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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1962)
Venus News My Mrs. KnJph Brookbooaer Saturday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bmakhouser were Mr and Mrs. Henry Koci and Rodney. Dorches ter, Mr. and Mrs Hugh Brook tHiuser, Lynn, Terry and Mark, Brunswick. Mr. and Mrs. L Dav ey, Bellevue, Mrs. M E. Tusha, Genille, Russell and Kenneth, Woodbridge, Va. Mr. and Mrs Harry Caskey ac companied by MC and Mrs. La Vern Caskey, Monte and Angola, O'Neill, spent Sunday visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs Dale Caskey near Bassett. The David Darr children, Lin er -In, are staying -with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. iLe M asters. The Lutheran Ladies Aid met at the Venus church parlors on Thursday, August 8. Mrs. Clarence Finch, jr., and Randy visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brook house r Tuesday. The Dale Dorr's electric stove received damage Satuiday when grease caught on fire. Miss Rita Pospeshil spent Wed nesday night with Anita Hines. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Weddling and Daughters were weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ora Caskey. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Cas key, Cary and Larry anti Mrs. Herman Weddling and daughters and Mr and Mrs. Verlyn Gibbs, Randy and Terry, Clearwater, and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Porter and family, Wayne, were dinner guest3 of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Pcrter. Mrs. George Heggemeyer en tertained the Work and Fun club Thursday afternoon with ten members present. The afternoon was spent quilting for the hos tess. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Faulhab er ami granddaughters, Susan and Barbara, motored to Norfolk Tuesday evening where they met Mr. ami Mrs. Paul Baker and Nancy, Schuyler. Loren Boelter is helping his un cle Elmer Kocina with the haying this week. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boelter accompanied by his mother, Ed na Boelter, attended the Butter field reunion at Chambers Sun day. William Jeffrey, Paul Lee Mit chell and Frank Grosse motored to North Platte Saturday where tliey visited at the Elmer Edmis ten home. They returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey were Tuesday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willis Boelter. Mrs. Dale Dorr took her daugh ter, Connie, to Creighton for med ical care. Connie was bitten by a blood sucker while wading and the foot became badly inflamed. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. LeMasters returned from a four week va cation trip to the west coast. They attended the World’s Fair at Seattle and visited relatives on the coast. Keith Kennedy finished comb ining grain for the Jeffrey bro thers Thursday. Mrs. Marlin Tusha and child ren are spending the week with Mr. Tusha‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Tusha Genille is visiting at the home of her great grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Tusha at Verdigre. Mr. arid Mrs. Leonard Davey were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brook houser. Saturday they were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J LeMasters. The Frontier On Sale each Thursday morning at Safeway Store — O’Neill Golden Hotel — O’Neill Stannard's Superette — O'Neill O’Neill Drug — O’Neill r Devoy Drug — O’Neill Johnson Drug — O’Neill Wilson Drug — Atkinson Munn’s Store — Ewing McGraw’s Store — Inman Newhouse Sundries—Chambers Miller Bros. — Orchard ROYAL THEATRE Thurs. Aug. 16 Family Night Jerry Lewis in -THE SAD SACK” Co-starring David Wayne Phyllis Kirk Peter Loire Joe Mantell Gene Evans Fri.-Sat. Aug. 17-18 -LAD: A DOG” Peter Brock Peggy McCay and introducing LAD, with Car roll O'Connor, Angela Cartwright —ALSO— The Adventures of The -ROAD RUNNER” Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Aug 19-20-21 Steve Parker’s “MY GEISHA” Shirley MacLaine Yves Montand Edward G. Robinson Bob Cummings Yoko Tani Wed.