The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 23, 1962, Image 2

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    Deloit Newt
By Mr*. H. Helm or
Mr. ami Mrs. Bob Bartak and
sons and Mrs Laura Spittler,
Ewing, left Thursday for a trip
to the Black Hills.
The Fuller families held a re
union 9un<lay, August 12, in Ne
ligh. Sixty four attended.
An ASC election was held at
the Deloit school house Thursday
evening with the following results,
Ellis Schrunk, chairman; Bill
Gibbs, vice* chairman; Henry Rei
naer, regular member; Bob Bar
lak and Leland Clark, alternates.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohn, Mr
and Mrs L. L. Bartak and Mr
and Mrs. Henry Reimer were
Norfolk visitors Thursday.
Mrs L. L Bartak visited Von
nie Paul in Elgin Saturday Mrs.
Paul was on vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Larson,
Lincoln, are visiting her parents
and Mr and Mrs. Tom Christon
and family in Colorado City,
Tex , and Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Christon in Midland, Tex
Mr. ami Mrs. Glenn Harpster
and s</nx were O’Neill visitors
Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Harpster and sons were picnic
guests at the Web Napier home
Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Napier and son, Kansas, were
honored guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manson
spent the weekend at the Henry
Lofflin home in Eldorado, Kan.
Most of the hay is up around
here and the crops were good.
Ranchers ip west had trouble
haying because of the amount of
Mrs. Anita Lee called at the
Fred HarsjJter home Tuesday eve
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Temple
and daughters. Hastings, spent
Sunday at the H. Keimer home.
They will attend a County Exten
sion Agents Convention in New
Mexico next week.
Mrs Watson McDonald, Mrs.
Gary Moon, Neligh and Mrs. Jer
ry Miller and win, California,
spent Monday in Lincoln in the
Merle Angus home.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miller and
Timmy and Mr and Mrs. Watson
McDonald were supper guests
Wednesday evening in the Gary
Moon home in Neligh.
Mr and Mrs. Roy Johnson,
Winifred and Neil, Neligh, call
ed Sunday at the Fred Harpster
Mr and Mrs. Jerry Miller and
Timmy left Friday for their
home in California after visiting
the Floyd Miller and Watson Mc
Donald homes.
Mr and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack
will be home the last of the week
after a 3 weeks vacation visiting
an uncle in Canada and the Dick
Tomjack home in La Grande,
Ore Mr and Mrs. Gene Tom
jack and family were at the
Tomjack home in their absence.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harpster
called Sunday evening in the H.
Reimer home.
Phone Your News to
The Frontier
Phone 788
Page News
By Mr* ta Alter
Mr and Mrs Herbert Kemper
and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Asher
were Sunday evening callers in
the home of Mrs Frieda Asher.
Mr. anti Mrs. Edd Stewart and
Mick. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ste
wart. Mr and Mrs. Jim Stewart
and Robbie, Mr and Mrs Leo
Neubauer, Page, Mr. and Mrs.
Paul Krugman, O’.N'eill, Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Clyde anci family,
Sioux Falls and Mrs. Clyde’s par
ents of North Platte all enjoyed
a picrnc dmner at the Page park
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mudloff and
Mr*. H. O. Hill and children,
Orchard, were afternoon callers.
Mrs. Edgar Stauffer attended
the school of mission this week
held at Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch
sr. were Sunday evening callers
of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch
The regular meeting of the
WSC9 was held Thursday at the
Fellowship hall. Mrs. John Stein
berg had the devotion and les
son entitled "Make a Living Wit
ness”. Sympathy cards went to
Mmes. Robert Gray, Arnold Ste
wart and Mabel Miller. A get
well card was sent to Mrs. Ethel
Waring. A country store was held
at this meeting with lots of ar
ticles sold. Hostesses were Mrs.
