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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 9, 1962)
Ewing News By Mm. Harold Harris "Exercise For A Lifetime" was the theme of the lesson for the Facts and Fun Home Ertension club presented by Mrs Ella Ziems. Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs C. C. Hahlbeck. Mrs. Ziems opened the meeting with the pledge of allegiance and the Nebraska Homemakers Creed. Mrs. Ben Larson, card secre tary, gave a report on the cards sent. Members were advised to attend the local "Stroke Rehabil itation" program planned at O’ Neill, August 9, sponsored by the iNeorasKa Heart Association. Program numbers were read ings by Mrs. Ralph Eacker, Mrs. Andrew Olson and Mrs. Ahlers. Prize winners in contest games were Mrs. William J. Boies, Mrs. Ed Hoag. Mrs. Carl Christen and Mrs. H. R. Harris. At the end of the period, all losers were also presented a small gift. Those receiving gifts from secret pals were Mrs Olson, Mrs. Frank Schmidt, Mrs. Eacker and Mrs. Jessie Angus. Eleven members were present and the following '-r! guests, Mrs. Albert Larson and her daughter, Mrs Carl Christon, Midland, Tex., Mrs. Hoag, Mrs. Hoies and Cheryl. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Boies and Mrs Hoag in serving lunch. Mrs. Lloyd Hesse and Larry, laurel, returned home Wednes day after s[lending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cary and Nila. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Classon and Chester, Seiger, 111., and Mrs. Jennie Chmiel, O’Neill, were Sun day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lee. Mr. and Mrs. George Vanosdall and daughter, Mrs. Eleanor Moore, and son, Charles, Greeley, Colo., were Friday evening visi tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cary. Floyd Lee spent the week at Chapman, a guest at the Peter Spes home. He returned to Ewing Saturday. Callers Saturday at the Sis Eb bengaard home were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller and family of Boynton, Fla., who had been va cationing in Alaska and were en route to their home. Dr. Paul Van Horn and wife. Dr. Margaret Van Horn, Ro chester Minn arrived in Fwine Wednesday to visit at the home of her father, Dr. William H. Ross. They will also visit rela tives and friends at Sterling and Clay Center, Kan. On their re turn to Rochester they will move to Princeton, N. J. to make their home. Mrs. Edith Scholl is spending some time at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schindler in Omaha and assisting in the care of their daughter born July 24, weighing six pounds and ten ounces. She has been named Kimberly Joan. Mr and Mrs. Gene Ruby and children. Sioux City, la., were weekend guests at the parental homes of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eacker and Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ruby. Graveside rites were conducted for D)ren Hailey, X6, South Da kota, Saturday afternoon at the Ewing cemetery with Dr. William H. Ross officiating. Mr. Bailey Complete Dairy and Hog Feed Creep Feed TOMPKINS LIVESTOCK HEADQUARTERS Clarence (Bud) Hansen, M^r. Inman, Nebraska Phone 225 or ll-W SAVE INCREASE CAPACITY FAST—Add f one vertical aection and increase I capacity from 30 to 45 bushels. * -SIOUX- M-A-f?0UHC/ HOG FEEDER Trough Guaranteed for Life of Feeder Our truckload purchase of this famous -Sioux- Feed-A-Round Hog Feeder is your opportunity to own the best at big savings. Stop in and see it: 14-gauge boiler plate lids, trough guaran teed for life of feeder, all-steel construction. No troublesome agitators. Chocse 30- or 45-bushel model. But buy now during our Truckload Sale. There is a -Sioux- hog feeder to fit your needs—starting at less than $50. WEST LUMBER and COAL CO. Page Ewing was a long time resident of the Ewing and Orchard communities. Mrs. Helen Grim was a mem ber at the summer graduating class of Wayne State Teachers G>llege held Saturday, receiving her B. A. degree. Mr. Grim and his mother. Mrs Lizzie Grim, attended the graduation. The class was one of the largest sum mer classes of the college. Mrs. Grim, who has been kindergarten