larry Taylor was on. He joined
the group for a picnic supper.
Mrs. Taylor and children remain
ed with her husband and return
ed home to Scottsbluff Sunday.
The rest returned to Page Sat
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walker and
sons, John, Bruce and Joel, Den
ver, Colo., arrived Friday to
spend a few days in the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Finley and other relatives. A pic
nic was held Saturday evening in
their honor on the lawn at the
Bert Finley home. Present were
Mr. and Mrs. James Finley, Bron
son, la., James Nissen, Omaha,
Mrs. Rose Morris, South Gate,
Calif., Mr. and Mrs. LaVem Fin
ley and son, Tom, Mr. and Mrs.
James Good, Steve, Mike and
Tim, Ewing, and Mr. and Mrs.
Gailen Miller, Dale and Grant,
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Allen and
son, Rick and Mr. and Mrs.
Cordes Walker and son, Larry,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Belmar,
Lorella and Henry and Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Woeppel, David and
Karen and Mr. and Mrs. Neven
kkes jr., Ten, Bob, Bruce and
Lee and Paul Neutoaucr, were
supper guests in the N. D. kkes
sr. borne.
The Soren Sbrensen jr. children
of Ash Grove community were
happy Monday by the purchase of
a Shetland pony and colt from
Gene Mudiaff.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zeller ac
companied their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Merlyn
Rapp and sons to their Smithboro,
N. Y. home where they spent sue
weeks visiting. They also visited
a class male, Mrs. Louis Gooden,
with whom she graduated in 1913
from Unadilla high school.
The Rapps live on a small ac
reage in the foothills of the Ap
palachian Mountain system. They
visited Niagara Falls enroute.
Another son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. King and daughters,
York, traveled through Canada,
saw Niagara Falls, were guests
of relatives in Vermont and Bos
ton, Mass., where they left Mr.
King’s mother to continue her trip
to Jacksonville, Fla., and they re
turned to Smithboro for several
days visit at the Rapp home.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schlueter,
Omaha, were weekend visitors in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ekl Eg
gen. Friday the two couples vis
ited Pickstown.
Mrs. Jan Ruther and daugh
ters were weekend visitors in the
home of her aunts, the Misses
Lena and Em Meyborgat, Lake
Park, la. Jim took them over
Thursday and was a visitor Sat
urday and Sunday, returning to
Page Monday evening.
Mr. ad Mrs. Carl Nelson and
Mr. and Mrs. John Stelling, Or
chard, were Thursday visitors in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Lynch News
By Mrs. Fred King
Mrs. Willa Schollmeyer and
Mrs. Jack Darnell. Bardy, Norma
and Doris visited Friday after
noon with Mrs. Bill Spencer and
Loris Black and Alpha Grimm
called on Diana Spencer Satur
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Black, Randy
and Ryan were vacationing at the
Lakes in Minnesota.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Boelter
will celebrate their 25th wed
ding anniversary Sunday, Sept.
2, with open house at the Lu
theran church at 2 p.m. at
Verdigre. Mrs. Boelter is the
former Mary Ellen Hull.
Mrs. Richard Ducker and Mrs.
Earl Pritchett called on Mrs. Bill
Spencer Thursday afternoon.
Mrs. Glen Hull and Mrs. Pete
Mulhair were in O'Neill on busi
ness Friday and visited with
Mrs. Roy Lowry while there.
Mrs. Bill Spencer was a coffee
guest of Mrs. Cathy Hrbek Sun
day morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Johnson and
family moved recently to the
Jerry Loukota house. Mr. and
Mrs. George Courtney jr. have
been living there and have now
moved to Norfolk where Mr.
Courtney has employment.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Courtney
and family returned Saturday
night from a two weeks camping
trip at the following places. Estes
Park, Denver, Colorado Springs,
Pueblo, Colo., Las Vegas, New
Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, and
visited 3 days in Ottawa, Kan., at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin
Mueller and family before re
turning home.
