The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 16, 1962, Section Two, Image 1
Section Two Eight Paget __Volume 82—Number 17 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, August 16, 1962 $#*ven Cent* Lynch News By Mrs. Fred King Mr. and Mrs Willard Emme and family attended the rodeo at Harwell Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kalkowski spent last week in iJenver visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. !X»n Kayle and family. Kevin stayed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Kalkowski and Le Ann is staying at the Leonard Havranek home. Mr. and Mrs. All>ort Kalkow ski, Mr. Xavier Kalkowski and Mr. Anton Kalkowski left Thurs day for a visit with a sister in Michigan. Her husband has been very ill. Mrs. Otto Feldman and Mr. and Mrs. Dan Daniels, Meade, Kan., have spent a few days re cently visiting ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mulhair and with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Moody Mrs. Feldman is a sister of Mr Moody and Mrs Mulhair. Miss Jill Soulek of California is a house guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert McDonald, Veronica and Allan. She will leave soon for Michigan to visit with her sister, Capt. and Mrs. Delbert Haselhorst and family. Thomas Graham was rushed to the Sioux City hospital Sunday in critical condition. Mrs. Anton Kalkowski received word Sunday of the death of her sister, Mrs Jankouski, at North * Platte. The Rev. Bartek took her to North Platte Sunday to attend the funeral which was held Monday. Mrs. Xavier Kalkowski accompanied them. Miss Mary Jo Stenger attended retreat at the Assumption Acad emy in Norfolk from Sunday un til Wednesday. She visited at the home of her aunt and unde, Mr. and Mrs. Urban Unger, Norfolk, Sunday. Wednesday she visited with Mr and Mrs. Walt Stenger, Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Richards and sons, Grand Island, spent the Ponton Insurance Insurance of All Kinds and Bonds FLORENCE PONTON, Prop. I Phone 100 Golden Bldg. weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs Fred Spencer. Mrs Gladys Spencer visited Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr and Mrs. Glenn Davy and was a supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. IJoyd Spencer. The annual Sunshine club pic nic was held Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Gerald Ijfc and family. Each club mem iter invited their families to at tend Guests for the day were Mr. and Mrs. Elver Hodges, Mar garet and Lucinda, Ona, Fla The club members held a short business meeting in the after noon. Mrs. Gratia Craig was a dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spencer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Spencer and family, Mr. and Mrs J B. Rich ards and sons, Grand Island, and Mrs. Gratia Craig enjoyed a picnic supper at the Niobrara park Sunday evening. Miss Iris Craig left Thursday for a visit with her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Craig, Norfolk. Pastor and Mrs. John Sharp, Janet and Jeanine, entertained the congregation of the Seventh Day Adventist church Wednes day at their home in Lynch. Games were played and refresh ments served. Pastor id Mrs. Sharp and daughters will return to Lincoln the last of August where he will finish his fourth year at Union College there. The Dorcas Society will hold their regular social meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Wilson Sunday evening, Aug. 19 at 6:30. Mrs. Fred Spencer, Don Mc Dowell and Mrs. Willa Schollmey er completed the summer ses sion of college at Wayne last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hansel and sons, Sioux City, came Sat urday to spend their vacation with Mrs. Mary Fush and Jim Svatos. Mr and Mrs. Emil Koval of Cedar Rapids, la. spent the week end of August 6 with Mr. Koval's mother, Mrs. Monica Koval. A nephew of Mrs. Lena John son. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Karsk and family, and a sister of Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. John Karsk came Saturday and spent the night with her. They were dinner guests on Sunday. Her nephew and family left Sunday afternoon and her sister remained for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Elver Hodges, and daughters, Ona, Fla., are spending their vacation here with Mr. Hodge’s parents, Mr and Mrs. Myron Hodges. