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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1962)
FOR SALE FOR SAIJE Reef and t>eef cross j calves tu out on your cow, any amount calves on hanfi must ail tim»s. Gerald O'Connor, l mile east of Atkinson, pnone 5893. 50-53p FOR SAIJC 40' mill and tower, complete with force pump. Can tie had in two 20-ft. lengths. Sewell Johnson, phone 8981, At kinson. 50-51p FOR SALE Extra good 4-yr.-old spotted saddle horse, gaited. W<mld loan out to right party. S. R. Robertson, O’Neill. 50c _ ____ 113 lloKU-ln Dairy tattle Will Hell at AUCTION At The Arnold Thiele Farm 3 miles Southwest of Clearwater Wednesday, Apr. II, 12:30 p.m. 60 head of fresh, 25 springers, 34 calves, 250 to 500 lbs., includ ing several good heifer pros pects. The remainder will be baby calves born a few days before the sale. 50 of the above heifers freshen ed sine** March 4, and the other 10 are 2nd and 3rd calf cows that have been fresh since Feb ruary 8. All are TR and Bangs tested. As in the past, this is l>ositively an excellent set of cattle for size, quality and well attached udders and we know they will gludden the heart of any dairyman. Seldom do you have an opportunity to purchase heifers of this caliber. We say without a doubt —- you won't he disapjiointed so visit us April 11. The sale will be held inside. Also a near new Surge milker, complete with 2 buckets. ARNOLD THIELE Phone 111 5-8200 Clearwater Free Coffer and Doughnuts TOR SALE—Four coming 2 and 3 year old registered Hereford bulls; also several big calves.— Albert Carson, Lynch. 45tfc MOBILE HOMES Large Stock—New & Used Prices so Low You Will Be Amazed We Trade — What Have You? Open Everyday MILLER MOBILE HOME SALES Albion, Nebr. - Phone 395-2170 Contact Us Today 44tfc SALT FOR SALE K a n a p o I i s $16.50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c—Located 3 blocks east, 4 blocks north of traffic light, Everett Gorgan, Ph. 164, O'Neill.51tf FOR SALE -1st and 2nd calf Holstein heifers, heavy springers. John Sojka. 1% north, 4 East of Page. 15tfc SAVE ON INSURANCE—prompt claim service. Virgil Laursen Agy.. O’Neill._Hmc 1 AM BACK In my office again and can loan money on Farms and Ranches and City Property. Some at 4% and some at 5% in terest. See R. H. Parker, O’Neill. Nebr. 50tf SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 259 down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone Contois Motor Co.. Neligh. 30tf FOR SALE—Hereford bulls.— Kieth Abart, O'Neill, Dercy Abart, Emmet. 32tfc FOR SALE -Registered Hamp shire bred gilts for Jan. Feb. and March farrowing—Alfred Han son, Plainview, Nebr. 38tfc Nebraska Grown Farm Seed Plow-down Sweet Clover $10.50 Bu. Lincoln Brome $12.00 Cwt. — ALSO — "Osco" Select-60 Brand Alfalfa O'NEILL GRAIN CO. Phone 57 — O’Neill, Nebr. 45-51 c SHORES’ NEW DAIRY CREDIT All the money you want. 36 months at 6%. Buy new cattle, finance entire herd. Shores Wisconsin heifers. "Pay your bills, stop your worries.” SHORES. NELIGH, TU 7-4060 dtfc FOR SALE — Good 15-ft. John Deere Disc. Otto Lorenz, phone 917R1, O'Neill. 49tfc FOR SALE — Caterpillar tractors w/bulldozer — large - small — new - used. Write or caD Bob Pospichal. 301 So. 1st st., O' Neill, phone 205J. 49-50p hY)K SALE Going business. 