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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1962)
FOR SALE •ALT FOR SAIJ! K sna poll i $16.50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c- Located 3 blocks east, 4 blocks north of traffic light, Everett Gorgan, Pk. 164. O’Neill. 51 tf FOR HALE FTlson Chutes Special . ??? Barbed Wire . $735 Sweep Teeth . $1.50 Heavy Teeth . $2.15 New Honda Cycles $640 00 New and used Pipe and Steel HOERLE STATION Phone IV 2-2642 Ohamb»ni, Nebr. __ _ 52-20p FUR SALE 16-ft. Hultcraft boat and 40 hp Scott McCullogh motor and trailer. Shelhamer Flquip. Co., O'Neill. Like new $750. 5tic SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25°f down, b% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone Ccntois Motor Co., Neligh. 30tf I AM BACK In my office again and can loan money on Farms and Ranches and City Property. Some at 4% and some at 5% In terest See R. H. Parker. O’Neill, Nebr. 50tf FOR SALE—3 1000 bu. capacity steel corn cribs. Like new. F’red J. Jungman and son, phone 7571, Atkinson, Nebr. 17-20p SAVE ON INSURANCE prompt claim service. Virgil Laursen Agy., O’Neill. lOtfc H ELECT USED CARS 1958 Chevrolet 6 cyl., 4 door, radio, heater, two tone, nice $905.00 1958 Pontiac 4 dr. hardtop, radio, heater, automatic, a steal at this price . $995.00 1950 Chevrolet % ton pickup, good tires, runs good, stock rack $395 1957 Chevrolet 6 cyl., 4 dr., radio, heater, std. trans., only $795.00 THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL 1955 Rambler 4 dr., radio, heater, overdrive, air conditioning, coral and white color, low, low, spec ial price . $195.00 <H)NDERIN(>ER MOTOR OO. Atkinson. Nebr. 17e TRACTORS 1948 John Deere A 1950 John Deere A 1943 IHC M 1942 IHC H 1944 IHC H 1944 Ford Case Combine IHC No. 15 3-bottom plow 1949 Ford pickup Other Machinery 1 Air compressor New Wagon and box DAVID’S REPAIR SHOP Chambers, Nebr. 14-17c FOR SALE Cucumbers for pick ling. Mrs. George Skopec, phone 583J11, Emmet. 16-18c LANDRACE BOARS for sale — ready for service. Veterinary vaccinated for Erysipelas and Hog Cholera—guaranteed breed ers. Spencer Feed Service, Spen cer, Nebr. 16tfc SHORES' NEW DAIRY CREDIT All the money you want. 36 months at 6%. Buy new cattle, finance entire herd. Shores Wisconsin heifers. “Pay your bills, stop your worries.” SHORES, NELIGH, TU 7-4060 41tfc mobile homes New and I’sed Stop and look at the 620 sq. foot Transportable Home now on dis play. Highest Quality at the lowest prices. See it today We Trade — Finance — Deliver M1IJ.EK MOBILE HOME SALES Albion, Nebr. Ph. 395-2170 Open Everyday 14tfc FOR SALE—Purebred Hampshire boars. Big and rugged. Will de liver. Henry and Richard Stell ing, Orchard, Nebr. 12tfc FOR SALE—Hereford bulls.— Kieth Abart, O’Neill, Dercy Abart, Emmet. 32tfc CITY LOANS, See R. H. Parker. 50tf FOR SALE — Fresh and close springers. 1st and 2nd calf Hol stein heifers. John Sojka, 1% mi. N, 4 E Page. lOtfc MACHINERY IHC 24x7 grain drill, clean IHC 10x14 shovel drill Allis field chopper IH No. 20c field chopper Allis loader IH No. 24 mowers JD No. 5 mower JD No. 8 mower IH No. 31 mower IH 12-ft. rakes 41 Farmall M 48 Farmall M w./PS Farmall 400 MTA Farmall with wide front and power steering 49 H with M & W 46 John Deere A Farmall 20 56 GMC a4-ton pickup SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. IHC — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool O’Neill, Nebraska FOR SAIJv IHC Regular tractor reversed for sweep. Larry Pribil, O’Neill. 16-18c O’Neill. 