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rirmeier, Vincent and Joan have spent the past week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schom mer, and Michael; also at the home of Mr. and Mrs Ronald Crawford, Ronetta and Theresa, Riverton, Wyo. Mr and Mrs. Schommer accompanied them to the Ronald Crawford home. Mr- and Mrs. L. Chris'ensen attended a Chamberlain family reunion Sunday at Harlan, la. They visited Sunday night at the home of Mrs. Christensen’s sis ter, Mr and Mrs. Leonard Buck ling, Bayard, la., and from Mon day until Thursday at the home of Mr and Mrs. Gale Christensen and family in Iowa. They spent from Thursday until Sunday with Mrs Christensen's mother, Mrs. C. C. Chamberlain, and her bro ther, deo Chamberlain, at Man ning, la. Mr and Mrs. C. A. Moody re turned Monday from visiting at Sioux City, la. in the home of Mr and Mrs. Berl Moody and family. They also visited Mrs. C. A. Mofxly's mother, Mrs. C. C Chamberlain, Manning, la., at tending the Chamberlain reunion Sunday at Harlan, la. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Courtney and family left on a camping trip Saturday morning. Jack Keller and son, John, ar rived Saturday for a 10-day visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Keller Mrs. Jack Keller arrived Monday after visiting a sister near Lincoln for several days. The Kellers spent three days in Lincoln visiting before coming here. Charles Mulhair visited over the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mulhair and Jean. Mrs. Mulhair and daughters spent the weekend with Mrs. Mulhair’s parents at Niobrara. Mr. and Mrs. Arden Mikkelson and family visited last week at the home of Mrs. Chris Mikkel son and also at the Scott Grey home. Mr. and Mrs. Leman Huber came Saturday night from Sioipc Falls. S. D. and were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Osborne. They returned to Sioux Falls Sunday evening. Mr. and Mr*. Bill Elsasser, Sioux Falls, S. D.. attended a family reunion Sunday at Winner, S. D. Kem Lueken is spending two weeks with the National Guard. Mr. and Mrs Wallace Moffett and Russell and Mrs Harold Brown and Brenda. Randolph, left Sunday for a trip to Seattle. Wash, to attend the World's Fair. They will also visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs George Moffett of Tacoma. Wash. Mrs. Kem Lupken is spending two weeks at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs. Harold Halstead, whilp her husband is on duty with the National Guard. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Counts re turned Sunday from a week vaca tion at the Minnesota Lakes near Brainard, Minn. A picnic dinner at the Niobrara park Sunday afternoon was en joyed by the following families: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carson and Bud, the Clarence Whitneys, Joy Eberlys, Mrs. Elvin Hrbek and children, the Ernest J. Dar nells, Mrs. Josie Mannen, Her bert and Grace and Miss Mar jorie McMeen, Gregory. S. D., and the E. R. Darnells. Thursday afternoon a group of six little girls were invited to share a lawn picnic at the Man nen home honoring Susan Dar nell. Rhonda and Merlin Stewart spent Tuesday at the Leslie Ste wart home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Potter at tended the funeral of Mrs. Clar ence Hoffman, Norfolk, Monday. L. Cozine spent the weekend at home with his family. He is at tending college at Rapid City. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Long, Deb bie and Connie, Hillsboro, Ore., visited four days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Darnell. Jim is a nephew of Mr. Darnell. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Darnell and Susan, Grand Rapids, Mich., have recently visited at the Er nest Darnell’s, Lynch, and Clar ence Carson’s, Niobrara. They re turned this weekend from a va cation at Jackson Hole in the Tetons and spent Saturday night at the Ernest Darnells returning to their home in Michigan Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoffman, Mrs. Frank Weeder and Mrs. Lloyd Spencer attended the fun eral of Mrs. Clarence Hoffman, Norfolk. Monday. I Celebrity Nylon Tubeless * EXTRA WHITEWALLS a 7.50 - 14.24.78 m 8.00 - 14.27.20 m 8.50 - 14.29.76 BLACKWALLS W 6.70-15.21.54 Jf 7.60 - 15 25.86 / *»...