I J - 1 FOR SALE FOR SALE Five your old regis tered Hereford l>ull. Stan I.am l*ert, Ewing, Nebr. Phone Cham bers IV 2-2351. 51c FOR SALE Rat Terrier pup*. Henry Phclpa, 224 So. Morton, _O'Neill. 51-lp FOR SALE Beef and beef cross calves to put on your cow, any amount calves on hand most all times. Gerald O’Connor, 1 mile east of Atkinson, phone 5893. 50- 53p FOR SALE 40' mill and tower, complete with force pump. Can lx.* had in two 20-ft. lengths, Sewell Johnson, phone 8981, At kinson. 50-51 p FT)R SALFi No. 5 John Deere mower in very gcxxl condition One yearling Quarter-Horse colt. F’loyd Wilson, Texaco Station. O’Neill. 51tfc FOR SALE) Coming 4 year old Registered Angus Bull. Paper* available. Write J. F’ritton, ChamU-rs Star Rt., O'Nell. 51-1 c FT)R SA1J0 Alfalfa, Rid Clover, Reel Top, Alsike and Timothy seed in stock now. Also have United Hagie seed com. Keating Implement Co., Atkinson, Nebr. 51- 52c FT)R SALE—Four coming 2 and 3 year old registered Hereford bulls; also several big calves.— Albert Carson, Lynch. 45tfc MOBILE HOMES I-arge Stock—New & Used Prices so I/>w You Will Be Amazed We Trade — What Have You? Open Everyday MILLER MOBILE HOME SALES Albion. Nebr. - Phone 395-2170 Contact Us Today 44tfc MALT FOR SALE Kanapolis $16.50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c located 3 blocks east, 4 blocks north of traffic light, Everett Gorgan, Ph 164, O’Neill. 51tf FOR SALE 1st and 2nd calf Holstein heifers, heavy springers. John Sojka, lMt north, 4 East of Page. 15tfc SAVE ON INSURANCE prompt claim service. Virgil Laursen Agy., O’Neill. lOtfc I AM BACK In my office again and can loan money on Farms and Ranches and City Property. Some at 4% and some at 5% in terest. See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 50tf SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 257 down, 57e int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone Contois Motor Co.. Nellgh. 30tf FOR SALE—Hereford bulls.— Kieth Abart, O’Neill, Dercy Abart, Emmet. 32tfc FOR SALE—Registered Hamp shire bred gilts for Jan. Feb. and March farrowing.- Alfred Han son, Plainview. Nebr. 38tfc i ...— ..—I Nebraska Grown Farm Seed Plow-down Sweet Clover 510.50 Bu. Lincoln Brome $12.00 Cwt. — ALSO — “Osco” Select-60 Brand Alfalfa O'NEILL GRAIN CO. Phone 57 — O’Neill, Nebr. 45-51c SHORES’ NEW DAIRY CREDIT All the money you want. 36 months at 6%. Buy new cattle, finance entire heni. Shores Wisconsin heifers. "Pay your bills, stop your worries.” SHORES. NELIGH, TU 7-4060 ____________ 41tfc FOR SALE — Good 15-ft. John Deere Disc. Otto Lorenz, phone 917R1, O’Neill. 49tfc M Farm alls . $S75 IHC 55W Baler with motor AC No. 60 combine AC No. 66 combine IHC 15-ft. disc IHC 11-ft. disc, like new' IHC 24x7 grain drill IHC 12-ft. fertilizer spreader IHC 2-row eli 3- rake hitch on JD ‘B’ IHC 448 cultivator 2-row JD pull planter 2-row IHC mounted planter 4- row JD pull planter IHC 12-ft. rakes $75 and up 49 Farmall C 48 Farmall M 41 Farmall M 44 Farmall H 51 Farmall H 46 Farmall B I 460 utility demonstrator M-M 14-ft windrower MACHINERY SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. O'Neill, Nebraska IHC — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool FOR SALE 2 year old Hereford bull Sired by Fairway Aster. Bred by Harold Melcher. Also Moline press drill with grass seed attachment. Lionel T Gibbs, Clearwater. Nebr. Phone TW 3 2799. 5l-52e FOR SALE Going business. 16 years of established business. Felix's Cafe. Verdigre, Nebr. Box 553. 50-52c FOR SALE 1955 Farmall Super MTA with TA. LPTO and live hydraulic 1960 Farmall 460 Diesel with TA, LPTO, power steering 1958 Farmall 350 Diesel with TA, LPTO. belt pulley, power steer ing, 11 x 38 rear tires 1958 Farmall 350 Diesel with TA, IJTO, belt pulley, heavy axle, power steering, fast hitch, 12 x i 38 rear tires and power adjusted wheels 1 1950 Farmall M, A-l shape ! 1952 Farmall Cub i Two Farmall C tractors ! 