Grace Mannen left Tuesday
morning for Detroit, Mich., where
she will resume her teaching
18th Annual Boyd County
_ o ,f& 1 * i
-IQ _ i
and 4-H — Open Class — Commercial Exhibits
Free Acts—Thrills—Carnival—Band Concert
Parade—Ball Games—Dance !
Thursday Friday
Entry Day Fre« 1>a>
8:45 a.m. Stocker-Feeder calves
8 a.m. All departments open and riding horses in
11 a.m. All 4-H except livestock 9 a.m. Commercial exhibits
12 noon 4-H Home Ec. judging Livestock judging
2:30 p.m. 4-H demonstrations 2 p.m. Open class livestock
3 p.m. 4-H tractor driver contest 3 p.m. Judging contests
4:30 p.m. Girls Softball 3 p.m. Free Acts at Ball Park
7 p.m. Church All-Star Ball 4 p.m. Horseshoe Pitching
8:30 p.m. Dress Revue 7 p.m. Band Concert. Ball Park
Ball Game 8 p.m. Free Acts at Ball Park
9:30 p.m. Free Square Dance ROYAL UNITED SHOWS
9 a.m. All exhibits open
1:30 p.m. Big Parade-Prizes 8 pm 805 Smith's Spectacular
Royal United Shows on Midway 9:30 p.m. “Woman of Year”
3 p.m. Kid races—Prizes Presentation
Horseshoe Finals 10 p.m. Dance, Community Hall
Tractor Pulling contest
Bob Smith's Free Acts
Auto Daredevils and 3 * 8 pm'
Motorcycle Maniacs Royafi United j
Saturday 8 p.m. Shows
Friday - Saturday
Spencer Ball Park _ _ _ _ __
Admission $1.00 and 50c
Big Parade Community Hall
Sat., Sept. 1 ***** la*ne
and his orchestra
1:30 p.m. Admission $1.00
duties at the Lutheran School for
the Deaf. She has spent the sum
mer months at her home here
with her mother, Mrs Jocie
Mr and Mrs Floyd France and
Mr and Mrs William Alford
were visitors of Mr and Mrs Al
vin Scott. Mr and Mrs William
Pinkerman, Mrs. Ada Addison,
Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Wilson and
Mr. and Mrs Robert Harris and
Mrs. Dus Harris m Rapid City
from Tuesday until Sunday Fri
day evening they attended the
Passion Play. They also toured
"Story Book Island" which Al
vin Scott helped construct.
Kxcello club fair booth com
mittee held a special meeting at
the home of the club president,
Mrs Joseph David. Those present
were Mrs Richard Ducker, Mrs.
Ernest Sixta and Mrs. Don Allen
Plans were completed for the
Boyd County Fair booth at this
Several women attended a
breakfast party at the home of
Mrs. Floyd France Tuesday.
Mrs. George Courtney sr. and
Carolyn are spending the week
with Mr. Courtney at Stanton
where he has employment
Mr. and Mrs Lorelle Alford
and Joan and Mr. and Mrs Doug
las Alford, Sandra and Peggy
were weekend visitors August 12
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
William Alford.
Mrs. Lowie Christensen went to
Winner, S. D., Fridady to attend
a funeral of a friend. She also
visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Horan. Jeff and
Mark, Winner, and Mr. and Mrs.
William Chamberlain, White Ri
ver, S. D. Mr. Chamberlain, her
brother, is in serious condition,
suffering from lung cancer.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ladely,
Gordon, were Monday supper
and overnight guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd France.
Mrs. Elsie Tuch called on Mrs.
Floyd France Monday afternoon.
Repair work has begun on the
First Methodist church building.
Sidewalks were built the past
week and several loads of gravel
placed on the street around the
church. The gravel and all labor
were donated.