16-17p OSCAR'S Opening Offerings 1962 Cadillac Sedan Full new car warranty at a terrific saving. 1962 98 Oldsmobile, 4 Dr., Holiday Sedan. 1962 88 Oldsmobile. 4 Dr , Celeb rity Sedan. 1962 Impala 2 Dr., Sport Coupe 19412 Bel Air 4 Dr., V8, Overdrive. 1962 Biscayne 4 Dr., 6 cylinder, two to choose from. 1962 Greenbrier. Oscar's real weekend special. 1961 Ford Starliner Coupe Beau tiful Black finish and a Chevrolet trade in. 1959 Buick 4 Dr., Electra 225, two to choose from and loaded with extras plus air conditioning. 1959— Super 88 Olds. 4 Dr. Sedan, full power. You will have to see this one to believe it. 1956 Plymouth. 2 Dr., 6 cylinder, standard transmission, loads of miles left in this one. 1955 Pontiac. 2 Dr., Sport Coupe. Automatic Transmission. Nice clean car with a low, low price. 1951—Ford. 4 Dr., V8. Have a look. Make an Offer. NEED A TRUCK? Take A l»ok! 2—1962 Chevrolet Heavy Duty % Ton Pickups. Fleetside box. 4 speed transmission. 1959 Chevrolet 2-Ton, Cab and Chassis, 6 cylinder engine, just overhauled. New 825 x 20 tires. 2 speed rear axle. 1957 - Ford Ranchero. Ixnv mile age. V8 engine. A real sharp unit. 2-Tone paint. 1955 Ford, 1-Ton, Cab and Chas sis. Real good tires to go with a real solid unit. 1955- GMC Pickup. You won’t be lieve the price. I»w Down Payments Top Trade In Offers Easy Terms FREE—Wheel balance with pur chase of 10 gallons of gas. FREE—Electronic Motor Tune with purchase of 10 gallons gas. We will Winterize any car sold Friday and Saturday. _ a _ ■ a apiTzermerger s CHEVY -OIJ>S O'Neill, Nebr. 17c _ FOR SALE- 3 new underslungs. Heavy Duty $675.00 without plat form, $850.00 with platform and irons all around. Brady Welding Shop, Atkinson. 17tfc FOR SALE 1956 Black Ford two door hardtop. Contact Albert Carson, Lvnch, phono IX) 92547. 17-18p FOR SALE—49 Ford 2 Dr., real good shape. Delbert Addison, Stuart, Nebr. 17-18p FOR SALE -Used 250 gal. Wilson Bulk Milk Tank, good condition, $500. Phone Elgin 843-2245. Ellis Schrunk, Bartlett, Nebr. 17-18c FOR SALE Used Trucks: 1959 B162 with 2 speed 1957 SI 70 Chassis 1957 A112 s/4 ton IH pickup, 4 speed 1956 S100 ton IH pickup, over hauled 1955 Chevy 2 ton, 2 speed, only short block year ago. only $745 1953 R112 34 ton IH pickup 1950 LI 10 % ton IH pickup 4 speed Used Farm Equipment: 6 Wheel Kelly Ryan Mtd. rake for Farmall H or M John Deere Field Harvester with engine drive Bearcat Hammermill with travel ing feed table Heavy Duty Farmhand with ma nure bucket American Loader with grapple fork Case 2-Bottom 16-inch pull type plow 30-ft. Kelly-Ryan elevator with engine drive Winch Farmall M Wagon gear with hoist and flare box New Underslung with 24-ft. beams, new 14x18 platform. We finance, We trade KEATING IMPLEMENT CO. Atkinson, Nebr. 17-18c FOR SALE — English Shepherd puppies. Excellent cattle dogs. $5 male. $3 female. Write Ernest Wirth, Verdel, Nebr. 17-18p FOR SALE OR TRADE — Harley Davidson motorcycle, excellent condition, very reasonable, phone 115, Ewing, or see L. Spragg, Ewing, Nebr. 17c WANTED WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE— Three bedroom home. Contact C. R. Alexander, Western Bell Telephone company, phone 940, O’Neill. 16-17p AMBITIOUS YOUNG MAN for full or part time. Possible career op portunity after having proved capability and willingness. Give work record, age, phone and other personal data in reply to Mrs. Karr ,6304 Sahler, Omaha. Nebr. 16-17 - __ WAITRESS WANTED—M and M Bakery and Cafe. O’Neill. 16tfc WANTED—Lawn mowers to sharp en. call 7:30 to 10 a m. Henry Phelps. 