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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1962)
Stuart News By Mr*. Herb HluU* Mrs. Edwin Engler attended the shower at the K. C. Hall, Stuart, for Miss Kathie Kickenbaugh of Omaha. She us to be the bride of Don Ziska on September Hth. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Engler were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Engler. Mrs. Edwin Engler visited Sat urday afternoon with her daugh ter, Mrs. John Schmit, O’Neill. Mrs. Haw! Henderson, Valen tine spent Friday night and Sat urday with Mr. and Mrs. Irwaine Lockmon. They all attended the Brewster - Schmaderer wedding Saturday. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Cobb and Doug were Mr. and Mrs. Orville Clanton and family, Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Conn, Tex as, are visiting Mrs. Conn’s mo ther, Mrs. J. C. De Losh, and bro ther, Nolan De Losh and family. Mr and Mrs. Ward Dyer and Mr. ami Mrs. C. D. Farr sf>ent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Francis Haugan, Newport Mel Engler, Omaha, brought his 3 daughters, Debie, Cristy and Sally up from Omaha last weekend to spend two weeks with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Engier. They will take them home Friday. Mrs. Stan Cobb drove to Grand Island Tuesday to get her grand sons, Scott and Todd Clanton Mrs. Florence Cobb, Omaha al so returned home with her to spend a two weeks visit with Mrs. Ethel Stracke and other relatives Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stracke and Billie, Mrs. Ethel Stracke, Mrs. Florence Cobb, Mrs. Stan Cobb, Scott and Todd Clanton attended the Burwell Rodeo Wednesday. Mrs. Ethel Stracke and Mrs. Florence Cobb and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Clanton and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Cobb and Doug. A family picmc dinner was held 9unday at the Stuart Community park for the Cadwallader family. Those present were Bill Cadwal lader, Hubbard; Mrs. Dale Nel son; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Keuhl; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cadwallader, .Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cadwallder and family, Guy Cadwallader, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cadwallader and family, Don Cadwallader, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cadwallader, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cadwallader and family, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cad wallader and family, Mr. and Mrs. BUI Everett and family. Sunday dinner guest* of Mrs. Lada Sand all, Bassett, wen- Al berta Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Ger oki Butler and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Butler and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cadwal lader attended the Burwell Ro deo on Thursday. Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cadwallader were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Everett and child ren, Fort Crook. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Boyer and family, Santa Ana, Calif., arriv ed Monday for a few days visit with Mr. and Mrs. Morton GUI and famUy. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Morton GUI and family were Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Gill, Long Pine. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Butler spent a few days last week vaca tioning at Sutherland, la., and Lake Okoboji. Mrs. Alberta Hoffman received word Sunday of the death of hey uncle, Albert Clausen, Rapid Ci-. ty, S. B. Funeral services wiU be held Wednesday at Rapid City. Alberta Hoffman visited Mon day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McMillin, Atkinson. Art, Bob and Alberta Hoffman visited Mr. and Mrs. Everett Crosby at Bassett on Wednesday It’s the unity in a community | that gets the job done i In Orleans... THE EQUITY CREAMERY The Farmers Equity Creamery at Orleans, founded in 1917, contributes to the economy of southwestern Ne braska, northwestern Kansas and eastern Colorado. It employs 35 people; operates a fleet of 22 trucks and cars; and annually produces approximately 2,000,000 pounds of butter, 150-200,000 pounds of powdered buttermilk and 100,000 gallons of ice cream. Helping home grown industry with ef ficient, low-cost electric power is another benefit accruing to all Nebraska through t Consumers, Nebraska's only state-wide electric