The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 19, 1962, Image 3

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    Lynch News
By Mrs. Fred King
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle King, Om
aha, and Mrs George King, Stu
art, were dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred King and family
Mr. R. B. Barnes, Oakland,
spent the weekend at the home
of Mr and Mrs. Bud Rutledge.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Farran vis
ited at the Leslie Stewart home
Sunday morning.
Mrs. Leman Huber returned to
Sioux Falls Sunday with Mr. Hu
ber where he has been employed
this summer doing construction
work. Mrs Huber was a patient
at the Lynch hospital from Mon
day until Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle King, Om
aha and Mrs. George King, Stu
art, were coffee guests of Ber
nard and Madeline Peklo Satur
day afternoon.
Mrs Dale Orr, Washington,
came to spend a few weeks with
her mother, Mrs. Blanche Whet
ham, who has been a patient at
the Lynch hospital for the last
few months. Mrs. Orr is the for
mer Helen Whetham.
An old timer, Joe Micanek sr.,
observed his 90th birthday June
29 with the following present:
Mr. and Mrs Emil Micanek, Mr.
uiiu mis. wan wescne, Mr. and
Mrs. Walt Wesche, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Micanek and Mr J. J.
Mrs. Darlles Sandberg, Noble
Grand presided at the regular
session of the Rebekah Lodge
Tuesday, July 10, at 8 p.m.
Plans for a Lodge picnic in Au
gust were discussed but tabled
for the next meeting. Mrs. Dar
lles Sandberg served lunch at
Moody’s cafe Mrs. Rose Wilson
will serve at the next meeting.
First Methodist Women’s So
ciety will meet at the Moody’s
cafe dining room Thursday at
2 p.m., July 19. Mrs. Albert
Schindler and Mrs. Frank Mul
hair will be hostesses
Bankerslifeman —
Ernie Brinkman
About A
oaa MOiNia. iowa
The Rev. James F. Bartek left
July 8 for a 3 week vacation. He
has been visiting his parents in
Omatui and a sister at Denver.
The Rev. Murphy, Creighton Un
iversity in Omaha conducted the
services Sunday, July 15. He was
accompanied by John Bartek (a
brother of Rev. Bartaki, and a
friend. They were all pleased with
the small town of Lynch.
Mrs. Allan Coakley (Mildred
and daughter are visiting a
few weeks at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mul
Mrs John Corey, the former
Donna Rihanek, and children ar
rived last Thursday for a visit
before going to their new home
in California. They have been
living in the South Sea Islands.
Mulhair-McKenzie reunion was
held July 8 at the Lynch park.
Those present were Mr. and Mrs.
Dan McKenzie, El Monte, Calif.,
Mr and Mrs. Everett Miller,
Mesa, Ariz., Mr. and Mrs. Law
rence Johnson, Omaha, Mrs. Dor
othy Miller and Gail Ann, Win
ner, S. D., Mrs Esther Mae
Barnhart, Kerry and Velma, Ne
ligh, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Revell
and Patty and Ted McKenzie, O’
Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Mott,
Neligh, Mr and Mrs. Harry Mul
hair, Mr. nr>d Mrs. G. L. Mul
hair, Jerry Mulhair, Mrs. Hazel
McKenzie and Connie Bowlby and
Mr. and Mrs Alfred Ekrhardt, all
of Lynch.
Kir. _A At..,. I/A.rnl ..rvrmt
last weekend in Lynch with Mrs.
Monica Koval before returning
to work at Cedar Rapids, la.
They just spent a two weeks hon
eymoon trip at the Black Hills
and Yellowstone National Park
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Moody
and girls left for a weeks camp
ing trip Sunday in the Black
The Lynch band marched Sun
day afternoon at 2 p.m. in the
Diamond Jubilee Parade in Ver
digre. Forty band students march
ed. The Lynch swing band gave
a concert at 4 p.m. at the band
stand in the Verdigre park that
Mr. H. Miller, band director for
the past year, was in Lynch Sat
urday night to help the band pre
pare for the trip to Verdigre
Mrs Cathy Hrbek and Mrs. Bill
Spencer were in O’Neill Monday
to get Karen Spencer who spent
from Thursday until Monday with
her great grandmother, Mrs. Roy
Community 4-H club met at
the Lynch school auditorium Fri
day at 8 p.m. Mrs. Helen David,
club leader, had charge of the
meeting The 4-H picnic was dis
cussed. Those who will give dem
onstrations at Butte Tuesday, Ju
ly 17, were chosen and they gave
a practice demonstration at this
time. July 27 is judging day at
The livestock 4-H group served
lunch. i
Karen Bridge will wed Lowell Seger August 4
______ imii—im inn m~'[ r
Linelle Tompkins
will wed
Ned Kelley
August 5
The brides are registered in our bridal registry
Make McIntosh Jewelry your First Stop for
China, Crystal, Silver and Wedding Gift needs
McIntosh jewelry
to: E Douglas Phone 1M
A Trusted Jeweler Is Your Best Advisor
The children of Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Havranek have been sick
the past two weeks with the
Mrs. Ivan Thomson and fam
ily spent Friday afternoon with
Mrs. Joe Halva. Little Kevin
stayed there while his parents at
tended the circus.