224 So. Morton. O’Neili. Nebr. 17p DEALER WANTED to supply Rawleigh Products to consumers in S. E. Holt Co. Good time to start. Write Rawleigh. Dept. NBH-101-28. Freeport, m. 17&19p -- ■ - - * HALL INSURANCE Compare our rates, terms and conditions before you buy. We have more for less KIETH AB.ART Phone 209 O'Neill Ctf ! WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Well* Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal Oil Station—O’Neill 500 NEED MONEY We make quick cash loam on automobiles and furniture. See us also for your insurance needs. Central Finance Corp. O’Neill Phone 14 Nebr. 21tfc "WE" DON’T WANT "ALL” THE BUSINESS We Just want "YOUBS" PATTON’8 BEN FRANKLIN 23 tl WANTED-Custom baling, square and twine tie. Joe Wies, Orchard, Nebr. Phone TW-33195. 15-18c WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair.—403 N. 1st St. Phone 775-LW. SPRAGUE WELL CO., O’Neill 3 blks. W. & 3fc blks. N. stoplight. L GUTHMILLER Half Block East Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene and arc welding LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED AND SHARPENED. ALL MAKES Also repair parts for Lawson and Clinton engines on hanfl. 9tf PAINTING Interior and Exterior. Free estimate. Get my price be fore you let the job. Leslie Knep per, 415 S. Logan St. at the south end of 9th street in O’Neill. 15-18p MAKE PATTON’S BEN Franklin; store your candy and nuts head quarters. Always fresh. 27 tie AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207_O’NEILL — ASHBURX MONUMENT OO. P. O. Box 6, Tilden, Nebr. Personal attention to all orders. Covers all Northeast Nebraska. Call collect, FOrest 8-2220. All work fully guaranteed. NEIL ASIIBURN, Prop. 21p MONEY TO LOAN j On Automobiles, Furniture, Signature. O'Neill Loan Co. Virgil Laureen, Mgr. 38tf I MAKE Monthly payment loans some at 4% some at 5% interest. See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 50tf WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockmon, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf SOLD, . . . LOCK, STOCK AND BARREL! If you have just sold out a suc cessful business, or are planning to. you may be searching for a new way of business-life and a challenge for your seasoned abil ities. If you can qualify, we belie\'e a sales position with Waddell & Reed. Inc., national distributor of one of the largest mutual funds in America, provides the answer to your problem — a position which offers community recognition, se curity, excellent income potential, prestige, an opportunity to be of true service to others, and self [ management of your time. Contact in confidence for appoint ment or booklet describing career opportunities. W. E. BARBER. Div. Mgr. Granada Bldg., P. O. Box 187 Norfolk. Nebr. Tel: 371-5454 WADDELL & REED, INC. “Offices Coast-to-Coast" 17c Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE—One bedroom house, all modem except heat. Natural gas. Located on W. Fremont St. Ray Pease, Atkinson. 13tfc NO REASONABLE OFFERS re fused on first house east of Lu- j the ran church and on homes at 321 West Clay. Both properties I are good investments if not needed for a home. See Kieth Abart soon. 15tfc FOR SALE—Leonard Brown resi dence at 840 E. Benton St. Thorin Agcy., Ph. 207. O'Neill. 14tfc FOR SALE—House comer north of Safeway. Valuable location. 4 bedrooms plus Basement Apt. 1% bathrooms. Mrs. H. J. Shel ton. 3 Pebble Creek, St. Louis 24. Mo. 15-18p FOR SALE—Seven room house, to be moved. Anyone interested may write or see Howard V. Berry, 213% East FYemont St., j O'Neill. Nebr. 17-19p I FOR RENT FOR RENT — Furnished apart ment Cloae in. Newly decorated Ph. 535. or see at 314 E. Everett. O'Neill.15tfc FOR RENT One bedroom modem home. See R. H. Parker. O' Neill. Nebr. 15tfc NOTICES No hunting or trespassing on the vacant place owned by T. J Knoell. The fine will be $500 00 if caught. 