1951 WD Allis-Chalmers Five used 12-ft. McCormick hay rakes Two 12-ft. Case hay rakes 2-bottom MTD plow for Farmall C or Super C One set Disc transports, $20.00 1961 International % ton pickup, only 1000 miles 1959 RC162 2 ton, IH truck with 9:00x20 rear tires, 2 speed rear axle and 17-ft. combination rack 1955 IH. R180 with one year old 16-ft. combination rack & hoist 1955 II I, R100, '/i ton pickup, A-l 1956 Vi ton Chevrolet pickup 1955 Willys 4 W D pickup 1953 IH, % ton pickup 1950 L160, IH 2 Ion buck with 16-ft. combination rack KEATING IMPLEMENT (X>. Atkinson, Nebr 50-51-c FOR SALE Kid s {tony, well broke. Spotted, white mane and tail. Melvin Miller, Newport. 49- 50p FOR SALE Scooter, alxnjt 1 year old, very good shape. Will sell for $75. Phone 532M, 305 South Jefferson. 50p Wisconsin Dairy Cattle Close up springers, open heifers and yearlings on hand at all times. Dairy Heifers and crossbred Bull and Heifer Calves available after April 1, 1962. We do not handle any local cat tle. All carry a Wisconsin ear tag and a Wisconsin health sheet. Jake and Jack Reutter Gregory, S. D. Phone 5027 licensed and Bonded 48tfc FOR SAIL Aermotor, used tow er, new mills, water pumps, tanks. 12-ft. bottomless or larg er. Cliff Sobotka, phone 435, In man. 49-lc FOR SALE — Registered Hamp shire fall boars. Big and rugged. Alfred Hansen, Plainview, Nebr. 48tfc TOR SALE- D-4 Cat with hydrau lic dozer. Good condition. $2500; 1954 NAA Ford tractor, nydrau lic loader, rear blade, steel half tracks. Good condition, $1450.— George Courtney, Lynch, phone L09-2816. 46tfc BABY CHICKS — Calif.-Whites, Leg-Hamps, White Leghorns $12.00 per 100, White Rocks $14.00 per 100, Hybrids $17.00, Cockerels $2.50 and up, sexed pullets $26.00 and up. Started chicks slightly higher. Hatch days Wednesdays and Saturdays. Write or call for complete whole sale prices. CORKLE HATCH ERY. INC. O'Neill, Nebr. 46-53p FOR SALE — Sand Love Grass seed. State tested. Earl Reiser, Spencer. Phone Butte 5286. 50- 53p MOBILE HOMES 1960 Tradewinds. 50'xl0' 3BR 1959 Great Lakes. 46'xlO’ 2BR 1958 Great Lakes. 47’xlO’ 2BR 1958 Great Lakes, 47'x8' 2BR 1955 Travelo, 36x8' 2BR 1952 Glider. 36'x8’ 1BR 1951 Continental, 35’x8’ 2BR 1947 Princeton. 25’x8’ The above units are reconditioned and Priced to Sell. Large stock of New Coaches and Travel Trailers in all sizes and floor plans. OPEN EVERY DAY We Trade—Finance—Deliver MILLER MOBILE HOME SALES Albion. Nebr. Ph. 395-2170 50tfc USED TRACTORS IHC M 1946 IHC M 1948 IHC M 1942 Massev-Harris 44 1948 JD A 1949 JD A 1946 JD B 1942 IHC H 1942 IHC H 1946 IHC H 1941 IHC SC 1953 IHC C 1950 IHC 11-ft. drill IHC No. 15 3-bottom plow AC 2-16 plow 3 12-ft. hay rakes 2 4-sec. harrows. 1 new JD 200A quick tach cultivator 2 JD discs, 12- and 15-ft. AC combine. 6-ft. DAVID'S REPAIR SHOP Welding — New Steel Used Tractors & Machinery Phone IV 2-2362 Chambers. Nebr. 50-52c RUMMAGE SALE — Some new items, ironing board cover and pad. yardage, greeting -cards. Easter, all occasion, comic. Dishes, cooking utensils, cloth ing. picnic basket, cooler, elec tric iron, miscellaneous. 623 E. Hancock, O'Neill. 51p I OK HALE 1954 Ford, rebuilt motor 1955 Ford 4 dr. 1941 M ton Int. pickup 1952 Packard Also Chevrolet truck rear end suitable for cable rack; 2 wheel trailer; 11:00x20 12-ply truck tires. HTRONG’H REPAIR 426 No. 7th, O'Neill 51c Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE Six room house, three large lots at 309 W Adams. See Lloyd Johnson, 820 E Clay or phone G04W. O'Neill. 50-52p REAL ESTATE 2 bedroom modem home, Ideal Location 3 bedroom home Many other good homes listed 480 Acres north of Emmet, Very Good Terms 240 Acres located west of Page 320 Acres west of Page Other farm and ranch listings ED. THORIN Real Estate Broker PH. 207, O'Neill, Nebr. __38tf FOR SALE Nine-room Presbyter ian Manse at 208 E. Everett, to in? removed. Has two baths, Youngstown kitchen cabinets and Lennox furnace. Sealed bids must be in by May 3. Mail bids to: Manse, Presbyterian Church, 204 E. Everett, O’Neill, Nebr. 51-1 c FOR SALE State tested Brome Grass Seed. Lawrence Skrdla, Stuart, phone 5025 (Atkinson). 