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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1962)
Ewing News liy Mm. Harold liarrU Mrs. Rose Bauer and Mrs. Gail Boies attended a miscellan eous shower Friday evening at Inman, honoring Helen Sobotka. Gail Boits spent the weekend at St Louis, Mo., and Kansas City attending the ball games between Pittsburg and St. Louis and Bos ton and Kansas. City. Catherine Bauer went to Fre mont Sunduy where she will teach the fifth grade in the Northside public school. She was accompan ied by her mother, Mrs. Rose Bauer and Jerry and Jim Kropp, who returned to Ewing the same day. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Burtwistle and son, James, were dinner guests Sunduy at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pru den. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Welke and Bonnie returned home Friday from a combined business and pleasure trip through Missouri and Arkansas. At Fort Scott, Kan., they were guests of Mrs, W*ike’s aunt, Mrs. Nettie Hutch ins and at Alton, Mo., at the home of Osborn Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Breden kemp and children came Satur day to visit at the home of hei' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eac ker and other relatives and friends, Mr. Brendenkemp return ed to York Sunday while Mrs. Bredenkemp and children re mained for . a longer visit. Mrs. Gene Ruby and children, who have spent a few days vis iting relatives in Ewing, returned home to Sioux City Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cloyd ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. Dav id Cloyd and family ol Mesa, Ariz. picnicked and fished at Lake An des Aug. 17. Mr. and Mis. Laverne Finley and Tom were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Finley at Page Saturday evening for a pic nic supper. The Ewing Fire Department was called about eight Fri day to tiie Earl VanOutraiid home to put out a small blaze in the home. No or little dam age was reported. The Van Os traiid family is moving this week to the rental resident of Albert l.arson in east Ewing, recently vacated by the Curtis Roberts family. Warm temperatures of the first week was loliowed by a cool weekend. Temperatures Saturday morning were reported unofficial ly to have been 46 degrees. There was a warming trend during the day which brought the tempera ture back to a more normal de gree of about 60. Leslie Cary, who is employed at Fort Thompson, S. D., spent the weekend with his family in Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. James Garrison and sons of Grand Island were guests at the home of Mr. and Mis. H. R. Harris, Sunday. Mrs. Garrison is the former Betty Har ris of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Butler drove to Norlolk Sunday to spend the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. McDonld and family. Mrs. Kittie Fry had as her guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and family of Page. Mrs. Mildred Wright was hos tess at a family dinner party Sunday in honor of her daughter, Betty who will leave Sept. 10 for Omaha where she will enter the Immanuel Lutheran hospital to begm nurse’s training. She is an honor student, a graduate of the class of 1962 from the Ewing high school. She also has been clerk in the K-B market for the past year. Present for the gathering were Mrs. Bertha Lehman, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lehman, Mr. and Mrs. Rueben Peltzer all of Cham bers and Bernard Mosel and Bob bie of Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Burnett returned to their home at Rapid City, S. D., on Saturday after spending a few days at the home of Vina Wood. A family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Schmiser Sunday when the August birthdays -were celebrated. Honored were Mr. Schmiser and daughters. Debra and Coralee of Omaha, and Mrs. Harriet Welke. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Leland Welke and Bonnie, Mr. and Mrs. Milan W’elke and daugh i ters, Mrs. Keith Biddlecome, Mrs. Althea Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. David Wright, Mrs. Marilyn Burk und family. A one o’clock dinner was nerved and the after noon hours were spent visiting. Greetings were sent to Bob Wel ke, who also has an August birth day. He is stationed in Alaska in the U. S. Army. Vaulda Welke went to Newman Grove Friday to make prepara tion for the beginning ol the school year. She has taught tn the grades at the Newman Grove public school for several years. Tom Finley has enrolled in the C and K School of Com merce at Omaha and will begin the term Sept. 4. Tom Is a member of the 1%2 graduating class of Kwing high school. Ills parents are Mr. and Mrs. La Verne Finley. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Juracek Thursday were Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schmidt of Peona, 111. William J. Boies, who is em ployed at Ainsworth, spent the weekend with his family in Ew ing. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Juracek, Larry and Linda were guests Thursday evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Sehi, at Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Norwood and Arlene, accompanied by her mother , Mrs. Amy Jacobsen made a combined business and pleasure trip to Norfolk Thursday. Mrs. Jacobsen visited with her sister, Mrs. Rene Libby at Neligh. Arlene Pelletier returned home Saturday from Page where she had spent a few days with her grandmother, Mrs. Anna Thomp son. Little Nancy Walnofer fell while playing in the yard at her home last week, breaking the two bones in her lower right arm. She was taken to the Antelope Memorial hospital at Neligh to have it set. She remained over night. Nancy will be m the lirst a pari,, in sehrMll this vear. Her parents are Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walnoter. Reception for the teachers of the Ewing Public school will be at 8 p m. Thursday, Sept. 6, at the school auditorium. A program is being planned to be followed by a social hour and refresh* ments. This event is sponsored each year by the churches of Ew ing. All parents and interested persons are invited to attend . Guests Thursday evening at the C. C. Hahlbeck home were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Erb of Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tams sr., Jim, Janelle and Donna went to Lake Andes to fish. Mrs. lrvm Cloyd and her guests, Mr. and Mrs. David Cloyd and family of Mesa, Ariz., visited re latives at Meadow Grove and Nor folk Friday. Irvin Cloyd, who had been working at Meadow Grove came home Friday for the weekend. Wednesday, Mrs. Irvin Cloyd and Mr. and Mrs. David Cloyd and children of Mesa, Ariz., went to Plainview to visit her father, George Timmerman, then on to Osmond to see Mrs. Timmerman, who is in a rest home there. Douglas Trennephol, Neligh, will be the guest speaker at the Church of the Nazarene in Ew ing Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rotherham spent Sunday at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leo O'Malley near Cham bers. Mrs. Jerry Rotherham and daughters were guests from Sun day to Thursday at the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Cloyd, Bellevue. Dan Gragert, Albion, is a guest this week at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rotherham. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larsen went to White River, S. D., Wednesday to attend the funeral of an old friend. They were overnight guests at the home of his sister, Mrs. Ida Kemnitz at Wood, S.D., returning home Thursday. Will Conner accompanied Al fred Conner to Sioux City Friday where he had a physical check up. Mrs. Mary Stearns stayed with Mrs. Conner during his ab sence. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Downs and son from California are vacation ing at the home of her mother, Mrs. Eva Kaczor and other re latives in the Ewing community. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sojka sr., went to Columbus last week to spend the day at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Dr. TURKEY DINNER St. Peter's Catholic Church EWING, NEBR. SUN.. SEPT. 9 Serving Starts at 5:00 p.m. Adults $1.25 Children under 12 — 50c ATTRACTIONS FOR ALL! 19-20c and Mrs. Louis Sojka and /am ily. Mrs. Leota Hintz transacted business m O'Neill Friday. Jerry Taylor spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs. Chester Taylor. Jerry, a graduate of the 1962 class ol Ewing high school has been at Fremont this summer taking training m work on typewriter, calculators and other office ma chines. In September he will go to Hartford, Conn., where he will receive training in this line of work. Mr. and Mrs. Victor True, Ew ing, are the parents of twins born Aug. 24, at St. Anthony’s hospital. The boy weighed six pounds and eleven ounces and the girl, six pounds and thirteen ounces. A (laughter was born Aug. 25 to Mr. and Mrs. Elwm Babi at St. Anthony’s hospital in O’Neill. The nmternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Kaymond Schmidt, Ew ing. 4-H club* of Holt county met at the .Annex in O'Neill Tues day for judging day in projects on clothing, homemaking and food. From Ewing were mem bers <4 the Happy Hollow and the Golden Valley 4-H club*. Mr. and Mrs. Kay Funk and family spent Sunday visiting at the home of his sister and bro ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Decker, Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott, Chambers, were Sunday guests at the home of their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Milan Wel ke. Ray Funk, who was hospitalized at St. Anthony’s