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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1962)
Four Paget "The Voice of the Beef Empire"-North-Central Nebraska's BIGGEST Newspaper Volume 81—Number 48 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, March 22, 1962 Seven Cents Inman News By Mm. June* McMsku (From ljt*t Wi-ek» David Sobotka, Norfolk Junior college student, spent the week end visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sobotka. Mr. anti Mrs. Albert Reynolds and girls visited Mr. and Mrs. Bert Reynolds at Neligh Sunday Kieth Kivett, Wayne college student, spent the weekend visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vaden Kivett. Mr. and Mrs. Casper Pribil re turned Tuesday from California where they spent several weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Kivett and other friends and rela tives. John Gallagher has been dis missed from St. Anthony's hos pital and is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A1 Hamik in O'Neill. Mm. Gallagher is still a patient at St. Anthony’s. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Luben and family, Fremont, visited ov er the weekend in the Mrs. Char les LJben home. Mrs. Charles Luben is spend I ing some time in the Norbert Clark home at O'Neill. Mr. and Mr*. Lyle Kopcjtka and family moved to Wakefield Friday where he has employ ment. Margaret Pruss, Clearwater, s*pent the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pruss. Mr. and Mrs. Max Mosaman and family, Tekamah, spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brunckhorst and Bar bara. Joe Peters, Norfolk, spent a couple of days last week with his family. Mr. and Gary Sanders, O’ Neill, visited Mrs. J. B. Peters and Larry Sunday. Bill DeLong, Rock Rapids, la., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merle DeLong, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson left Friday for Omaha to visit Mr. and Mrs . Edwin Langley and daughter and to Lincoln to visit their son, Sam, a Wesleyan uni versity student. They plan to re turn Wednesday. Robert Geary is a medical patient in 9t. Anthony’s hospital, O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Snyder, O’Neill, visited Mrs. Ray Siders Saturday. -1 Mrs. Clarence Juracek and Kim. Orchard, visited Mrs Ray Siders Tuesday. Mr. Juracek and family joined the group in the evening. According to Mrs. Ray Siders, Hi-art fund chairman, 152.45 was collected from Inman vil lage Heart Fund Sunday. She was assisted by Mrs. James Banks and Mrs. Melvin MJchae lia. Mrs. Tom Cunningham and son, O'Neill, visited Mrs. Ray Skiers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Schleuse ner and family, Orchard, visited Mrs. Ray 9iders Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sholes and Sue spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Hawk and family at Ewing. Atkinson News (From Last Week) Mr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson returned Sunday after a few days in Illinois, Michigan, Iowa and ether points east and report great amounts of snow and ice over widespread sections. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Boyd visit ed last Friday with Mrs. Bill Wefso. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd have been in Omaha on business and were enroute to their home in California. Mrs. Ray Cearns was hostess Thursday, Mar. 8, to the Modern Farmerette club at her home in Atkinson. Sixteen members an swered roll call. Other guests were Mrs. Pete Head and Mary Lou, Mrs. Wilmer McConnell, Mrs. Robert Slaymaker and Shar on Barnes. The afternoon was spent playing games with prizes going to Mrs. Rose Slaymaker, Mrs. Lillie Smith and Mrs. Fred Ziska. The “guess box” was won by Mrs. Charlotte Barnes and Mrs. Jennie Mlinar. A group of friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mrs. Orville Seger Sunday afternoon to honor Mrs. Alex Vanderbeek with a bridal shower. Games were played. In spite of the snow and high winds a good at tendance was reported. Lunch was served and by the time the group adjourned, drifting had fill ed in the road until help was needed. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Galyen an! Nancy went to Lincoln last Friday to attend the basketball tournament. Enroute home Sun day blizzard conditions forced them to remain in Ord until the storm abated. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Osborn en tertained the Pinochle club Sat urday night at their heme in At kinson. Those present were Messrs . and Mmes. Clarence Brennaman, Pat Medcaif. Floyd Butterfield, John Bom-nberger and Marlie Featherston; also Mrs. Willard Linville. Mrs. John Henning, Mrs. R. E. Chace and Bernard Stearns. Prizes were won by John Bonenberger, Mrs. Marlie Featherston and Bernard Stearns. Refreshments were served and the group adjourned to meet in April with Mr. and Mrs. Marlie Featherston. Elmer McClurg went to Win ner, S. D., Friday to assist with an auction there and reported severe driving conditions coming home. The Winner areas have been struggling against the ele ments for weexs, also, and driv ing conditions have become haz ardous. The Atkinson Country Women’s club met March 6 at the home of