161 years of established business Felix's Cafe, Verdigre, Nebr. Box 553 50-52C I OK SALK 1955 Farmall Super MTA with TA, 1.1 TO and live hydraulic 1960 Farmall 460 Diesel with TA. 1.1 TO. power steering 1958 Farmall 350 Diesel with TA, LPTO. belt pulley, power steer ing, 11 x 38 rear tires 1958 Farmall 350 Diesel with TA, 1JTO, belt pulley, heavy axle, power steering, fast hitch, 12 x 38 rear tires and power adjusted wheels 1950 Farmall M. A-l shape 1952 Farmall Cub Two Farmall C tractors 1951 WD Allis-Chalmers Five used 12-ft. McCormick hay rakes Two 12-ft Case hay rakes 2-bottom MTD plow for Farmall C or Super C One set Disc transports, $20.00 1961 International V4 ton pickup, only 1000 miles 1959 BC162 2 ton. IH truck with 9:00x20 rear tires, 2 speed rear axle and 17-ft. combination rack 1955 IH. R.180 with one year old 16-ft. combination rack & hoist 1955 IH, R100, Vi ton pickup, A-l 1956 Vi ton Chevrolet pickup 1955 Willys 4 W D pickup 1953 IH, % ton pickup 1950 L160, IH 2 ton truck with 16-ft. combination rack K RATING IMPLEMENT fX>. Atkinson, Nebr 50-51-c FOR SALE — Kid's pony, well broke. Spotted, white mane and tail. Melvin Miller, Newport. 49-50p FOR SALE Scooter, about 1 year old very good shape. Will sell for $75. Phone 532M, 305 South Jefferson. 50p Wisconsin - _ ■ Dairy Cattle Close up springers, open heifers and yearlings on hand at all times. Dairy Heifers and crossbred Bull and Heifer Calves available after April 1, 1962. We do not handle any local cat tle. All carry a Wisconsin ear tag and a Wisconsin health sheet. Jake and Jack Reutter Gregory, S. D. Phone 5027 licensed and Bonded 48tfc Annual All Breeds Bull Sale To l>e held at Verdigre Livestock Mkt. Verdigre, Nebr. Thursday, Apr. 12 Consignments Welcome! Contact Don Jensen Verdigre, Nebr. — Phone 4861 48-50c FOR SALE — Several Chester White brood sows to farrow in April. Roy Gannon, Inman. 49-50p FOR SALE Selkirk Spring Wheat seed. Germ 95%. Henry Stelling and Son. Orchard. Nebr. 49-50c FOR SALE -Geese. White, single or pairs. Cliff Sobotka, Inman. Phone 435. 49-50c FOR SALE— Aermotor, used tow er, new mills, water pumps, tanks. 12-ft. bottomless or larg er. Cliff Sobotka, phone 435, In mam. 49-lc FOR SALE—Fully modern home 3 years old. Full basement, at tached garage, patio, complete set of other buildings. 48 acres of meadow and pasture on edge of Ewing. Nebr. Contact Willie L. Shrader, broker, telephone TW 33393. Ewing. Nebr. 48-50c FOR SALE — Registered Hamp shire fall boars. Big and rugged. Alfred Hansen, Plainview, Nebr. 48tfc FOR SALE—D-4 Cat with hydrau lic dozer. Good condition. $2500; 1954 NAA Ford tractor, hydrau lic loader, rear blade, steel half tracks. Good condition, $1450.— George Courtney, Lynch, phone LOS-2816. 46tfc BABY CHICKS — Calif .-Whites. Leg-Hamps, White Leghorns, $12.00 per 100, White Rocks $14.00 per 100. Hybrids $17.00. Cockerels $2.50 and up. sexed puUets $26.00 and up. Started chicks slightly higher. Hatch days Wednesdays and Saturdays. Write or call for complete whole sale prices. GORKI E HATCH ERY. INC. O’Neill, Nebr. 46-53p rf PERENNIAL ) ROSE BUSHES Y..r QQC Choice 99 We have a complete selec tion of ready-to-plant rose bushes. All varieties and colors for your yard. Shop Ben Franklin and Save PATTON'S O'NEILL, NEBR. FOR SALK — Sand Love Grass seed. State tested. Earl Reiser, Spencer. Phone Butte 5286. 50-53p MOBILE HOMES 1960 Tradewtnds. 50’xl©' 3BR 1959 Great Lakes. 46 x10’ 2BR 1958 Great I^kes. 4Txl0’ 2BR 1958 Great Ijskes, 47 x8' 2BR 1955 Travelo, 36 x8’ 2BR 1952 Glider, 36 x8’ 1BR 1951 Continental, 35'x8’ 2BR 1947 Princeton, 25 x8’ The above units are reconditioned and Priced to Sell. Large stock of New Coaches and Travel Trailers in all sizes and floor plans. OPEN EVERY DAY We Trade Finance—Deliver MILLER MOBILE HOME SALES Albion. Nebr. Ph. 395-2170 50tfc USED TRACTORS IHC M 1946 IHC M 1948 IHC M 1942 Massey-Harris 44 1948 JD A 1949 JD A 1946 JD B 1942 IHC II 1942 IHC II 1946 IHC H 1941 IHC SC 1953 IHC C 1950 IHC 11-ft. drill IHC No. 15 3-bottom plow AC 2-16 plow 3 12-ft. hay rakes 2 4-sec. harrows, 1 new JD 200A quick tach cultivator 2 JD discs, 12- and 15-ft. AC combine, 6-ft. DAVID’S REPAIR SHOP Welding — New Steel I’sed Tractors & Machinery Phone IV 2-2362 Chambers, Nebr. 50-52c Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE Six room house, three large lots at 309 W Adams. See Lloyd Johnson, 820 E Clay or phone 604W, O’Neill. 