50-57p FOR SALE Minhofer Oats, State test pending, windrowed, fanned, 90c per bushel. Merwyn G. French jr., Page, Nebr. 50-52p WANTED WANTED Waitress for short hours. M & M Bakery and Cafe, O’Neill. 51tfc WANTED—Used Aircraft regard less of condition. Can use parts. State price in first letter. Flying Chiefs, Box 271, Battle Creek, Nebr. 51-52p WANTED—Good buggy, also light harness. Contact Larry Schaffer, O’Neill. 51-52c WANTED — Housekeeper, older woman, good pay, must like children. Mrs. D. L. Anderson, phone 895 or 436W. 49-51c WANTED- Pasture for 150 calves. Norman Grothe, Bartlett, Nebr. Phone OL4-3300 or OL4-3302. 50-52p HELP WANTED — Waitress and car hops. Write or phone Sno Creme Drive In, Neligh, Nebr. 50-52p WANTED—Custom Plowing. Con tact Norman Rokahr, Page. ph. WAlnut 6R3. 50-6c HELP WANTED — Hired man. married or single (prefer mar ried) to work on ranch, good wages and house to live in. No farming. Just cattle and haying. F. E. Skrdla. Atkinson. 50tfc WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockmon, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf L. GUTHMILLER Half Block East Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene and arc welding LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED AND SHARPENED, ALL MAKES Also repair parts for Lawson and Clinton engines on hand. 9tf NEED MONEY We make quick cash loans on automobiles and furniture. See us also for your insurance needs. Central Finance Corp. O’Neill Phone 14 Nebr. fltfc WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal Oil Station—O’Neill 50tf REAL ESTATE WANTED — Will pay $400.00 to $500.00 for im proved city lots with sewer, wa ter and gas to lot line, with 65 foot minimum frontage. Con tad in writing Mr. SW c/o Frontier, O’Neill. Nebr. 49-52c "WE" DON’T WANT “ALL” THE BCSINES8 We just want “YOCBS” PATTON’S BEN FRANKLIN 23ti CITY LOANS, See R. H. Parker 50tl WELL DRILLING and well anc windmill repair.—403 N. 1st St Phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WELL CO., O’Neill 3 blks. W. & 3% blks. N. stoplight WANTED—Waitress, must be ovei 21. neat and of good character Evening hours. Tropical Gar dens. O'Neill, phone 895 or 436W 49-51c MAKE PATTON'S BEN Franklin store your candy and nuts head quarters. Always fresh. 27 tie —— - -. .— ■ I MAKE Monthly payment loans some at 4% some at b% interest. See R H Parker. O'Neill. Nebr 50tf OIL COMP AN Y Operating nationally. Has opening for sales representative in local protected area. Must have sales experience and some knowledge of farm, construction, or other heavy equipment. Attractive commission program makes starting weekly income of $150 to $200 possible. Bonus, life in surance and hospitalization pro gram. Extensive company train ing Write to: Mr. John Gordon, LUBRICATION ENGINEERS, INC., Farm Lubricants Division, Box 7128, Fort Worth, Tex. 51c SECURITY with non-seasonal, non union service and route sales to established customers. To qual ify, must be 21-40, energetic and willing to undergo short train ing period. Reply in letter to Route 1, Box 38. Hoskins, Nebr. 51c MISCELLANEOUS _____ E. J. (Skip) SHANE Dragline Work Sewer, Drainage, ('lam Work Basement Kxravatlon and Road Work Atkinson, Nebr. 51-24p TOP DAIRY CALVES Are not made from the hide. “IT’S IN THE BLOOD!" CURTISS SIRES have generation of type and pro duction in their blood. Don’t trade that for somebody’s culls. —Call 470, Duane Gray, O’Neill. 42tfc FARM LOANS. See R. H. Parker. 50tf AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207_O'NEILL ASHBURN MONUMENT OO. P. O. Box 6, Tilden, Nebr. Personal attention to all orders. Covers all Northeast Nebraska. Call collect, FOrest 8-2220. All work fully guaranteed. NEIL ASHBURN, Prop. 21p MONEY TO LOAN On Automobiles, Furniture, Signature. O'Neill Loan Co. Virgil Laursen, Mgr. _38tf Coin Collector SUPPLIES Rare Coins Bought and Sold Ben Gillespie 48tfc FOR RENT FOR RENT—Gehl stalk cutter.