16-17p MISCELLANEOUS FARM LOANS, See R. H Parker 50tf E. J. (Skip) SHANE Dragline Work Sewer, Drainage, Clam Work Basement Excavation and Road Work Atkinson, Nebr. 51-24p Cl'RTISS BREEDING can service your herd with the highest rated beef bull and the highest plus proven dairy bulls in the nation. Can you do with less than the best? Call 478 Duane Gray O’Neill 14tfc AT STUD CHIEF OF TRIPLE H. A real classy 51 inch Pony of the Amer icas. IRISH LUCK. One of the best Ap paloosas. Duane Gray, O'Neill. ltfc CARDS OF THANKS WE WISH TO EXTEND our sin cere thanks to the many relatives and friends who sent spiritual bou quets, flowers, food, cards and ex pressions of sympathy during the illness and death of our beloved sister and aunt, Anne Judge. Spec ial thanks to the clergy, Sisters, doctors, nurses and the hospital staff; also to St. Patrick’s Altar Society for serving the dinner and to each and every one for their kindness and help. 17p The family of Anne Judge IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my husband and father and grandfather, Ar thur W. Strong, who passed away one year ago today, Aug. 14, 1961. They say time heals all sorrow And helps one to forget But time so far has only proved How much we miss him yet. The depths of sorrow we cannot tell Of the loss of one we loved so well And while he sleeps a peaceful sleep His memory we shall always keep. Wife Martha and Family |-Legai ''Mites--J 'First pub. Aug. 2, 1962) John R. Gallagher, Attorney Estate No. 4558 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, July 26, 1962. In the matter of the Estate of Frances Gokie, a-k-a Francis Gokie, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is November 23, 1962, and for the payment of debts is July 2&, 1963 and that on August 23. 1962, and on Novem ber 26, 1962, at 10 o’clock A M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine* hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objec tions duly filed. (COUNTY FRANK CRONK COURT County Judge SEAL) 15-17c (First pub. Aug. 2, 1962) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bids will be received at the office of the Department of Roads in the State Capitol at Lincoln, Nebraska, on August 23, 1962, until 10:00 o’clock A.M., and at that time publicly opened and read for ARMOR COAT, MIXED-IN-PLACE BITUMINOUS SURFACE COURSE and inciden tal work on the EWING NORTH State Project No. S-63-B State Road. This project begins in Ewing and extends northerly for 5.7 miles in Holt County. The proposed work consists of constructing 5.7 miles of Oiled Road. The approximate quantities are: 730 Cu. Yds. Mineral Aggregate (No. 2-B, Gravel) for Armor Coat, Applied 21.900 Gallons Asphaltic Oil for Armor Coat, Applied 183,000 Gallons Asphalt Cement, Applied 304 Stations Manipulation of Mix ed-in-place Bituminous Surface Course 260 Cu. Yds. Gravel Surface Course 407 Sq. Yds. Special Surface Course for Mailbox Turnouts Each bidder must be qualified to submit a proposal for any part or all of this work as provided in Legislative Bill No. 187. 