service. CONSUMERS.,,,, Another salute to Nebraska achievement The Chamber of Commerce MEMBERSHIP DRIVE is still in progress Members are asked to send their checks today to Chamber Secretary Howard Manson The O'Neill Chamber of Commerce urges the public to patronize the Merchant where the C of C Emblem is displayed afternoon. Saturday overnight guests ol Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cadwallader were Bill Cadwallader, Hubbard, Mrs. Dale Nelson, Maakiil. Mr and Mrs Bill Keuhl, Emerson. Mrs. Gary Claussen arrived Saturday to spend two weeks vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs N. W. Coats while her husband, 1st Lt. Gary Clausiwn is at Sum mer camp at Ft. Riley, Kan. Saturday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cadwallader and family were Mr. and Mrs. Boll Everett ami family, Ft. Crook, Nebr. The congregation of the Em annuel Lutheran church at Atkin son held a farwell picnic dinner at the Atkinson park Sunday for their pastor, Rev. A. S. GedwiiSo and family. Chambers News By Mrs. E. R. Carpenter Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wintermote and girls were Mr. and Mrs. Cliif Fleming and Nancy, Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith, Co lumbus. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Blair, Om aha, brought his mother, Mrs. Hazel Blair, home Saturday af ter she had spent 4 weeks with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Selders, Royal Oak, Mich. Grandma Whidden re turned with them having spent the time with relatives in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Duane K. Miller and boys met her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Richards, Chad ron, at Valentine and brought their daughter, Diane, home. The Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Cooke and children came Thurs day to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gleed and his mother, Mrs. Letha Cooke. They were en route home to Sheffield, la., af ter a vacation trip and visit with relatives in Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blivens and daughter, Lincoln, came Saturday evening and Mr. and Mrs. Don Prill and family, Oakland, came Sunday to visit the Gleed and the Cooke families before the Cookes’ left for hrnnp The Martha 4-H club met Tues day evening at the home of Butch and Lynn Grossmcklaus. Kenneth Backhaus was invited to come and give a demonstration on grooming a horse. The mem bers reported to the leaders the number of animals they expected to txhibit at the fair. Frank and Tim Lambert and Jim LaRue gave a report and showed their bug collection boxes. The group judged cookies that Lynn Gross nicklaus had made for refresh ments. The next meeting will be at the Dean Rowse home. The Woman’s Society of Chris tian Service met Thursday at the Methodist church with 15 mem bers and 2 visitors present. The lesson on “Americans of Spanish speaking background”, was pre sented by Mrs. E. H. Medcalf and Mrs. Bruce Grimes. Lunch was served by Mrs. Gaius Win termote and Mrs: J. E. Grimes. Mr. and Mrs. Cleo Alderson, Storm Lake, S D., were recent visitors in the home of his par- j ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Aider son. The Aldersons were enroute to Elgin to attend a family re union of her relatives, the Doran families. Word received since their return home was that a se vere hail storm had hit that ar ea of the state during their ab sence and badly damaged crops which had appeared very promis ing up to that time. Weekend guests of the Rev. and Mrs. Earl Hess were their son, Robert Hess and grandson, Danny Hess, Wichita, Kan. Dan ny remained for a longer visit. Mrs. Ruth Green, Marsland. was an overnight guest Tuesday in the Louis Neilson home. Wed nesday, Mrs. Green and Mr. and Mrs. Neilson drove to the home of Edith and Mabel Kinney at Park Center, west of Elgin, where they visited until Sunday morn ing. Mrs. Green, Mrs. Neilson and Edith Kinney were college friends. Other guests in the Kin ney home were Mr. and Mrs. Athel Fuller and son, Dana. Chadron, formerly of Chambers. Arlo Crawford returned home the last of the week from Sioux City where he had been in a iio#p«Ui with a broken arm The arm has been set but he will go hack later and have a pin re moved. Mr and Mrs Erwin Carpenter were overnight guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs. Dean Stevens and family, Atkinson, Thursday night. Mrs. Mary Gieed spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Clara