50-52p REAL ESTATE 2 bedroom modem home. Ideal Location 3 bedroom home Many other good homes listed 480 Acres north of Emmet, Very Good Terms 240 Acres located west of Page 320 Acres west of Page Other farm and ranch listings ED. THORIN Beal Estate Broker Ph. 207, O'Neill, Nebr. _38tf WANTED WANTED — Housekeeper, older woman, good pay. must like children. Mrs. D. L. Anderson, phone 895 or 436W. 49-51c WANTED — Man for all around work in furniture and floor cov ering. Above average wages for right man. Meyers Midwest Furniture and Floor Covering, O'Neill. 50-51c WANTED—Pasture for 150 calves. Norman Grothe, Bartlett. Nebr. Phone OL4-3300 or OL4-3302. 50-52p HELP WANTED — Waitress and car hops. Write or phone Sno Creme Drive In, Neligh, Nebr. 50-52p WANTED—Custom Plowing. Con tact Norman Rokahr, Page, ph. WAlnut 6R3. 50-6c HELP WANTED — Security with non-seasonal, non-union service _■* __i__j auu iwuic o iw voiuuuouvu customers. To qualify, must be 21-40, energetic and willing to undergo short training period. Reply in letter to Route 1, Box 38. Hoskins. Nebr. 50c FOR SALE—Five nice Black An gus breeding heifers: 1 yearling Half-Quarter horse colt. Floyd Wilson. Texaco Station, O’Neill. 50tfc HELP WANTED — Hired man, married or single (prefer mar ried) to work on ranch, good wages and house to live in. No farming. Just cattle and haying. F. E. Skrdla, Atkinson. 50tfc OPPORTUNITY Must have qualified man to handle sizable accounts each week in this locale. Prefer ages 21-38. Good work record and self-management potential a must. Compensatory income, start at $320 per month. Car and phone necessary. For interview call at West Hillview Motel of fice. Neligh, Thursday, May 3 or June 7, 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockmon, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf L. GUTHMILLER Half Block East Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene and arc welding LAWN MOWERS REPAIRED AND SHARPENED, *1L MAKES Also repair parts for Lawson and Clinton engines on hand. 9h NEED MONEY We make quick cash loans an automobiles and furniture. See us also for your insurance needs. Central Finance Corp. O’Neill Phone 14 Nebr. _21tfc WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call T21 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 BUu south of the New Deal Oil Station—O’Neill 50tf T _ REAL ESTATE WANTED — Will pay $400 00 to $500.00 for im proved city lots with sewer, wa ter and gas to lot line, with 65 foot minimum frontage. Contact in writing Mr. SW c/o Frontier. O'Neill. Nebr. 49-52c "WE" DON’T WANT "ALL” THE BFHINESS We just want "YOUB8” PATTON’S BEN FRANKLIN 23 tf CITY LOANS. See R. H. Parker 50tf MAKE PATTON’S BEN Franklin store your candy and nuts head quarters. Always fresh. 27 tfc I MAKE Monthly payment loans some at 4% some at 5% interest. See R. H. Parker, O’Neill. Nehr. 50tf WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair.—403 N. 1st St. Phone* 553-J SPRAGUE WELL CO., O’Neill 3 blks. W. & 3V4 blks. N. stoplight WANTED Waitress, must be over 21, neat and of good character. Evening hours. Tropical Gar dens, O’Neill, phone 895 or 436W. 49-51 c IF ANYONE would want to hire man, tractor and spreader, con tact Homer Rutherford, Page. 49-50c WANTED TO RENT -Set of farm buildings with electricity, close to O’Neill, with pasture or hay. Contact Arnold Obst, O’Neill. 49-50p WANTED—Married man for gen eral farm work and cattle feed ing. Separate place. Good wages. Arden Melcher, Stanton, Nebr., phone 439-2916. 49-50c MISCELLANEOUS TOP DAIRY CALVES Are not made from the hide. ’’ITS IN THE BLOOD!” CURTISS SIRES have generation of type and pro duction in their blood. Don’t trade that for somebody’s culls. —Call 470, Duane Gray, O’Neill. 