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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1962)
PAtiK — Robert I.. Sorensen, Oniiihii, was one of the seven teen newly recognized public cer tified accountants to In- announe <•<1 Thursday i>y the Nebraska State Hoard of Public Account ing. The candidates successfully passed the C.I’.A. examinations conducted by tlie State Board last May, according to Board Secretary, Ray Johnson, who is nlso a state auditor. Tlie announcement was made at tlie annual picnic of tlie Peat, Marwick and Mitchell employees. Sorenson is employed in tlie Om aha office. Formal recognition' will be given in a special service at the expiration of a two year, term as n C'.I’.A. Robert is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Horen Sorensen sr.. Page, and is married to tlie former Nina Burival, O’Neill, lie is the father of two sons, Damon and Barry. Emmet And Community Dolores Tunnnder Mrs. Joe Ramold sr. and John and Hubert were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tunender and family in honor of Mrs. Ramold's birthday. After noon callers were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ramold jr and family. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Ramold and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ram old and family, O'Neill, and the George Ramold children. Inman. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deermer and family, Mrs. Ray Timmer man and family and Mrs. John Schaaf and family, Atkinson. Af ternoon lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Miller, O'Neill, and Mrs. Bill Tielke and children, Atkinson, called at the home* of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family Monday. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Agnes Heeb, O'Neill, were Mrs. Edward Cavanaugh and Pamela Kay and Mrs. Joe Pongratz. Af ternoon callers were Edward Cavanaugh. Mrs. John Babl sr. and Luann. Mrs. Agnes Heeb and Mrs Joe Pongratz called on Mr anil Mrs. Mike Troshynski and Jimmy and Mrs Marie McDon ald. O’Neill. Mrs Katherine Freed, Atkin son. Kee and Coral Rogers. Kan sas City, Mo., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schaaf and family Friday Jeanie Foreman was also a caller. Elkhom Valley 4-H club at tended the Pre-Fair Day. Thurs day, at O'Neill. Mrs IA-o Welchman and chil dren. Stuart, called at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs Joe Winkler. Thursday. Mary Lewis was also a caller last week. Mrs. I>. It. Marcellus and Mrs. Carroll Marcellus, Stuart, called at the home of Mrs Donald Mai cellus and girls Tuesday after noon. Mr and Mrs. John Babl jr. and family were Thursday sup per guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Babl sr. Donald Schaaf, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schaaf, Emmet l<-ft Wednesday. He will be station ed in California. Don will be with the honor guard. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tunender, I lolores, Rob ami Gene, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family Wednesday. Mrs. Joe Pongratz visited Mr and Mrs. Ray Pettinger, Gene and Delores and Mrs. Nellie O’ Donnell Monday. Julie and Join) Janzing, O’Neill, spent a week at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Babl. Mrs. Agnes lleeb, Mrs George Pongratz and Mrs Joe Pongratz and Mrs. Ickes, Page, helped Mrs. Dan Troshynski Thursday morning. Mrs. Hugh Troshynski and Teddy Joe came in the after noon. Lizzie and Dave Ryan, Atkin son, were Wednesday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Pon gratz. Mr and Mrs. Homer Lowery and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey, Oakdale, and Mr. and Mrs. Grant Peacock, Carroll and Curtis, O'Neill, were picnic guests at the home of Mrs. Georgia McGinnis Wednesday. Mrs. John Babl and Luann and Pamela Cavanaugh, Chambers, called Sunday at the* home of Mr and Mrs. John E. Babl and family, O'Neill, last Sunday. Cur tis returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. James Mellor, Alkinson, were Friday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family. The eve ning callers were Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rentschler and Randy and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Miller and Mike, O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family were Sunday dinner guests of Anton Jirak, O’Neill. Afternoon callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus and family were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marcellus and family, O' Neill. South Side club met at the home of Mrs. Georgia McGinnis last Tuesday afternoon. Each member brought a hobby. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Havranek, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Havranek and Larry, Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Havranek. Mr. and Mrs. James Havranek jr. and Mrs James Havranek sr., O' Neill, and Mrs. Art Fuhrer, Ken ny and Shirley, Lincoln, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs Charles Havranek and family, O'Neill Mr anti Mrs. Louis Havranek called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Marshall and Mr and Mrs. Frank Famik, Verdi gre. Mrs. Barbara Dvorak and Mrs. | Bob Clifford. Atkinson, were Monday dinner guests at the ! home of Mr. and Mrs. Al Hav ranek Mr. and Mrs Bill Tielke and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Kit chens and family and Mr. and Mrs Ray Tunender and family called at the home of Mr. and Mrs Donald Marcellus and fam ily Sunday night. 4-H members of the Pleasant 4-H'ers attended the Holt County Fair at Chambers Monday, Aug 13 through Aug. 16. Each memlier had projects for the fair. Mr. and Mrs. Al Havranek called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Havranek Thursday night. Monowi News Uy Mrs. Mike Piklapp LOcust V-2320 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis and Orval spent the past week vaca tioning in the Black Hills. They visited relatives at Sturgis and Rapid City, S- D. also. Mrs. Frank Ertz sr., Frank jr. ! and Jerome took Frank sr to a Norfolk hospital Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zach, Ter-! ry and Marty, Verdel and Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Eiler spent the I weekend at the Virgil Sherman home at Nelson. Mr. and Mrs. Al Lee Brady and Bill and Jim Bone, Lincoln, were weekend visitors in the A. W. Schindler home. Bill and Jim stayed for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Schind ler, daughters, Missoula, Mont., are visiting relatives and friends here. Mrs. Albert Schindler entertain ed the Harmony club in her home Thursday afternoon. Emil Peterson, Niobrara, call ed at the Ray McGeorge home Saturday morning. Threasa, Anna and James Ch vala spent the past week vaca tioning in the Black Hills. Elsie Piklapp and Kelly were business callers in Butte Thurs day forenoon. Cathy Hrbek and family have moved to Lynch to the house she bought from Bill Spencer. Mrs. Albert McDonald and Ver onica and son, Lynch, called on Elsie Piklapp Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kolar and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burger, Spencer and Bertha Clinch, Washington, visited in the Frank Lewis home Sunday. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! — NOTICE — I NEW OFFICE HOURS EFFECTIVE AUGUST 20, 1962 CONSUMERS PUBLIC POWER DISTRICT, LOCAL BUSINESS OFFICE __ I WE’RE HAVING A 9 C00K' f OUT. EVERYONE IS INVITED. | menu j Six Different Types to Choose From M PARKING LOT HAMBURGERS I IlKOll.KI) ■ THIS SATURDAY POTATO SALAD ',u'* w,u‘ ****** ( ^ IN NT A NT IHTATIIKH M From 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. m DR PEPPER I (In rase of ruin, <«od help u») *'*'• * fcr * m Every oar will be here »o come __ m PICKLES-OLIVES 1 >ul to your Outlaw More, shop, ■ Meet \ our friends and dine , . ,, _ empaaa ■ And Eor 1^1 |CE CREAM 1 with us. HI.IE HI NNY V M - - - - - - - — — — — —— — < 100% PURE-GROUND HOURLY < t t i t ( ( i i i _ | U.S.D.A. Choice I U.S.D.A. Choic e ! ROUND STEAK RUMP ROAST ... lb. 89c M* U.S.D.A. Choice C HEEL ROAST ..., Lb. 79c Home Made PORK SAUSAGE.3 lbs. $1| Hy Grade Sliced | ! WILSON'S RING BEEF. 3-oz. 29d | I Columbia ( 4 BACON.Lb. 39cj ! Rm9S I PICKLE-PIMENTO , Lb. 59c| 4 \rmour’s I__ __■_SPICED HAM w w J.b. 49c! if* SNO-.'9ESH VEGETABLES UMA BEAMS Ql (X)KN — PEAK MIXED VEOETABI.ES ^ BIWNTOIJ — SPINA* II t PEAK aiul CAICIIOTN BKIJKKEL HPROCTH CAITIJFIjOWER LIBBY'S LEMONADE I l’i‘|i|tri(l|'e f arm 1 PASTRIES.Pic. 49e ' I JI J.KT OF 1 PERCH.Lb. 39c T'jm Thumb—Ih.f, Fhl.huu. Turhuy DINNERS.Each 39c U. S. NO. 1 ILLINOIS ELBERTA FREESTONE FULL BUSHEL U.S. No. 1 Moor Pak 14-Ib. lug Fresh Crisp Pkgs. Solid Crisp Heads 100% Guaranteed Ripe Ew h APRICOTS .... $1.89 CARROTS .... 2/25c LETTUCE.2/25c WATERMELONS . 69c I KRAFT VELVEETA 1 t CHICKEN NOODLE ffV vegetable beef Reg. Size CREAM OF MUSHROOM cQns Blue Bunny Half gallon ICE CREAM.69c Butternut COFFEE.Lb. 65c Armour’s Vegetole ,>|b. can SHORTENING.59c Northern Bathroom 4-roll Pkg. TISSUE .35c Zestee Quart Jar SALAD DRESSING .. 29c tMirro Parkay Kraft Old Home I % ALUMINUM FOIL OLEO MUSTARD Hamburger Buns f 25-ft. Roll 6-oz. jar Pkg. of 8 I 1 ■ | V 25c 4 *1 I 10* 1» Ik 1