1955 Legislative Session. The attention of bidders is di rected to the Required Provisions covering subletting or assigning the contract. Plans and specifications for the work may be seen and informa tion secured at the office of the Division Engineer of the Depart ment of Roads at Lincoln, Ne braska. The successful bidder will be required to furnish tmnd in an amount equal to 100% of his con tract. The right is reserved to waive all technicalities ami reject any or all bids. DEPARTMENT OF ROADS John W. Hossack. State Engineer C. F. Nutter, Division Engineer 15-17c As an evidence of good faith in submitting a proposal for this work, the bidder must file, with his proposal, a certified check or cashier's check made payable to the Department of Roads and in an amount not less than two thou sand two hundred twenty-five <2,725t dollars. t First pub Aug. 2, 1962) John R. Gallagher, Attorney No. 452* NOTICE OF HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF ADDIE M. KILL HAM, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribu tion of estate and approval of final account and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on August 22, 1962, at 10 A TV! (COUNTYY FRANK CRONK COURT County Judge SEAL) 15-17c (First pub. Aug. 9, 1962) Cronin and Hannon, Attorneys Estate No. 4.566 NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, August 8, 1962. In the Matter of the Estate of Evelyn L. Cavanaugh, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment j of Helen G. Cavanaugh as Ad- j ministratrix of said estate, and will be heard August 30, 1962 at 10 o’clock A M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. (COUNTY FRANK CRONK COURT County Judge i SEAL* 16-18 Proceedings of The Board of Education O'Neill Public School Office of the Superintendent August 7, 1962 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Education held on August 7, 1962 at 7:30 p.m. with all members present. Meet ing was called to order by Presi- j dent Henry Lohaus. Minutes of the previous meet ing of June 5, were read and ap proved. Bills were read and discussed. I Motion by Hammond, seconded by Weier that the bills be allowed and the secretary instructed to issue warrants for same to wit: Mrs. Bernadean McCoy, School Cenus 145.70 H. L. McCoy, Travel Ex pense to Wayne, Norfolk, Kearney and Lincoln 57.35 Kansas-Nebr. Nat’l Gas Company, Gas Service 38.91 Consumers Public Power Co., Power and Lights 183.88 City of O’Neill, Water and Sewer 34.30 Northwestern Bell Tele phone Company, Phone Service 102.39 H. L. McCoy, L. D. Phone Calls . 4.75 Motion carried. The Board of Education of School Dist. 15 was present and presented a petition for contract ing for the coming school term. However after giving considera tion to the crowded condition and lack of space now existing in school dist. 7, it was decided this could not be done at the present time. The following for the opening of the new school year was present ed: August 27-28 Teachers meet ings; Aug. 29 Registration; Aug 30 Half day of classes; Aug. 31 Fullday classes; Labor Day No classes; Aug. 4th Classes resume. It was decided to call a meet ing of the School Board and the 1 Citizens Committee on Tuesday. August 14 at 7:30 p.m. at the Pulv lie School Bldg. No further business appearing the meeting adjourned. Morgan Ward Secretary Warranty Deeds WD - Mabel Hubbard to Elsie , B Grubb 5-25-62 SI- SWt« 10-25-13 WD - Mary Perlenfein, et alj to George L Wedige k wf 5-861 S1000- Lot 8 Blk 3- Collins Add Atkinson WD - Cleveland & Kipple to Carhar: Lumber Co 5-22-62 Si Lots 7-8-9-10-11 & 12 Blk 4 Cleve land k Kipple's 1st Add- O’Neill j WD - Clifford G Haynes to Schaffer Ranches, Inc 6-2862 $11,-1 900- NWHSWV4-SE Vt NWH -9^2 SW I4NWV4 - NEI4SWI4 - NW^SE^ -1 N%NW%4-W%NE% 26-33-13 WD - Floyd J