42tfc FARM LOANS, See R. H. Parker. 50tf AUCTIONEERING REAL ESTATE BROKER Private Listings and Auctions Auction Service LONG TERM LOANS ED THORIN PHONE 207_O’NEILL ASHBURN MONUMENT OO. P. O. Box 6, Tilden, Nebr. Personal attention to all orders. Covers all Northeast Nebraska. Call collect, FOrest 8-2220. All work fully guaranteed. NEIL ASHBURN, Prop. 21p I Hourly earnings 52.50 and up pos sible from start for man or wo man on service route in city of O’Neill. Select own hours. No investment. No experience re quired. Write Watkins Products. Inc., D-59, Winona, Minn. 47-50p Coin Collector SUPPLIES Rare Ooins Bought and Sold Ben Gillespie 48tfc BY - MAIL OFFER DAILY LINCOLN JOURNAL 5 WEEKS 51 You’ll get Sylvia Porter. Blondie. Orphan Annie. Believe It Or Not. Grin and Bear It, Let's Explore Your Mind. Steve Canyon. Em my Lou, David Lawrence, Joseph Alsop, Associated Press. United Press International, Wire Photos, Weather Reports. Markets, Radio Programs, Dr. Alvarez. Nancy. Sports, Walter Lippman. Norman Vincent Peale, Roscoe Drum mond. Robert S. Allen, Mutt and Jeff, Abbie and Slats, Tarzan. Jane Arden. Mopsy. Points for Parents. Life's Like That, Davey Jones, Crossword Puzzles. There Oughta Be A Law, Ann Landers. Ralph McGill. William S. White. THE LINCOLN JOURNAL “Prints Today’s News Today’’ in new bigger easy to read type. Parade Magazine Supplement is part of the Sunday issue. By-mail offe rin Nebraska and Northern Kansas — Outside^ of Lancaster County—5 weeks 51-00 daily. 6H weeks Daily and Sun day 52.00 a vear 59.00 daily. Sun day 56,50. Order direct or through our office , 50nc FOR RENT FOR RENT Gehl stalk cutter — Shelhamer Equip.. Co. O'Neill. 45tfc FOR RENT — Four room house with lwith and gas heat Mrs Victor Halva, phone 630. O'Neill. 50-51c NOTICES NOTICE The public is invited to see the slides taken by Larry Ackels on his good will tour in Europe At Jungman’s Hall in Amelia, Saturday evening. Apr 7 at 7 30. j A young people's square dance will follow. _50p I-Legal Notices-1 (First pub. March 29, 1962 LEGAL NOTICE In accordance with the School Laws of Nebraska, the following described change of district boundaries is requested: To dissolve District No. 176 and to attach the territory thereof to District No. 233 To be effective June 1, 1962. A hearing of said matter will be held in the Assembly Room of the Court House at O'Neill. Nebraska on April 9, 1962, at 8:00 P.M. when all interested may appear and be heard. Holt County Reorganization Committee by: Alice L. French, Secretary 49-50c (First pub. April 5, 1962) Cronin and Hannon, attorneys Estate No. 4538 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND HEIRS LN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. THE ESTATE OF JOHN M CLAYBAUGH. DECEASED. STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Neil E. Hipke and Maude C. Hipke have filed a petition alleg ing that said deceased died in testate some time after said de ceased made homestead entry on the following described real es tate, to-wit: Lots 3 and 4, and the South west Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 33, and Lot 1 of Section 34, all in Town ship 33, North, Range 11, West of the 6th P. M., in Holt County, Nebraska, and before the patent from the United States Government was issued and further before the 8th day of August, 1884; that at the time of his death said de ceased was a resident of Holt County, Nebraska, and that said petitioners derived their interest as joint tenants with right of sur vivorship, by mesne conveyances from the heirs of said deceased, and praying for a determination of the time of the death of said deceased, that he died intestate, the heirs, degree of kinship and right of descent of real property, of the deceased, which petition will be for hearing in this Court on the 26th day