The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 24, 1962, Section Two, Image 15

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Page News
By Mrs. Ben Asher
The entering of 12 young people
into the Page Methodist church
Sunday was the culmination of
a two year study class. Those
receiving membership were Bec
ky Beelaert, Carolyn Hallman.
Marilyn Max, Dale Miller, Jean
Nissen, Kathy Snyder. Connie
Sorensen, LuAnn Nissen, Mick
Stewart, Royvan Ragland. John
Crumly and Lyle Harvey. Rev.
Robert Linder officiated. A pot
luck dinner for them, their par
ents. and the Linders was held
in the church basement following
Vacation Bible school will begin
on Monday. May 28 through Sat
urday, June 2. There will be no
school on Memorial Day. The
hours will be from 9 to 3:30 ex
cept on Saturday when it will
end at noon. The program will be
on Friday night at 8 p.m.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and
family were Sunday dinner guests
of Mrs. Frieda Asher.
Viola Haynes, Hastings, was
home for the weekend visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Haynes. Sunday afternoon callers
were Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Black
more and Kim. Royal, and Mr.
and Mrs. P. E. Nissen.
Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes re
turned Saturday night after at
tending the wedding of their son,
Lionel, in Louisiana.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roach,
Leann and Joan were Thursday
night callers in the Tony Schmitz
home in Bonesteel. S. D.
The Eagle Hustlers Beef divi
sicn held their third meeting
Monday night at the R. V. Crum
ij home. Tiie business meeting
was called to order by Alvin
Crumly. Roll call was answered
by each member telling and des
cribing a part of a beef animal.
After the meeting John and Jer
ry’s calves were observed. Lunch
was served by Mrs. Crumly.
On Saturday Mr. and Mrs.
Haskle Boyer, Mullin, and Mrs.
Wesley Sandall and children.
Bassett, were overnight guests in
the Dale Stauffer heme. On Sun
day Mr. Sandall and Mr. and
Mrs. Dale Harz and family of
Grand Island joined the group.
They all returned to their home
that evening.
Mrs. George Jeffrey was hos
tess to 12 members of the Help
U-Club Wednesday beginning
with a noon day dinner. The
ladies did mending for the hos
tess. Mrs. Ralph Brookbouser
won the special prize. Next
meeting will be with Mrs. Er
win Held.
The pupils of district 23. their
teacher, Mrs. Dorothy Nissen,
and their mothers, enjoyed a
wiener roast at the Nisen home
Thursday. The occasion was to
celebrate all the birthdays this
summer. On Friday a picnic was
held to close out the year. Mrs.
Nissen will teach district 128 this
fall. Mrs. E. L. Miner will teach
in district 23.
WSCS meets
The regular meeting cf the
WSCS was held at the Methodist
church with a large group in at
tendance. Mrs. Edgar Stauffer
had the devotioiis and lesson en
titled “Give Yourself’ with Mrs.
Jessie Kelly and Mrs. Merwyn
French assisting in the presen
tation of the many ways of giv
ing oneself. Mrs. Harold Kelly
was the pianist.
A letter of thanks was read
from Mrs. Copeland to the group
in their assistance of making her
trip with her husband possible.
It was announced that August is
the time for school of missions.
The group voted to help pay for
Dick Linder’s expenses on his
mission tour. They also voted
to pay §2.50 for any junior and
senior MYF member who wants
to go to camp. Rev. Linder re
ported cn Rev. LeMaster’s talk
given at O'Neill. Forty-three from
Page attended. Hostesses were
Mrs. C. E. Walker and Mrs. John
Golden Rule club
The Golden Rule Extension
club met Tuesday with Mrs. Har
old Asher with 10 members pre
sent. Roll call was answered by
giving good uses for eggs. The
lesson on ‘’Fabric Selection” was
given by Mrs. Don Nissen and
Mrs. Joe Beelaret, Mrs. Lorenz
Riege will be the June hostess.
Virginia Sojka. 14, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sojka, re
ceived a rating of highly super
ior for her piano playing on
Sunday at the Nebraska State
music teacher's association con
test at the .Assumption Acade
my at Xcrfolk. Virginia's teach
er is Mrs. John Watson. O’Neill.
Eagle Hustlers
The dairy division of the Eagle
Hustlers 4-H club met Thursday
night at the home of Dale Stauf
fer. Gary and Monte Stauffer
gave a talk on teaching the calf
to lead. The club voted to enter
a float in the O'Neill’s Rodeo
parade. At the next meeting there
will be general judging to be held
at the Joe Luebcke farm on June
Royal Neighbors
The Royal Neighbor convention
was held at Page Wednesday
night with the Atkinson camp as
hosts. Thirty-five registered at
the 6:30 supper. Honored guests
included new state supervisor,
Mrs. Maude Tejcke, Lincoln,
supreme auditor, Mrs. Edith Ev
ans and district deputies, Mrs.