teacher in Ewing public school several years, is returning again this fall. Mr. and Mrs Elvin Butterfield, O'Neill, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grim Sunday. Lynne Rotherham had as her overnight guests Sunday Viola Parks ami Patty Lofquest. The occasion was in honor of her birthday. Larry and Dan Rotherham spent last week in Lincoln. Mrs. Lyle McNabb, Omaha, was a recent guest at the Charles Rotherham home. Mr. and Mrs D. A Bendon and family, Phoenix, Ariz., are va cationing at the home of her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Krachie, and her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Jefferies. They plan to spend some time in Omaha visiting relatives. "Americans of Spanish Speak ing Background” was the theme of the devotional period and the lesson for the Womens Society of Christian Service when they met in fha narlrifc nf thA First Mpth odist church Wednesday after noon. Miss Elsie Chase conducted the devotions and presented the lesson assisted by Mrs. Ray Sed ivy and Mrs. Earl Billings. Plans were made to fill out new date books. Arrangements were made to clean the church parlors in the near future. The reception for the teachers of the Ewing Public School, to be held in September, was discussed. Cards were sent to Mrs. Marcus Pierson, Mrs. John Bollwitt, Mrs. Dewitt Gunt er, and Mrs. Ed Urban. Refreshment hostesses were Mrs. J. L. Pruden and Mrs. Don Ruroede. Miss Nila Cary and her friend, Miss Cleora Fox, Spencer, are on a sightseeing tour of places in Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Harm, Bloomfield, were Friday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cary. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson and their daughter, Mrs. Carl Christon, Midland, Tex., were dinner and evening guests Thurs day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson. William Snider, a former resi dent of Ewing, now of O’Neill, was transacting business in Ew ing Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Eppen bach and family, Los Angeles, Calif., are guests at the home of his mother, Mrs. Eula Eppen bach and son, Bob. Other guests at the Eppenbach home are her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Leash, Pala tine, HI. Thursday evening visitors at the home of Mrs. Eula Eppen bach were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Primus, Junction City, Ore. Mrs. Gail Boies and Catherine tjo.iqt- toft on a vacation trio Monday through the Black Hills, on to Yellowstone Park and they plan to spend some time in Idaho visiting at the homes of relatives. Geraldine and Mary Ann Bauer were weekend guests at the home of their mother, Mrs. Rose Bauer and family. Both young ladies are employed in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies spent Sunday visiting relatives at Plain view. Jan Rotherham, Niobrara, is a guest this week at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rotherham. Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Miller, Vicki and Craig, Orange, Calif., are guests at the home of her mother, Mrs. Althea Peterson this week. Guests at the Watson McDon ald home are their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miller and son, Timmy, from California. _ FEDERAL land bank Real Estate Loans On Farms and Ranches Boyd, Garfield, Holt Wheeler Comities Through Federal Land Bank Assn. FARM CREDIT BUILDING Lyle P. Dierks, Mp*, O’Neill, Nebr. l\ FINAL NOTICE MARTENS RANCH SALE To be Sold at Referee's Sale FRIDAY. AUG. 31 Courthouse, O'Neill, 10:00 a. m. This ranch consisting of 5000 acres will be offered both as a single unit and in separate parcels. If you are looking for additional hay or pasture it will pay you to investigate and be prepared to bid on some part of this ranch. Land is situated 11 miles SE of Atkinson or 8 miles SW of Emmet, and is accessible from both Highways No. 11 and No. 20. D. R. MOUNTS WM. W. GRIFFIN Referee, O'Neill Attorney, O'Neill ^^——— Mr. and Mn Robert Bartak and family went to York Sunday , to spend the day with Mr. and I Mrs Russell Bredenkemp and family. Leonora Tuttle, who has at■ , tended the summer session of the Wayne State Teachers college, is home for a vacation before the fall term Mr and Mrs. Ben Larsen and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pruden at tended the County Fair at Madi son Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coleman and daughters of Neligh were guests of Mr. and Mrs Ben Lar sen. Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hord were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier and family. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Plogg and family, Milledgeville, 111., are guests this week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. De witt Gunter. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hord spent Sunday evening visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hoag and Brian, Omaha, who have spent the past month vacationing in Canada and the western states arrived in Ewing Sunday eve ning and are guests at the homes of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoag and her father, Perry Sai ser. They plan to return to their home in Omaha Tuesday. Guests Wednesday and Thurs day at the Irvin Cloyd home were Mrs. Leslie Brokaw and three children from Norfolk. Mrs. La vina Switzer, Clear water, conducted the morning worship hour service at the Ew ing Methodist church. The eigh teen voice children choir pre sented the special number under the direction of Mrs. Curtis Ro berts. Scott Davis and Kenneth Snyder are candlelighters for the month of August. Sunday, Aug. 12, Curtis Roberts will be in charge of the worship hour serv ice. The pastor, nev. rosier Spragg is attending the Southern Methodist College in Texas and is expected home about the mid dle of the month. Guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Lester Spragg this week are Mr. and Mrs. Francis Jack son, Carolyn and Debbie, and Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Jackson and Ray, Hayward, Calif., and Mr. and Mrs. Ray McDaniels, Center ville, la. All the families attend ed a reunion held at Bassett Sun day. Mary Lynne Eacker is spend ing the week at Creighton, a guest at the Lloyd West home. Mrs. Gladys McCage, Louisa and David, and girl friend, all of Omaha, were visitors at the home of Mrs. Louisa Van Conet and Nettie one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Ruby, Marvin and Susan left Sunday to return to their home in California after spending some time visit ing relatives in Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eacker attended the alumni banquet of the St. Anthony’s and Cedar Ra pids high school on Sunday. Mrs. Eacker is a graduate with the class of 1911 of the Cedar Rapids high school. Mrs. Max Wanser returned home Thursday from Omaha. She had accompanied Sam Regan who took his mother, Mrs. Fred Grage, O’Neill, to St. Catherine’s hospital for medical care the first of the week. Mrs. Alex Thramer was plea santly surprised at her home Fri day evening when friends and relatives arrived to celebrate her birthday. Lunch was served by the self-invited guests. Present with their families were Mr. and Mrs. Mark Thramer, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walnofer, Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Thramer and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack. Mrs. Ralph Munn and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack and their fam ilies went to Bassett Thursday where they joined Danny to wards at his home to celebrate his fifth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schueth, Humphrey, visited Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Schueth. Recent guests at the home of Theodore Schueth were her bro ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vogel. Stuart. Mrs. Henry Schueth. Elgin, and Mrs. Leo Vandersnick, Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. William Price and family. West Point, Ky., have been visiting with her mother, Mrs. Martha Hill, and daughter, Mrs. Algene Krieter, and family from California who has spent several weeks in Ewing. Wednes day, Mrs. Krieter and family, ac companied by the Price family, left to return to her home in California. Mr. and Mrs. George Mummert moved their household goods to Clearwater last week where they will make their home. The Frontier— ROYAL THEATRE Thors. Aug. • Family Night “MOTHRA” Columbia — Toho — Monsters and. Midgets FrL-Sat. Aug. 10-11 “THE FAR COUNTRY” James Stewart Ruth Roman Corinne Calvert Walter Brennan Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Aug. 12-15-14 Kim Novak Jack Lemmon Fred Astaire Lionel Jeffries Estelle Winwood Henry Daniell Philippa Bevans “THE NOTORIOUS LANDLADY” Wed.