The American Legion Auxiliary
met Monday, Aug. 20, at the
Legion Hall at 8 p m. Plans were
discussed for the teachers recep
tion in September which will be
held in the new school auditor
ium. Mrs. C. A. Moody and Mrs.
Fred King served lunch at
Moody’s Cafe.
The Lynch High school assem
bly has been remodeled and
painted. The north windows were
taken out and glass blocks were
placed there. The stage at the
east end of the assembly was
removed. It makes a large as
sembly now.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dean and
baby, Lincoln, came Friday for
a visit over the weekend at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. William Al
ford. Mrs. Dean is the former
Beverly Alford. Mr. and Mrs.
William Alford accompanied
them to Lincoln Sunday after
Mrs. M. C. Christensen, the
former Esther Levi, is a patient
in the Lutheran hospital, Omaha.
She entered the hospital several
days ago.
Mrs C. L. Brown, the former
Anna Laura Cooper, and daugh
ter, Nancy, spent last week visit
ing friends and relatives here.
Mr and Mrs. LcRoy Purviance
visited last week with Mr and
Mrs. LeRoy Purviance Jr and
family, Denver
Mr and Mrs Ed Heiaer, Rose
mary and Kenny spent last week
at Estes Park, Colo.
Mr and Mrs Jorgen Jorgen
sen, Norfolk, have been visiting
at the Bryan Barnes. Lee Barnes
and Ix-o Jorgensen homes.
Mr and Mrs Joe Birmeier,
Mr and Mrs Joe Opst, Niobrara,
and Mrs. Eva Hensley returned
Thursday from a four day trip to
the Black Hills They attended
the Passion Play Tuesday night
Mr. and Mrs Audrey Compton
left Sunday morning for a visit
with relatives in California. Mrs
Julia Hasenpflug has been there
for several weeks and will return
home with them.
Mrs Beatrice Sanchez, Denver.
Colo., and daughter. Sister Mary
Inez. O.S.M , a teacher at Oirtat
the King School, Omaha, came
for a three day visit with Sister
Mary John O S B. at the Lypch
Sacred Heart hospital
Mrs. Nellie Allen, Presho, S
D., has been visiting since August
11 with relatives here. Her daugh
ter, Mrs. Bud Knutson. Presho,
S. D , brought 'her here She has
visited the following: Mr. and
Mrs Kenneth McMeen, Mr and
Mrs William Alford, Mr and
Mrs Frank Heiser, Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Heiser, Mr. and Mrs
Elvin Allen, Bristow, Mr. and
Mrs Virgil Pinkcrman and Mrs
Eliza Cooper and with her sister,
Mrs Mary Heiser, who is a
patient at the Lynch hospital.
Mr. and Mrs John Larsen, I
Laurel, and Mr. and Mrs Fred
Coleman, Spencer, and Mr. and
Mrs Wilmer Crawford and Steve
enjoyed a picnic dinner on Fred i
Colemans' house boat at Fort
Janice Crawford was advanced I
to head steno of IMal Finance,
Omaha, recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Retzlaff,
Gloria and Rodney spent Sunday :
at the home of Mrs Herman
Carstens to help celebrate her
sister. Rose Carsten s. birthday.
Janice Crawford will spend the
Labor Day weekend at her home.
Larry Cozine is home from
Rapid City where he has attend
ed school the last two months.
He had received a scholarship
He will teach science in the
Lynch school again this year.
Mrs. Norma Jean Woodyard,
Sarah and Lynn. Sunnyside,
Wash., came Saturday night for
a 10-day visit at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Mulhair and Jean
They enjoyed an outside barbecue
Saturday night. Mr and Mrs.
Charles Mulhair, Sandy and
Susan will be here Friday for
the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hansel
and boys left Sunday for their
home in Sioux City. Mrs. Hansel
and boys have spent the past J
week at the homes of Jim Svatos l
and Mrs. Mary Fusch.