hospital a few days last week, came home for the weekend but returned the first of the week for more tests and x-rays. Guests the past week at the home of Mrs. Anna Miller were her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller, Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. John Kallhoff and fam ily, Guthrie Center, la., and Mrs. Lavina Koboit, South Sioux City. Mrs. William J. Boies accom nuniorl Ktr Kor* ,, I - ~ v *«*«k*. VxlAMA les Luben, Inman, attended the funeral of her cousin, Bernard Luben held at Clearwater, Aug. 20. Out-of-town friends and rela tives who attended the funeral of Mrs. Mary Rotherham Wednes day at St. Peter’s church in Ew ing were: Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Ro therham and Gary, Sister Mar ion (Rita) and Sister Veronica fAnn), Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roth and Camille, all of Denver, Colo.; Mrs. Charles Roth sr., Boulder, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. Gene Streeter and family and Mr. and Mrs. A. Rogart, Lincoln, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McNabb and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller, Bernard Kallhoff, Mrs. Glen McNabb, all of Omaha, Lucile Rotherham, Al buquerque, N. M., Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rotherham and Don, Sioux Falls, S. D„ Mr. and Mrs. Claude Rotherham. Madison, Sister Vic torine, 9cottsbluff, Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Rotherham, Niobrara, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Gragert, Al bion, Mrs. Frank Agnosta, Man- j hattan, Kan., Mrs. Lavina Kobolt, j Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. John Kallhoff. Guthrie Center, la., Mr. | and Mrs. Joe Kallhoff, Elgin, Mr. I and Mrs. John Sehi, Neligh, Mr.: and Mrs. Don Jensen, Verdigre. Mr. and Mrs. Leo O’Malley, Am elia, Mrs. Bob Malmberg, Mrs. Dewey Thomas, Laura Fredrick son, Carroll. Mrs. Bert McKnight and Ellen McKnight, Tilden and many from O’Neill and other sur rounding towns. Mrs. Arthur Kropp went to Om-' aha Monday for a check-up and treatment on her recent surgery. She plans to remain for the week. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Harris spent Thursday with their daugh ter, Bertha at Plainview. She had 1 the day off from her duties at the Plainview hospital. _______ I Royal News By Mrs. R. j. Bering Mr. and Mrs. Bill Phillips were overnight guests in the home of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holm, Thursday, on the return from a trip that took them to New York. They left Friday for their home in Colorado Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fox, Paige and Kevin, Lincoln, visited Mrs. Fox’s mother, Mrs. Hazel Rehberg and her uncle, Harry Hagedorn, during the week. Mrs. W. J. Reefe has been hos pitalized at Plainview the past week. She underwent minor sur gery and convalescing satisfact orily acording to information re ceived from the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bartsch went to Minden Thursday to visit their three grandchildren before school starts. Farmers are beginning to talk about rain, the need of it, and what damage may result to corn unless moisture is soon received. The Royal Recreational Park is about completed. The tennis ground is already in use. The shuffle board is providing amuse ment and the horseshoe court is finished. A fountain is being put into operation; a grill to provide hot lunch for picnic parties has been put in place and tables and seats are provided. Mrs. C. W. Roberts. Fremont former resident of Royal, visited Mrs. C. E. Rundquist Friday on the return trip home from O’Neill, where she been visiting. The Holm reunion, including descendants of Phillip Andrew and Gus Holm, was held at Riv erside Park in Neligh Sunday with 76 present. Coming from At kinson were Mr. and Mrs. Alois Mlinarik: Butte. Mr. and Mrs. El mer Holm and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sedlacek: Royal, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Holm, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Holm. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nelson. Hazel Makemson. The meeting in August 1963 is schedul I ed to be held in Neligh. - - ... |^”s BACON LBSsT I Korn King Lb. Wilson's Summrr Lb. I<'IK.HT (■ u.s.d.a. grrp MINCED HAM 39c SAUSAGE_59c PORK CHOPS I ba aa mm ah Young T«*nd«r Lb. I'HDA C'holr«* ('buck |jj. K ROAST TURKEYS . . 33c STEAK 59c Lb 39c | | Beans 'n /ranks J Van (amps PORK & BEANS ■ ARMOUR Tall Cans I MILK .7/$l m MAZOLA SALAD Pint Jar I DRESSING .29c a 3 \ ARIETIFjS Reg. 39c size J COOKIES.3 for $1 V HERSHEY 8-oz. pkg. € COCOA.35c ■ PATIO Pkg. of 80 I PAPER PLATES .... 89c M ARt.O 303 Cans I APRICOTS.6 for $1 ■ REAL COLD 6-oz. cans I ORANGE BASE .. 6/$l m SWANS DOWN Reg. Pkg. I ANGEL FOOD.39c m PILLSBl RY INSTANT Pkg.