At the Courthouse - O'Neill, Nebr. -1:00 p.m. 1 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: NE/4 & N^SE/4 a NE^SW1* & E/’NW* & NW^NW* 1 Sec. 21, Township 25, N. Range, 9, W2st 6th P. M., Holt County. Nebras- ( ka. I LOCATION: 9 miles South, 1 West a/id % South of Ewing, Nebraska. | IMPROVEMENTS: New Barn, modern 2-story home, and complete set I of outbuildings. Fenced and cross fenced. Water system piped to out- I buildings. Good Wells. f SOIL: Principally sandy loam. 160 acres in cropland, 80 acres meadow, 1 160 acres in pastures and building site. Excellent shelterbeits. J GENERAL: This is a well balanced stock and grain farm, with good im- 1 provements and comfortable home, located l1/* miles from new conso- I lidated school and country store. This farm has a record of continuous 1 production and will make a profitable operation for the right man. 1 'W—iHI Mill IIWIIIM KM1MWIW » ■' ■ TERMS: Land will be sold to highest bidder, subject final confirmation of Executor. 10% down on day of sale r balance in cash March 1, 1963, with possession. Abstracts furnished. Taxes paid for 1962 and prior years. I Herbert Spohn, executor Estate of Henry Spahn, Dcd. Clearwater, Nebr. NEW BARN ... I William W. Griffin J Attorney I ; O'Neill, Nebr. I m