The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 05, 1962, Image 7

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    Page News
By Mr*. Baa ilka
Mr. and Mra Kenneth Waring,
O'Neill, were Friday callers at
the Clarence Finch ar. home.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat
called at the Dale Matachullat
home Sunday afternoon. In the
evening they were gueata at the
Tony Pruas home in Orchard.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder
were afternoon and lunch guests
of Mr. and Mra Allan Haynes.
Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Heiss
entertained at a card party Sat
urday night at a belated birth
day party for Kenneth.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Kennedy
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Kennedy, all of Ainsworth,
and Mr and Mrs “Jr". Soren
sen and family were Sunday din
ner guests of Mr. and Mra. Will
iam Sorensen.
Mr. and Mra. Robert Nissen
and family were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence
Haynes at O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen
sr., Page; Mrs. Emma Martin,
O’Neill, and Ola Ermer, Cham
bers, were Sunday dinner guests
of Clayton Messner and Lets
Mrs. Jessye Shaw, Orchard,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stewart, Rol
lie Snell, Mrs. John and Mrs.
Robert Grey, Mrs. Icie Snyder
and Harry Harper were callers
in the Allan Haynes home Fri
Holly Holliday spent last
weekend with Li. Uonrl leke»
in New Orleans. Holly Is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holli
day, Orchard, and the grand
son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Dobbins, Page, lie is working
for a lumber company and tra
vels most of the time by plane
splitting timber for purchase.
In honor of Arden’s fifth birth
day, Mrs. Allan Gross entertain
ed the following Tuesday, Mrs.
Dick Cunningham and Debbie and
David, Mrs. Kenneth Heiss, Shari
and Connie, Mrs. Dick Trow
bridge, Dirk ami Dwight, Mrs.
Ron Park and Kelly, Mrs. "Dad”
Ickes and Bruce, Mrs. Darrell
Heiss, Kim and Bobbi, Joey Lin
der and Robbie Nissen.
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Dwinell
and Mr. and Mrs. James Brow
der and Barbara, all of Verdigre,
were Sunday dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Finch jr.
WSCS met Thursday beginning
with a covered dish dinner which
waa preceded by the Rev. Robert
Linder giving the fint two chap
ters on the study lesson. In the
afternoon Mrs. Leila Snell had
devotions and the lesson, assisted
by Mmes. Jessie Kelly, Harold
Hens, and Arnold Stewart. The
meeting was conducted by Mrs.
Elmer Trowbridge. Several from
here expect to attend a sprung
meeting at Wauaa. Mrs. Merwyn
French sr. reported on the Om
aha City Mission. It was voted to
accept the missionary pledge of
$482 ftir the coming year. Mrs.
French and Mrs. Trowbridge re
ported on the annual meeting
held at Hastings. A letter was
read from Mrs. Edgar Suruffer,
who with her husband, is on an
extended visit. A letter was also
read from Epworth Village
thanking them for the gift of
Election of officers will be held
April 19. January, February and
March birthdays were honored
with birthday cakes being baked
and served by Mrs. Donald Sny
der and Mrs. Merwyn French
sr. Those honored were Mmes.
Roy Zellers, Soren Sorensen sr.
Arnold Stewart, Anton Nissen,
Lyman Park, Alton Braddock and
Elmer Trowbridge and Miss
Grace Zellers Get well cards
were sent to Floyd Wertz, Rich- -
ard Cunningham, Mrs. Dora
Townsend and Mrs. Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch
sr. were Thursday evening call
ers of the Jeffrey brothers.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Matschullat
and lamny ana Mr. ana Mrs. aj
Anthony and family, Inman, were
Wednesday night callers in the
Otto Matschullat home.
Mrs. Otto Matschullat, Mrs.
Louise Heese and Mrs. Roberta
Kornock attended Ladies aid
Thursday at the Lutheran church
in Orchard.