— Shelhamer Equip., Co. O’Neill. 45tfc FOR RENT — Four room house with bath and gas heat. Mrs. Victor Halva, phone 630, O’Neill. 50-51c LOST & FOUND LOST—Tractor chain, size 12x38, between Page and our farm. Re ward. Call collect 3398 Page or Bert Bamhard. 911R1, O’Neill. 51c CARDS OF THANKS I WISH TO TAKE this means to thank our relatives, neighbors and friends for all the cards, gifts, prayers and calls while I was in the hospital and thanks to Dr. Carstens and all the staff at the hospital. We appreciate all that was done for us. May God Bless everyone. 51p Harry McGraw I WISH TO THANK all my rela tives and friends for the cards, letters, gifts and prayers I re ceived while I was in St. Joseph’s hospital. 51c Mary Pruss CARD OF THANKS. Mr. and Mrs Will Conner of Ewing wish to say “Thank You” to all their friends and relatives for the pray ers, the many cards and letters, the gifts and flowers which they received while hospitalized. The visits at the hospital and since coming home were also enjoyed. May God bless each one of you for your thoughtfulness 51p I WOULD LIKE to thank everyone for all the cards, letters, and visits while I was in the hospital in Oma | ha and Atkinson and since I have been home. Also to everyone who donated money and all the other things that were given. Your kind ness and prayers will always be remembered. May God bless you all. 51p Thanks again, Dick Young |-Legal Notices-1 'First pub April 5, I962> Cronin and Hannon, attorneys Estate No. 453* NOTICE TO C KEDITOKS AND HEIKM IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA THE ESTATE OF JOHN M CLAYBAUGH. DECEASED. STATE OF NEBRASKA. TO All, CONCERNED NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Neil E. Hipke and Maude C. Hipke have filed a petition alleg ing that said deceased died in testate some time after said de ceased made homestead entry on the following described real es tate, to-wit: Lots 3 and 4, and the South west Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 33, and Lot 1 of Section 34. all in Town ship 33, North, Range 11, West of the 6th P. M., in Holt County, Nebraska, and before the patent from the United States Government was issued and further liefore the 8th day of August, 1884; that at the time of his death said de ceased was a resident of Holt County, Nebraska, and that said petitioners derived their interest as joint tenants with right of sur vivorship, by mesne conveyances from the heirs of said deceased, and craving for a determination of the time of the death of said deceased, that he died intestate, the heirs, degree of kinship and right of descent of real property, of the deceased, which petition will lx? for hearing in this Court on the 26th day of April. 1962, at the hour of ten o’.'lock A. M. (COUNTY FRANK CRONK COURT County Judge SEAL) 50-52c (First pub. April 5, 19621 Cronin and Hannon, attorneys Estate No. 4535 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF AGNES JOHN SON, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the probate of the will of said de ceased, and for the appointment of Shirley Anderson and La Donna Bowers as Executrices thereof, which will be for hearing in this court on April 26, 1962, at 10 nVloplf A TVT (COUNTY FRANK CRONK COURT County Judge SEAL) 50-52c (First pub. April 12, 1962) William W. Griffin, Attorney Estate No. 4531 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA, APRIL 5, 1962. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARIAN F. MOUNTS, DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is August 3, 1962, and for the payment of debts is April 5, 1963, and that on May 3, 1962, and on August 6, 1962, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. (COUNTY FRANK CRONK COURT County Judge SEAL) 51-1 c Stuart News By Mrs. Herb Bk>l> Elkhornettes Plan Chinese Auction May 7 The Elkhornettes Extension club met April 2 at the home of Mrs. Harold Dobrovolny with Mrs. Tom Kaup as co-hostess. Roll call was answered with a house cleaning hint. A Chinese auction will be held at the next meeting May 7 at the home of Mrs. John Kramer jr. with Mrs. Harold Dobrovolny as co-hostess. Sunday afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Van Cleave were Mr. and Mrs. George Min nig. Lester Sydow was a Sunday afternoon and supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Taylor and Dennis. Sunday evening callers erf Mr. and Mrs. George King were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Seger. Mr and Mrs. Arthur Seger and Chuck Seger, Newport. Mrs. Dwaine Lockmon and Mrs. Gary Lockmon and family spent Tuesday to Friday in Oma ha visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wallinger and Steve. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Murphy. Wayne, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clement Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Butler and Mrs. Clara Dinkel. Plaixrview. were Sunday dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Gerold Butler and fam ily. Mrs. Clara Dinkel, Plaimiew. arrived Thursday to spend two weeks visiting Mr. and Sirs. Har old Butler. Thursday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Butler and boys were Mr. and Mrs. Harold But ler, Mrs. Clara Dinkel. Plain view. and Mrs. Alberta Hoffman to help Dale Butler celebrate his birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Schowal ter. Fremont, were Sunday after noon callers of Mr. and Mrs Georg* King. Linda Alexander spent the weekend with Mr ami Mrs Mar vin Butler and boys The Butler* took Linda to her home at Mills on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Kaup and family. Mr. and Mrs Ralph Mlinar and Kenneth and Mr and Mrs. J. S. Mlinar were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. ami Mrs Adolph Mlinar. Atkinson, in hon or of Mrs K.nip's birthday Mr and Mrs. Lawrence Ziska entertained three tables of pin ochle at their home Sunday eve ning. Prize winners were Tony Kaup and Mrs. Bud Kura. Mr am! Mm. Herman Kramer, ami Bod Kura Lunch was served at the close of the evening Weekend guests of Mr and Mrs. Jim Hoffman and Danny were Mr and Mrs Dudley Halligan and son of Dwight, ami Darlene Hoffman. Lincoln. Thursday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cadvvallader were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoffman and Danny. Hi Five club met at the home of Mrs Katie Papke Friday, Mar. 30. Prize winners were Theresa Levi. Mrs. Bud MoClurg and Minnie Haskins. Friday afternoon callers of Mr and Mrs. Harold-iiutler were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hoffman. Naper. Mr. and Mrs Jim Seger, New port, entertained the last party of the season at their home Sun day evening. Prize winners were Jim Davis, Mrs. Alfred Stracke, Jay Muma and Mrs Gene Baton horst, and Alfred Stracke Mr. and Mrs. Peter Walnofer, Atkinson, spent the weekend vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Jim Davis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Shald and family. Presho, S I> , were Sun day afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. John Shald. Carolyn, Dorothy and Avis Hoffman, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hoffman, spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paxton while their mother was in Norfolk. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. ort Shald and family, Presho, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. Mike Murphy, Wayne and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Martine and Allyn. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dwaine Ulrich and fam ily were Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Shald and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Martine and Allyn. A-2c and Mrs. Bill Martine and Allyn are on a 30-day leave be fore going to Guam where he will be stationed. The Martines will spend a week at the Dwaine Ul rich home and some time al Wichita, Kans. He will leave May 1. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wewel left Monday for Missouri to visit Mrs. Wewel's sister. Mrs. Bill Wewel, Mrs. Merle Armstrong and Mrs. Paul Wewel attended the bridal shower held at Newport Friday evening for Terese Wewel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Wewel, New port. Miss Wewel will marry Harry Lech April 28. Timmy Heyne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Heyne, Omaha, spent last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Van Cleave. Mr. and Mrs Clarence Heyne, Bassett, took Timmy to Omaha ounuay. Bill Wewel was a Saturday caller at the Clesson Keller home. The Kellers had returned home from Rochester, Minn., Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dobro volny held the last pitch party Sunday evening. Everyone pres ent brought a covered dish for supper. The evening was spent playing cards and prize winners were Bob Miksch, Mrs. Don But terfield, Don Butterfield, Mrs. Martin Miksch and Mrs. Jim Steinhauser. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cadwallader were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cadwal lader, Inman. Mrs. Herbert Young and Mark visited over the weekend with her father. Emil L. Johnson, and her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson and family, all of Colon. Those attending the funeral of Louis (Dugan) Woodcock at New port Sunday afternoon from Stu art were Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Seger, Mrs. Merle Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wewel and Lonnie, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Farr, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Dyer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wewel, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Greenfield, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krobot and Charles, Mrs. Hattie Fox and Paul Wewel. Council Plans Demonstrations Week of May 3 The Holt County Extension Council met for the spring meet ing with the County Chairman. Mrs. A. T. Crumly presiding. Mrs. Louis Siebert, Atkinson, gave a report on the Recreation School at Nystead which she had attended. Mrs. Catherine Indra discussed program planning for coming demonstrations and ac tivities. A Charm School is being planned for next fall. Home Demonstration week will be observed May 3 at the Legion Hall in O’Neill with a smorgas bord featuring unusual desserts. Each club will furnish two des serts and the recipe for each. Reading is to be stressed dur ing this clubyea r and a Land scaping Tour is planned for June with Wayne Whitney in charge. Letters to the Editor llM* FroMier O Neill, N i*t»r. lMw H*r», Words fail me when 1 try to express my disappointment on the senior class play that took place ui our public school Friday al ter noun and evening And to think our small children were al lowed to watch such corruption What has hapiwned t» our school that our school authorities would permit any thing so iranv r al as that to be put on in front of little children. March 2b we hud a PTA meet ing in which we had sperciics by our school student* telling what communism is. And with Hie next breath »r play right in to their Ilands and put on a play that certainly does not uphold our true American standards and morals. The play displayed murder, dishonesty, blasphemy, and im morality to the limit. This is com mumsm's first step, to break down the morals of our youth THIS IS TRUE Irma Wells Hear Sir. In view of die fact that we seem to have u lew businessmen in O'Neill being opi*>sed to keep ing their store open a few hour* on Saturday night it would seem to me as though they are of u very selfish nature and have very little consideration for the folks on whom they must depend on for the most part of their own livelihood Also show very little interest ui welfare of the city and its continued growth. For my part O'Neill has been my home town for more years ..I _ _ ..IJ and I feel if they do not