-Thurs. Aug. 22-28 Family Night Kenneth More Danielle Darrieux Susannah York Claude Nollier Jane Asher Elizabeth Dear Richard Williams LOSS OF INNOCENCE” Atkinson News Friends and relatives gathered at the K. C. Hall in Atkinson last Sunday for the James Kubart family reunion, which was al so tlie birthday of Mrs. James Kubart. There were ninty one pre sent and the afternoon was spent reminiscing and visiting. It has been seven years since the Ku barts daughter, Mrs. AJmeda Barry, Garden Grove, Calif., has been to Nebraska and even the cousins were busy getting ac quainted. Those present for the occasion were: Mr. and Mrs. James Kubart, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Barry and family. Gar den Grove, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Herman Guns and Janith, Mr and Mrs. Vincent Osborne and family, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ku brt and James, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Kubart and family, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sweet, Sioux Falls, S. L>., Mrs. Libbie Mlinar, Mrs. Helen Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Lockman, Stuart, Mrs. Mary Pacha, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pacha, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pacha, Mr. and Mrs. Har old Kreiger, 9pencer, Mr. and Mrs. Mike McKay and son, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olberding and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Le Munyan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Quigley and family, Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mlinar, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson and daughter, Mrs. Mar vel Jean Batenhorst and Lynette, O’Neill, Mr and Mrs. Gerald Gon deringer and family, and Mr. and Mrs. George Hitchcock and Re nee, Stuart. Monday Mr. and Mrs. Russell Barry and children, Suzette, Eric, Jacqueline and Russell jr. left for their home in Garden Grove. Calif. Mrs. Carl Smith entertained the members of the Monday afternoon Pitch club at her home in Atkin son. High scores were won by Mrs. Polly Davis and Mrs. George Gold fuss and low score went to Mrs. Fred Juracek. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olberding took her mother, Mrs. Frank Le Munyan, to Omaha Monday where she entered the Clarkson hospital and underwent surgery Tuesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas and family, North Platte, spent the weekend in Atkinson with re I PATTON'S has everything for O'Neill, Nebr. r BACK TO SCHOOL v» —"""' i .~ MADE IN MANCHURIA Mod Binders, zaniestcov ers you’ve ever seen. Waterproof vinyl, 2, 3 ri"g.88c wrtter-Miser Binder for top punch paper. Easy* care vinyl cover. All col ors.66c Paper for Above Binder. Reg.49cpkgs.2pkgs.77e Loose Leaf Binder Special! $1.82 value. Blue canvas binder fitted with 25c filler paper, 39c dictionary and 49c drawing guide. Choice of 2 or 3 rings. .149 $1.14 Value! Blue Canvas Binder fitted with 25c filler paper, 10c index. .88c Reg. $1.00 Onward Clip Binder. Spring Clip, extra heavy can* vas cover. 2, 3 rings. .77* Reg. $1.00 Plastic Covered Blnder.Choice of design, Colors. 2 or 3 ring styies. .88' $2.38 Valuel Onward Vinyl Zipper Binder. Fitted with 10c paper, index, memo & note books. .167 Plus Tax KMMMMMMMMMMMftttMl • • ••••••••< [""^AMERICAN | t'S; A Typing Paper. 350 Report Folders. 2 or 48-Page Dictionary. sheets—8^x11-in. 3prongs,flexiblecov- Fits 2 or 3 ring bind- i i Reg. $1.29 77c ers. Pkg. of 5,.../|Jc er. Reg. 39c.... a ) Reg. $1.49 Onward Filler Paper. Clip Boards. 