Deloit Nows By Mrs. H. Mmt Mrs. Elizabeth Bartak and Gene and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohn attended the Bartak re union in Stanton recently. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Moon, Ne ligh, were recent visitors in the Watson McDonald home. Many of the children in the community are attending sum mer church school at St. John's church for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Spahn spent Thursday evening in the Henry Reimer home. Donald Larson, O'Neiil. spent the past week at the Leonard I .arson farm home. Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier were Sunday dinner guests at Glenn Harpsters June 3 in honor of Napiers’ wedding anniversary. Otto Reimer underwent surgery for removal of a cataract on one eye Wednesday in a IJncoln hos pital. His condition was reported satisfactory. Mrs. Sylvester Bauer returned home from the Neligh hospital Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Harpster and syns were Sunday dinner guests at the Web Napier home in honor of Mrs. Harpster’s birth day. ^ We have had over 3 inches of rain thus far in June. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Maben and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack were Sunday dinner guests in the Henry Reimer home. I Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bartak and three grandchildren were supper guests at the L. Bartak's. They also called on Mrs. Elizabeth Bartak. Danny Gibbs returned from the Neligh hospital Tuesday. Mona Mosel spent the past week at the Keith Bartak home. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Gene Thramer and daughter spent Saturday night in the Keith Bartak home. Mrs. Minnie Miller of Omaha visited the R. Tomjacks Satur day. Jean Ray, Vicky and Jodie, Omaha, visited the R. Tomjack home Saturday. The girls re mained for a longer stay at the Tomjack home. The HEO club will meet Thurs day at the H. Werkmeister home. Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Spann re turned Sunday, June 3, from their trip to Hillborough, Ore., where they visited the Don Spahn home. Ixwi is employed in a fur niture factory, as a finisher. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Temple and daughters spent last week at 4-H camp in Halsey Forest. Jodie and Vicky Ray spent Sunday at Gene Tomjack's. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tomjack celebrated their 25th wedding an niversary in their home Sunday in La Grande, Ore. Mrs. Jim Squire called Monday at the H. Reimer home. Stuart News By Mrs. Herb 8k*l» Mrs. John Friedel spent from Monday to Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Frie del wtih their children while they were in Omaha. Cindy Flarmigan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Danny Flannigan, Grand Island, returned to her home Sunday after having spent the past two months with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Friedel. Mi-s. Darrell Forsythe and children, Idaho Falls and Mrs. John Blackford and Jackie, Des Moines, la., visited a few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McGregor. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoffman and Danny had as their Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Johnson, Bat tle Creek, Albert Kerstead, Nor folk, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hoff man and girls, Bobby Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Halligan and Scottie, Dwight and Mrs. Bertha Foss, Gregory, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. John Friedel were Sunday supper and evening guests of Mrs. Ida Steinhauser. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoffman en tertained four tables of pitch players Sunday evening at their home. Prize winners were. Ver non McClurg and Mrs. Albert Hol brook; Alberta Hoffman and Mrs. Earl Cadwallader, June 24. Stanley Cobb was picked one of four Scout leaders to attend a camp held in Minnesota this com ing Friday for Eagle Scouts. Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Grenoble and baby daughter arrived Tues day to spend some time visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tasler and other friends and relatives. La Vem is with the Air Force at Eglind, Fla. Tuesday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoffman and Danny were Clyde Brainard and son. The Brainards moved in to Jack Segers house near the coun ty shed. Friday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoffman were Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Halligan and Scottie, Dwight. Glenrose Timmermans and Monte Weymouth, Chadron, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Timmermans. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Timmermans, Fort Collins, also arrived to spend a week. Sunday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Timmermans were Mr. and Mrs. George Minnig. Ot her guests last week were Sheryl Obermire and Bill Hansen, Am-1 elia. Mr. and Mrs. John Weichman, Mr. and Mrs. Don Bemt and fam ily drove to Loup City June 3 to visit Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmader er and family. Enroute home they stopped at Ord and visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kunz and family. Patty VanCleave accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Addison and Sharon to the Black Hills last , week. They returned home Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Don 9hald , returned home from Omaha Sun- 1 day and brought Timmy Heyne back to spend sometime with his ' grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Er vin Van Cleave. I Denny Weber arrived home Fri day evening after having com- ! pleted his first eight weeks of training to spend a two weeks fur- | lough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Weber. | Jo Ann Skala accompanied Mr. - I and Mrs. Gardner Gill and Judy to Fort Rand^ii Sunday for a day of boating Sunday evening callers of Mr. and Mm. Henry Waechter were Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Marcellus. A family picnic was held Sun day at Brooketurg Elk Lodge honoring Mr. and Mrs. Don Werde and family, Gresham, Ore. At tending were Mrs. Dora Doyle, Mrs. fc red Heermann, O'Neill, Mr. find Mrs Ed Weber.' Mr and Mrs. Jerome Weber and fam ily, Mrs. Morton Gill and girls, Mrs. Wilma Johnson and family all of Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bauld, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Moore and daughter. Bonnie. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kaup, Newport, Mr. and Mrs Bob McNickles and fam ily, Omaha. Thursday supper guests of Mrs. Rose Hovey were Mr. and Mrs. Archie Bright and girls, O'Neill. Mrs. Bright and girls spent the evening while Mr. Bright was at the Legion meeting. Mrs. L. W. Barker, Scottabluff. Mrs. Walter Fo*. Bassett, were Sunday afiernoon guests of Mr. and Mr*. Bull Wcwel Mrs. Herbert Young and Mark spent 10 days with Mrs. Young's lather, Emil Johnson, Colon. Mr. Johnson brought them home Thursday and returned to his home Monday. The Birthday club met at the home of Mrs. Max Weichman to help Mrs. Welchman celebrate ————————— her birthday June 7. Mrs Lloyd Thurlow waa the boat Prize wm AHnnrl n'KIoill'c ners were Mrs. Harry Cadwal- MTTena U INIG111 S latter, Mrs. Harokl Butler, Mr*. _ _ _n _ Ernest Greenfield and Mrs. Max BIO RODEC^ Welchman. Monday callers of Mr ami Mrs llino 1C U 17 John Welchman were Mr. and •lEiflfJ U" IU l# Mrs. C. Gillette, Chambers. ----■-:---—^ ft Paul Shierk INSURANCE AGENCY O’NEILL, NEBR Insurance of AO Kinds Fri.-Sat. June 15-16 DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM Chubby Checker in "Twist Around the Clock" —PLUS— Alan Ladd in "All the Young Men" Also added shorts Sun.-Mon.-Tues. June 17-18-19 (SPECIAL FOR FATHERS DAY) Here is a picture with the greatest high adventure ever filmed Mom ... be sure you take Dad to see it . . . Gregory Peck, David Niven and Anthony Quinn in "The Guns of Navarone" In-Color Also Cartoon Wed.-Thurs. June 20-21 Family nights $1.00 per car Kirk Douglas. Kim Novak and Ernie Kovaes in "Strangers When We Meet" Cinemascope, Color and Cartoon I Cow "Round-up" at Verdigre < This Friday Evening, June 15 7:00 P. M. | 150 to 200 COWS PLENTY OF PACKER AND ORDER BUYERS FOR AIL CLASSES OF COWS. IF YOU HAVE CATTLE FOR SALE — BRING THEM IN FRIDAY EVENING. (Cattle must be in before sundown in order to comply with brand inspection regulations.) 400 to 500 Pigs — Brood Sows — Boars Milk Cows — Baby Calves — Mixed Cattle THESE FRIDAY EVENING SALES ARE DRAWING A LARGE CROWD OF BUYERS PROVIDING YOU WITH A GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO SELL YOUR LIVESTOCK. EVERYTHING BIT BUTCHER HOGS WILL BE SOLD, j PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THIS SALE ON FRIDAY EVENING FOR NEXT MONDAY . . . 1000 to 1200 HOGS STARTING 11:00 A.M. Had a large run of hogs at the sale last Monday with the bulk of the hogs selling from $16.00 to $16.70. TRY OUR MARKET WITH YOUR NEXT CONSIGNMENT. WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE AND WILL MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO PRO VIDE YOU Writ! THE TYPE OF LIVESTOCK MARKETING SERVICE YOU DESIRE. Regular Sale Every Monday Regular Sales Every Friday Evening (There will be the sale this Friday, June 16 but we will not hold a sale on Friday, June 22) VERDIGRE LIVESTOCK MARKET Don Jensen, Mgr. Phone 4861 in Verdigre t.t'H -! CENTER CUT FIRST CUT CHOPS 3 lbs. $1 I ARMOUR STAR C Beef | ROAST 7-Bono Round pa. g Cut Lb.45# Bon® Lb.J>“ m Dark mm Meat Lb. 2 M C White Meat Lb. 39* I Wilson's Spiced Cudahy's Chopped ENDS and PIECES Fresh Economical—PORK Armour's Star NAM LOAF PORK LOAF BACON LIVER SAUSAGE Lb. 40c Lb. 09c 4'lb- box 00c 9 lbs. 40c 3 ro**s 1100% Guaranteed Ripe WATERMELONS 20-lb. IC Average SOLID CRISP LETTUCE U.S. No. 1 RUSSET SOLID GREEN POTATOES .. 10 lbs. 59c CUKES.3 for 25c I If you haven't tried them yet, now is the time. They Are Delicious. PEPPRIDGE FARM Apple - Blueberry - Raspberry Lemon - Cherry - Strawberry TURNOVERS Pattie Shells - Apple Strudel - Apple Dumplings PKG. Keep some on hand. Ideal for un expected entertaining TOM THUMB — Beel - Turkey - Chicken PIES 5 >1 Fresh Frozen tabby's Frozen Bullheads .. pkg. 49c Peas . 6 pkgs. $1 ROlfAL — Assorted Flavor** GELATIN .... ~.JFl2 pkgs. $1.00 If CINCH — 4 Delicious Flavors * CAKE MIX.4 pkgs. $1.00 AMERICAN BEAUTY 25 oz. Pk*. ELBO SPAGHETTI.35c FREE 50 Extra Top Value Stamps with the purchase of Zrttef Assorted—IH o*. jam Preserves 3 /$ 1 FREE 50 Extra Top Value Stamps with the purchase of Horahey’s Instant—21/* lb. can Cocoa 89c llllllllfflllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllll FREE 50 Extra Top Value e “Vi* Stamps >foth the purchaie of Folders Instant «-•*. jar . * . Coffee 85c lUltlllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllll FREE 50 Extra ' Top Value W Stamps with the purchase of f'atlo 80 count 9 inch Paper Plates 89c m ———_ ___ iCOOCH! \ IiEuTiSL. PANCAKE I with the purchase __ _ «f each sack !BKIlc EYES - FULL GALLON I Lucky Leaf Ms ea»» JELL-O Be*, pkjs. *mn!ro° "*I 303 ““ APPLE SAUCE ... 6/Sl PUPPING : 1T/S1 CHERRIES . 4/$l Peter Pan 13-oz. jar Blue Runny Half gallon PEANUT BUTTER . 39c ICE MILK.49c Libby's 46-oz. cans Hunt’s 300 cans ORANGE JUKE , 3/$1 FRUIT COCKTAIL .4/$1 • ' < - • 7 ':^d 7^UL* -r-7 V. • - r • .■-. - Q - ... ■*'• * '.....r,'" '* * .r. J - fik*