-Thurs. Aug. 15-16 Family Night Jerry Lewis in “THE SAD SACK” Co-starring David Wayne Phyllis Kirk Peter Lorre Joe Man tell Gene Evans Riverside News Mr. and Mrs. Harpster and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier, Mr. and Mrs. John Napier and children and Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Napier and girls -wers dinner guests Sunday at the Alfred Nap ier home in honor of Mrs. Glen Harpsier’s birthday. Becky Miller visited with Bar bara Johnston Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett, Lee Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shrader and family, Ina Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shrader and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Shrader, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bennett and Curtis and Mrs. Louise Thompsen and family were dinner guests last Sunday at the Louis Shrader home in honor of his birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier and the Lynn Fry family were dinner guests Sunday at the Lorraine Montgomery home home in honor of Debra Montgomey’s birthday. Mrs. Jansen and family, New man Grove, Mrs Frank Emsick, Michael and Brett were supper guests Friday at the Dale Napier home. Mrs. Emsick, Brett and Michael, and Reta Napier went home with Mrs. Jansen for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nap ier, Sonjia, Susan and Nancy visited at the Duane Jansen hime in Newman Grove Saturday. Reta returned home with them. Mrs. Frank Emsick, Joan, Michael and Brett were guests Thursday and spent the night at the Wayne Fry home. Mr. and Mrs. Grey Burleson, Calif, and Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer visited at the Leo Miller home Thursday evening. Frank Emsick, Peggy and Dick, Omaha and the Wayne Fry and Richard Napier families were dinner guests last Sunday at the Dale Napier home. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier and family visited at the Ray mond Mullins home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Ahlers joined the Fred Ritter family, Tilden, last Sunday for dinner at i—1,1 .. the Jerry Meyers home to honor of Mrs. Jerry Meyer sod son, Jon's birthdays. Mr. sod Mrs. Lorraine Mont gomery and family, Mr. and Mrs Honnie Mott and Mr and Mrs. George Montgomery were sup per guests Saturday at the Grant Mott home in honor of Debra Montgomery s and Tammy Mott's birthday’s. Albert Larsen and Mrs. Carl Christian visited at the Dave pol lock home Tuesday. Mrs. Willie Shrader and Sand ra visited at the Lynn Fry home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Kemp Hopkins, Long Beach, Calif., were sapt>er guests Friday at the Z H. Fry home. Earl Pierson took his grand daughters, Connie, Cheryl ami Julie to visit their mother Mrs. Marcus Pierson, in the Neligh Hospital, Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoke and Jim, Cedar Rapids, la. nnd Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nelson and Jim, Plainview, were dinner guests Friday at the Dewitt Hoke home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller, Mrs. Howard Miller, Edna Lof quist, Mrs. Bert Fink and Mrs. Grant Mott, Sharon and Tammy attended conference at Atkinson the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Mott moved into the buildings on the Carl Christian farm Friday. He is helping Web Napier with the haying. Johnny Gunter spent Monday and Tuesday nights at the Archie Johnston home, Wednesday and Thursday nights at the Eddy Shrader home and visited Friday at the Lionel Gunter home. Mr. and Mrs. Verl Gunter, Janet, Judy and Jamey, Kennard, came to the Lionel Gunter home Friday