Weekend guests at the Allan j
Gross liome were her parents, j
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Thomas,
and Mrs. Dick Payne and Steve,
all of Grand Island.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Blain, j
Creighton, visited his mother, I
Mrs. Ella Blain last week. Sun- j
day the Rev. and Mrs. Dale Horn- J
back, Venus, also visited Mrs. j
Ella Blain.
The American Legion Auxili
ary will have a soup supper on
Saturday night at the Legion
hall. Serving will begin at 5
p.m. Chicken noodle, vegetable
beef and chili and pie and cof
fee will be served.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Woods,
Milford, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Asher and family, Atkinson and
Mrs. Hester Edmisten were Sun
day dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Calvin Harvey.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gentzler,
Tilden, were weekend guests of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Finch sr. Sunday afternoon
Mr. and Mrs. Art Sufficool and
children, Verdigre, were supper
guests. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Finch jr. and family joined the
group for the evening.
The NOK club held a family
chili supper at the Legion hall
Sunday night. The rest of the eve
ning was spent visiting.
.... J A K A 1 If._ — 1
*»AA • UAtU i'AA O* A A A » V/l VV. UilVI
Sherry, O’Neill, were Friday
night callers in the Ray Harmon
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Frahm
and Kevin were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Rab-1
bass at Neligh.
Harry Geers, Orchard, were
Sunday dinner and supper guests
of Mr. and Mrs. William Buxton.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Asher and |
family. Winner. S. D.; Mr. and \
Mrs. Dick Appleby and son, O’
Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Asher, Mrs. Frieda Asher, Mr.
and Mrs. Don Nissen and girls,
all of Page, were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Appleby at Inman. Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Appleby and family, O’Neill,
and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ash
er and family, Atkinson, were
Couples dub met Thursday
night with Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Walker. Bridge was played with
Mrs. Melvin Carson and Mrs.
Melvin Roach taking honors.
Mrs. Louise Hecae was hostess
to members of the Neigbborhod
club Wednesday. The members
did needlework for the hostess.
Mrs. Glen Harris won a special
Mr. and Mrs. William Buxton
were Tuesday gjests at the Ar
nett Buxton home in O'NeiU in
homor of Billy's fifth birthday.
RNA kensington met Wednes
day with Mrs. Frieda Asher. The
10 members and 2 guests, Mrs.
N. D. Ickes and Mrs. Roy
Grubbs enjoyed a social aittr
Mr and Mrs. Don Nissen and
girls and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eby,
O’Neill, were Thursday night
guests at the Anton Nissen home
to heip Mrs. Anton Nissen cele
brate her birthday. The guests
brought cake and ice cream.
.Mrs. Robert Linder held a
coffee hour Friday in honor of
Dawn I-arson, Wahoo, fiancee
of Lloyd Fusselman jr. The
guests included Mines. William
Sorensen, Allen Gross, Ron
Park, Jerry Asher, Lloyd Fus
selman and Carl Max.
Carolyn Hill, daughter at Mr
and Mrs Kenneth Hill, la in the
hospital with pneumonia Mr. Hill,
who is recovering from back sur
gery. will enter the hospital this
week for another operation.
Mrs Roy Zellers and Mrs. N.
D- Ickes were Sunday afternoon
"coffee” guests of Mrs. Stella
Loren Boelter visited his bro
ther-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Knon, at Niobrara Sun
The Rev. and Mrs. Elmore
Blam and twin sons. Atkinson,
were Tuesday afternoon and eve
ning visitors in the Harold Blain
Mrs. Mary Huston returned
home Monday from a 10-day vis
it in Omaha where she visited
her daughter, Mrs. Norman
Moore and family and her sons,
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Huston,
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Huston and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Huston and
their families.
Sunday dinner guests at the
Dan Troshynski home were her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Pongratz, O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Kramer, Stuart, and Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Powell and fam
ily. Alliance. The Powells, who
were guests Friday to Monday at
the Troshynski home, took Mrs.
Troshynski back with them for a
week's vacation.
Mr. and Mrs George Andre
Stapleton, arrived here this week
end at the Harold Blain home
where Mrs Andre will take care
of her mother. Mrs Ella Blain.
