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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1962)
Frontier BRUCE J. REHBERG, Editor BELL, RICHARDSON. Publisher Terms <4 SubwrripUoo: In Nebraska, U 50 per year; elsewhere In the United SUtes, S3 per year, rate abroad provided upon request. All subscrip tions payable in advance. Entered at the postoffice In O’Neill, Holt ooun ty, Nebraska, us second-class mail matter under the Act of Congress of March 3. 1879. This news paper is a member of the Nebraska Press Asso ciation, National Editorial Association and the Audi* lureau of Circulations. NATIONAL IDITORIAL Ewing News By Mrs. Harold llama Mr. and Msr Ben Larsen ha< as their guests Monday, Mr. am Mrs. Jergen Jergensen, Norfolk and Mrs. Bertha McLemthan New Yolk Will Conner, who entered the Methodist hospital at Sioux City, la., last week, has under gone surgery during the week end. Ills condition Is reported to lx- satisfactory. His brother, Ihximer Conner, Orchard, Is staying at the Conner home in Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartal and family and Mrs. Laura Spitt ler spent Sunday at Valentine vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Richard Spittler and family. Friday evening guests at th< home of Mr. and Mrs. Dwigh Schroeder were Mr. and Mrs James Good ami family. Mr. and Mrs. James Mlnaril were Sunday dinner guests at th< home of their son-in-law am daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Mackel and family at Elgin Mrs S. M Burtwistle and son. Jim, accompanied by her mo ther, Mrs. J. L. Pruden, return ed home Sunday from Lincoln where they had spent the week end. Mrs. Leland Welke and Bonnie and Sp 5 and Mrs. Bob Welke and son, Johnnie, made a com bined business and pleasure trip to Sioux City, la., Wednesday. The Bob Welkes left Friday for Texas where they will visit rela tives a few days. They plan to return to Ewing this week before leaving for Alaska where Welke will be stationed in the United States Army. Mr and Mrs. Vance Butler, Ainsworth, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Vera Anson. A weekend guest at the home of Mrs. Caroline Sanders was her , daughter, Mrs. Bernice Harlan, Tilden. Mrs. Mildred Bergstrom and family had as their Sunday after n<x>n guest s her mother, Mrs. Caroline Senders and Mrs. Ber 1 nice Harlan, Tilden. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies went to Plainview Sunday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Miss Catherine Bauer and Mrs. Gail Boies made a combined business and pleasure trip to Fre mont on Saturday. A social afternoon was enjoyed by several ladies Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Joe Tomjack. Mrs. John Latzel is now back at her home in Ewing after spending some time at St. An thony's hospital in O’Neill. Callers at her home on Saturday were Mrs. Mabel Boies, Mrs. Florence Butler and Mrs. Ralph Eacker. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Butler trans acted business in O’Neill Thurs day. Mrs. Floyd Lee, Mrs. William Farr, Mrs. Ralph Eacker, Mrs. Joe Tomjack, Mrs. Jessie Angus . were guests at the Uhl home in O’Neill Saturday, when Mrs. Uhl entertained a number of friends. James Araji, Lincoln, was a weekend guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kropp. « ■ _i * *_ a_i_ rvi__ **11. Cl l IV* .TUO. juuuvn ViiJVII spent Sunday visiting at the home of their son, Merwin Olson and family at Clearwater. Mrs. Lloyd Angus, Mrs. Mar cus Snyder and Mrs. Jessie An gus visited the following patients at St. Anthony’s hospital in O’ Neill Friday, Mrs. John Angus. Mrs. D. A. Gunter, Mrs. Emma Closson, all of Ewing, and Car olyn Hill, Page. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olsen were guests Wednesday at the h >me of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wil son at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack entertained the following guests Friday evening at their home, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Thramer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Thramer and family and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Walnofer and two child ren. The occasion was in honor of Mark Thramer’s birthday an niversary. Card games were play ed fr amusement. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Tomjack. Dinner guests 9unday at the Gary Tessmer home were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier and fam ily. Sgt. Marvin Carl left Wed EASTER HATS.. .beautifully abloom! The fresh flo^erin^s of -r. _ _ 2"to $*5 spring shaped for flattery! “S* neaday lor Fairbanks. Alaska where he will be stationed In the I ailed States Army. Mrs. Carl U working ns a nnrse at St. Anthony's hospital In O’ Neill. and will make her home at the Delbert Carl home In Ewing. Mrs. Aubrey Wood made a business trip to O'Neill Monday The St John's Purple 4-H club held its regular meeting March 18 at the Louis Funk home. Linda Schmiser and Janet Punk gave a report on grooming of 4H calves The neat meeting will be held at the Alva Parks hme April 8. Richard Sham, reporter. Lorraine Bartos is now employ ed at the Good-All Electric Manufacturing Company at Og allala. She is the daughter of James Bartos, Ewing Miss Bar toe graduated from the Ewing high school. Mrs Lester Spragg entertained a group of women at an after noon party Saturday at her home Mr and Mrs Ray Butler drove to Elgin Sunday to spend the day with Mr and Mrs Lawrence Warden and family. Mr and Mrs. E D McDon ald and family were dinner and evening guests Saturday at the home of Mr and Mrs Ray But ler. Mane Darts and Jane Spragg were OWeill visitors Saturday Ina Bennett and Sharon Kropp attended the Antelope county spelling n attest held m Neligh Saturday. Miss Bennett was <ate of the checkers Mr and Mr* Wilbur Bennett. Mr and Mr* Wayne Shrader and family, all of Ewing. Mrs Flora Young and Janies Bennett. Or cluird, wen- dinner guests Sun day at the home o| Ins Bennett Mr and Mrs Howard Luben visited Mr and Mrs Walter Schnabel gi their home m Neltgh last week Mr. Schnabel is able to be out at the hospital and Is recuperating at home Phone Your Newt to The Frontier Phone 788 Try The Frontier Went Ads — It Pevi I JUST LIKE THE GOOD OLD DAYS! BIG PRICE CUTS FOR EVERYONE! MEN'S AND BOYS' POPLIN JACKETS C44 •J SAVE! Men’s water repellent cotton poplin jacket is a great de fense against drizzles, lias warm cotton suede flannel lining. New colors. S.M.L.XI. Boys ward off spring chills with a wash and wear cotton poplin jacket. Has black knit collar, cuffs and waistband, yoke front. S, M, L. MISSES' BLOUSES Compare at 1.29 lured for neat-as-a-pin look! Wash wear cotton; white, colors. 32-38. CAPRI PANTS Reg. 2.49 NOW! Styled for fun in the sun! Slim cotton jacquard weave pants in bright new colors. Sizes 10 to 18. GIRLS' POPLIN JACKETS 3-6X 198 2.98 J 7-14 Cotton |»<>|>lin Jackets are lined with cotton kasha to chase early spring * chills. Patch (sakets New colors. 3-6X JACKETS 298 Mile sized lads' and lasses' jackets of cotton poplin Is lined with cot ton kasha. Knit collar, wristlets. | TERRIFIC DISCOUNT VALUES FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! SHOP EARLY! ■naammmm «. ■■ i — . ■■ ■ — — —— ■-~ boxer top slacks men's sock buys T-shirts, briefs men's sport shirts siurdy work shoes Enjoy big savings for the little 35c pr„ if perfect! Heavyweight Reg. 69c ea.! Scott Craig briefs Sale! Nows the time to stock up Corn pure ut «.95. Built with wide ones! Easy-on elastic waist cotton work socks for men are in men’s sizes 3049. T-shirts on sport shirts. Choose cotton toe last for extra comfort, pants in popular cotton random reinforced with nylon for long have taped shoulders, nylon re- broadcloth or rayon challis in brown cord and rubber Holo cord. Several colors, sizes 2 - 6. wear. Random, white, grey. inforced neck. Men’s S-M-L. many patterns, colors. S, M, L. and heels for long wear. Retan Sizes 10%-12. Comi.ed cotton. uppers in brown. 6% to 12. men's dress styles 133/4-ounce jeans low price on nylons white crew socks if full bolts to 69c yd. Compare at 8.95. Black slipons Compare at 2.49. Extra heavy Reg. 59c! Huge discount on Compare at 49c! Cotton crew Value! Wash-wear cottons to or oxfords in sleek new-season quality western style jeans. sheer nylons with seams. Buy socks are a favorite with the sew up into a smart new spring styles! Sturdy leather uppers Made of 13%-ounce cotton den- several pairs in smart beige high school and college set! summer wardrobe Buy several assure long, comfortable wear. im for long wear. Double stitch- tone for spring and summer And, now’s the time to buy, in lengths in gay new prints or 7 to 11* ed. Zipper fly. 4-16. wear. In sizes 9 to 11. 9 to 10%. solids. 36” wide. Sid&tioH MISSES' 5-8 REG. 59c 39c GIRLS' 2-14 Brief style panties for misses REG. 35c and girls have double crotch I for long wear, elastic leg for mm __ smooth, comfortable fit. You'll u* love the soft cotton/rayon hlend m ... so easy to wash. Replenish m your supply new, at these low ^Ur bargain prices. White only. Trim and offan apply to afl r~--1' I mil Mam pad ■ mat Daatw trru* 2 $■ REG T1 69c for ■ You’ll need a big supply of jum bo size thirsty cotton terry bath towels for summer! Choose rose, turquoise or yellow. NOW! 172 ■ 1.98 Easy-care cotton/rayon damask tablecloth in 50x50-inch lunch eon size. Complete with 4 nap kins. White, pink or geld. f WoAk'ftUJMvt/ Ripple Twist or Random Cord MEN'S 7 44 Compare at ^ 4.95 4# BOYS' *%77 Compare m * • at 3.49 £ Neat ivy style trousers always look smart, without a bit of ironing: Cotton ripple twist or . random cords come in black, blue or green. Men’s 28-38; VSfet 1-oys’ 6-18.