Cinch White — Chocolate Golden — Upside Down CAKE MIX Charmin Bathroom TISSUE I, 1 I \ ( i 4-roll Pkgs. Heinz CATSUP Doumak M’MALLOWS Full lb. 11 —————————. I SAXET - WHOLE KERNEL cans *■ i ■ I MORTON OR SWISS MISS | Cherry — Peaeh — Appple " | FRUIT PIES ! 31 22-oz. $400 ! Pies ■ j I TALACE I I thick sliced I Ui',0l« - 8KIXUSS I WIENERS I JL2,bs- 75= I | ,T.°LR sp,ct:D L«NC« i I lb 49' I HAM H°CKS lb. 25cl ^ Royal Guest 2 Vi can I Peaches . 29c >__ | Folgers 2-lb. can ( Coffee.$1.35 I Mirro Aluminum 25-lt. roll i Foil . 25c i -1 Red Heart Can ( Cat Food . 10c j Del Monte 303 cans ( Fruit Cocktail .. 3 69c 4 Parade 18-oz. jar ^ Peanut Butter .... 29c i --—-i , Kandy’s Beef CUBE STEAKS . Sno-Fresh — All Varieties VEGETABLES . Agen STRAWBERRIES Guaranteed Ripe 1 WATER- I IHELOnSl I I 1 - I RED Grapefruit 10 for 50c RED SPUDS 25-lbs. 00c Each Fresh Slicer CUKES Each £c A Poem From Mrs. Eby... Whoever therefore shall con fess n»e before men him will I confess before my Father which is in heaven. Matt. 10 ;>» cot ra<;e The old addage, religion Is fur women and little folk, is real ly untrue, relegate it as a joke, for it takes red blooded men with a lot of back bone who will come asking Christ for their sins to atone. Confessing their sms in the old fashioned way, disregarding what those around him may say. At the close of a meeting, a O. S. Marine accepted Christ and stepped out to be seen. Saying, Tve been on battle fields all around the world, in Europe and Asia, where our flag was unfurled, with death all around me on every hand. "Oh! yes I was scared" in every land. It always took courage to stand up and fight but nothing like the courage it took here tonight. One of the hardest things I've had to face was confess my sins and plead for His grace. It took real courage* to confess my guilt and surrender to Him whose blood was spilt. It took real grit but the joy inside it is worth all for His peace now abides. Della Stuart Eby Celia News Mrs. Merrill Auilrroon Mrs. Vivian Vaughn was hos tess for the Mariners class par ty held at the Wesleyan Metho dist Parsonage in Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Klinger had devotions. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L>obias had charge of the enter tainment. Others present were the Rev. and Mrs. Elmore Blain and sons, Mr. and Mis. Robert Hend ricks, Beverly Meyer and Bon nie Retzlaff, Wayne. The Celia 4-H club members and their parents enjoyed a wie ner roast Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frickel. A business meeting was also conducted. The club will hold their June meeting at the Frank Kilmurry home. Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKath nie and family attended the com mencement exercises at Bassett Wednesday evening. Judy Ker nan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kernan was among those graduating. Judy is a cousin of Mrs. McKathnie. They were lunch guests at the Kernan home after the services. Mr. and Mrs. David Rahn and Mrs. Leonard Gold fuss were Friday afternoon guests at the Robert Hendricks home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Krogh and daughters, Gloria Jean and Joyce were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Anderson. After dinner Mr. and Mrs. Krogh and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson drove to the Naper area to see the damage result ing from last week’s tornado. Others among the many sight seeing the storm stricken are were the Milton. McKathnies’, Du ane Becks’ and Victor Freckels’. ^ Mr. and Mrs. John Sicheneder, Gail and Dale visited the Mark and Robert Hendricks’ homes Sunday evening, May 13. They were Junch guests of the Robert Hendricks’. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hitchcock and son, Stevie, were Thursday dinner guests at the John Sichen eder home. Robert Knutson who has been attending school at Tacoma, Wash., arrived home Wednesday and will spend the summer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lauridsen. Robert and LeRoy Lauridsen were overnight guests Thjrsday with the Louis Laurid sen family at Bristow. The Rev. and Mrs. Ivan Meyer and family, Beverly Meyer and Bonnie Retzlaff of Wayne came Friday for a visit with Ivan’s and Beverly’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyer. Saturday was spent at the lakes fishing. The Rev. and Mrs. Meyer and famiJy returned home Saturday. Beverly and Bonnie remained until Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Lange, Marion and Neal spent Friday night with the Hans Lauridsen family. Mr and Mrs. John Sicheneder and family were Sunday, May 13 dinner guests of the Marvin Zis ka family. Mr. and Mrs Milton McKathnie and family attended the com mencement exercise* at Butte. Janice Kisor, daughter of Mr. and Mr* Garold Kisor and a niece c« Mr*. McKathnie waa among those graduating. Servicemen's Notes . . . EWING — Air Force Staff Ser geant Valgenc K Krieter, Ew ing. ia participating in "0|*tb U«»n Dominic", the joint Depart ment id Defense-Atomic Energy Commission nuclear test series being conducted m the Pacific. Sergeant Krieter, an aircraft engine mechanic permanently as signed to McClellan AFH, Calif., is on temporary duty for Hie testa The son of Floy W Krieter, St. Maries, Ida., he is married to the former Anna M. Hill, Ewing. His mother , Mrs. 1 a*ona F. Wright, resides in McCall, Mi. O'NEILL - Reed R. Tumjaek, boatswain's mute second class, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo S. Torn jack, O'Neill, is serving aboard the heavy cruiser USS Saint Paul, operating with the Seventh Fleet in the Western Pa cific. Along with other units (if the fleet, the Saint Paul conducted a weapons demonstration Kir U. S. and Japanese dignitaries off Uie coast of Japan on March 30 and 31. Frank O. Shefl, O’Neill, has been commissioned a second lieu tenant in the United States Air Force upon graduation from Of ficer Training School at Lack land AFB. San Antonio, Tex. Lieutenant Shefl was selected for the training course through competitive examinations with other college graduates. The lieu tenant, who holds a B. A. degree in philosphy and history, attended Conception (Mo.) Seminary and St. Paul (Minn.) Seminary. He is being assigned to Chanute AFB, 111., to attend the aircraft maintenance officer course. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Shefl, O’Neill arid en tered the service in November, 1960. V V Airman liasic Donald A. Fuel berth, whose wife in the former Irene Armstrong, Stuart, Is be ing assigned to the I'nited States Air Force technical training course for supply socialists at Amarillo, Tex. Airman Fuelberth, who has completed his basic military training here, was selected for the advanced course on the basis of his interests and aptitudes. A UM)0 graduate of Stuart Pub lie School, he is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Art T. Fuelberth of Stuart. The Frontier On Sale each Thursday morning at Safeway Store — O’Neill Golden Hotel — O’Neill Stannard’s Superette — O’Neill O’Neill Drug — O’Neill Devoy Drug — O’Neill Johnson Drug — O’Neill Wilson Drug — Atkinson Munn’s Store — Ewing McGraw’s Store — Inman Newhouse Sundries—Chambers ; Subscribe Now! ! Subscription Blank I ! THE FRONTIER • 4 I | 114 No. 4th O’Neill, Nebraska 9 | Please enter my subscription to The Frontier for one year, to ' g be delivered by mail. I enclose: $2.50 (in Nebraska), $3-00 foot- " 1 a g side Nebraska). P g Name . . P > Address . ^