The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 05, 1962, Image 6

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    Church Notes
All minuter* axe invited to wad their church note* to
* he Frontier. For guaranteed publication, we a*it that the note* are
ta our office by Haturdny, one week prior to the *er\1ce».
Ht. Patrick's Catholic Church
<Msgr Timothy O'Sullivan and
Father Robert IXiffy, assistant)
Sunday: Masses, 7:30, 9 and
10:30 a.m.
Saturday: Confessions from 4
until 5:30 p.m and from 7:30
p.m. until 9 p m.
Masses in the church every
day at 7 45 a m
Wftftleyao Methodist Church
< Rev Berniece Hubby, Pastor)
Sunday. Sunday school, 10 sun.;
morning worship 11 a.m. Eve
ning service, 8 p.m.
Monday: Wesleyan Youth; eve
ning worship, 8 p.m.
Tuesday: WMS prayer meeting,
9:30 a.m. Place to be announced.
Wednesday: Prayer hour, 8 p.m
Church Of Christ
Robert Granger
Sunday morning Bible classes
10:00 a.m.; worship services, 11:00
Wednesday: Evening services,
Bible study and prayer, 7:30 un
til 8:30.
Wesleyun Methodist Church
(The Rev. Mina Smith)
Sunday: Sunday school, 10 a.m.;
worship, 11 a.m.; WY service, 7
p.m.; evening service, 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday: Choir, 7 p.m.;
prayer meeting, 7:30 pun.
Methodist Church
(The Rev. Charles Cox)
^uiday: Sunday school, 10 a.m.;
worship, 11 a.m.
Si. Joseph's Church
(Father Ralph O’Donnell)
Masses at 10:30 a.m. the first
third and fifth Sundays of each
month; 8:30 a.m. on the second
and fourth Sundays.
Center Union Church
Sunday: Morning worship, 10
a m.; Rinday school, 11 a.m.,
and Christian Endeavor, 7:30
p m.
Wednesday: Cottage prayer ser
vice, 8 p.m.
Km met .Methodist Church
(The Rev. Glenn Kennicotti
Friday: Joint quarterly con
ference, 8 p m., O’Neill.
Thursday: Vocation Church
School workshop, 9 a.m., Pres
byterian church.
Sunday: Sunday school, 9 a.m.;
worship, 9 45 a.m.
Hf. Paul's Lutheran tSiurch
(Rev. D. L. Braunersreuther)
Sunday, April 1 — Divine Ser
vice 11:00 A. M. Registration for
Holy Commjnion will be received
next Sunday after service.
April 3 and 10 — Lenten Ser
vices — 8 P.M.
Up To 60% Of Purchase Price
$10,000.00 COVERAGE — ONLY $29.00 PER YEAR
See Al Gaskill
Insurance Agency
Phone 710 O'Neill, Nebr.
"No Membership Fees to Pay”
A—*mbly of God Ohorck
(The Rev. Ivan Christoff erven)
Thursday: Young married class ’
social, Loren Libley residence, 8
Sunday. Sunday School, 10 a m.
morning worship and j u n- “
ior church, 11 am; Evangelistic
service, 8 p.m. There will be a
7 pm. youth service.
Tuesday through Thursday: Ne
braska State Assemblies of God
District Council, Lincoln.
Wednesday: Midweek service,
8 p.m.
Page Method!*! Church
• The Rev. Robert Linder)
Thursday: WSCS.
Sunday: Church school, 10 a.m.;
worship 11 a.m.
Wednesday: Choir and MYF, *
505 East Williams
Sunday: Bible school, 10 a.m.,
Worship and communion. 11 a.m.
Church of Epiphany
• Father Ralph O’Donnell*
Masses at 8:30 a.m. the first, j
third and fifth Sunday of each
month: at 10:30 on the second
and fourth Sundays.
Ih-thany Presbyterian Church
• The Rev. John Hart)
Sunday: Worship, 9:30 a.m.,
Sunday school, 10:30 a.m.