Mrs. Velma McDonald and
grandson, Allan Ashlock, spent
Wednesday evening with Mr and
Mrs. Joe Halva.
Mrs. Albert McDonald is run
ning the store for Leland Moo
dy's while they are on vacation.
Mrs. Lena Johnson and Mrs
Gladys Spencer spent Sunday eve
ning with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hal
Mr. and Mrs Joe Halva spent
Tuesday evening at the LeRoy
Purviance home.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Halva were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs Alvin Havranek and family.
Mrs. Art Retzlaff and Rodney
returned home Sunday from Co
lorado where she visited a brother
for a week. She accompanied her
mother and a sister from Pierce.
Vic Pickering called Sunday
from the Lackland Air Force
base near San Antonio, Tex.,
where he is taking basic training.
Monowi First Methodist Ladies
aid met Thursday afternoon at
Uic nviuu vi vjiavjra uycir
cer. Tne former Melba Christen
sen was a guest. Mrs. Frank
Lewis presided over the meeting.
Boyd County Farm Bureaa
meeung was held Thursday eve
ning at the home of Mr. and
Mrs Glenn Davy. Vernon Dafil
berg, president conducted the
meeting. There were 15 members
present. A discussion was held
on the farm bureau picnic to be
held some time in August.
Mrs. Art Retzlaff and Rodney
visited an aunt and uncie ot Mr.
Art Retzlaff in Denver, Colo., Fri
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Retzlaff,
Chambers, visited Monday at the
Art Retzlaff home.
Mary and Martha Society of
the Christ Lutheran church will
hold their regular meeting Thurs
day afternoon in the basement at
2 p.m. Pastor Burgdorf will be
in charge of devotions. Mrs. Art
Retzlaff will serve.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Darnell and
daughter, Susan Kay, Grand Rap
ids, Mich., arrive-d Thursday
morning at the parental home of
and Mrs. Ernest Darnell.
A birthday dinner was given
Thursday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Darnell in
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Darnell,
which was on that day. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. E.
J. Darnell and Susan, Grand Ra
honor of Susan’s 10th birthday
Great Grandmother of Susan.
Grace Mannen, Detroit, Mich.,
and Herbert Mannen.
A birthday dinner was held at
the home of Mrs. Josie Mannen
Friday evening in honor of Mrs.
Ernest Darnell. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dar
nell, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Dar
nell and Susan, Grand Rapids,
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Darnell
and Susan left Saturday for Ni
obrara to visit Mrs. Darnells
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Carson. Mr. Darnell returned to
Grand Rapids Sunday and in two
weeks will be back to continue
his vacation.
Riverside Nevt^
By Mrs. Lionel Gunter
Jolly Workers club met Thurs
day afternoon at the Willie Shra
der home with Mrs. Grant Mott
and Mrs. R. A. Hord as co-hos
tesses. The ladies embroidered
tea towels and pillow cases. Mrs.
Willie Shrader presided at the
business meeting. Seventeen la
dies answered roll call. Mrs. Joe
Sturbaum. Mrs. R. A. Hord and
Mrs. Willie Shrader each receiv
ed birthday gifts from their
mystery pals. Mrs. Wilmer
Young, a guest received an as
sortment of groceries in her pan
try shower. Mrs. Lewis Shrader
will entertain the club Thursday
afternoon, August 9, with Mrs.
Floyd Lee and Mrs. Lionel Gun
ter as co-hostesses. Members are
asked to bring their own fancy;
work to the August meeting.
Mrs. Marvin Pribnow and child
ren. Albion, were dinner guests
Friday at the Earl Pierson home
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mott, Ne
hgh, visited last Sunday after
noon at the George Montgomery
Mrs. George Keller and family
visited at the Alfred Napier
home last Monday evening. Glen
da Napier went home with them
for a few days visit returning
home Wednesday afternoon
Glenda visited Thursday at the
R. A. Hord home.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and
Clayton visited in Neligh Satur
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Miller,
Mrs. Mervm Miller and Gayle,
Winner, S. D., Mrs. Esthermae
Barnhart and Velena and Mrs.