9x12% Giant packs of 450 to 400 sheets QQc in. hard surface fiber board, strong spring Reg. 49c Pkg. Filler Paper. .7 for 771 Clip. ►••••eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee laLves and friends. Little Pat McConnell, three year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil roer McConnell, fell from a shed Monday while playing with other youngsters and fractured his skull. He was taken to the Atkin son Memorial Hospital. Ernest Gotschall who under went surgery at the Clarkson hos pital in Omaha recently is report ed to be getting along satisfactori ly. Mrs. Gotsachall is in Omaha with her husband. Mrs. Milford Juracek was hos tess Monday night to a going away party for Virginia Ankney, who is going to Oakland, Calif, to make her home. Mrs. Betty KersUng assisted Mrs. Juracek with the serving. Those present were Mmes. Mary Hawthorne, Holly Shane, Kay Puckett, Jean net Butterfield, Willa Havranek, Darken Upton, Lura Goeke, Mar garet Clausson, Leona Ruggless, Eliza Rzeszotarski, Virginia Tin gle, Jeanne Mellor, Marian Ro berts, Jeanene Hickok and Amy Jones. All members of the Mary Martha Circle of the Presbyter ian church m Atkinson. Guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hale and family last week were, Mr. and Mrs. Logan Simpkins and family, S. Sioux City, Mr. and Mrs. Norm Tegkr and family, Lincoln, and Mr. and Mrs. William Grayum, Seattle, Wash. The ladies are all sisters of Mrs. Hale. They also were visiting their father, Fred Stolte and another brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ottmar Poessnecker. Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nels Colfack were members of their family, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Donaldson, Spencer, la , who came Saturday to visit her parents, fur the weekend, Mr and Mrs. Harold CoUack and family, Newport, Mr and Mrs. Carl CoUack and family. O'NeiU, Mr. and Mrs Emil CoUack and Dennis and Mr and Mrs Denton CoUack >and Wanda, Butte Mr. and Mrs Robert Wefso, RushviUe, were Saturday over night guests of his brother, Mr and Mrs. William Wefso. The Ro bert Wefso's came to attend the Brewster-Schmaderer wedding in Stuart Saturday morning Sunday the Robert Wefsos and Mr. and Mrs. William Wefso were dinner guests of Mrs: Sophia Brown and Frances Stuart m O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wefso returned home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Runnels. Stuart, were last Thursday eve ning callers in the Wefso home in Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Raymer and family, Fremont and Floyd’s mother, Mrs. Helen Miner, Der by, Colo., were Sunday visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glen McClurg. Other callers in the Me Clurg home Sunday who enjoyed a picnic in the McClurg’s yard were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mul ford, Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sire, Butte, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hawthorne and fi nily, Atlrnson, Mrs. Gertie Raymer, Atkinson, and Mrs. Max Tyler and son, Kip, Creighton. Other callers in the afternoon were Floyd Ray mer’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Raymer, Butte. Dorothy Vahle called on Mrs. William Wefso Saturday after noon. Carol Ann Henning spent the weekend in Atkinson with her parents, Mr and Mrs John Hen ning Carol Ann attends the C. E. School of Commerce m Oma ha. Ed Schmuecker left Saturday morning bo join his group as a member of the National Guard who are spending two weeks at Camp Ripley near Little Falls. Minn Kenneth Houston of Era met is also among those attend ing the training period. Mrs. Martie Feather stun and daughters, MarlH*nn«- and Julie were hostesses for a mwceUan eous shower laid Saturday af ternoon at their home in Atkin son for Mrs, Andrew Gobel Jr. Mrs. Gobel is the former lands Ankney. Stuart, who was mar ried recently. Mr. and Mrs. Go bel are both employed in Lin coln. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mulford. Mrs Lawrence Lofquest, Stuart and Mrs. Mildred Werdick. Seat tle, Wash., were last Friday vis itors of Mrs. Elmer McClurg. Robert Deming and Mrs. James Deming and Mrs. Mildred Werdick were last Saturday call ers of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mc Clurg. Guy Stethem. Martin, S. D , and Glen Stethem and children of Burwell visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Wefso last Friday morning Mr and Mrs. Douglas Wilson and family, spent the weekend in Atkinson with her parents. Mr and Mrs. Walter Puckett The Wilsons moved u> their new home at Ainsworth. Tuesday, where Mr Wilson will teach this term in the Ainsworth