of April, 1962, at the hour of ten o’clock A. M. (COUNTY FRANK CRONK COURT County Judge SEAL)_50-52c (First pub. April 5, 19621 Cronin and Hannon, attorneys Estate No. 4535 NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF AGNES JOHN SON. DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for the probate of the will of said de ceased. and for the appointment of Shirley Anderson and La Donna Bowers as Executrices thereof, which will be for hearing in this court on April 26, 1962. at 10 o’clock A. M. __ (COUNTY FRANK CRONK COURT County Judge SEAL) 50-52c The City Council Council met at regular session. Present Mayor Schaffer, CcJun-. oilmen Reynoldson, Moore, Mc Intosh, Carroll, Janousek, Heer mann and Hiatt. Absent Gieeson. The Meeting was called to or der by the Mayor. Motion by Carroii, seconded by Hiatt that the council dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last previous meeting and that the council proceed with the business on hand. Motion was carried. Motion by Hiatt, seconded by Reynoldson, that the following bills be allowed and paid, on the general fund; Marcellus Schaaf 312.30 William Finch .- — 226.80 C. J. McGinn 256.62 John S. Haveika 126.68 O. D. French . 60.00 The Frontier . 10.92 R. E. A. Office . 7.65 Kamilla Donoboe . 40.00 Pinkerman T. V. 68.25 Foree Tire k Supply Co. 14.22 Robertson Motor Co. Inc. 21.15 Earley Oil Company 5.80 Sbelhamer Equipment Co. 1-50 Island Supply Co. 78.66 Levi B. Fuller. 108.00 Jim Boyle . 19 00 D. A. Kersenbrock 33.63 Spelts Lumber Company .. 31.15 Anderson Fire Equipment I Company . 94.95 Consumers Public Power District .'.. 557.71 O’Neill Salvage . 3.00 N, W Bell Telephone Cu. 30 SO Edna B Yanuu . 10000 Director U Internal Rev enue . ... .. 117.3b Floyd E Sanders . 210.40 Eldun Butterfield 104 07 SI H CoaU . 240.12 Richard Clyde 16004 John R Gallagher 10000 Presto X Company 2000 Norfolk Office Equipment Co. 744 0 Neill Local Insurance H'Uird 100.73 Harmon Bridge .. 1.00 Western Hotel 8 00 McCarville’s . JO S6 Kansua-Nebraaka Nat Gas Co. Inc. ... 124.54 O'Neill Auto tkippfy 44.65 Donohue Construction Co. 54 00 Gayle Boyle . 10.00 Fred O. Herrmann 172 00 Lexington Mill St Elevator 5.00 Elden Butterfield SbOO O’Neill Fire Dept. 34.00 Gillespie Electric 76.15 National Chemsearch 86 03 Graham's *'66” Service 170.10 On the Special Sewn Fund . 086.00 On the Water Fund; John S. Huvelkd 150.04 Consumers Pub. Po. Diat. 385.44 O’Neill Salvage & Ex. 25.00 Association Insurance Co. 72.30 Howard Peters Repair 8.40 National Chemsearch 62.73 Gamun Meter Division 45.77 Graham's •,66'’ Service 1601 Motor Parts Inc. 701 Director of Internal Rev* W.IU John Beilin . 249.24 Gillespie Electric 1.60 Layne Western Company 14 88 City of O'Neill Contingent Fund . 73.06 N. W. Bell Tele Co. 47.40 The Thompson Co. 4.75 ; Edna B. Yantzi 80.00 American Gear Co. 5.60 j Capitol Supply Co. . 153.751 the vote on the above motion was | as follows. Aye Carroll, Moore.! Hiatt, McIntosh, Reynold son, Heermann and Janousek. Nay none. Motion by Reynoidson, second ed by Moore that the Council name the following polling places for the Election to be Held on April 3, 1962. First Ward, Holt County Court House, second ward, Knights of Columbus Hall, third ward, the Police Station, fourth ward, the City Council chambers. ' The following to the election . boards, first ward, Judges, Tess Protivinsky , Mrs. Harrison Bridge, Miriam Tennis, Clerks, Helen O’Donnell and Edna Walk or. Second Ward, Judges, Kamil la Donohoe, Christine Williams, Grace Wilson, Clerks, Marie Graham and Betty Mullendore. Third Ward, Gertrude Streeter, Rose Minton, Mrs. J. D. Osen baugh, Clerks Mrs. Ella Porter and Mrs. Ray Lawrence. Fourth Ward, Judges, Mrs. Bonnie Mo- j ses, Esther Robertson, Josephine Clements, Clerks Viola Ruzicka and Mrs. A. D. Jilg. Motion