want to sltow at least that much consider ation for the trade area why not move on to larger cities where they can have those hours. Possibly though on second thought 1 am too critical, maybe after all they are Harvard grad uates. Axel Borg Letter To The Editor The Spencer basketball team and coaches wish to take this op portunity to thasnic the O'Neill Frontier for the fine coverage and recognition given to our bas ketball team this past season. Your fine support during State Tourney time made us feel proud to be from yojr area. Jerry llueser Basketball Coach March 22, m2 Dear Mr. Editor: Just a few lines to tell you an; the staff how much I enjoyed the current issue of the, "Fron tier'’. The pictures are wonderful. I am sjieaking primarily of the ones pertaining to O'Neill’s St. Patrick’s Day fun. How relaxed the community must have felt after such a day of pure non sense. No one should become so sophisticated that he cannot be lieve in leprechauns, fairies, pix ies or what ever one may choose to call them, that he cannot en joy a bit of fun and makebelieve. I wanted very much to come to O'Neill that day but it just was n't possible. However, you have, through pictures and the stories, given me a glimpse of the warmth of a community working and laughing together. You see, I too, believe in Lep rechauns. There is no other way to explain how pictures hang crooked on the wall when you just straightened them the eve ning before or any number of things that are unexplainable. Who else could take me to old Ireland as O’Neill and her Lep rechauns did that day? Thank you Sincerely Yours, Maude Silvcrstrand Atkinson, Netor. Lynch Seniors Raise Money For Sneak Day The senior class of the Lynch school held a food sale and car wash last Saturday under the direction of their sponsor, Coach Robert Ditman. They plan a tour to Denver, Colo, for ‘Sneak Day’. C. A. Moody returned home this week after having eye sur gery at the Sacred Heart hos pital at Yankton about ten days ago Mrs. Moody was there with him also. Leland Moody went Thursday to be there during the operation. Richard Gray and Bill El saaser left Sunday for Sioux Falls where they have employ ment. Mrs. Elsasser remained here aa Jeanette Is still In school. They will go there She last of May. Nancy Courtney entertained a number of girls in honor of her birthday Sunday afternoon. CFO Club The CYO of the BVM Assump tion church held their regular meeting Thursday night at the rectory. They went on a take hike Sunday. The Altar Society will sponsor a card party Sunday. Apr. 15 at 8 p.m. at the church basement. The following ladies will serve lunch: Mrs. Norma Jehorek, Mrs. Helen Lueken, Mrs. Tillie Slech ta, Mrs Phyllis Mulhair, Mrs Mabel Mulhair. Altar Society The Altar Society held their regular meeting Thursday night at 8 at the church basement with Mrs. Lorie Micanek in charge. There were 2X member* }*re*ent. It wa* (in iddl to serve the alum ni 1 ampiet tin* year xvtxlch will be bel t June 33 Mr and Mr* Isaigla* MrDme all. Ftandreau S 1>. came Rat unlay to vtatt Mr and Mr* laai Me I Small In get acquainted with the new granddaughter. Susan Jo. Isim April 2 Mr*. Met sm all Stayed (or a feu day* to help with the work Mr* Don M< is avail and Su»an returned Isune fn an Ihe hospital Friday after nwn. Fscello eluh met Monday al the l*»me of Mrs Klla Mu! hair Hr. and Xli*. Ji«*e|g« Havhl left Saturday fur la* \ egaa, Nex. to attend the Satsmnl Medical com cation They will he there alMNtl a x*cc-k, Mr*, tan Meter I* slaying xslth the Haxtd children. Confirmation will Is- held at th« HVM church May 11 by IIm Archbishop The Knights of Odlumliu* held initiation Sunday at 11 so am. at Atkinson A delegation from the Lynch Pariah attended The dinner for the family of the late Henry Maly win served tn the BVM Assumption church April 2. The men of the Holy Name So ciety held Ihelr regular meeting; Tuesday, The joint Boyd county churches will hold Good Friday services thi* year at tin- First