Frieda Asher and Mrs. Robert
A sub district MYF swimming
party was held at O’Neill Friday
evening with members from O’
Neill, Page and Atkinson attend
ing. Caroline Max, Page, had the
devotions, Alvin Crumly and Kay
Nissen, Page, led the group in
- —
18th Annual Boyd County
and 4-H — Open Class — Commercial Exhibits
Free Acts—Thrills—Carnival—Band Concert—Parade—Ball Games—Dance
Thursday Friday Saturday
Entry Day Free Day 9 a m. Ail exhibits open
8:45 a m. Stocker-Feeder calves 1:30 p.m. Big Parade Prizes
8 am. All departments open and riding horses in Royal United Shows on Midway
11 a m. All 4-H except livestock 9 a.m. Commercial exhibits 3 p.m. Kid races—Prizes
12 noon 4-H Home Ec. judging Livestock judging Horseshoe Finals
2:30 p.m. 4-H demonstrations 2 p.m. Open class livestock Tractor Pulling contest
3 p.m. 4-H tractor driver contest 3 p.m. Judging contests (New Feature)
1:30 p.m. Girls Softball 3 p.m. Free Acts at Ball Park 8 p.m. Bob Smith’s Spectacular
7 p.m. Church All-Star Ball 4 p.m. Horseshoe Pitching 9:30 p.m. “Woman of Year”
8:30 p.m. Dress Revue 7 pm. Band Concert, Ball Park Presentation
Ball Game 8 p.m. Free Acts at Balb Park 10 p.m. Dance, Community Hall
Bob Smith's
Auto Daredevils and
Motorcycle Maniacs
Saturday' 8 p.m.
Spencer Ball Park
Admission $1.00 and 50c
Big Parade
Sat., Sept. 1
1:30 p.m.
——»rJIl II1W
Free Acts I
Friday, 3 p.m. & 8 p.m. a
Royal United 1
Shows I
Friday - Saturday a
Community Hall I
Bobby Layne
and his orchestra
Admission SI.00 '
song. Those giving reports were
Dianne Gillespie, O'Neill, Esther
Young, O'Neill and Dick Linder,
Page. A district rally will be held
at Plainview Sept. 30. A sub-dis
tTict rally will be held at O'Neill
on the 3rd Sunday of November.
Those attending lrom Page were
John Crumly, Dick Linder, Royan
and Juanita Ragland, Mick Stew
art, Connie Jean and LuAnn Nis
sen, Ronnie Heiss, Diane and De
von Kemper, Caroline and Mar
ilyn Max, Connie and Janet An
son, Dale Miller, Connie Soren
sen, Vaijean Parks, Dent and
Randy Stauffer, Peggy Sue Kel
ly, Lmda Alberts, and Roberta
Asher. Transportation was fur
nished by the Rev. Linder, Gene
Harvey, Alvin Crumly and Kay
The Rev. and Mrs. Lisle Mew
maw and family, Neligh, Mr. and
Mrs. M. G. French sr. and Mr.
and Mrs. Duane Finch were Fri
day supper guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Finch.
Mr and Mrs Otto Matschullat,
Mr. and Mrs. Sid Stolier and
Cindy, Janice Nash, Dale and
Robert Matschullat were Sunday
evening visitors in the Dale Mat
schullat home. Tuesday the
above mentioned went to Scotia
to visit Mr. and Mrs. A1 An
tlwny in their new home.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Steward
were Sunday guests of their son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Loren Stewart at Grand Is
land. The couples enjoyed a pic
nic dinner and attended motor
cycling races. Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Miller, Millard, joined the group
in the late afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey
and family, Mrs. Frieda Asher,
Rodney Kennedy and Mrs. Mae
Copes were Sunday dinner guests
of Mrs. Hester Edmisten.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray and
Mr. and Mrs. Art Miller left Fri
day for Red Field, la., to visit
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hurst. Mrs.
Hurst is the sister of Mrs. Gray
and Mrs. Miller. They returned
home Monday evening.
Janet Anson spent from Wed
nesday to Saturday night at the [
home of Roberta Asher.
Marvin Prokop, Spencer, spent
Sunday in the Tony Mudloff home
visiting his wife and son. Mar
vin returned home recently after
spending a year in service. Mrs.
Prokop and son will remain here
until housing arrangements are
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey!
and family were Friday supper j
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth j
Asher, Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Godel and
family, Venus, were Friday night
callers of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Har
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sickles
and girls, Bedford, la., were last
week guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Freemeyer sr.
GGG and G met Friday with
Mrs. Frieda Asher. Guests were
Mmes. John Steinberg, Mae
Copes and Miss Grace Zellers.
Cards were played with priaes
going to Mmes. Clarence Stevens,
Ethel Park and Elsie Cork.
Mrs. Robert Linder held a cof
fee at her home Thursday morn
ing in honor of Mrs. Ron Park.
The Parks are leaving shortly for
Laramie, Wyo., where Ron will
attend school.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Switzer,
O’Neill and Herb Kemper were
Friday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Asher.
