Holt County's Rural School Graduates Emmet And Community Dolores Xuaender Pleasant View school, district 89 will have their annual school picnic Sunday, May 20 at 1:00 at the school house. Everbody is in vited and everybody is request ed to bring a picnic basket. Those who have ice cream freezers will please bring ice cream. Cof fee and soft drinks will be fur nished by the teachers, Mrs. Chace and Mrs. Shellhase. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tunender and family called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deermer and family, Atkinson, Thursday evening. Louis Havranek and Bill Mul len helped at the home of A1 Havranek Friday afternoon. Archbishop Gerald T. Bergan, Omaha, confirmed a class of 14 children and 3 adults at services Wednesday afternoon, May 9 in Emmet at the Church of Epipha ny. Children that were confirm ed were Denny, Vernon, Gene and Bernard Schaaf, Chip and Pat Cole, Jerry Richards, Eddie Sla dek, Raymond Timmerman, Tom Miller, Mariam Dusatko, Patric ia Kloppenborg, Bernelda Pon gratz, Mary Alice Winkler and Susie Dusatko. The adults were Jeanie Foreman, Mrs. Bill Craig and Mrs. Elwin Babl. Guy Iscon of Mission, S. D. was here to get his aunt, Mrs. Agnes Gaffney. They then went to South Dakota where they will visit relatives. Agnes Gaffney will make her home in the Emmet community, where she purchased the Cecil McMillan home. Young Homemakers club met in the home of Mrs. Don Butter field May 9, with co-hostess, Mrs. Adrian Rerucha. Roll call was answered with their favorite flower. Mrs. Bill Tielke and Mrs. Murray Mellor gave the lesson on Fabrics. Next meeting will be in the home of Mrs. Delbert Ross man June 13. Pleasant 4-Her’s met in the school house Friday, May 11. Roll call was answered by “your health”. Lois Sterns was elected treasurer. A food sale was held which amounted to $9.57. Hostes ses for the evening were Mmes. L. Havranek and Mrs. Hennings. Next meeting will be on June 8. Joe and Duane Pongratz help ed Bernard Pongratz drive his cattle to pasture Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Winkler and Mary Alice celebrated Mother’s Day in Atkinson. Mrs. Joe Pongratz attended the confirmation of Mrs. Duane Pon gratz, Pamela Kay Cavanaugh and Bernelda Pongratz in Em met. Sherry Bauer of School district 89, Annette and Johnny Schaaf of School district 99 were among the eighth grade graduation class which was held in O'Neill on Monday, May 14. Emmet little league baseball team played O’Neill at Emmet for a practice game. Emmet was the winner, 7-6. Mrs. Chace and pupils honored the mothers of the lower room of scohol district 89 Friday after noon. The pupils gave a program. Janet Marcellus was one of the members to be confirmed in O’Neill at St. Patrick’s church Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Havranek and Larry called in the home of Mr and Mrs. Carl Broeker and son, Bloomfield, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Kitch.ns and family, Atkinson, called in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Marcellus and girls last Sun day evening. School district 157 held their school picnic for the year Sunday, May 13. Frances Boyle is the teacher. Many attended the funeral of Margaret O’Donnell in Emmet at the church of Epiphany from the Pleasant view and Emmet community. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winkler and family, Atkinson, were Sun day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Winkler. The Winklers also at tended the confirmation at Atkin son Thursday morning. Mrs. Bernard Pongratz helped sponsor the senior class of St. Mary’s at the Town House Wed nesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mullen and family were Sunday dinner guests of Jettie Shorthill, O’Neill. Morris Pongratz, Omaha, was a weekend guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pongratz. He returned Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Agnes Heeb, O'Neill, spent Friday and Saturday with her daughter, Irene Pongratz. They attended the funeral of Margaret O’Donnell Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pon gratz attended the funeral of Mrs. Bertha Conway and Mar garet O’Donnell. Mother’s day guests of Mrs. Joe Ramold sr., were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Timmerman and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs John Schaaf and family, Mrs. Ray Tunender and Dolores, Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Peter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Ramold and fam