Mrs. Blain suffered a fall and is
now confined jo her bed
Merwyn Strope tr. was released
from the Antelope Memorial hos
pital Sunday following surgery
the first of last week.
Mr and Mrs Duane Finch and
Dori were Sunday guests at the
Henry Gerdes home in Osmond I
Mr. and Mrs Leonard Gerdes
were also guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boelter .
visited his mother, Mrs. Edna
Boelter. Sunday. Mrs Boelter op
erates the Walnut telephone ex
Mrs. Jerome Allen was a guest
Wednesday when the Bid or Bye
club met with Mrs. Gerald Lam
ason. Bridge was played and
Mrs Jerry Asher won high score
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and
family had Sunday dinner and
supper at the C. H Switzer home
in O'Neill.
Mrs. Francis Belzer and fam
ily, Mrs. George Bosn and fam
ily and Mrs. William Kelly, all
of O'Neill, were Sunday after
noon callers in the Gene Mudloff
A good-sued crowd was at the
Legit® ball Saturday night fur <
the covered dish Supper in hon
or of the Legions birthday. Al
ter supper cards were played
witto prizes going to Mr* Jer-vne
Allen. Mrs. Milo Landreth and
Dim Nissen At Uie ckwe of the
evening a birthday cake which
was baked by Mr* Keith Kenne
dy was served with coffee,
Deloit News
By Mrs. B. Kolmar
Bill (libbs nearly severed the
end of his Index finger on hi*
left hand Friday while o|>crat
ing a tractor lift. He wras taken
to Neligh where he received
attention ami the finger will be
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reimer,
Lincoln, spent last week visiting
relatives here. They also visited
E. L. Sisson on his birthday an
Mrs Glenn Harpster was taken
to Neligh Monday for X-rays due
to a rib injury She is much Im
John Sisson has been hospital
ized in Neligh. He was suffering
with pneumonia.
/ — .|.rirr^r:.. I '' "
Good Reading
for the
Whole Family
• Family Features
Hw OvWtan hkna MonMar
OM Nan** », Barton IS, Mas.
land pi naoopapar tar «w Start
dwrtrtdL tairtooad ftad ■* ahortt or
—arartar. 1 par $20 □
• wrnmm $M □ 2 -onrt- $S Q
9 Races on Saturday
(No racing Sun. or Mon. except
Mon., May 7. No racing Good Fri.)
3 p.m. Weekdays 2 p.m. Saturdays
• Glass-enclosed grandstand
• 25-acre free hard-surface parking let
• Ladies’ Day every Thursday
• New Mezzanine addition
Sponsored by Holl County Livestock Improvement Assn.
Mr. and Mr* Evald Sj»ahn call
ed an Mrs. Anna Savalgr Friday
Mr and Mrs Howard Temple
and daughter*. Hastings, spent
the weekend at the Henry Retmer
The approach was washed
■ ail on the bridge smith of St
Jdin'i church last week.
The HEO club will meet with
Mr* Fred lMlwttt in April,
Mr* Gene T.imyack and child
ren «i»rnt Thurwlay afternoon Ml
the Leonard Kiujiji )**». in Ew ■
Mr ami Mr* find T<>m jar* and
family ami Mr and Mr* H. Ret
mrr were Sunday afternoon cal
ler* at the Kaifiti Tomjac* home.
1,for as little as
a month con nt#U in HAMILTON FUNDS. Mam. I ton I* an invoilmant
fund holding common tlocfct in o»#f SO Amoiican romponlot. lump
turn imrotfmonft of monthly poymonf plant avotiofclo.
Wrto for ! ,M ^JN D l^°lT **•«- *« !
proipocfut... I 1* O. IUi» SOT — O'NfUU. Nnbr.
»»o obligation I Fltait md p.opnht lMuiM ...