The Rev. and Mrs. Linder and
family were gone over the week- j
end. Sunday, the Rev. Linder will
vddress the church at Ceresco,
to celebrate their 75th anniver
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Haynes re
turned to their home in Lincoln
Wednesday after visiting the first
of the week with the former’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes
and other relatives. Monday eve
ning the two couples and Miss
Viola Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. Lou
is Wood, and Misses Grace and
Nelle Woods, were supper guests
of Mr. and Mrs. William Neu
bauer. Misses Grace and Nelle
Wood entertained Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Woods and Mr. and Mrs. William
Neubauer at a dinner Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Haynes and
Miss Viola Haynes were joined
by Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Haynes, LeEllen and Larry, O’
Neill, as supper guests of their
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Allen
C. J. Dobbin, who had been ab
le to be at home from the hos
pital the past weeks, suffered a
light attack Saturday evening and
Thurs. Aug. 23
Family Night
Kenneth More Danielle Darrieux
Susannah York Claude Nollier
Jane Asher Elizabeth Dear
Richard Williams
Fri.-Sat. Aug. 24-23
Starring George Montgomery
Gilbert Roland Ziva Rodann
Joan O'Brien Nico Minardos
Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Aug. 26-27-28
Jeff Chandler Ty Hardin
Peter Brown Will Hutchins
Andrew Duggan Claude Akins
Wed.-Thurs. Aug. 26-30
Family Night
Deborah Kerr, Robert Mitchum in
W»I taken to the O’Neill huapttal.
Hi* condition unproved to the ex
tent that he was able to return
home Sunday morning
Mr and Mrs. B H Steven* en
tertained six erf Uieir children and
their families Sunday. They were
Mr and Mrs Alvin Steven* and
family, San Miguel, Anz.. Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Steven* and
family. Hoyt Lakes, Minn , Mr
and Mrs. Keith Cable and fam
ily, Coon Rapids, Minn . Mr. and
Mrs Dennis LaFave and family,
Oneida, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. Ver
non Park, Omaha and Mr. and
Mrs. Fntx Brandt and sons, At
kinson. Mr and Mrs Dave John
son and family, San Miguel and
Ron Park, who has employment
in Seattle were unable to be pre
sent The Alvin Stevens family
are spending a two week vaca
tion with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Emil Adamson sr., O’Neill.
James Nissen, Omaha, is
spending a week here visiting his
parents, Mr and Mrs. Don Nis
Jon Cork, who had been gone
all summer visiting in Nampa,
Ida., and Seattle, Wash., returned
home this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Sid Stolier and
daughter and Janice Nash. San
Diego, Calif., and Dale and Rob
ert Matsehullat, Arcadia, Calif ,
arrived Sunday to spend some
time with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Matsehullat. Dale and
Robert will visit a few days with
their grandparents, the Otto Mat
schullats, before going on to
Michigan City to visit their other
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Chris
tiansen and children, Blair, re
turned to her parents home, Mr.
and Mrs Loren Libby, after
spending two weeks in Seattle,
Wash., and other points of inter
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Sehi and
family visited Mrs. Larry Taylor
and Margie Finch at the J. W.
Finch home last Tuesday.
Callers Sunday at the Ethel
Waring home were Mr. and Mrs.
Charlie Ettleman, Steve and Gary
Waring. Tecumseh Mr and Mm
Kenneth Waring. Omaha, also
were Sunday caber*.
Mr, and Mrs Richard Peter
sen and children and her mother,
Mr*. Rose Petersen. Harlan, la ,
were overnight guests Monday of
Mr and Mr*. Norman Trow
bridge They were enroute to
Denver, Colo., on vacation Mr
Trowbridge and Mr Petersen
were army buddies
Mr. and Mrs Les Lines and Mr
and Mrs Dan Trashynaki were
Sunday supper guests for a fiah
fry at the N D. kites sr home
Paul Neubauer was an evening
Mmes Hester Edrmsten, Frie
da Asher, Harley Kennedy, R D
Copes, Grace Zellers and Emma
Kemper were Saturday afternoon
guests of Mm. P. E Nissen in
honor of her birthday anniver
Mr. and Mrs Virgil Stevens
and sons, Texas, are spending a I
two weeks vacation with his par
ents, Mr and Mrs. R D Stevens
The Page MVF met Sunday
night with 18 members and one
guests, Larry Lund, Sacramento,
Calif., present. Mrs William &>r
ensen was the sponser. Jean Nis
sen and Valjean Parks gave their
reports on the camp they attend
ed. Everyone is to meet at the
church next Sunday to work on
the float which will be entered
into Page's community day par
ade. A hayrack ride will be held
the 27 of August Each member
is allowed to bring a guest Bun
nie Heiss and Randall Stauffer
served lunch.
