Lynch News By Mr*. Fred King Mrs. Wayne Boelter, Verdigre, spent Friday visiting at the El mer Hull home, Lynch. Lyle and Don Hoffman arc spending a few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Hoff man, Lynch. Darla Ducker and Shirley Moo dy are spending a few days of this week at the Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kounovsky home, O’Neill. Mrs. Phyllis Mulhair and boys, and Mrs. Etta Johnson, Lynch, left for Denver, Colo., Sunday to visit her daughter, Mrs. Leroy Purviance and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Micanek were Saturday evening guests at the Pete Mulhair home. Lee Brady, sr., was taken to the hospital at Lynch Tuesday af ternoon. Mrs. Brady became ill Wednesday evening and was also admitted to the hospital. Mrs. Harold Potter was a Thurs day afternoon visitor at the Pete Mulhair home. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Derickson and family, Lynch, were Sunday visitors at the John Denckson home. Sunday dinner guests at the Glen Hull home were Mr. and Mrs. Pete Mulhair, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hull. Emil Koval, Iowa, has been vis iting his mother, Mrs. Monika Koval, Lynch, this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Moody and girls, Mrs. John Rossmeier, Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. Lumir Ci zek and boys, Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rossmeier and family, Sidney and Roy Rossmeier, Uti ca, S. D., attended the Schumann family reunion at Gavins Point, Sunday. Mr. and Mirs. Marty Mueller, Missouri, are visiting at (Lynch this week. They arrived Thursday night, and left early Monday morning. Mrs. Bill Spencer and children, and Mrs. Glen Hull were Tues day afternoon visitors at the Mrs. Roy Lowry home, O’Neill. Mrs. Bill Spencer and boys and Mrs. Leonard Havranek and Deb bie, spent Monday in Sioux City. Sunday guests at the Warren Miller home near Butte were Lee Wells and family, Mrs. Billy Wells, and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wells, Lynch. Mrs. Warren Collins and fam ily visited over the weekend at the Elmer Christensen home, Lynch. They then attended the wedding of Jackie Reynolds, Ni obrara. Mr. and Mrs. Fred King and family and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Moody are spending a few days at the Lakes of Minnesota. Father James Bartek and Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Courtney took ten of the CYO girls to Omaha Sunday to attend a CYO conven tion. They returned home Mon day evening. Girls attending were Margene Weeder, Linda Courtney, Susia Lueken, Jean Uueken, Marjean Biermeier, Marlene Streit, There sa Chvala, Anna Chvala, Sue Al len and Rosemary Heiser. Mrs. Veronica Ashloock and son, Calif., are visiting Veroni ca’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al bert McDonald, Lynch. Mr. and Mrs. Leman Huber were Saturday dinner guests at the Harold Osborn home. Mrs. Bill Havranek and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fish and fam ily, drove to Gavins Point Sun day where they had a picnic __lunch with relatives, Mr. and — Mrs. Ralph Moody and family, Niobrara, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Samuelson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Greene and family spent a few days at the Ray Davy home at Scottsbluff before leaving for Arizona where they will make their borne. Stan ley will enroll at the Arizona State University at Tempe in September. Mrs. Bud Stewart and children were Friday morning visitors at the Bill Spencer home. Thursday overnight guests of the Lewie Christensen home at Lynch were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Clinch from Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Clinch were on their way to the Black Hills. Linda Crooks has been spend ing the past week at home with the mumps. Jean Mulhair and Sharon Chris tensen are taking swimming les sons every forenoon this week. Suday dinner guests at the Walter Hornback home were Mr. and Mrs. Willard Erne and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Milford Cam eron and family, Jack Pritchett, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pritchett and boys. Sue Allen and Mrs. Grace Ed son, left from Omaha for Dallas, Tex., Tuesday to spend a week there. They had been visiting in Omaha where Sue Allen was at tending the CYO convention. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Spencer and family were Sunday evening vis itors at the Cathy Hrbek home. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Elsasser , and family are spending the week end here while visiting Willis's , parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Elasser. Royal News By IVIr*. R. J. Hering Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Dodds and grandsons, Tommy Hofer and GayJand Holm returned Sunday from a two weeks fishing trip to Vergas, Minn. The trip had been promised the boys as an eighth grade graduation gift. They came home with the limit and were each day rewarded for the effort pat forth. It is needless to say that the trip was thorough ly enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Zollers, Shenandoah, la., visited the week end at the B. A. Rundquist home. Mrs. Zollers was Ruth Rundquist before her marriage, a daughter of the late Albert Rundqaist and Jessie Biackburn Rundquist. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Blackburn, Mrs. Zoller's un- 1 cle. Mr. and Mrs. Art Albright and family, Omaha, visited her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Pruss, sr., over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Nurch were Norfolk visitors overnight Saturday, at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Fryer. A heavy rain, estimated at three inches, fell in Royal Sat urday night. No damage was re ported in town except that tele phone lines were out of commis sion until Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Rjndqiust and Janie, Brunswick, and Mr. ] and Mrs. C. E. Rundquist were! Father’s day dinner guests of] Mrs. Glenn Rundquist and Nolan. [ Mrs. R. J. Hering has disposed of half her residence property and the shoe shop and other buildings, except the hojse, to Mr. and Mrs. Hans Hofer. The contents of the shoe shop will be disposed of al so. Mrs. Hering will continue to live in Royal and write news. ' gp m mmmhm A ' LITTLE WILL GET YOU A LOT OF . . . ii SIDE DRESS CORN NOW! i How Much Extra Com Profits Do You Want? | Side dressing your com with as little as 120 pounds of CO-OP Ammonium Nitrate per acre can increase your yield by about 20 bushels per acre ... an extra profit of some $20. A more liberal side dressing can increase profits up to as much as $75 per acre. CO-OP AMMON I CM NITRATE CO-OP Ammonium Nitrate is the top-quality dry nitrogen in familiar prilled form, with long history of producing top-yield, top-profit com. Uniform, free-flowing . . . easily applied with fertilizer spreader, com planter or side dresser on cultivator, etc. . . . Apply any time prior to third cultivation . . . The Sooner The Better. HOLT COUNTY CO-OP O’Neill, Nebraska PHONES: O’Neill 51 Chambers IV 2-2332 Owen Parkinson. Mgr. -■-I FRESH WHOLE Lean Meaty PORK ROAST “• 39* PORK STEAK . Lb. 49c PORK CUTLETS . Lb. 59c PICKLE AND PIMENTO LOAF . 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