Emma Rishling and daughter,
Vera Rishling, Neligh. After the
supper they all returned to the
IOOF Hall to hold their meeting.
At the close of the evening the
Atkinson camp served lunch.
On Wednesday morning there
were 18 ladies present for break
fast at the Raymond Heiss home
with Mrs. John Grey, co-hostess,
in honor of Mrs. Icie Snyder.
The members of the HOA club
met on Tuesday with Mrs. Le
land Stelling. All members but
one were present. The members
did their own work.
Nifty Needlers 4-H
The Nifty Needlers 4-H club
met Saturday at the home of Ro
berta and Debra Asher. The
meeting opened with singing led
by Mrs. Lyndley Crumly. Roll
call was answered by giving “A
Safety Hint”. They then separat
ed to their individual groups. The
“lets cook” girls baked corn
bread. the "yeas: bread” girls
discussed the baking of bread
and rolls, the “skirt and blouse”
girls judged materials for mak
ing of skirts and the “work and
play” and “school clothes” girls
wrote up their measurements. D:
ane Trowbridge was in charge
of games. Mrs. Ben Asher served
GGG and G club met Friday
with Mrs. Anton Nissen. Cards
were played with prizes going to
Mmes. Frieda Asher, Clarence
Stevens and John Steinberg.
Mrs. Edd Stewart, Rollie Snell
and Mrs. Roy Stewart accompan
ied Mr. and Mrs. William Neu
bauer as far as Logan, la., Tues
day where they were guests of
Mr. Snell’s daughter, Mrs. Dale
Asher. The Neubauers continued
on to a funeral at Portsmouth.
On Tuesday night they and Mrs. j
Ethel Park, Page, who arrived
there a day earlier, were all
guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Asher, Woodbine, la., in honor of
Dr. Fred Asher’s birthday. Dr. j
Asher, wife and two children were
visiting from Owyhee, Nev. Mr. i
Snell and Mrs. Roy Stewart re
turned to Page Wednesday with
the Neubauers. Wednesday night
the others attended the high grad
uation of Jimmie Asher at Logan.
On Friday evening Mr. Edd Ste
wart and Mick joined Mrs. Ste
wart and Mrs. Park at the Dale j
Asher home. They all returned j
home Saturday bringing Jack
Asher back with them to spend !
a few days.
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. F. |
Beelaert's 25th wedding anniver
sary their children, Mrs. Brenda
Prill and Becky and daughter-in
law, Mrs. Robert Beelaert, held
open house cn Sunday at the Bee
laert home. Mrs. Robert Bee
laert baked and decorated the
wedding cake. Fifty-five relatives
and friends called in the after
noon. Out of town guests included
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Blackmore
and Kim. Royal, Mr. and Mrs. ■ ■
Jim Jarman and daughter, Cham
bers, Mrs. Marie Beelaert and -
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohn, Ew
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Snyder
and Kathy, O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs.
A. M. Beelaert and Connie, Or
On Sunday evening in honor of
the Frank Beelaert's anniversary
the following entertained them
at the Town House, they includ
ed Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Heiss, Mr.
and Mrs. Marvm Stauffer, Mr.
and Mrs. Roger Bowen and Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Van Horn.
Weekend guests at the Cordes
Walker home were their daugh
ter, Kathy, and her fiancee, Ro
ger Johnson, both of Omaha, and
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Walker, Cairo.
Sunday dinner guests besides the
above mentioned were Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Johnson, and Mike,
Nebraska City.
Mrs. Lulu Dunn, Mrs. Bertha
Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mitchell and Boyd, Frank Fun
dus, Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Mit
chell, Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
our Mitchell and Mrs. Anna
Thompson were all Sunday din
ner guests of Mrs. Jessie Kelly.
A picnic was held at the Page
park on .Monday night for Miss
Faye Rutherford and Ron Park.
The school faculty and custo
dian and their families were
Mr. and Mrs. Jake Fischer,
Brunswick, were Thursday din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C.
Wegman. Mrs. Fischer remained
until Saturday.