car ried. Motion by Moore, seconded by Hiatt, that the council vote on the application for a permit to j move a house to lot 16 in block 25 in the Original town of O’ Neill. A ballot vote was taken j with the following results. In fa vor of said permit, 5, against said moving permit 1. Motion was carried. Motion by Janousek, seconded by McIntosh, that the following building permits and moving per mits be approved. Dean Jeffrey to move a house 26 x 22 feet, one story full basement and all mod ern to the North West V* of Sec tion of 29, township 29, Range 11, or to 102 North 10th Street. Sam Derick son for a new house 30 x 56 feet to be located on the north 66 feet of 9 and west 30 feet of lot 10, Block 1, Original Town of O'Neill. House to be of one story, of frame construction attached garage, all modern. GiJ Poese for a building 20 x 30 feet of Concrete Block and frame con struction to be used as a radio station to oe located on Block “E” in O’Neill and Haggerty’s! Addition to O’Neill. Motion was' carried. Motion by Carroll, seconded by Reynoldson, that the City pur-; chase from Mr. Fred R. Hunt 2.8 acres of land located on the west side of property annexed by the City of O’Neill on the north edge of O’Neill. Purchase price to be $560.00 Motion carried. RESOLUTION The following Resolution was introduced by Councilman Moore, seconded by Reynoldson, and read; Whereas, the City Council of O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, has by Ordinance No. 338-A pro vided for the Creation of an offic ial Planning Commission in Con formity with the Nebraska En abling Legislation, and Whereas, said planning com mission is now duly constituted and operation, and Whereas, said Commission has determined that for the orderly future growth of the City of O’ Neill, and to prevent the spread of blight, that it is necessary that a comprehensive community plan be prepared; and Whereas, the City of O'Neill, has a population of less than 50,000 and does not have "Suf ficient finances to pay for said comprehensive plans, and Whereas, the Planning Commis sion has requested the City of O’Neill to request the Division of Nebraska Resources, ^tfae author ized state agency for the State of Nebraska) to enter into con-, tract with the Housing and Home . Finance Agency for Urban Plan ning Assistance for the City of O’Neill, Nebraska, under the pro vision of Section 701 of the Fed eral Housing Act of 1954. as amended; Now. Therefore be it Resolved . that the City of O’Neill, Nebras ka. request that the Division of Nebraska Resources, (the author ized state agency for the State of Nebraska), make application to the Housing and Home Finance Agency for Urban Planning As sistance for the City of O’Neill, Nebraska. Be it funner Resolved that the Oty of O'Neill provide 30 1 3 <4 the coat at the prupneed planning work Paaaed amt adopted thn Wh day at March. UK3 D C. SCHAFFER MAYOR ATTEST O D. FRENCH CITY CLERK CERTIFICATE <* CITY CLERK I. O. D. French. Oty Clerk <4 the Cfty of OTletll. Nebraska, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing la a true and correct of copy of the Reauluttoo »Inch wa» paaaed and ndpted by the City Council at O'Neaii. Nebraska, on the Mb day uf March, IMtt 8 O D French. City Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 33S A Councilman Reynoktauo, intro duced the following Ordinance en titled; AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF O NEILL. NEBRASKA. PRO VIDLNG FOR THE MAKING. ADOPTION. AMENDMENT. EX TENSION AND CARRYING OUT OF A MUNICIPAL PLAN CUEATLNG A CITY PLANNING COMMISSION; PROVIDING THE NUMBER. QUALD'lCATlONS AND MANNER OF APPOINT MENT OF MEMBERS OF SUCH COMMISSION, THE MANNER OF REMOVAL OF SUCH MEM BERfi. THE FILLING OF VA CANCIES ON SUCH OO.MMJs SION AND THE OOMPENSA TION AND TERMS OF OFFICE OF ITS