evening for Johnny. They return ed home that evening. Eddy and Alice 9hrader were evening vitit ors, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nelson visited Wednesday afternoon at the Dewitt Hoke home. Mrs. Adfred Napier, Glenda, Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! Phone 788 1 " I Steven and Dennis visited at the Glen Ha r peter home Tuesday afternoon. liewiu Gunter was a dinner and supper guest last Sunday at the Lionel Gunter home Mrs. Carl Christian. Texas and Mr. and Mrs Albert Larson visited at the Z.H. Fry home Thursday evening. Darrol Switzer. Jackie and Judy Omaha and Lioyd Switzer came Friday and Mrs Darrol SwiUuu and Jerry came Saturday to spend the week end visiting rel atives. They will join Mr. and Mrs. Grey Burleson, Mr. and Mrs. Ors Switzer and the Wed ell Switzer and Leo MUler famil ies for a picnic dinner at the Amos Switzer borne in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Grey Burleson. Mrs. Burleson is a sister of Ora Switzer. Mr. und Mrs. Z.H. Fry came home from Omaha Tuesday. Their daughter, tMarzena) Mrs Frank Emsick and Children, Joan Michael and Brett accompanied them for a visit. Mr and Mrs. Z.H. Fry and Mrs. Frank Hemsick called on Mr. and Mrs. William Rickert and Mr. and Mrs. George Napier in Neligh Friday morning. Mr. Z.H. Fry was in Tilden * riday afternoon for a check up. i " ---- Royal Newt By Mn. R J. Ilertsg Highlander Kv tension club met with Mrs Floyd Gibb* August 31 Thirteen mrmtxTi anirwrred roll call by telling of a trip each wish* ed to take Guests included Mr*. Maty Holliday, Mr* Tena War n< r and Mr* Galen Gibbs Plana were made lo hold a i>ake sale at the IiCgion club in Orchard August 11 The club picnic that had been planned was cancelled because of the rain and a new date, August 19. was set. the place to la- in Nagel's pasture Mrs. Vem Ricge, Mr*. Verlyn Gibb* and Mr* James Cm*per reported on visits to shut-iti*. Mrs Harvey Holbrook and Mrs Leonard Stelling demonstrated making attractive wall placque* from grease pail lids and dried gras* The next meeting will be August 2H at the home of Mrs Leonard Gibb* Roll eall will tie answered by telling 'Pet Peeves*. Karl Carpenter, Fremont, for mer Royal resident, was In Royal during the week looking after iHisiness Interests The Frontier . .... ' * WHEELER COUNTY FAIR and FRIDAY-SATURDAY-SUNDAY AUG. 17-18-19 BARTLETT, NEBRASKA Friday Entry Day Saturday 4-H Judging and Show During Day Livestock Parade at 7 p.m. Hollenbeck Bros. Rodeo at 8 p.m. Jimmy Adams Stardusters at 9:30 p.m. Sunday Approved Quarter Horse Show During Day Calf Scramble at 7 p.m. Hollenbeck Bros. Rodeo at 8 p.m. Holmes Carnival On Grounds School, Cooking, Baking, Sewing, Garden and Field Exhibits Free Car Parking — Free Grandstand | ■ — ——— ... RESIDENCE AUCTION Having established our home in Burke, S. D., we will sell the following property 4 blocks south of Bazelman's Service Station and the 2nd house west on the south side of the street at O'NEILL, NEBRASKA SAT., AUG. 11 2:00 p.m. Modern stuccoed 4-room house with basement partitioned off Into 2 rooms, bath upstairs and shower in basement, built-in cabinets in kitchen, all newly re-decorated. Possession September 1st. Description: Beginning at the Northeast comer of Lot 2 in block “E” of Millards Addition to O’Neill, situated on the South east Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 30, in Township 29, North of Range 11, West of the 6th P.M. in Holt County, Nebraska, thence running South on the East line of Lot 2 a distance of 132.8 feet, thence northwesterly a distance of approx imately 47.34 feet to the point on the west line of Lot 2, thence running North 118.1 feet to the Northwest comer of Lot 2, thence running East 45 feet to the point of beginning. Terms: 25% of bid day of sale, balance when marketable title is furnished by owner. ALICE AND DANNY HELMED RUSSELL TEEL, Auctioneer ED CAMPBELL, Clerk The that around like an Pontiac Tempest __ r to TM tcatuL m*T9n Earn irnn torn* *a*LTi run. in arraan a. SEE YOU* LOCAL AUTMOWZEO POWTIAC DEALS* r©* MEW-ACTWM USED TOO, Wm. Krotter ( ompany 305 West Douglas O'Neill, Nebraska I