Methodist church In Spencer April JO ■tail ing at 1 10 p m The Lynch First Methodist church will hold an evening service on Good Friday at N p.m. The young penpJe'g choir and adult (hint will present *|iecial music at this time The children’* choir and tlu- adult choir will 1 give specials at the 11 a.in. serv ice on Palm Sunday. The adult, young people’* and children’* choirs will present * pedal music (•'nuta**' Vlnrtiliit ni ilia* 11 It HI service. The First Methodist Women’s Society will hold a hake side Saturday, Apr. It at Moody's store. lowie Nelsen was taken from the Lynch hospital Saturday morning to Omaha where he will consult doctors there. Mrs. Lowie Nelsen and Chester Nelsen took him Mr. and Mrs. It It Humes, Oakland, parents of Mrs. Hud Itutledge, have s|ient the past week here visiting and helping on the Rutledge's house which they are remodeling. Mary Jo Stenger is spending the w«*ek at the Fred King Dime while Mr and Mrs C. A Moody are in Yankton Boyd King has ear infection after having the measles. Tin* Bill Spencer children are sick with the measles tills week. The Junior MYF held their reg ular meeting Saturday at the church with 11 members present CDilr practice was held for spe cials on Palm Sunday and Fast er. Michael Itutledge served cookies and ice cream Jeff Dar nell will serve next Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Oiam herlain, White River, S. D., visit ed Thursday and Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. f, Chris tensen and Jerry. Mr Charnlier lain is a brother of Mrs. Chris tensen. He has been taking treat ments at Rochester, Minn, for a week after undergoing surgery almut a month ago Mr and Mrs. AJtiert ILee Brady, Lincoln, sja-nt the week end here with relatives. Mr and Mrs. Hill Havranek and Mr. and Mrs. J. D West ward, Flint. Mich., called on Thomas H Courtney last week Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mulhair and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Courtney were Wednesday eve ning guests at the Thomas H. Courtney Dime* In honor of Tommy's birthday. Mr. and Mrs Bus Greene spent Saturday evening at the Ilowjyd Slack home. Mr and Mrs Leman Huber were Thursday dinner guests at Pat OsDime's and were supper guests III inc borne unw■ ». Mr. and Mrs. Bus Greene and Mr. and Mr*. Jake Erlenbush and Jim spent Sunday evening at Le man Huber's. Mr. and Mrs. Leman Huber anil Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mulhalr and Jerry were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Er lenbush am! Jim. Mr. and Mrs Pat Osborne were Thursday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bus Greene. Mr and Mrs. Ray Count*. Howard Slack. Lyle Wells and Mr and Mrs. Mel Lueken called there in the evening. Mrs George Thayer was a Sun day dinner guest at the Leman Huber's and also a supper guest Monday. Mrs. Earl Pritchett went home from the hospital Monday after noon. Burt had the measles while his mother was in the hospital with the flu for about a week. Mr. and Mr*. Neil Bjomaen entertained the following at a card party Sunday night at their home: Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Seiler, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kal kowski, Mr. and Mrs. Junior Wil son, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Hav ranek, Mr and Mrs. August Kal kowski, Mr. and Mrs. Gay Hull and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon De Kay. Mr. and Mr*. Glen Hull and Mrs. Elmer Hull, Mrs. BUI Spen cer, Diana and Tammy went to Sioux City Friday to visit Elmer Hull, who underwent surgery at the St. Joseph hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hull, Harlan, la., also visited him that day. Mrs. Les Stewart, Mrs. Ed Rohde, Mrs. Bill Spencer, Mrs. Nolan and Mrs. A1 Schindler at tended the extension dub ban quet at O'Neill Thursday. Mrs. Peggy Walton from the Nebraska Wheat Commission gave an in teresting talk on her trip to Egypt entitled “View from Pyra mids”. —