Pastor and Mrs. John Sharpe,
Janet and Jeanene left Sunday
for the home of Mrs. Sharpe’s
mother in Minnesota. They will
Floyd Kaasa and Gaylene and
return Thursday and will leave
Lynch Friday for Btcnwr. to
visit until Sunday with Mr
Sharpe's parent* They will re
turn to lincoln Sunday morning
where he will comj4etc lus fourth
year in college.
lrts Craig will attend a teach
ers meeting Friday at Atkinson
where she will teach English and
have charge of the library for
the next school year School will
start Tuesday, Sept 4
Mr and Mr* Carl Spencer ami
family returned to their home
Saturday night at Alvo after
S|>endmg the summer at the Fred
Spencer home
Mrs Gladys Spencer ts visiting
her son Arden at Iam Angeles.
Calif He is on vacation and they
are touring the west coast. She
will return home after Septem
ber 4.
Mr ami Mrs Joe Halva spent
a week visiting recently at the
home <4 Mr and Mrs la-Roy
Purviance Jr nnd family, Den
ver. Colo
Drew Classen. Lawrence laic
ken and Darrell Kihanek have all
had the mumps the past week
Mr and Mrs. Harold Potter
ami Mrs Gratia Craig attended
the wedding <4 Miss Lois Potter,
the daughter of Mr ami Mrs
Clarence Potter, and Kenneth
ltoggow. Burke. S. I>, Sunday.
Aug. 26 Others who attended
from here were Mr. ami Mrs
Floyd's mother from Scottsbluff.
Mr and Mm Ed Rohde am!
linger ami flnliert, George Ha)ek.
Mr. am! Mr* Tom Grey ami Ivan
Frederick lllork. Texaa. arrlv
etl Saturday ami ha* narked hi* .
trailer at the lota of Mm. Willa
Schoilmeyer He will tearh Ger
man in tt»e Lynch school this
Mr and Mm Wallace Moffett
ami Uu**et) and Mm. Harold
Brown and Uremia, Randolph, re
turned Saturday Aug, 19. front
a trip to die World'* Fair at
Seattle Wa*h They al*o vladed
George Moffett and family of
Tacumali. Waah
Mr ami Mm Iceman Huber.
Sioux Fall*. S. D.. were h»*me
over tf*e weekend.
Mr ami Mm Gale King ami
family. Klk Point. Mailed Mon
day afternoon with Mr ami Mm
Fred King ami family.
The Frontier
On Sale each Ttiunday m«*mln* *t
Safeway Store — O'Neill
Gulden Hotel — O'Neill
Stannard's Superette — O'Neill
O'Neill l>rug — O'Neill
Ilevoy Drug — O'Neill
Johnson lHug — O’Neill
W’.laon Drug — Atklnaun
Munn * Store — Ewing
McGcaw's Store - Inman
Newrltouar Sundries Chambers
Miller Bros. — Orchard
1 1:30 o'clock Lunch, Improvement Club
1 p.m. Parade, Prizes
1—6 p.m. Free Pony Rides for the Kiddies
1:30 Flower Exhibit, Everybody Welcome
2:00 p.m. Free Show
2 to 5 p.m. Free Watermelon
2:30 p.m. Baseball
5 to 7 p.m. Supper Time
Lunch, Improvement Club
Smorgasbord, Legion Auxiliary
7 to 8 p.m. Local Talent Contest, Prizes
8:00 p.m. Free Show
8:30 p.m. Kitten Ball
9:30 p.m. Free Dance
Sponsored By
Devoy Rexall Drug
Ball Point
29c & up
• ;
$1.69 & up
Many Styles and Colors
Washable and
Many Colors
Nebraska Size
50c Packages
25c Packages
10c Packages
Variety of Colors
98c & up
Tablets or
Half Reams
Side or End Open
10c & up
Ink Cartridges
Rubber Cement
With Your Choice
Of Point
29c & up
We Give S&H Green Stamps on all Purchases
Phone 87 Robert T. Devoy, Pharmacist O'Neill