The Holt County American Le
gion and Auxiliary met Monday
night at Page with over fifty
attending from O'Neill, Atkinson,
Stuart, Chambers, Ewing and
Page. Honored guests were Bill
Galbraith, Beemer, senior state
vice-commander; Don Kramer,
Atkinson district II commander;
Mike Coday, Alvin Heese, district
serivce officer and George Wett
lauffer, candidate for Area B
commander. It was announced
that the county convention at O’
Neill will be July 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prill and
boys, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jarman
and daughter, Chambers, and Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Beelaert and
daughter were 9unday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Royal News
By Mrs. R. J. Bering
Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Mont
gomery honored their daughter,
Judy Ann, a senior in Orchard
and a scholarship winner to Nor
folk Junior college, with a par
ty, Monday evening, consisting of
60 guests from seven towns. Pre
sent were Mr. and Mrs. Aage
Nielson, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Johnson, Rev. and Mrs. Carlson,
an son, Creighton; Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Stutheit, Brunswick, Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Schacht, Glen,
Gary, Walt and Mike, Mrs. Ro
sa Schacht, Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Schacht, Janet Bentley and
Janis Gaedkin, all of Neligh, Mr.
and Mrs. Gen Schacht, Clear
water, Mr. and Mrs. Chester
Taylor, Jerry, Ddjglas and Su
san, Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Don
aid Montgomery and Ida and Ju
lie, and Peter Vetter, Madison.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Meaner.
Bruce and Diane, Mrs. Mary
Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs. Stan
ley Montgomery, Beth. Susan
and Marcy, and Edna Johnston,
Royal. Mr and Mrs. Alfred Suhr,
Janell and Elvina, Elgin, Dale
and Rita Montgomery. Orchard.
Mrs T. R. Dodds and Mrs
Hans Hofer attended the wedding
of Clark Mattingly and Barbara
Resthomer at the Methodist
church in Neligh Sunday.
Guests Saturday afternoon of
Mrs. Virgil Stark of Yankton
who had come to Royal to spend
the day at her former home,
were her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Willard Anson, Orchard and
their guests. Mr. and Mrs. John
Musser, of Powell, Wyo. and Mrs
Byron Hall. The Musser family
were once residents of the Plea
sant Valley community. Mrs.
Musser, a sister of Mr. Anson,
had just returned with her hus
band from a winter spent on the
west coast. They were to re
turn home this week.
Marlen Rader, honor graduate
at Royal, was given a trip to
California as a gift, and left com
mencement night by train for
the west coast to spend two
weeks with her grandmother,
Mrs. Jess Rader, at Maywood.
Both expect to return for Mem
orial Day.
Plainview visitors Wednesday
were Mrs. T. E. Kirby, Mr. and
Mrs R. J. Hering. Mr and Mrs.
T. R. Dodds, Mrs. W. J. Reefe,
Mrs. Charles Meyer and Mrs.
Mabel Meyer.
T. R. Dodds was ill with the
flu the past week and under the
care of a physician.
R. J. Hering was hospitalized
three days last week but was
sufficiently recovered to contin
ue repair work at the Royal shoe
shop Monday.
At a meeting of the WSCS with
Mrs Otto Storm. Wednesday, it
was decided that the society
would serve the alumni banquet
Friday. June 1.
The BTC club of Pleasant Vah
ley met with Mrs Clarence
Weber Thursday for a a»icinl af
ternoon and accepted the invi
tation of Mrs Wendell Wilson for
the next meeting, May 31.
Linda Utoner. Ree Heights,
granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Johnston, is visiting her
great grandmother, Mrs. Edna
Johnston while her mother, Jean
me Johnston Ulmer is Isaapitalts
ed in Miller following a heart at
tack. Mrs Ulmer hopes to be
released from the hospital this
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Weber
and Mr. and Mrs T R Kirby
were weekend guests of Mr. and
Mrs. La Moinu Weber. Wuverly.
They enjoyed Capital Beach west
of Lincoln ami. returned home
Sunday in an almost continuous
downpour which necessitated
their stopping several times.
The Frontier—
(or your old C. S. Olios
Free buying list sent upon re
quest. Free appraisals for your
American Numisinutic Assn.
Retail Coin Dealers Assn.
8578 Carswell, Omaha 47. Nebr.
To the voters who supported me
so strongly in the Primary Elec
tion, May 15.
Republican Candidate for
A & M’s
Come in now . . . enter your name as a candidate in our big popularity contest, register
your choice of prize, then ask all your friends to tally their votes for you when they buy their shoes
at A & M Shoe Store. We’ll keep high total posted in our store so you can tell where you stand.
Four big prizes are offered — one for a girl, two for boys and a fourth for either a boy or girl.
The vote schedule is shown below so you will know just what each purchase is worth in votes.
Start your name out right . . . come in soon and get your next pair of shoes at A & M and
add votes to your total.
200 Votes Per Dollar on Canvas Shoes
100 Votes Per Dollar on Other Shoes
Bride Doll
Rojene Olberding
Craig Hesson
Scat Car
Cynthia Scott
Contest ends 9 p.m. June 16
A & M Shoe Store
"The Family Shoe Store" O'Neill, Nebraska