Pvt. Lyle Heiss, who was re
cently transferred from Ft. Chaf
fee, Ark., to Ft. Dix, N. J., writes
home telling of spending the past
Complete Visual Care
Contact Lenses
By Appointment Phone 2l«l
Six- leer, N ebraska
We don’t expert a large run for this sale but there will tx- plenty
of Buyers at our auction to buy all the cattle we can get to
gether—The market is real hot now and might be a good time
to sell, at least some of the plainer cattle—Top on Butchers last
Monday at $18.75—Sold 371 llogs and 403 Cattle—It was a very
active market with ail kinds of Buyers—If you want us to come
and look at your stock give us a ring or drop a ciird—W'e will be
glad to do so—With fail coming on and pastur«*s reiii good, it
could be everyone wanting to sell at once—That could lead to
a little lower stock cattle market, but on the oher hand there is
a world of people looking for cattle—Don’t sell them private
to the first feilow that comes along—This is an ideal year to
price them $2.00 to $4.00 a hundred too cheap.
Terry, Larry and Max Wanser
A Nationally Certified Market
Phone 1$ or 70 Ewing
two weekend* in New York City
sight seeing and attending a base
ball game in Yankee Staoium
Mrs Ivan Heiaa went to Lincoln
Sunday to care tor her grand
children, while their parent*. Mr
and Mrs Joe Price are in Kan
sas City on vacation
Mr and Mrs Duane Finch and
family were Monday signer
guests in the J W Finch home,
later m tin* evening. Mr and Mr*
J W Finch. Mrs Larry Taylor
anil children took Margie to
Grand Island, from there ahe
left via tram fur Callfor
nut. Friday site will join Die
Orange County teachers tour for
a ten <tay trip to Hawaii Ntnty
eight teacher* and interested
people are making the Pair This
fall Mi*a Flnrh will again teach
the Sth grade at IVrra. Cslif
Mr* Norman Trowbridge and
children vi»ded Margie Finch in
the J W Finch home, Monday
Mr and Mr* Dan Trtwhynaki
and Mr and Mr* N D Ickes
were M« ‘inlay night callers at the
lien Aaher home
Mr and Mrs Al Anthony and
family were Wednesday <»vrrnight
giieata tn the home of her par
ent*. Mr and Mrs Otto Mnl
Our 1962 Stork is clean Why liuy a 1962 with 63 * Just around
the comer OCTOBER 4th 1* announcement date Order* now
Uung taken on 1963 models
If you can’t wait for a 63. we can still secure car* from
warehouse and other dealer * stock* lie sure and see us before
you trade.
195X Dodge 4-l>r Coronet Sedan
1956 Chevrolet 4-1 >r V8 Sedan
1959 Chevrolet KlCameno Pickup
1957 Oklsmolnle 4-I)r Hardtop
1959 Ford 6 Cyl. 4-Dr Sedan
1957 Ford V8 2-Dr Sedan
1954 Chevrolet 4-Dr Sedan
1954 Chevrolet 2-Dr. Sedan
1954 Dodge 4-I>r. Coronet
1955 Pontiac 2-I)r Hardtop
See us for MM, New Idea, and Massey-Ferguson Corn I*lck
ers, now in transit
Used Mixlel 76 IHC 7 Combine
Useil Massey-Ferguson 7‘ Clipper
New Massey-Ferguson Tractors
New N*-w Idea, Massey Ferguson Mowers
New Idea Manure Spreaders
See the full Maytag line of Laundry Appliances at Krotter's
Huy the laundry appliance with the most features, top quality,
local service, and top trade-in value You will also find they are
priced with the lowest Get the most for your money get Maytag
See Kroner'-* lor all your milking equipment needs Qxders
available on either a purchase or lease plan All styles of milkers
on hand for immediate delivery See us today.
“Serving North Nnhnulu Since 1WH'’
Sleep Sale
i _- __
Englander's Finest
This is the Greatest Comfort Englander makes
by Englander .. 34“
Matching Box Springs .. 34M
Englander's Body Equalizer
Set 7488
Sale Price .. 69“
Full Size J59 each
Limit 2 per customer — Furniture Dept, only
Englander's Famous
Matching Box Springs .. 28s8
Full - Soft - Pillows
yyc each
A Real Buy at Only 40SS