Bel-Clir... frozen, premium quality
In 9 or 10-ox. Packages fp
3,or47* |
In pour-and-store bags
2-lb. AQt
Poly Bag •Jj&
Bel-air — frozen, premium quality
lO-oi. PkK. 21c 2-lb. Bag 57<
Stock your freezer... frozen
■ • Bel-air; 6-oz. < "0
Grape Juice just add water Can |/€
I • Bel-air; from 12-oz. ^ *1
Grape Juice Concord grapes.Can tj
Woffles 5£5*..2riS.25c
Broccoli SpearsBd^ir 22c
■ _ _ ^_Lucerne—creamy %-gal. "W Q
ice Lream smooth and delicious. .Carton # Jr ^
Chocolate Marble plus ten other flavors ... you save 10c!
Captain's Choice —
Staten, dressed, luscious fitted
in Lucerne Butter!
P-tR_I PL^L, Captain'* Choice- WL 77r s
nimn OiBBEI fraien, tender ...—„... -Pkg. * * * -
Breaded Shrimp fro*n, pre-cooked.Pkg. 66c
Perch Fillets luscious i ep fried too •.. .Be* $1.99
Haddock Fillets .^$2.19 |
W-m_I pi. -L- Manor House :flro*en, 13%-ae. PC.
DVTierea OiaaKS quldc-to-prepare Mil . .Pkg. vOG
Cai-ap Fryers O^^'tjSSjuOade-A .. .Lb. 39c [
dHlsBtsed the ftotbest tasting chicken you ever ate or
Skylark — Power-Packtd
Protein Bread
16-os. a Ao *-•«•
Loaf HTr® *“
r L ■ »- Mr* Wrights— Rg ML
rrese uoouis ounMonei
Bliekerry Pie* .43o
EGGS ^-b,
12-ox. Ctn.
dm.# vc:: — with, purchase cl
~ No. 2 Can LaLaai Brand
Bre^^£^*~ PKAItlE SftAJtS, 3fs I
Save Dunn" Safeway's (J) Brands I
—low, low prices plus GOLD BOND STAMPS
AvflHHA frozen, premium JU 6-01. £
M UIIVw 10 quality, Can* 65c. Cans ^0 H0
Sf FawllDI'I’IDS^ bl,n'3 Is”-S100
4PI| wWIvwl H H on Lucerne Ice Cream ... %0 Pkgs. HI
tfjjj/k JPtt ManorHouse — first quality, single crust; 8-0Z.
H Tuna, Chicken, Turkey or Beef.^Tn Pies 0 J0
Fish Dinners : , 2 89c
Scallops, Halibut or Haddock... (Shrimp, pkg. 53d... oven ready with potato snacks and buttered peas
Spared Witt -
^ J,'Mouse peas, «*» L|)(
jesss**-- i,M
Pork Roost .29c Ground Beef SSBSttsy^Sa 49c
Chopped Beef SSTtSiS. 2&549e Sliced Bacon Arm on/ Star Brands ... ^5 9c
Beef Forequarters.u 44c Beef Hindquarters.j» 57c
UJ3.D.A. Choice Grade, aged. Includes moat of the popular TTJLn,A Choice Grade, aged. TiwJnAu meat cCtbepofalar
retail cuts available in your Safeway market. retail cuts available in year Safeway m—
! You’ll enjoy Safeway’s new,
spring flavored, FRESH, tender
Delightful epeare bunting
with ten de-mesa and Haver.
★ BUMPERO FERTIUZEI ★ MfDlllAI PEAT aaoea enjoyment..
Green Peppers .2f*15c Winesap Applesm?m..bK49«
Green Onions iSans ..3b«>^19e Red Potatoes..2^69«
Coldbrook Corn, Pons r^1-TOlaro^“ I
Margarine or Tomatoes | crystalware
2i.n,. 41H..M3 4IA j BRUNCH
Cartons Cans 3 SET
Colored and quartered, economical bay Gardenade — standard quality
i *"
—rja FORban cr |A4 i or mem at SATEWAYT
| GARBAGE CANS $2.49 }
*— wttfr 2d. mtutrarWl at tmerj gtagt ftirs-- gU*L