school system Mr. and Mrs. Carl Smith drove to Alda Saturday accompanied by their granddaughters, Barbara and Joan Smith, who had spent the past two weeks visiting in At kinsun. When the Smiths returned to Atkinson Sunday evening they were accompanied by Carlecn and Peggy Smith wtx> will also spend the next two weeks mil uig relatives here. Monday Mr and Mrs. Carl Smith jr. and fam ily, Alda, moved to their new home in Lexington Mrs Waiter Puckett and Mrs Douglas Wilson visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Puck ett near Emmet Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McClurg spent Sunday with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon White, near Burwell. Other callers were Mr and Mrs Clar ence White also of Burwell. Mrs Edward Schmuecker, Rod ney, Patty and Sheryl left Mon day for Omaha where they will visit her brother and sister-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wahl, for a few days. They were ac SPECIAL CATTLE SALE MONDAY, AUG. 27 We have some cattle listed for this Special Sale but can use a lot more — We feel it would be impossible to get enough cattle to supply the demand — There will be buyers from several states for this Special Sale — If you have some to sell and would like to have us come out and look at them, call 19 or 70 or drop a card and we will be glad to come and tell you what we think they will bring on our market — It happens every year that 50% of the people who sell cattle private sell them 2 or 3 dollars a hundred too cheap and this Is an Ideal year for someone to slip up on you — Top on hogs last Monday at $18.45. Sold 402 head and about 85 cattle on a very strong market — l,et us try your next consignment and join our growing list of satisfied customers. EWING LIVESTOCK MARKET Terry, Larry and Max Wanser A Nationally Certified Market Phone 19 or 70 Ewing cumpanied by Mr* Margie Gib son, who will also spend a few day* in Omaha Mr and Mrs S 1 Quick and Greg returned home Saturday night after a three week* vaca tion through Canada. Victoria ami down the Coastal state*, then back up to attend the World * Fair in Seattle amt returned home through the Yellowstone Park and the Black Hills of South Dakota Monday the Quick* drove to Ravenna, where Mr Quick will thl* week take over his new duties a* manager <4 the telephone company Mr ami Mrs Quick will spend a couple of day* house hunting and will move Itn mediately to their new location Mr. and Mrs. Pat Medcalf and family and Mr* Medcalf'a fa ther, Ralph Van Wey, returned Saturday evening after attending the past two week* touring the northwestern state* and attending the Work! s Fair in Seattle Mr and Mr*. Bud Schubert and family and Mrs. Ervie Schubert, Schubert, came last Saturday to visit Mr and Mrs Claude John son. Sunday the Schubert family left on vacation and they expect lo attend the World* Fair Mr*. JCrvie Schubert r*n»*tn*d m the Johnson h*«nr lor a lew day* Claude ta a nephew ol Mr*, f* hu bert Mr Johnson will take Mra. Schubert to tier home the later part of this week Mr amt Mr* Uoyd Clark and wait spent a lew day* last week muting her mother, Mrs Violet Ashcraft and other relative*. They returned home Monday Mr amt Mrs Sieved Galnae and son. Jeffrey, came Saturday from Hastings to visit her par ents. Mr and Mra Joe Kukea. Mr Gaines will leach in the Hastings high school this fall. Other visitor* in the Hokes home this week are their other child ren, Mr. and Mr* Charles Kokr* and son, Steven. New Orleans and Mr and Mr-, Gary Kokrs, Diane, Linda amt Greg'vy, Chicago. Ctiai les Kukri l* employed by tlie Y II l and Gary la a t om mereia 1 Artist The families will all *p ml tlie week in Atktnaon. Mrs William Nevin ami Mark are • spec ted to arrive this week from San leandro. Calif, to visit her mother, Mra Vera Planck and other relatives and friends WHEN IT'S A "MATTER OF FORMS" SEE US Wo print forma for p •wry buainoaa mood ( Ut m design and print to perfection the form* that win | wit your business to a T. On anything from a label to a letterhead, get our sugges* tions and estimates. THE FRONTIER 1 Thane 7K*