MEMBERS; AUTHOR1Z ING SUCH COMMISSION TO! ORGANIZE. ELECT OFFICERS, ADOPT RULES FOR THE TRANSACTION OF BUSINESS AN1) KEEP RECORDS SPEC1 FYING THE DUTIES AND ruttirit'nn ntwui /vnaa* I • V/* out II VA/miVlin SION PROVIDING FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF OATHS BY THE CHAIRMAN PR0V1D ING FOR THE SERVICE OF PROCESS, THE NUMBERS OF ITS REGULAR MEETINGS AND THE LIMIT OF ITS EXPENDI TURES REPEALING ALL OR DINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING WHEN THIS ORDINANCE SHAU, BE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT, Said Ordinance was fully and distinctly read, and on motion duly made, seconded and adopt ed, it was designated as Ordi nance No. 338-A and the title thereof was approved. Councilman Carroll, moved that the statutory rule requiring Or-! dinances to be fully and distinctly read on three different days be dispensed with, which motion was seconded by Councilmen, Me In tosh, and the Yeas and Nays be ing called on the passage of said j motion the following Councilmen voted Yea; Reynoldson, Carroll, McIntosh, Moore, Hiatt, Heer tnann, Janousek. Nay none The motion having been concurred in by three-fourths of the Council was declared passed and adopted and said statutory rule suspend-1 ed. Thereupon said Ordinance No. 338-A was read by its title a sec ond time and was then read at large and put upon final passage. | The Mayor stated that the ques tion is; “Shall Ordinance No. 338-A be passed and Ad<jpted?’' The Yeas and Nays were called and the following CoancUmen voted Yea; Janousek, Heermann, Hiatt, Moore, McIntosh, Carrol] and Reynoldson, Nay none. The passage and adoption of said Ordinance No 338-A having been concurred in by a Majority of all members elected to the Council was by the Mayor de clared passed and adopted and the Mayor in the presence of the Council signed and approved said Ordinance and the City Clerk attested the passage and approval of the same and affixed his signature thereto. The following is a true, cor rect and complete copy of said Ordinance No. 338-A. ORDINANCE NO. 338-A An ordinance of the City of O'-1 Neill, Nebraska providing for the j making, adoption, amendment, extension and carrying out of a municipal plan; creating a City planning Commission; providing the number, qualifications and manner of appointment of mem bers of such commission, the manner of removal of such mem bers, the filling of vacancies on such commission and the com-1 pensation and terms of office of its members; authorizing such commission to organize, elect of ficers, adopt rules for the trans action of business and keep re cords ; specifying the duties and 1 powers of such commission; pro viding for the administration of oaths by the Chairman; provid- . mg for the service of process, I the number of its _ regular meet ings and the Umu of its expendi tures; repealing all Ordinances , and parts of Ordinances in con- , flict herwith and providing when this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 0 NEILL NEBRASKA Section 1. The City of O’Neill, shall be authorized to make,] adopt, amend, extend, and carty* out a municipal plan as author-i * ized by law ] Section 2. A commission to be known as “City Planning Com mission” is hereby Created which shall consist of nine members who shall represent insofar as is' feasible different professions, in-, terest or occupations in the city and who shall be appointed by the Mayor and with approval of a three-fourths vote of the Coun cil. Section 3. All members of the City Planning Commission shall serve as such without compen sation and shall bold no other municipal office. Section 4. The term of each member of the City Planning Commission shall be three years, except that three members of the First commission shall be ap pointed to serve for the term of one