First Presbyterian Church
(The Rev. John Hart)
Thursday: Nebraska Council of j
Churches Vacation Church School
training, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Women’s
Sunday: 9:45 Sunday School;
Worship, 11 a.m.
Monday: 2:30 Bible Study.
Wednesday: 7:00 Choir; 7:00
jr Hi Youth; Sr. Hi Youth, 8 p.m. |
Inman Methodist Church
(The Rev. Robert Linder)
Thursday: WSCS, 2:30 p.m. I
Sunday: Church school, 8:40
a.m.; worship, 9:40 a.m.
Wednesday: Choir and MYF, 8
First Methodist Church
The Rev. Glenn Kennicott)
a.m.; WSCS, 2 p.m.; Vacation
church sch<x>l workshop, 9 a.m. to
4 p.m., Presbyterian church.
Friday: Joint Quarterly confer
ence, O’Neill and Emmet chur
ches, 8 p.m.
Saturday: Youth Training class,
10 a.m.; Men’s breakfast, 7 a.m.
Sunday: Church school, 9:45 a.
m.; Worship, 11 a.m. Senior MYF 1
Rally, 2:30 p.m., at Page; Fel- i
lowship meeting for Mrs. Har- 1
ris’ 9jnday school class, 7:30 i
p.m. I
Monday and Tuesday: Lenten i
prayer Vigil, noon to noon. 1
Wednesday: Junior choir, 4 p. j
m.; Senior choir, 8; Youth Fel- 1
lowship, 7 p.m. i
I Nebraska’s
• Schools
• Municipalities
• Counties
• State Government
Public Power District
\ $872,521 J
/ This represented an increase of approximately $44,000
/ over the 1960 payments.
I In addition to making "in lieu of tax” payments, Con
I sumers extends special discounts on electric service to
1 tax supported institutions and municipal street lighting i
\ These discounts in 1961 amounted to approximately: |
\ $336,268
Your Partner in Progress
fenus News
By Mrm. Ralph Hrookhou«cr
Mr and Mrs, Janies Sukup ar
rived borne last week. Mr. Sukup
was recently separated from the
air force at Texas After his dis
charge he and Mrs Sukup spent
some time sightseeing and visit
ing with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Svo
boda at Granada Hills, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Rasmussen
and family, of near Council
Bluffs, la., were weekend visitors
at the borne of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Jeffrey and
Paul Lee
William Grosse accompanied
William Jeffrey to North Platte
Saturday where rhey visited at
the home of Me. and Mrs. Elmer
Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Held
were Wednesday evening visitor*
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Caskey.
Mr. and Mrs Clarence Finch
were Thursday evening visitors at
the borne erf Mr. and Mrs Geurge
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brook
houser were Norfolk visitors
Thursday They were dinner
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Brookhuuser and Jef
Kenneth Oltjenbruns spent Sun
day with his father, Walt Oltjen
bruns. Kenny is employed at the
Marvin Block farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Caskey, Lar
ry and Gary were Sunday dinner
guests at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Verlyn Gibbs and family at
Visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. George Jeffrey Sunday
evening were Mr. and Mrs. R.
Many from this vicinity attend
ed the Showboat Minstrel March
27 given by the Orchard high
school students Larry and Gary
Caskey. Betty Von Seggern and
Dale Von Seggern were anvxig
those taking part
Mr and Mrs Tbeo Kmniaon
were recent guests at the home of
Mr and Mrs Floyd Kuuuaun.
Mr and Mrs Donald Caskey
and family were Creighton vis
itors Monday.
The Grim ton school held a PTA
meeting Friday evening. Pitch
was played at 10 tables. Lunch
was served at the close of the
evening. Those entertaining were
Mr. and Mrs. Lavane Hines. Mr
and Mrs. James Podany and Mr
and Mrs. Ora Caskey.
Mrs. Otto Matschjllat was hos
tess to the Help-U-club Wednes
day, April 4
Try The Frontier Want
Ads — It Pays !