Wilson to Earl J Rodman k wf 7-562 $1—Pan NE%HW% 30-29-11 WD - Lloyd E Johnson to Ben Quick sr & wf 7-9-62 S2150-Lots 3 k 4 Blk G-ONeill k Hagerty’s Add- ONeffl QCD - Lloyd E Johnson to Bert Quick sr * wf 7-962 Si-Lot 5 B!k G-O’N k Hagertys Add-O’N WD - Floyd DeLong to Howard Jackson k wf 6-2362 SI- Lot 6 k West 63 ft lot 5 Blk 2 Inman Sheriffs Died • A B Hubbard Sheriff to James P Gallagher 8 28-45 $6Jl»NEl. 20-29-10 WD - Joseph F Peter to Stan ley J Peters It wf 7-2742 $i-N*s 33 28-12 WD - Roy L Hies to Ralph J Hies St wf 7 2442 $1000-Lot 6 & So Vs kit 7 Blk 35 Kimball & Blairs Add- Aik WD - Robert Fullerton to Don aid R Davis St ml 7-2642 $4500 Lots 8 & 9 Blk 13-Kimhal! & Blairs Add- Atkmson WD - Floyd E Keyes to Cecil F Keyes 7-3142 $l-Lot 5 Blk » Pioneer Townsite Co Add- Inman WD-Vernoo Carpenter to Gene Dohmen or wf 7-3142 $12,250-Lot 4 St E Vs lot 5 Blk C-Fahy 's 2nd Add- O’Neil] WD - Carhart Lumber Co to Gerald A Langemeier St wf 7-30 62 $l-Lots 11 St 12 Blk 4- Cleve land & Kipple's 1st Add- O'Neill WD • Lester R Jones to Anton J Weichman St wf 1-23-62 $375(k Lot 4 Blk G-Neely's 2nd Add Atk WD - Albert R Tooker jr. to Merlyn M Shaw & wf 7-2342 $10, 500-East 30 ft lot 14 & West 30 ft lot 15 Blk 26-0 Neill WD - Kilmer F Stanton, et al to Genevieve A Van Houten 7-14 62 $1- Lot 6 Blk 52-McCaffertys Add-O’N WD-JCilmer F Stanton, et al to Winifred M McKinnon 7-1442 $1 Lot 5 Blk 52-McCaffertys Add - O’N WD - Kilmer F Stanton et al to Kilmer F Stanton 7-14-62 51 Lots 3 St 4 Blk 52-McCaffertys Add- O’Neill WD - Raymond L Heiss to Ken neth M Heiss 7-3042 $1-SWV4 6. 28-9 WD - Edwin Porter to Robert Wayne Shrader & wf 7-1642 $2950 Lot 12 Blk 4 Ewing - Subj to mtg WD - Nick G Schmit to Elmer A Vogel St wf 7-1142 5500-Lots 11-12-13 & So 20 ft lot 14 Blk 1 Momingside Add- Atkinson WD - John Juracek to Wilbert M Napier & wf 8-1042 $5700-Lot 1 & NVi lot 2 Blk ,16- Ewing WD - Marie Beelaert to Frank & Anna K Slizeski-no date 51600 Lot 3 Blk 3- Ewing I WO • Ellwand J Moeller to F SkrdU. « ml 84-62 *18.0001.-* 6 Blk I) Neeley* Add- Atkinson WO Richard G Nelson to Lysle V Couch & wf 7-3642 $3600 Lot 16 Blk 0 Fshy’s Park Add O' Neill WD - F J Gilg A Harry E Rea sel to Carhart Lumber Co 11-241 $8()0*Lck 6 m Gilg A Bessel s Sub division O'Neill Celia News Mrs. Merrill Aodsrsos Mrs. Grace Gately mat Mr* Elsie Snyder, Fairbury. former residents, and daughters of the late Mr. and Mrs George Cla haugh, pioneers in the Celia com munity were renewing acquain tances. calling at various homes and vtaiting familiar places in the Atkinson and Celia areas Monday and Tuesday of last week They were guests In Atkinson of Mrs Mabel Hammerberg,. a former school teacher at Celia, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kiaslnger. and a former schoolmate. Mr* Marie Davis Thompson They also called at the Merrill Ander son's, pioneer home of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hammer* lx*rg and their old home place now owned and operated by Mr arid Mrs. Duane Beck. This wus the first return visit to the community since the fam ily left in 1913. Mrs. Snyder ami Mrs Gately, accompanied by Mrs W A. Rose and Mrs Al bena McCord, also from Fair ■ bury, were enroute to the Black Hills on vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Ilol>ert Collins j and family were supper guests Thursday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Collins. Mrs. Marie Smith, accumpa nied by her sister-in-law, Mrs Mae Smith, Butte, visited Friday afternoon at the homes of her sister, Mrs. Dorothy Hoffman, brothers, Alex, Connie