Me Clenahan. Mr and Mrs. Merle Hess and son. Merle jr., Chillicothe, Mo , were overnight guests Saturday erf his twin brother and wife, the Rev. and Mrs. Earl Hess Dr. and Mrs. Loren Ooppoc, Carol and Roger, Ottumwa, la., visited Sunday with her mother, Mrs. J. E. Grimes and Mr Grimes on their vacation trip which will include the World’s Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Porter and daughter, Frederica, Dela ware, arrived Saturday by plane in Omaha where they were met by his parents, Mr. and Mrs Frank Porter and sister, Mrs Wayne Rowse. They plan to vis it relatives here for about three weeks. Mrs. M. J. Baack, Jolene and Ricky, Ogallala, were weekend guests in the Wayne Smith home Sunday. Supper guests included, besides Mrs. Baach and children, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith and Jerry, O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fluckey, Arlington, were weekend guests of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wilkinson and brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Loy Fluckey and family. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cuckler and Deanna, Lansing, Mich. , were Saturday and 9unday night guests of Mrs. Ola Ermer, having brought their father, Edgar Jones home after having spent 3 months with them. Weekend guests in the L. V Cooper home were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Cooper and family, South Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Cooper, Winner, S. D. and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Holcomb, Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Smith en tertamed the following guests Sun day in honor of her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Por ter and daughter, Frederica, Del aware and the birthday anniver sary of her sister, Mrs. Wayne Rowse: Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Clemens and family, Amelia, Mr and Mrs. Dale Belin and son, O’ Neill, Mrs. Cordia Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter and Eli nore, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Rowse and family, Chambers, and Alvin Neilson, Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Grimes drove to Milford Sunday to be present at the baptising of their great granddaughter, Christine Carol Hoppe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hoppe (Gloria Grimes). The service was at the Methodist church in Milford. Three sets of great grandparents and 2 sets of grandparents were present. All enjoyed dinner in the Clarence Grimes home following the church service. The G. H. Grimes’, returned home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott, Chambers, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Scott and Cindy, O’Neill, visited Sunday in the John Har ley home. Grand island Mrs. Turn Papke and three children and Mrs Vera Wilkin son. drove to Fremont Friday to visit Mrs Art Fluckey at a Rest home tliere. They were dinner guests in the Jim Messenbnnk home. Mr. and Mrs CUlford Camp bell and family drove to Wes* uigton Springs, S. D., Sunday to bruig their son, Alien, home. He had been visiting relatives ui S. D. since July 4. Mrs. Stella Sparks. Mrs Ma bel Enbody and Mr*. Wayne Smith drove to Grand Island Thursday The two ladies, Mrs Sparks and Mrs. Enbody visited their brother, Sam Gilman, at the Veterans hospital Mr Gil man was able to accompany them home for a few days. Barbara Taylor, small daugh ter of Mr and Mrs. Loyd Tay lor, Bassett, is spenduig a few days with the Glen Taylor fam ily while her mother recuperates from an 8 day stay m the hos pital. Family night was held at St. Paul's Lutheran church Thursday with a fair attendance due to the busy huymg season. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Harley showed slides of Nigeria, Africa, where their daughter and son-in-law are serv ing as Missionaries. There was a grocery shower for their supply pastor, the Rev. and Mrs. D. L. Braunersreuther, Clearwater. Lunch was served. The Home Circle club schedul ed to meet August 22 lias been postponed until a later date. Deloit News By Mm. M. ttelmer Mr and Mrs. Jerry Miller and Timmy, Whittier, Calif , have been visiting the Watson McDon ald and Floyd Miller homes. Sun day evening the Watson McDon alds had a reunion in their home. Those present were Mr. and Mrs Jerry Miller and son, Whittier, Bommssm MADISON DACES AOOOST17-29 mmoKiom mm ubb. IMk fdm Starting at 3 pjn. week days, Taasday thru