Riverside News By Mr*. Lionel Oouter Mr and Mrs. Lionel Gunter at tended a family gathering at the Emery Cary home Friday eve nmg present were Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gary an 1 Donald, Mrs. Elmer Raffelson, David and 9hei Mrs‘ 1)00 Tei8en- Jerome and Suann, Watson, Minn., Mrs Al.ce Proctor, Paw Paw. Mich.! Mrs. Everett Phillip, Missoula, Mont., Mrs. Roger Huston, Hen sen, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Lee and family, Dallas, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cary and Nila, Mr. and Mrs. Earl VanOs trand and Iris, Mr. and Mrs. Phi lip Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Heeae and son, Glen Cary, Mr. and Mrs. Don Klein, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce VanOstrand and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schwa ger and family, Mrs. Blanche Hemenway, Oliver Hemenway, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hemenway, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Brown and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Switzer. Ten of the twelve children of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cary were pre sent. Mrs. Philips had not been back to Nebraska since her mo ther, Mrs. Jessie Cary's death in 1946. The 62nd Hemenway reunion met Sunday, June 3, in the Neligh park for a 1 p.m. picnic dinner. Fifty six members and 8 gjests registered, coming from Sheridan and Buffalo, Wyo., Paw Paw, Mich., Watson, Minn., Hastings, Wayne, Osmond, Brunswick, O’ Neill, Clearwater and Ewing. At the business meeting they re elected Mrs. Ed Loewe as pres ident, Mrs. Chet Middleton, sec retary and Lawrence Brown, treasurer. They plan to meet in Neligh park the first Sunday in June, 1963. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Miller and family and Mr. and Mrs. Li onel Gunter attended from this community. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Pollock and Phil, Omaha, visited at the Dave Pollock home last weekend. Clayton Hoke was in Stuart to a meeting last Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hobbs and family, Omaha, visited last ", . weekend at the Dewitt Hoke home. Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry went to Omaha Sunday morning and visited at the Frank Emsick home. They left by train in the evening for Livermore, Calif., to visit at the Stanley Rickert home and attend graduation exercises for their granddaughter, Dixie Rickert, June 15. They also plan to go on to Seattle and attend the World’s Fair. Mrs. Alfred Napier took her Sunday school class to Norfolk Thursday morning and visited many places of interest. Glenda Napier was a gjest of the group. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader and David and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and children visited at the Bert Fink home Wednesday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller visited in O'Neill Friday. Joan Emsick spent Wednesday and Thursday in the Wayne Fry home. Mrs. Lynn Fry and Sheila and Mrs. Willie Shrader and David took Jack Fry and Sandra Shra der to the Cleveland church camp last Monday morning. Jack was in the senior high group and San dra was one of the counselors. Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Pierson and girls were dinner guests Mon day at the Earl Pierson home in honor of Cheryl’s birthday. David Joe Hegr came Wednes day evening to spend a few days with his grandmother, Mrs. Keith Biddlecome, while his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hegr, are va cationing in South Dakota and Minnesota. Dale Cary and children, Ohio, visited Thursday evening at the Wayne Fry and the Z. H. Fry homes. Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry visited in Oakdale Tuesday morning and Friday evening at the Dale Na pier home. Mrs. Z. H. Fry, Joan Emsick, Mrs. Dale Napier and Mrs. Rich ard Napier and girls visited at the Wayne Fry home last Mon day afternoon to help Mrs. Wayne Fry and Reta Napier celebrate their birthdays. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader I and David and Mrs. Leo Miller visited at the Ralph Shrader home Wednesday evening. The . women prepared the program for the Mother-Daughter tea that is to be held in the church annex June 28. Mrs. Alfred Napier and Leroy visited in O’Neill Friday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Clayton visited in Neligh Wednes day. Mrs. Archie Tuttle visited in the Alfred Napier home Tuesday evening while Archie and Alfred were in O’Neill. Mrs. Alfred Napier called on Mrs. Keith Biddlecome Wednes day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier and family visited Friday eve ning in the George Keller home. Julie Fry spent Friday night with Carol Ann Napier and Jane Fry stayed at the Dale Napier home. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Cary and Jerome Teigen visited Wed nesday at the Lionel Gunter home. Dale, Gary and Dmglas and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pierson called on the Gunters Friday af ternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry took Mr. and Mrs. Otto Retke to O’ Neill Monday morning and the Frys ate dinner with the Retkes. The women cleaned the United Presbyterian church and annex Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Richard Napier and girls visited at the Z. H. Fry home Wednesday afternoon. Norman Fisher spent most of the past week at the Leo Miller home. Debra Montgomery, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lor raine Montgomery, broke a small bone in her leg while playing in the Neligh park last Sunday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mott, Shar on and Tammy were guests last Sunday at the Esthermae Barn hart home in Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Switzer and Mr. and Mrs. Ora Switzer called on the Wayne Fry family last Saturday morning. The Alfred Napier family visit ed at the John Napiers last Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Montgom guests last Sunday evening in the ery and family were luncheon George Montgomery home. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! — ■, Chambers News By Sir*. E. R. Carpenter Merle Fagan. Chambers, and Vern Sageaer, Amelia went to Sioux City Thursday to consult a doctor. They returned Saturday. Larry Swanson returned Tues day from Chicago where he had been attending Moody Bible In stitute. This week he is teaching Bible school at Carter, S. D. Don Janzen, who helped with Bible school at Chambers Baptist church. Chambers last week is teachuig at Witten. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Pospichal at 2 p.m. June 29. There will be a flower tour and identification. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter attended a “Shorthorn” picnic at the Otto Theide ranch northeast of Sprmgview Sunday. Returning from the picnic they visited in the Dean Stevens home, Atkinson. Other guests of the Stevens were Mrs. Carpenter's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Howder and her niece and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Terry Moore, Vivian, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cox and Susan, Lincoln, were weekend guests of their parents, the Rev. and Mrs. Charles Cox and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Tangeman. Mrs. J E. Grimes returned the last of the week from Fremont and Lincoln where she had spent several days with her son, Milton, and family and attended the Meth odist Conference at Lincoln. She was accompanied home by her grandson, Steve Conley, Mont rose, Colo., who had been visit ing at the Milton Grimes home. He will spend the summer at Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Don Lines and family moved recently from the former Genevieve Bell home to the house vacated by the Glen Burge family, who have gone to c -umbus. uudy Beed and Linda Rowse plan to enter the Grand Island Business College the first of next week. The Valley Center Extension club will hold their regular meet ing Friday at the home of Mrs. Merle Fagan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wester man, Kinsington, Kan., visited her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Fagan last weekend. rvcwai uuu met wcuueauay ai | the home of Mrs. Lela Grubb with 7 members and 2 visitors present. Roll call was answered by nam ing a favorite hobby. Mrs. T. E. Alderson was awarded the door prize. The afternoon was spent visiting as there was no program. Lunch was served by the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Loeske visited his parents at Columbus Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Dobbie, Po mona, Calif., were guests from Friday to Sunday of last week in the Merle Fagan home. They are cousins of Mr. Fagan. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Adams and family, accompanied by Edith Grimes left Sunday for Seattle, Wash., where they will attend the World’s Fair and also visit his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Huston and other relatives in Sed ro Woolley, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mitchell and son, Sioux City, la., visited re cently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Fagan. Mr. and Mrs. James Tangeman are spending about a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Tangeman. Mrs. E. M. Jarman returned Sunday from Omaha where she had spent about a week with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ringle and family. Douglas Jarman came home Wednesday from Lincoln where he has attended the State university. He will leave June 18 for Texas to spend two weeks as an ex change student. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Watson and son were Friday evening guests in the Vern Wilkinson home. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hertel were Sunday dinner guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Clouse, Bartlett. The Rev. and Mrs. Charles Cox moved Monday to their new home at Ericson. Home to help them were their sons, Eugene, Los Angeles. Calif. Charles, Ord and Bill, Lincoln. The Rev. Cox has served the Chambers and Amelia Methodist churches for the past 4 years and is retiring due to ill health. St. Pauls Lutheran Ladies Aid will meet this Thursday at the church. The Beautiful Valley Garden club met at the home of Mrs. C. V. Robertson Tuesday afternoon, June 5, with 8 members, 2 visit ors and 5 children present. Roll call was answered by "What I have done to beautify the road past my home". Mrs. Frank 9k rdla and Mrs. Fred Mack. Atkin son who were present were ask ed to judge the hostesses ar rangement as they are official flower judges. Mrs. Donald Hoff man gave the lesson on flower arranging. Mrs. Hoffman gave the lesson on flower arranging.! Mrs. Hoffman also received the door prize. Lunch was served by the hostess after which the group enjoyed a tour of Mrs. Robert son’s yard and garden to view-1 her Iris and other flowers. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Klani|>e, Salem, Ore., came Friday for about a weeks visit with her bro-1 ther-in-law and sister, Mr. andI Mrs. Charles Wright and other' relatives. The following relatives gather ed at the home of Mrs. Effie j Locksmithing General Repairing of Locks of All Kinds Cars - Homes - Businesses —See— Joseph P. Shanner 112 So. 4th O’Neill Harris, Creighton, for a family reunion: Mr. and Mrs Lyle Wright, Mrs. Jack Taggart and Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright and Mr. and Mrs Bill Logeroan, all of Chambers, Mr. and Mrs, Keith Shoemaker, El gin and Mr. and Mrs. Art Al len, Creighton Aftemon callers were Mr. and Mrs Cl* >de Allen, Creighton Mr. and Mrs. Leonard £wtn. son went to Milboro, S D Satur day to attend the alumni banquet. Mrs. Swanson graduated from the Milllx.ro high school. Mr and Mr* Earl Sharp. Bra ken Bow. came Sunday and vis ited until Monday afternoon in the Andrew Gilbert home The Hattie TtbbeU sale of per tonal property sold at her place in Chambers Saturday afternoon was reported very good with a large crowd and thing* bringing very satisfactory price*. Th« hou r and lots did not *4*11. Phone Your New* to Phone 788 O'Neill, Nebr. FRITZ'S Body Shop 24 Hr. Wrecker Service Complete Body Work Glass Cut & Installed - PHONE - 86 Day - 473 Night 30tfc _O'NEIIX, NEBR. FOR SALE Our 160 acre farm located Vi mile east and 2Vi miles south of Stuart, Nebraska. Very well improved, fully modern home, outbuildings In excellent condition. Will sell now with possession March 1, 1963. Terms if desired. ART and ALDA GIVENS Stuart, Nebraska 7and 8 FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY JUNE 15 - 16 - 17 O'Neill's Big Rodeo THREE BIG DAYS THIS YEAR At Carney Park Arena - - O'Neill, Nebraska SCHEDULE _ FRIDAY, JUNE 15 0:00 p.m.—Parade through City; Sponsored by M I *5 Lions Club; $200 in Prizes by the ** Chamber of Commerce. ■ | p 8:00 p.m.—Rodeo Performance. II BWT SATURDAY, JUNE 16 8:00 p.m.—Rodeo Performance. ENTRY FEES ADDED j 10:00 p.m.—Dance at American Legion Club. SUNDAY, JUNE 17- - 2:00 p.m.—Rodeo Performance. 100 Head of Top Rodeo Stock Annulling PROGRAM uuRNfy^L. Event Entry Fee Purse VnillllMrih SADDLE BRONC RIDING . $10.$125 >| BAREBACK BRONC RIDING .$10 $125 H M CALF ROPING . $20 $125 VII STEER WRESTLING .$15.$125 filrRl|ylv3lK LADIES BARREL RACE .$10.$90 Ull w wl«w« Entries Close noon Friday, June 15 Mail or phone entries to Virgil Laursen, O’Neill O’NEILL RODEO ASSOCIATION ADMISSION: Adults $1.25; Children 50c Now is the time to DRESS UP Your Home and Farm Buildings with MILLTEX PAINT Our outside white house paint stays white and bright for years Easy to apply Coverage up to 450 sq. ft. per gallon. Sold with money back guarantee $4£75 gal. in 5#s $4.85 gal. in Vs OUR RED BARN PAINT can't be beat! $350 9°!* in 5's $3.60 gal. in Vs Come on in, mmmi^ the weather’s fine mSPTSinnm SEE YOUR ELECTRIC DEALER -XiOOflMMMiOOOvvv. Charge It At Gambles! ^ O'Neill, Nebr. Wash 'n Wear Cottons! B SPORT SHIRTS ’ 2“ . Huge group to please Dad! J Knit favorites. Short or M long sleeve cotton prints or solids. Rayon challis, too. V Tyn« BIG SELECTION SPORT SHIRTS Short sleeve wash-wear cotton prints, gingham plaids, rayon challis Wash #n Wear Dress Shirts 298 Quality white cotton broad cloth. Spread collars with convertible cuffs. Sanforized. New Twist Weave or Random Cord SLACKS 3“ Perfect for Dad! Wash ’n cotton fabrics. Tailored with trim, tapered legs. In 30-36. "Me— ana offers eppty to o(l Goiebie oemod stores, and m most Deoier stores." I I Canvas I OXFORDS I 1)98 I White or black g tennis style I ties. Canvas B BB uppers, vul- B J