ily, O’Neill. Mrs. John Babl, Luann, Mrs. Edward Cavanaugh and Pamela Kay and Mrs. Joe Pongratz were dinner guests of Mrs. Agnes Heeb after confirmation services in O’ Neill. Mrs. John Jansen and Mary Lois, O'Neill, called at the home oi Mrs. Georgia McGinnis Sat urday afternoon. Mrs. Joe Pongratz visited Mrs. Ray Pettinger and her mother, Mrs. Nellie O’Donnell Thursday morning. Mrs. Bernard Pongratz attend ed the Patron’s day at school district 8 Friday. Mrs. Pongratz also visited her sister at St. An thony's hospital Thursday morn ing. Edmund O'Donnell, California, is spending a week visiting his mother, Mrs. Nellie O'Donnell, sister, Mrs. Ray Pettinger, bro ther, Tony O Donnell, O’Neill and many other relatives. Jimmy O’ Donnell and son, Omaha attend ed the funeral of his aunt, Mar garet O'Donnell Saturday. Art Wilis, Wayne, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Wills. Mr. and Mrs Ray Tunender and family called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bauer and family Sunday evening. Atkinson News Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McClurg were Sunday afternoon and eve ning guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Deming. Workmen have started digging for the new water line in north Atkinson. The new well was put down several weeks ago and ship ment of the new pipe was delay ed until this last week. The new well is located in the city park. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Gossard and family have moved into the Skrdla tenant house and Mr. Gos sard started working Wednesday for Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skrdla. Mother’s day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Spence were Mrs. Ida Pelcer, Mrs. George Spence, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Braun and family, Mrs. G. W. Blake, Valentine, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Spence. O’Neill. Mrs. G. W. Blake, Valentine, visited Sunday afternoon with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Frank Skrdla in Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schenzel, O’ Nell, were last Friday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson. Gladys Rohr, Stuart, was a Sun day afternoon caller in the home of Mrs. Frank Skrdla. Mrs. Robert Burnt and children came from Cheyenne, Wyo., last Friday to spend the weekend in A'.kinson with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson and Jim. They returned to Cheyenne Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Art McMullen and family, Dunning, were Sun day evening dinner guests of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson. Other din ner guests were Mrs. Robert Burnt and children, Cheyenne, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Malone, Grand Island and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Steinhauser and children, Stu art. Monday afternoon visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Richardson were, Mrs. Wayne Post and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Henry, Neligh, who were enroute home from Winner, S. D. where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Richardson's aunt, Mrs. Nellie Lewis. Mrs. Post is a sister of Mrs. Richardson and Mr. Henry is a brother. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Bogue and son, David, Chamberlin, S. D., spent Mother’s day weekend in Atkinson with his grandmother, Mrs. Gertrude West, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Straka and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Radke spent Mother’s Day with her mo ther, Mrs. Agnes Cessairt, Til den. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thomas and family, North Platte, came Friday to spend Mother's Day weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli McConnell and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thomas and other relatives and friends. They re turned heme Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Hickok left Saturday morning to spend the weekend touring various pla ces of interest. They also spent some time at Ft. Randall and Gavins Point dam. Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Parsons sister and brother, Mrs. John Meyer and Frank Pavelka, Niobrara. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Johnson, McCook, spent Mother’s day with her mother, Mrs. W. L. Schultz in Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Feme Davis and Linda were Sunday guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wenner, south of At kinson. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Schneider and Mack and Mrs. Schneiders mother, Mrs. Fred Mack, went to Omaha last Friday where they visited Mrs. Macks brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stevens and her son-in-law and daughter, Capt. ami Mrs. Nor ris Johnson and family. The par ty returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson, O'Neill, visited in Atkinson Sun day with Mr. ami Mrs. Fred Roth, in the afternoon the group went fishing. The Roths son, Donald, spent the week in Atkinson, he also accompanied them. Owen Parkinson, O’Neill, who has been employed by Meadow Gold for several years as local driver in this area, has resigned his position effective immediately and has accepted a position as manager of the Holt County Co op Association. Mr. and Mrs. William Wefso were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stethem and fam ily near Bunwell. Other visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence White also of Harwell. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beck and children went to Winner last Sun day where they spent Mother’s Day with Mrs. Beck’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer J. Sniitlj. The Becks returned home Sunday evening. Sunday afternoon callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wahl were their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Haas and Bryan, Valentine and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schmuec ker and family. Meek News By Mrs. Fred Mndberg The community received rain both Friday and Saturday nights, but the amounts varied greatly. Some refxtrt .25 of an inch from both rains combined while other parts received .75 and .90 with each rain. Janice Risor was one of the seniors from Butte who went to Colorado Springs, Colo, for sneak day, while there she visited in the Gene Libby home. A large number from this com munity attended the funeral of Mr. Lloyd Goodwin at Bassett Thursday morning. Selina Hebner from Boyd Oo. was a Sunday dinner guest at the Dave Jensen home. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Booth were Sunday evening visitors at the Loyal Hull home.. Their daughter Lois caJled from Chicago to wish Mrs. Hull a pleasant Mother’s day. Karla Anson visited Jeanette Woidneck Saturday evening. Mother’s day dinner guests at the Marion Woidneck borne W«W Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wouinrc* <*nd airs. Rosa Bowers. Mr. anil Mrs. Rennie Juhruig .uhi isniuy, Ad. amt Mrs- Alien outlets and uoys, Air. and Airs, a. emu Anuersou and giri* were aionuay evening visitors In the ticn> wallers uome. I'M occa sion marked Allen aud Cruig jv.wuigs oirihdays. Mr. amt Mrs. Boats Pierson and lamuy and Mr. and Mrs. Jun AtciSuity were Sunday dinner guests in the John Schinltt home. Mr. ana Mrs Ken Huston, Em* met were Sunday evening callers, the sennuus received a call trom tneir son, aim, wito is leaching at Rochester, Minn. He was able u> spend uie weekend with lus lamuy m Omaha. Alartha Joining. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Waiters and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lmdberg attended the par ty at the liome ot Tithe Schwuidt Tuesduy evening Twenty Uiree were present. Ttie occasion mark ed Tillies 7'Jth bird slay. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Rouse returned Tuesday evening trom Omaha, where 1 H-toert had g»»ne for a medical check-up. The re 1 x»rts were favorable. The Paddock missionary group plan to meet Friday evening at llie Howard Rouse home. Mrs. Ted Crawford was admitt ed to St. Anthony’» hospital Mon day and dismissed Thursday. Ted's uncle, Melvin Haynes, Butte, came to help Ted with the chores and liousehiold duties dur ing the absence of his wife. Mrs. Paul Nelson arrived home Thursday from Kansas City, Mo., where she spent a few days ui the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Tom Hoyne. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Dobro volny and Larry and Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Dobrovolny, Atkinson, were Sunday dinner guests m Mrs Viola Hall's home, O'Neill. Larry Dobrovolny took his sister, Mrs. Kean Wrede and boys, to Omaha May 3. Front there they flew to San Diego, where she will join her husband and where they plan to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. End Dix, mis Kion; I Uiltn Iwutm un hit lough from Africa, plan to be pre sent next Sunday at Paddock Un ion church. Pictures will l»e shown at the evening service*. The public is invited. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Perron and family, Duig Pine, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Ernst and Fred Lorenz were S inday dinner guests at the Austin Searles home. Mrs. Oswald Drueke, Connie and Bart were Friday evening vis itors in the Delia Harrison home. Meek school visited District 1 Friday afternoon and tlie twy schools had a ball game. Meek won the game. They plan to play the return game Wednesday at Meek. Dist. 80 - Agee plans to close their school Friday with a picnic. Dist. 1 closes Saturday and Meek closes May 23. The last two schools also plan picnics on their last day of school. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Chrixtoffer sen visited in the Carl Hallgrim son home Friday evening Mr. mid Mrs. Herman Meyer and Vicki visited in the Merlin Anderson home Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lmdberg, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lindberg and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Enquixt, Wausa, were mother’s day guests in the home of Mrs. Agusta Lmd berg. Mr. and Mrs. Garold Risor anil Marilyn were Thursday evening visitors at the Virgil Hobby home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kaczor, Mrs. Paul Nelson, Mrs. Jessie Kaczor and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hubby were Thursday visitors of Tina Kaczor and Mrs. Minnie Bay. The occasion marked Tina’s ap proaching birthday. She will lie 80. Mrs. Earl David, Gary and Debbie, Riverton, Wyo., daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Craw ford and Mrs. Veldon Crawford surprised their parents by ar riving Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Crawford and girls, (Ted’s brother and sister-in-law) accompanied them ax far as Crawford and are moving back to Mernman. Another grandchild of the Ted Crawfords, Steve Whetham, Belle Fourche, S. D. had a cyst removed from his neck and is recovering nicely. OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANK HAPPY DAYS GIFT CONTEST Complete this sentence in ten words or less: "Top Value Stamps have a gift for making people happy because n PLEASE NAME . PRINT ADDRESS . CITY . ZONE . STATE . OTHER VALUABLE ERIZEJS: RCA Color Television Set or Scott Out board Motor; PvCA Portable Television Set or Polaroid Camera; RCA Transis* tor Radio or 8mm Kodak Hawkeye Movie Camera; plus hundreds of other happy prizes, all to be given in this area and all from the new Top Value Gift Catalog. OFFICIAL RULES: 1. Fill in your name and address on this entry blank, available from any mer chant who gives Top Value Stamps. Com plete the above sentence in ten words or less: “Top Value Stamps have a gift for making people happy because 2. Entries must be deposited in your nearest food store giving Top Value Stamps by the close of business on June 2. 1962. 3. Prize winners will be selected by inde pendent judges. Entries will be judged on the basis of originality, uniqueness, suitability. legibility and aptness of thought. AH entries, contents and ideas therein belong unqualifiedly to Top Value Enterprises, Inc. No entries will be acknowledged or returned. Winners will be notified by mail. Only one prize to a winner. Judges’ decisions are final. 4 Employees of Top Value Enterprises, Inc., employees of merchants who give Top Value Stamps, their advertising ag encies, and their immediate families are not eligible to win prizes in the ‘‘Happy Days" contest. 5. This contest is not applicable where restricted or prohibited by Federal, State or local regulations. I Deposit in Gift Contest entry box at any food store which gives Top VaJu«* Stamps NOTICE I Butte Livestock Mkt. No More Special Saturday Sales ’ Combined Hog & Cattle Sales EACH WEDNESDAY i All Sales Will Start at 12:30 P.M. You may contact either Ed Thorin at O’Neill or Roy Kirwan j ot Butte See us for your farm Auctions Personal property and land sales. Extensive advertising program ED. THORIN, O’NEILL ROY KIRWAN, BUTTE Home Phone 723 Home Phone 5287 Office Phone 207 Office Phone 6431 ROY KIRWAN, Owner & Operator BUTTE LIVESTOCK MARKET Butte, Nebraska _-c(BO^\ \ no de*«'bed P , ol Oanbe \ \ ”*'%£•'** *a\S %\ \ \bIasVaon ^ ., p- ^ \ \ Round trt and *a" 1 ''^t’dtoo-n \ \ cabine' Oa',enJ> cbai's 4-Pc- b6 j bed. \ \ Kitchen «*” tocVe» cn Hot\lf^**a sptin9s .. \ \ W'cbe°0 macbinn. 9®^ U^°** «>»*£% ‘"toW.0"* \ \ Se'N'nS roomn»9'17 «uiid«n9. ^ trurt \ \ 1 di°ra bo»'d *a"V9 \ \?s*is .£>■■**• «*si~ \ '^11111111 ] WIN A FORD I FALCON ■ and hundreds of other prizes! Additional entry blanks available at New Outlaw and Meyer's Midwest