Riverside News By Mrs. Lionel Oouter The Jolly Workers chib met with Mrs. Ralph Shrader Thurs day afternoon. Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Mrs. Lester Johnston were co-hostesses. The ladies tied a quilt for the hostess. Mrs. Floyd Lee and Mrs. Lewis Shrader each received a gift from their mys tery sisters. There were twelve members present. The club will meet with Mrs. Willie Shrader Thursday afternoon, July 12 and will have a pantry shower for Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Young who were married June 17. Mr. and Mrs. George Mont gomery visited last Sunday eve ning at the Keith Biddlecome home. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock were dinner guests at the Ken neth Pollock home in Neligh last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clairemont Gun ter came last Sunday evening to spend a few days visiting her sis ter, Mrs. Keith Biddlecome and other relatives. They have been visiting their two daughters and families in Illinois and Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier, Dennis, Glenda and Steve visit ed at the Lionel Gunter home last Sunday afternoon. Steve Miller and Glenda Napier went last Monday to the Cleve land camp for a week of Bible study. Mr. and Mrs. Clairmont Gunter were sapper guests Tuesday at the Lionel Gunter home, other evening visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Switzer, Dewitt Gunter, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hord and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier, Le roy, Dennis and Steve. Mrs. John Napier entertained the Seek and Share project club Wednesday evening. Mrs. Alfred Napier served lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bennett and children came Tuesday to vis it a few days at the Wilbur Ben nett home and to attend the Mari 1 lyn Sheirloh and Wtlmer Young wedding Sunday afternoon, June 17, in Norfolk. They plan to re turn to their home at Crawford Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier, Dennis, Steve and Leroy visited at the George Keller home Fri day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pol lock and family visited at the Dave Pollock home Friday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. George Mont gomery visited Friday evening at the R. A. Hord home. Mrs. Darrol 9witzer, Jackie and Judy came Saturday after noon to visit at the Leo Miller and Ora Switzer homes. They have been visiting her father and other relatives at O’Neill. Darrol and Jerry Switzer and Sandra Jenkins, Omaha, came Saturday evening to spend the weekend vis iting at the Miller and Switzer homes. Mickie Roberts, Atkinson, came home with Marilyn John ston last Saturday, from the Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier and the John Napier, Glen Harpster and Richard Napier families were dinner guests Sunday in the Al fred Napier home. Mrs. Ralph Shrader visited at the Leo Miller home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Alfred Napier and Leroy visited in O'Neill Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Switzer, Edgar Switzer, Norman Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer and the Wendell Switzer family were supper guests last Saturday at the Leo Miller home. Mrs. Vearl Tuttle, Mrs. Lynn Fry and Mrs. Wendell Switzer met at the Web Napier home Fri day evening and the ladies plan ned the menu for the mother daughter tea. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bergstrom and Kay to Lincoln early Satur day morning to attend Boy's Clayton Hoke accompanied State. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Miller and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shrader visited Friday evening at the Willie Shrader home. Mrs. Dewitt Hoke visited the Eastern Star Chapter in Plain view Tuesday evening. Mrs. Joe Hegr visited Thursday afternoon at the Keith Biddle come home and her son, David, returned home with her after spending the past week visiting his grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walters and family visited Friday evening at the John Napier home. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom ery visited in Norfolk Tuesday. Cleveland camp, to spend a few days. Mickie is a weekend guest of Joan Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Napier and Carol Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Napier and girls, Becky Miller and the Wayne Fry fam ily visited last Sunday evening at the Dale Napier home in honor of Mrs Dale Napier’s birthday anni versary. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Mor row and children and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bennett and Ourtis were supper guests Wednesday at the Wilbur Bennett home and vis ited with the Harold Bennett fam ily. Lynne and Beth Rotherham and Jeannie Hobbs were overnight guests Thursday at the William Lofquist home. Mrs. Richard Fink and Mrs. Tuffer and son, Los Angeles, Calif., came Friday to visit a few days at the Bert Fink home. Mr. and Mrs. Art Busshardt and family, Neligh, were dinner gjes»s Sunday at the Dave Pol lock home. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Gunter were dinner guests last Monday at the Keith Biddlecome home. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Biddlecome were evening visitors. Mr. and Mrs. William Lofquist and family attended the rodeo in O’Neill Friday evening. Mrs. Lee Fink and Jill visited at the Willie Shrader home Wed nesday afternoon. Mrs. Alfred Napier went after her daughter, Glenda and 9teve Miller and David Shrader at Camp Cleveland near Stuart Sat urday afternoon. Mrs. Bert Fink, Mrs. Walter Miller and Sharon Mott worked with the vacation Bible school at the Riverside Free Methodist church the past week. Gienellen McDaniel helped Saturday. The program was held Saturday eve ning at the church. Mrs. Howard Miller visited Mrs. Ora Switzer Tuesday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Bus Napier and family. Mr. and Mrs Lewis Shra der. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bennett and son, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shrader and Gordon. Mrs. Flora Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Young. Lna Bennett and Mrs. La vima Nutt visited Thursday eve ning in the Wilbur Bennett home. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller visited at the Jessie Cronk home at Page and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink visited at tin* Frank Sny der home. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier, Mr. and Mrs Lorraine Montgomery and family and the Lynn Fry family were dinner guests Sun day at the Floyd Napier home in honor of Father's day and Mrs, Dale Napier’s birthday anniver sary. Mr. and Mrs. William Lofquist and family visited in Norfolk Sat urday. Orchard News Mrs. Lester Withee WSWS of the EUB church held their regular meeting Wednesday at the church. Thirty members answered roll call and Mines, Kenneth Anderson, Don Park hurst, George Bunge, Ed. Porter and Ora Caskey, Orchard and Mrs. Bahannon, Seattle, W'ash., ~_~ I and Joiene Mitchell were guests. Mrs Mat ion Shipman was lesson leader. Reports were given on the Alumru banquet and about $345 was cleared on this project. Mrs. Duane Lem was presented with a birthday cake and a gift from the Society. Mmes. Wendell Wilson, D. L. Fletcher and Har old Mitchell also honored Mrs. Lem with some orginal poems and readings. Mmes Harold Mit chell, Leon Mitchell, Boyd Mit chell and Alfred Cleveland were hostesses. Joiene Mitchell assis ted. Thursday Bridge met June 14 at the home of Mrs. Gail Brodie. Mrs. Blanche Fletcher and Ger trude Grtbble were guests- Mrs. Ted Berry, Mrs D. L. Fletcher and Mrs. E. Bruce were the win ners. Mrs. Lester Withee will en tertain the club June 28. Mrs. D. C. Anderson, Burbank, Calif., and Mrs Walt Kuwait, Plainview, spent Wednesday after noon in the Lester Withee home. Mrs. Anderson is spending some time in Nebraska visiting her mother in Creighton and other re latives in Omaha and Lincoln. The Itev. Keith Kiihne and Ills bride stopped in Orchard Friday evening to visit relatives. Keith has just graduated from Concordia Seminary in St. lands, Mo. lie was married in Fort Wayne, Ind., June 3 and or dained June 10 at Hooper, Nebr. Ills parents, .Mr, and Mrs. Gus Kiihne are former residents of Orchard and still have many relatives in this ar ea. Tlie Kiihne's will reside in F'reidhelm, Mo. The Rev. Kiihne will teach religion in the paro chial school as well as serve as pastor. Jerome J. xwioeii, son oi ,vir. and Mrs. Lloyd Twibell, Orchard, graduated from the University of Nebraska Saturday, June 9, with a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering. He has se cured a position with General Electric in Phoenix, Ariz. He will report for work there June 20. Mr. and Mrs. Willard (Itus) Napier will observe their 25th wedding anniversary Sunday, June 24, with open house from 2 to 5 p.m. at their home. Ev eryone is invited and they re quest no gifts. Cecil Moser of Venus Commun ity was injured in a fall from a haystack about 6 p.m. Wednesday. He was treated in Orchard by Dr. D. L. Fletcher and removed to Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Norfolk for X-rays and further examination. The extent of his injury is not known at this time. The cancer quota for Antelope County was $1,300.00. We can feel proud that our county has done so well, when the cause is deserv ing the people in the county are more than generous. $1474.91 was raised with some yet to be ac counted for. Mrs. Raymond Ste vens Orchard, Cancer Chairman of Antelope County wishes to thank all the town chairman and volunteer workers for making this drive such a success. Meek News By Mrs. Fred IJndberg Congratulations to the Midway 4-H ciab on winning second place on their float Friday evening in the parade at O’Neill. They chose to depict “a turning wheel leads to success.” Mr. and Mrs. James Karel and Mrs. Celia Richter were Sunday callers of John Horner and son, Atkinson ,and lunch guests Sun day evening at Martha Johrings. Mr. Ted Crawford received Fa ther’s day greetings by tlephone, Saturday from his daughter, Mrs. Wilbar Staples, Newport, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Crawford and Pam met Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whetham and family at Presho, S. D. Sunday and the grand child ren returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Devall and Kathryn were Tuesday evening callers at the Dewayne Anson home and Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson and family called Sunday. Henry Storjohann and Martha Johring w’ere Saturday dinner guests at the Louis Goeke home, . Atkinson. Mr, and Mrs Orville Peterson and Janet and Mr. and Mrs Mar vin K<>rab. Denver, Colo, and Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Dev a 11 end son were Monday evening »ujg>er guests st the Elmer lievsll home. Mrs. Carl Hallgrimson and Car lene and Mrs. Hallgrunaon'a sis ter. Wood lake, drov e to Colorado Springs Thursday to visit thetr mother, Mrs. Lloyd Ooodwin. Car lene plans to remain with her grandmother and attend summer school. The rest of the party re turned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Benson and Mr. and Mrs. Henry WoHlueck. Spencer, were Sunday callers at Die Dave Jensen home. Mr. and Mra. Claude Hancock, California, Mr. and Mrs. De Wayne Booth. Mrs. Irene Booth, Jim and Judy celebrated with a picnic dinner Sunday at Loyal Hulls. The occaasion marked De wayne's and Janet’* sixth wed ding anniversary . Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dobro volny went to Blue Earth, Minn Friday to visit the Lowell Hall family and Mrs. Viola Hall re turned home with them Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindberg accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Gannon, Inman, attended the funeral of John Spangler, Wisner. Saturday. Enroute they stopped at the liospilul in Norfolk to nee Oran Bishop, Wisner. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weiss and children, Kansas City, Mo., ar rived Wednesday at the t*«me of Lois Jean’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robertson Mr. Weiss return ed Sunday but the rest of the fam ily plan to remain two weeks. Paddock Missionary society plan to meet Friday, June 22 at the Martha Johring home. The meeting was postponed a week on account of the ladies helping with me s-m uoai. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyer jr. and Vicki Sue spent Friday evening at the Delbert House home. Debbie Anderson was the guest of honor at a birthday party Mon day at the George Nelson home. Others attending were Nancy An derson. Sue Nelson, Sharon and Carla Anson and Charlene and Crmg Johring. It was her 7th birthday. There was 7 candles on the cake and 7 children present. Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Borg, Edina, Minn., came Friday and spent the weekend at the Axel Borg Inane. A family gathering was held Saturday. Others present were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hard ing and family and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Borg and family, Des Moines, la. The Rev. Turner plans to be present at Paddock Union church next Sunday for services. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Walters, Henry Walters and Norma went to Omaha Sunday. Gene Libby re turned home with them and Ben nie Johring accompanied him to Manitou Springs, Colo., to move their household equipment to Om aha so Mrs. Libby could remain near the baby. The baby’s condi tion is improved. Mrs. Lela Risor came up from tion is reported as being improv Blair to spend the weekend with home folks. The Frontier Phone 788 Unmlii Mutual IJfe and Casualty Insurance O. Fargo, North Dakota WANTED Honest reliable person to re present and service our many policyholders here at O’Neill and surrounding territory. R. L. Vance has represented us and serviced our policyholders for the past nine years. Due to ill ness must replace, An oppor tunity of a lifetime to have an agency already established. Salary plus commission. Vested renewals. Write- State Manager Frank Good 806 So. Vine North Platte-. Nebr. Htf — James Davidson & Sons PLUMBING & HEATING Service Since 1901 n —^ b Winter & Summer 4 ■■ || jf Air Conditioning American Standard Plumbing Fixtures Youngstown Kitchens Sheet Metal Work 513 E. Douglaa Phone 204 O’Neill, Nebr. Or. H. D. GILDERSLEEVE OPTOMETRIST Eye* Examined—Glasses Fitted Contact Leases Phone 167 — O’Neill, Nebr. Hour* 0-5—Mon. thru Saturday Closed Wednesday --i Ponton Insurance Insurance of All Kinds and Bonds FLORENCE PONTON, Prop. Phono 106Golden Bldg. Legs 4 55,. I ML mm ;m,iniin1ifflU,ml,nuMllllili«ul|UIBH»mmiJnimi»Bmmin.,,i!|niimiirmi mmmmmt Your meat money is worth more at your ever-dependable Safeway store! TencOer Pork Roast x'rrr-. 39* SmoDsed Ham Slices HSSs"”.. ■». 89* Pork Link Sausage szztz**..£49* Cod, Perch, Haddock =■* 39* m - '< Ballerina Bread2^l:.1£ST9e Rye Bread fo/piaiics&ndSriebeB . .Loaf 19c I Spry Shortening 00~ < ('7c off’ pack), smooth, creamy.3-flx Cha www | Liquid Swan 7Q# j Detergent, gentle to your hands... .12-ox. Bottle h# #» 1 Liquid Lux 7Qr j Detergent, toe fine fabrics too.12-os. Bottle e# #w j Liquid Wisk tr ] Detergent, Heal for Ashe*..*pt Cm 1 Surf Detergent 90. Adda brightness, (“7c off*).29-aa. Pkg. 401 | Breeze Detergent )e. i Perfect for dishes.. 16-oa. Ffcg. 4#I "Active" All 49s Detergent, especially for automatfaa. .M-os. Fkg. Rinso Blue 9(1 r5e off* pack), bines clothes.12%-oa. Pkg. wV* O'Cedar Cream Polish 70, tAh ahitw* and beauty to furniture.. 8-oat. Bottle ♦##« lClrMd=WfAU Double-Wall Therm-O 8 different colors ★ CORAL ★ YELLOW ★ UME ★ VKMXT it BUIE ★ TURQUOISE ★ ORANGE * PINK (tee color each week for 8 weeks for only 29c with Safeway's newspaper coupon and a purchase of $5.00 or more. extra cxjps may be PURCHASED FOR $LOO each MATCHING TUMBLERS STILL AVAILABLE AT $1.00 EACH m K K * V* .-., 1 » 1: 1.-. with HAIL INSURANCE Hail losses were heavy in 1961. Don’t be a victim in 1962. Insure now with Fanners Mutual Hail and be safe. Fire and lightning protection on crops in the field is included at no extra cost. Be insured from date of policy Premium payment not due ’til October 1 ED THORIN AGENCY Phones 207 or 955 Box 646 O’Neill, Nebr.