Grant Mott and Tammy visited
at the Ora Switzer home Wednes
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett
joined Mrs. Ruth Waples, Lincoln,
Mrs. Floyd Nutt, Oregon, Ina
Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Shrader and family, Flora Young
and James Bennett, at the Ro
ger Bennett home for a cook out
supper, Tuesday.
Janet Switzer, Becky Miller and
Jackie Switzer spent last Mon
day night with their grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer.
Mrs. Anna Pollock and Mrs.
Fern Pollock were dinner guests
Friday at the Dave Pollock home.
Mrs. Bert Fink visited Mrs.
Ora Switzer Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Rudy Ahlers visited with
Mrs. Chet Taylor last Monday af
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink were
supper guests last Monday at the
William Lofquist home.
Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader
and family and the Arlen Miller
family were guests Friday at the
Leo Miller home for a barbecue
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock vis
ited one day last week at the
Rollie Snell home at Page.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller
and the Walter Miller family vis
ited at Yankton, S. D., Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier
and Steve visited Tuesday eve
ning at the Jim Tinsley home.
Willard Harpster visited Den
nis Napier from Monday until
Wednesday, then Dennis was a
guest of Willard until Saturday
Mrs. Walter Miller and child
bubbles of air 0
i tlw original and only ^ Q
" Expertly Fitted et - _
A & M Shoe Store
ren visited at the Elza Wolfe
home at Eric son last weekend,
coming home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Pollock
and family visited at the Dave
Pollock home Friday evening.
Mr. anr» Mrs. William Lofquist
and family picnicked last Satur
day at Goose Lake
Duane Tinsley was an overnight
guest of Leroy Napier last Mon
Mr and Mrs. George Montgom
ery visited in O'Neill Wednesday.
The Ed Walters family, Cham
bers, visited at the John Napier
home last Sunday evening
Mr and Mrs. Mike Cronin were
supper guests last Monday at the
Lionel Gunter home and also
spent the night there. Mr. and
Mrs R. A. Hord were evening
Mr. and Mrs Willie Shrader
and family. Kitty Fry, Mr. ami
Mrs. Floyd Napier and the Lee
Fink family were dinner g-ie^ls
last Sunday at the Lynn Fry
Alice Shrader came home laat
Monday afternoon after upending
a lew day* In O'Neill.
Larry and Dan Rotherham were
dinner gurata laat Sunday at the
William Lofquiat home.
Jacky Switier spent the week
with Becky Miller
"Just Charge It"
at Gambles!
O'Neill, Nebraska
ffor MAT/tee
Ilig group for tots, girls, missus! Wash 'n wear
sport cottons in prints and solids. Gay colors.
3-6X m
Reg. to M a
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c7-ri4 DBc
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Reg. to
Ladies J|g ^
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\ Girls', Misses', Women's *
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1S7 •
Many styles & colors
Cool cotton sailcloth P
or sturdy Fabrilite. Flats Oxfords | |
Children's 6-3 Canvas
Big Discounts on Summer
Big selection! Short sleeve styles for men &
Sanforized cottons. Assorted patterns. 6-16.
Men's MM n ^
Reg. to ^B ^ ■
1.98 ■
Wash-wear cottons. Prints & solids. S-M-L.
/ SALE! Men's & Boys1 Combed Cotton J
/Reg. to 79c Value! ^ $4 I
C T-Shirts with nylon reinforced crew necks. C
# Briefs have taped seams. Boys’ 6 to 16. Efc ^B \
\ Men’s: T-shirts, S-M -L; briefs 30 - 40. ■ Em I
“Prices and offers apply to all Gamble-owned stores, and in most Dealer stores'
Regular to 1.19
NOW! r C
Many sleeveless styles. In cool
wash-wear rotten*. Misses* 32-38. i
Regular to 2.98
Klim, full or pirated wash-wear rot
ton*. Regulars 22-30; petite* 8-10.
Acetate tricot brief*. FJastic at ■
Jefc* & waist! White. Misses’ H H. Jj
1 ■£?
and I
Size 32-38. Asst, styles A colors. 1
Save now! Use your credit! *
Men's Work |
If Perfect 35c
Ankle length with cushion ffjOt for I
comfort. White cotton. Size* I0V2-13. 1
Regularly to 1.39
Sturdy cotton cham bray.
Sanforized! Ha* doubi
stitched seams! Blue. Size UH-17.