Friday, with aa I race card. Satardays, 9 races starting at 2JO Aad a special Monday rac ing card aa Safest 27 only, at 3 p-aL Calif., Mr. and Mrs Mark Angus and daughter. Lincoln, Mr and Mrs Gary Moon and Mr and Mrs Richard McDonald and (am dy, Nehgh Thu ts the first time the hum g had been together (or 2 Years. Mr and Mrs, Russell Napier and Keiiti, Kansas and Mr. and Mrs Web Napier were Sunday dinner guests in the Glenn Harp* ter home in honor of Mrs Na pier's birthday anniversary Mr. and Mrs Watson Me Don ski. Mr and Mrs Jerry Miller and son, Mr and Mrs Lonnie Mil ler and family, California, Althea Peterson and Mr nisi Mrs Beryl McConnell ami family, Mis souri, attended the rodeo m Bur well Thursday. Mr. (util Mrs H. Kenner and Fred Harpster were guests Thurs day m the Gletui Harpster home in honor of Fred Harpster '* birth day anniversary. Mrs Fred Harp ster spent Thursday evening in the Bill Gibbs home Mr. atul Mrs. Cliff Lodge and family, Petersburg ami Mrs Von me Paul ami Larry were Sunday dinner guests in the Lambert Bartak home. Mrs. L. L. Bartak accompanied Mrs. Keith Bartak to Norfolk Friday, August 3. where Mrs Keith Bartak had dental surgery Mrs. Keith Bartak made a trip to Norfolk Thursdy of this week Mr. and Mrs. H Keiiner at tended the 50th anniversary "Open House" in Inman Sunday for Mr and Mrs Otto Retke, at the Meth odist church Mona Mowl of vnt »*veral days in the Keith Hartak home this week Mr and Mrs Jim Hqiura Ua* Sharon to Haatmg* Monday where »he l» taking nurse* train ing The Ih-loM school will start August H silk Mrs. Joe Funk. Irsrhrr Mrs M Keimer visited Mr*. Jim Squire Thursday afternoon. Tuesday Mr and Mrs Did Gibb* and family were Norfolk visitors Fred Gath, who spent tha summer m tin* Gibb* home, will visit In Norfolk before returning to hi* home m Seattle, Wash The lugrahm family who wera living on the Kryger ranrh have moved to the Keeler ranch M John's sehtMd will start September 3 with 1 ranee* hnupp learhlng the lower ele mentary and It a«die I Van < Unei leaching th«- upper Hementary grades, Mr Durre fixed the well at the Deloit school this week Mr* Durre and two children vism-d friend* in Nehgh Sunday. Mr and Mr* Durre attended a funeral at Chambers last week. The children stayed with her par ent* at Mnmswuk Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! Phone 788 It happened 100 YEARS ago The oldest Incorporated trade association In the country, the United States Brewers Association, was organized In 1862 ... the same year that... NEBRASKANS were asked to contribute $19,312 In "war taxes" to the Federal Government The people of this terri tory claimed the mm was far beyond their abilities to pay. So Congress released Nebraska from the obliga tion—and instead failed to appropriate $20,000 for the territorial legislative session of 1862-63. Nowadays, the brewing Industry in Nebraska contributes more than $10,000,000 annually In taxes, or 500 times more than the "war tax” of 100 years ago. This money helps support our schools, highways and parks. TODAY in its centennial year, the United States Brewers Association still works constantly to assure maintenance of high standards of quality and propriety wherever beer and ale are served. BHH O'Neill Public Schools WELCOME YOU School Begins Wednesday, Aug. 29 High School and Grade Registration Begins 9 a.m., August 29 The O'Neill Public Schools are fully accredited by the State Departmentlof Education and the North Central Association HIGH SCHOOL OFFERS THE FOLLOWING COURSES: 1. College Preparatory 2. Commercial 3. General • COLLEGE PREPARATORY For those students who expect to enter college or a university, the O'Neill Public Schools offer a full curriculum which is accepted in any college or university in the United States. Advanced Mathematics courses being continued with Trig onometry. • COMMERCIAL A full commercial course is offered, 1 year of typing, 1 year of shorthand, book keeping, secretarial and office practice. • GENERAL COURSE This course is designed for those students who are not enrolled in College Pre paratory or Commercial. IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE COURSES THE FOLLOWING OFFERINGS ARE BEING MADE: 1. Industrial Arts 2. Home Economics 3. Speech 4. Dramatics 5. Vocal and Instrumental Music 6. Athletics — Four qualified and experienced coaches are on the staff 7. Greatly improved Library Materials All Rural High School Students should bring their Free High Tuition cards the day they register