Monowi News
By Mrs. Mike Ptklupp
U»< um » tase
Mrs Cathy Hrbek and children
visited in the Robert Zach home
in Verdel Thursday evening
Mrs Francis Be Ink, Gregory,
S. D , and Mrs Agnes Rsrey,
South Gate, Calif, spent Monday
visiting their brothers, Pete and
John Chvtla here
Mrs. Ruby Filer is substitute
teaching In INstrirt 7* (nr Mr«.
Mclhmaid this week an nhe wan
railed to Omaha where her
mother is seriotmly ill.
Mrs. Frank Lewis helped Mrs
Charley Kolar get settled in their
new home in Spencer Monday af
Mr and Mrs. Leman Huber vis
ited in the Ptklapp home Sunday
Mr and Mr* Otto Schindler
and daughter, Nrligb. v uded u>
the John Strut* hum* Sunday
Mr and Mm Robert Zacb and
Mr ami Mr* Rudy Eiler *re
busy painting and cleaning hmiae
for Martin Eller.
Mr* Don Marshall vlaitrd In
the L J Miller h*ene Friday
Mm Frank Rrta ar spent the
past week in the Frank Rrta Jr.
home In O'Neill
Mr and Mr* Dayton Sieler and
daughlem visited Ui the George
Sieler home near Butte Ainday
Paul Shierk
0*NEIti.. NEBR
lee wane* of All
Because we are retiring from the farm and moving to Chambers we will offer the following described personal property m
at public auction at the farm LOCATED ... 8 miles south, 2 east and 1 north of Chambers, Nebr. . . . OR . . .from Hoerle's %
station, 3 west and 1 north. Watch for farm sale arrows, on— ■
Wednesday, Apr* j
Sale starts at 12:30 p.m. Lunch on grounds e
2 Holstein cows, just fresh with 2nd calf
2 Holstein cows, heavy springers, 3rd calf
4 Guernsey springers, 2nd calf
2 Swiss cows, springers, 2nd calf
1 Guernsey heifer, just fresh
2 Swiss heifers, milking now
3 Holstein heifers to calve in spring
5 Black and Whiteface heifers to calve in
Shetland filly colt Shetland stud colt
Spotted 6-year-old mare, well broke, heavy
with foal
1951 Allis Chalmers WD tractor with
wide front end
Winch for WD, short stinger
Loader for WD
Power trail mower for WD
Kosch mower for WD
Mounted 16-in. 2-bottom plow for WD
Comfort cover for WD
1950 Allis Chalmers "G" garden trac
tor, complete with mower, plow
and cultivator
Heavy square-turn cable rack
Light cable rack
Hay skid
Kelly-Ryan side delivery rake
J. D. manure spreader
New Idea manure spreader
Calf chute
2 Wagons on rubber
Dump wagon
Rollover tractor scraper
3-section harrow
2 12-ft. IHC rakes
14-ft. rake
2 Endgate seeders
2 Rye drills
8- ft. binder-windrower, Carlson drive
Cribbing and hog fencing
9- in. hammer grinder with extra
screens and blower pipe
300-gal. fuel tank and stand
400-gal. fuel tank and pump
Forney welder
50-ft. drive belt
Tattoo outfit
100-ft. cable & two 8-in. steel pulleys
Air compressor with yh h.p. capacitor
motor and hose
Binocular and carrying case
Hand com shelter
Potato digger
Potato planter
Fence charger
Bull halter
Large mail box
Sickle grinder
Thread cutter
Blacksmith equipment, heavy vise, an
vil, blower, drill
5-ton pitless scale with iron rack
Feed bunk
Some house doors
3 20-ft. poles
Miscellaneous tools and other items
too numerous to mention
Fir plywood cupboard with cast iron McDonald electric water pump Buffet v
sink, complete with fittings and 2 Studio couch and rocker Drop leaf kitchen table R
matching wall cupboards, all in ex- Living room set, dresser, 2 commodes 3 Complete beds ■
cellent condition Writing desk 2 Bedsteads m
Electric water heater 2 Medicine cabinets Gateleg table R
TERMS: CASH. No property to be removed until settled for 1
Alvin A Alice Johnson j
Merlin Grossnicklaus, auctioneer Chambers State Bank, Clerk R