«*■* AH prices plus tax SB Order Your 1 LIFETIME (& MUD & SNOW TIRES 'HBP 9 Gain an Extra jaj Until they are worn |Qo/o DISCOUNT y^Pay In Novembtw^ Joe's Tire Service PHONE 716 O'NEILL, NEBR. Amelia News By Miss Florence Lindsey Mrs. M. L. Sageser entered St. Anthony’s hospital in O'Neill Monday, Aug. 6, for medical care. She expected to be there about a week. Mrs. Lloyd Waldo and chil dren and her nephew, Hal Dean Sinclair, Omaha, visited her sis ter, Mrs. Lew Sperling and fam ily, Cotesfield, Monday. The Sperlings planned to go to Omaha Tuesday, so Hal Dean accom panied them to his home Ihere. He had been visiting at the Waldo home the past three weeks. Mrs. Edith Andersen and Mrs. Julia White have been visiting friends in the community this week. They called on Mrs. Elmer Coolidge Tuesday afternoon. Wed nesday afternoon they called on Mrs. B. W. Waldo and in the evening Mrs. White was a supper guest with Mrs. Floyd Adams. Louis Humphrey, Mountain View, Mo., came Sunday and is visiting his sister and brother in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cool idge. The Amelia community has been without phone service since Monday. Service will be restored as soon as repairs from Texas arrive. Mr. and Mrs. Gale Fix, Sheila, Roger and Danny, Scottsbluff, came Thursday to visit their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fix and family, and Mrs. Alice Pre witt and family. They also plan ned to attend the Burwell rodeo. Gaylen and Larry Fix have been here during the summer to help hay for their uncle, Dean Prewitt. Elmer Coolidge has been help ing hay at Claude Lierman's. The officers and Pastor Rev. Hess met at the Amelia Methodist church for a board meeting Wed nesday evening. Duane Sammons left Friday for Denver, Colo, where he has THINK! Now m—) t i« • • 4m RIBBKI STAMP ""the" FRONTIER i Phone 788 O'Neill been assigned to the Army Air Base the past eight weeks He has completed his assignment there and will be transferred to Mountain Home, Idaho This Air Base is about 60 miles from his parents, Mr and Mrs Forest Sammons, home. He will be able to spend his weekend leaves with them He spent a ten day leave here with his grandmother, Mrs Bertha Sammons, and his ma ternal grandparents. Mr and Mrs. Duane Miller near Cham bers. Connie Jo Carr is staying with her grandparents. Mr and Mrs Hugh Carr and Mr and Mrs. Joe Soukup. O’Neill, while her par ents, Mr and Mrs. Gene Carr, are busy in the hay field. Gene Carr has been suffering with an eye injury caused by a seed lodged in the eye. The seed was so near the pupil of the eye that if it had been rubbed the wrong way it would have injured the sight. The doctor removed the seed pod without injury to the sight. Beth Fullerton went to Kansas City Thursday where she will enter an airline school. She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Harold Fullerton and graduated from Chambers high school with the class of ’62. Mrs. Lindsey and Florence ac companied Mrs. Bernard Black more to Omaha Saturday. Mrs. Blackmore attended a meeting in the interest of the Rebekah Lodge. The Lindseys will visit their daughter and sister. Mrs. P. L. Strenger, for a week. Mar ian Stronger will bring them home. Mrs. Edith Andersen will be at the store while they are away. Airman Duane Sammons was a dinner guest Wednesday with Mr. * and Mrs. Blake Ott. Dr. and Mrs. Bower Sageser and Sandra, Manhattan, Kan., came Thursday to visit his mo ther, Mrs. M. L. Sageser, and his brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Vem Sageser. They will also visit Mrs. Sageser s mother near Ainsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Stark, Cer esco, visited their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hansen last weekend. They all attended the Burwell rodeo Sat urday. The Rev. Chambers and fam ily were tendered a farewell party Friday evening The Rev, Chambers has served as pastor of the Bethany Free Methodist church. Amelia, and Riverside Free Methodist church. Ewing, the past two years They will serve the pastorate at Alma Friends from both churches were present at the party. A group of women gathered at the home of Mrs Blake Ott Fri day to visit with Mis Julia White who is here from Watertown. S. D. The ladies played bingo besides doing a lot of visiting. Lunch was served Mrs Maude Forties returned home Wednesday evening. She has been helping in the home of her daughter. Mrs Paul Briggs, while they were haying. Mr and Mrs. Lew Sperling and family. Cotesfield, came Thursday and visited at the Lloyd Waldo home a few days. Sam Gilman came home Thurs day evening from the Grand Is land Veterans' hospital where hi* has been a patient for several weeks. He will return to the hos pital in a few days for further surgery Mrs. Edith Andersen visited Mrs. Esther W’ood, Chambers, Friday afternoon. They were making plans for the school lunch program. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Braddock stopped in Amelia Saturday af ternoon. They had been spending their vacation in the Black Hills. Mrs Julia White, who has been visiting friends here, went with them to their home at Water town, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Milleson and three children visited last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tenus Madsen. They at tended the Burwell rodeo and re turned to their home at Sacra mento, Calif., Friday. Mrs. Mille son is the former Mae Madsen. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Parkin, El wood and Dale, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parkin. Taylor, were dinner and supper guests at the Tenus Madsen home. Mrs. I^eonard Morris, Woodin ville, Wash., returned home Mon day after a month’s visit at the Chris Madsen home, Burwell. She is the former Jennie Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gilg and Joey, Wood Lake, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wol cott. Word ha* been rrrHv ed herr from Marcia Wtdronn that the Morningsldr college choir ha* iH>m|iletrd the scheduled lour id central Europe and t* pres wtly at the music ramp at Bayreuth. Germany. Highlight*, of thr tour have been a boa! trip up the Rhine river, through thr Black Forest area, a bus trip across the Alp* of Mwltser land and visit* to many places of Interest In Farts. Frier. Flor ence and Rome. The group will remain at Bayreuth through the remainder of August, taking part In thr Intrriuttional Youth Fine Arts Frstivul honoring Richard Wagner. The Rev and Mrs Arnold (ViU*. man and children. Wood l-nke. visited Friday evening at tin* home of Mr ami Mrs Hill Wol cott. Mrs. August PoKpichut and Richard attended the funeral of an aunt, Mrs. Daisy Knf"ri’ nt l m igiu Friday Mr imt! Mr* Kmest JttaMan and Richard Wehland were Sun «tay Supper guest* at Mrs Kdlth Andersen's All attended Hlhle study in the evening. Mr ami Mrs August Psapichal drove to I aright Tuesday to at tend the funeral of Charles Hot o\'y Mr amt Mr* DaiTSl Slay maker and Mrs lack lHaillttle tiwk tlietr mother, Mr* Amy Slaymaker, to Grand Inland Wednesday. where she I* an tied a train In lt« An gele*. Mr amt Mr* Hill lire* ami family come Tuesday to spend a few days with his parents, Mr ami Mrs Kalph Kee* Mrs Charles Hligh arrived Sim day night at the horns of twr par ents, Mr and Mrs Frank Ihsrce, Try The Frontier Want Ad» — It Pay» I i r ! Subscribe Now! ! < » * Subscription Blank ) i THE FRONTIER | I | g 114 No. 4th O'Neill, N.brssks | **leane enter my subscription to The Frontier for one year, or . g be delivered by maU. I enclose: J2 50 (in Nebraska), >3j00 (out side Nebraska). 4 I g Name .... . " Address . P <.! __» IT S THE MOT DH APPAREL SHOP FOR . . . AND BACK TO COLLEGE Every back-to-schooler wants to stop in at the Apparel Shop In O’Neill to renew the wardrobe for her busy days ahead. Pretty and practical, dainty or casual, she is sure to find just what she wants at a price that’s pleasing. DRESSES Juniors and Petites Sizes 5 to 15 From 098 and up Choose from These Brand Names: Gay Gibson Vicky Vaughn Johnnye Jr. Patty Woodard of California CAR COATS From ... 17.98 SLACKS From_6.98 By Jack Winter and Tiger Cottons and Wools tfo UeLvd 'Bwt FlofWing shooing for now and on into rnrtumn! Just one from our wear-as-you-will collection ... all designed to complimentl 3.98 up SKIRTS - Sizes 8 to 16. From 6.98 By Jantzen and Bender Glick SWEATERS - Sizes 34-40 . From 5.98 Cardigans, Slipovers and Bulkies By Jantzen, Pendleton, California Girl BLOUSES - Sizes 30-38 .... From 3.98 - 5.98 Choose them Dainty or Practical By Ship 'N Shore and Terry FOR ALL THE YOUNG LADY'S BACK-TO-SCHOOL NEEDS SHOP APPAREL SHOP O'Neill, Nebr. Winnie Barger, Owner Phone 89 --