and Victor Frickel. They also visited Marie’s sister. Mrs Pauline Beck and family Mark* just eumpletcd a ltkweek course at tlie teacher's college at Springfield H. I> She will tie teaching at Verdel the fallowing school term The Rev ami Mm Ivan Meyer and family. Wayne, arrived Sun day at tt»e (Mime of hi* jiarents, Mr and Mm Herman Meyer, to spemt a few days Wlille there Ivan and Raymond I tohiaa wilt re shingle the roof of the Meyer home Tlie Rev and Mrs Meyer have been vacationing the past week In the Black llllls They al**> attended camp at Lexington. Herman Meyer sr and Beverly an* assisting at the Meyers Pm duce while Herman Jr is attend ing National Guaid training camp at damp Ripley, Minn. Danny. Darrel and Dale Focken accom|»nnied Mr and Mm 1.4? Roy Hoffman and aons to O' Neill Thursday evening fur the style revue and musical program. Mr and Mm la?Roy Huffman and sons attended the iJttle league game at O'Neill Friday evening Gur> is on tin* Atkinson team. Mr, and Mm la-Roy Huffman and son* and Mr ami Mrs Vic tor FWckel ami family attended the fallow ship dinner Sunday at the park house In Atkinson s|ion sored by the Immanuel Iaithrran church in honor of Pastor A, S. Gedwillo isial family, O'Neill \d*W\ ITSr f««m rancr (wr • HuaDtnoe Of Ssrarao Ua«s MIllTEX PAINT CO. ^ A? RlW*jQM WtJMI TIRE VULCANIZING and repair AIJ. HIZF. TIKKM JOE S TIRE SERVICE Phone 71■ O'Neill. Meter. -1 BUYING OR SELLING? Attend the Monday and Friday Livestock Auctions in Verdigre . . . HAD A LARGE RUN OF HOGS IAST MONDAY— in spite of lower quotations bidding was active. Top reached $18.75 with the hulk of the hogs selling from $18.00 to $18.50. Considerable discrimination is being shown on Hie underweight* from 185 to 200 lbs. Rea! good action <m the sows with top lightweights up to $17.85. Attend the sale this Friday evening in Verdigre . . . (August 17—7:30 p.m.) A FEW EARLY LISTINGS INCLUDE: 11 Fancy White Sows to farrow in September Several good Bulls and .Milk Cows Several good Boars 200 to 250 pigs 150 to 200 (Hittle of all Cla**c* Market receipts will prove that the majority of the Livestock Producer* have found the “AUC TION WAY” the most “PROFITABLE WAY” to sell their livestock. WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT OUR MARKET IN VERDIGRE — whether BUYING. SELLING OR .11 ST LOOKING. We are happy that we will Ik* able to offer rnanv new facilities this fall. A new Office, l»bhy, l-ulics’ lx>unge and Cafe is now in the construction st.age along with 3« new Concreted Cattle pens equipped with mangers, hunks and automatic healed water tanks. We are striving to make our market one of the finest in Northeast Nebraska and want to provide you with the b***« «*f service and facilities for handling your livestock. Make plans now to list your cattle for the "Opening Fall Special" Sept. 21 1200 to 1500 Cattle expected for this "OPENING SALE" (Contact us as soon as possible in regard to your listing — We can do the best job of advertising and selling If we know about your consignment in advance) Keep this date in mind—Friday, September 21 — 12:00 noon in Verdigre VERDIGRE LIVESTOCK MARKET Phone 4881 Northeast Nebraska’s “Fastest Growing” Livestock Auction Market I ton Jensen, mgr. wF" GROUND BEEF Safeway'* famous quality J J J # Lb. J7l Holds Its volume well while cooking; ideal for pan frying or barbecuing. Check Steak SKt^.u,59« Beef Shert R8wS2.t2?^ .i*29c Cereed BsalS53£S* ^ 69< Sliced Becoaf^U.£49t Berre with Grade-.*. Breakfast Gens HP.. the whole faafly wB eajer thda tzaat O'Neill, Nebr.