year. there to eerve f»*r the term of two year*, and three to nerve for the term of three year* All member* ahall hold of fice until their successors are a(* planted All member* may, after a public hearing befcirr the City Council, he removed by the Mayor, and by and with the con sent <>f a three KarrUia rota of the council for ineftwency, neglect of <luty, or malft-aaame in office or other g<**i and aufftcirnl cause, vacancies on the Conmnaami occuring other Uian through the expiration of term ahall be filled tor the uneapired term by the Mayor Sccliou S. The City Planning conintUNUoii ahull elect Ms chair man trum ita member* ami cre ate and fill such other of Ita of fice* a* it may determine The term of the chairman shall be one year and he aiiall tie eligible fur re-election The Cummiaaion shall bold at least ooe regular meeting each month, ft shall adopt rules for the tranaactb'ii of business and ahall keep a re cord of ita resolution, transac tions, finding* ami determina tions. which record shall be pub lic record Section 6 The Council may provide the funds, < ijmpnn-nt and accomodation* necessary for tin* work of the Commission, bui the expenditure* of tlie Commission. ‘ A ^ k* u I 1 mllkin the umounta appropriated fur Unit purp"»*‘ by the Gunned and no expenditures, nor agreement* fur expenditures shall be valid or le gal in excess of sucb amount. Provided. Iwwever, that sucb commission shall have the au thority and the jmwer to accept and receive donations of cash or property, gifts, bequest* and grains and, with the apprval of the Council, may use such non approprialed asset* as Die com mission shall deem beneficial and advantageous to tin* City of O’ Neill. 9ection 7. It shall be the func tion and duty ol tlie Commission to make and adopt plans for the physical development of the mu jucipahty, Uw hating any areas outside of it* bouiafane* but with in its statute authority which, lit the Commissions' judgement, bear relation to the planning of the municipality. Section H. Hu* Commission, from time to time, shall recom mend to the appropriate public officials programs for public structures and improvements and for the financing thereof. U shall l»e the function and duty of the commission, to further consult and advise with public gffical* and agencies, civic organisatwn, public utility coinpames, educa tional, prufessional and other or gamzations and with citizens with relation to the promulgation anil carrying out of the plan The commission shall have the power to delegate authority to any of the above named groups to con duct studies and make surveys for said commission if it deems expedient. S<*ction 9. The Chairman of the CommiMKMi shall have power to administer an oath to any per son concerning any matter Sub mitted to the commission, or wen mg within the powers and duties and the commission. The Commission may further issue process to compel the attendance of persons before it and shall have the power to subpoena books records and pajiers if necessary, which process shall be served the same as process Issued out of the City Police Court. Section 10. All ordinances and parts of ordinance* in conflict herewith are hereby repealed Section 11 This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force and effect from and after its pas sage, appn/val and publication as provided by law. Passed and ajiproved this 6th day of March, 1962. D C. SCHAFFER MAYOR ATTEST: O. D. FRENCH CITY CLERK Motion by Carroll, seconded by Reynoldson, that the council ad journ. Motion carried. D. C. SCHAFFER MAYOR ATTEST: O D. FRENCH CITY CLERK Try The Frontier Want Ad* — It Pay* I Phone 788 TIRE VULCANIZING and repair AU SIZE TIKES JOE'S TIRE SERVICE Pfcone 71S OTteM, Metor. - DR. D. E. DAVID OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Care Ooataet LeaM*