HL .. •*** *i . • - ^ ■ • /-* fnnua( National Grange *50.000 9 The winners, left to right: Mrs. Kenneth Mathew, Kaycee, Wyoming. Grand Prize winner Mrs. Maynard McCullough, Harvard, Illinois. Mrs. Homer Motsinger, Salem, Indiana. 3 PRIZE-WINNING WHITE THUMBS! Contest or no—a white thumb is a prize possession for any baker. Because (as if you didn’t know!) it’s that feeling of confidence you get right down to your fingertips . . . when you bake with Gold Medal Flour. And — another prize! Today’s Gold Medal is so fine, so uniform, so dependable — Betty Crocker promises you beautiful bakings without sifting, without altering recipes. Just use Gold Medal cup for cup, in any recipe, new or old —and sift no more!