Mrs. Richard Crippen for their regular meeting with dinner at noon. Co-hostesses were, Mrs. Carl Gettert, Mrs. Jim Beck and Mrs. Paul Roth. Ten members answered roll call. The group voted to give $5.00 to the Red Cross Fund. Mrs. Eugene Karr conducted the quiz games with prizes going to Mrs. Ina Roth and Mrs. Roy Carr. The next meeting will be at the Steak House on April 10 at 2 p.m. Mrs. Minnie Shaw was a Sun day caller at the home of Dr and Mrs. N. P. McKee. Mr. and Mrs. Tut McKee and daughter came from Denver last Thurs day to visit his parents, Dr. and Mrs. McKee and due to the bliz zard conditions were compelled to extend their visit until roads cleared. The Sunday evening pitch club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Medcaif March 11. Due to the blizzard conditions several were unable to attend and “em ergency fill ms,” were the order of the evening. The group ad journ'd with the next meeting to oe March 25 Prizes were award ed to Mr and Mrs. William Wef so and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wentz. Mrs. Ronnie Frickle came from Link,-In Saturday to spend the weekend with her parents, Mr and Mrs Lawrence Pacha, and other relatives. Attempting to start back to Lincoln Sunday she got as far as Atkinson and had to remain in Atkinson where she was a guest in the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs Carl Smith, until the storm abat ed. Mrs. Elmer McClurg and Mrs James Allyn, Stuart, went to Bro ken Bow Friday U> visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin McClurg and family and to as sist with a moving project. The group stayed in Broken Bow un til the roads cleared. Amelia News II) Mi)*** Florence Lindfw*) Charlie Sigman celebrated his birthday anniversary March 6, His daughter Mrs. Bob Sawvel, Morrill, and his son, Cleve, Springvalley, Minn., telephoned to extend “happy birthday” wish es. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Doolittle, Jack, Bill and Terry visited at Lee Gilmans Wednesday evening. Bill Sammons went to Homer Friday to get his sister, Mrs. Andy Robak and four children, to stay with them while Mrs. Sam mons and new baby daughter were at the hospital. The WSCS met at the home of the Rev. and Mrs. C. Cox in Chambers Wednesday afternoon. There were nine members pre sent in spite of the bad weather i and roads. World Day of Prayer was ob | served Friday by the Chambers j and Amelia churchs at the Mrth<> dist church in Chambers. Those attending from Amelia were Mines. Clyde Widirmn, Vem Sag eser, Lloyd Wakk), Hieme Frahm George Fullerton. S C. Barnett May Sageser. Asa Watson, E P Johnston and Edith Johnston Mark anil Tommie Lee Sam I nions visited Mr. and Mrs. Blake Oft over Thursday night ami Fr day. Mr. aiul Mrs. Dwigld Kenn> have |iun'has<d a new home in | Atkinson and are moved and settled in it. Mrs Charles Bligh went to Om aha Tuesday to visit her son-in law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brau. Mr. Bligh was also in Omaha that week Mrs Bligh expects to return to the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce, before returning to her own home at Alliance. Mr. and Mrs. August Pospichal visited at William Fryrears Mon day evening. Fredrick Dehart, Council Bluffs, la., visited at the home of his nephew, Marvin D o o littie and family, several days last week. They all went to Stuart Monday evening to visit his sis ter, Mrs. Elsie Doolittle, Jimmy, Mrs. Gene Hanson’s mother, Mrs. Rosa Monahan, underwent surgery last week at the Atkin son hospital. Lewie Nissen, Lincoln, visited Denny and Mickey, his brother and sister-in-law, Mr and Mrs. Frank Pierce, from Tuesday until Friday. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! Coming! THURSDAY CUT-AWAY VERSION Of The New Model 4010 JOHN DEERE TRACTOR ON DISPLAY — 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This is a tractor cut in half and shows all of the working parts in action. H. R. Smith Imp. O'Neill, Nebraska it’s such a joy on a busy day... to have a phone a reach away! Handy phones in kitchen, basement, bedroom save you countless steps and precious minutes throughout the day. And you can choose from many different models in a range of pleasing colors—space-saving wall phones; regular table models; or the compact new Princess phone with built-in night light. TO ORDER, or for more information, call the Northwestern Bell business office, or ask your telephone serviceman. jf**l *~^ THE BELL CHIMB announces calls from a It ' ' \ central location in your home. Can be set for li VC - I melodious chime, loud or conventional ring. Northwestern Bell in Nebraska REDEEM COUPON AT BOTTOM OF THIS AD AT O'NEILL CLEANERS REMEMBER... SAFEWAY GIVES GOLD BOND STAMPS TOOI NOW! THE GREATEST TRACTOR TIRE OF THEM ALL Hh ■ Here’s the first tire ever designed to handle the in creased torque of modem tractors; the first tire with “Angle-Braced” tread to pull more in the field and wear longer on the road. In comparison with famed Goodyear Traction Super Grip, this great new tire has actually up to 40% more working rubber in each lug. It’s the huskiest tire you can buy! I BUY TODAY! A YEAR TO PAY! I ■ Don't let the lack of ready cash cause you fl fl to lose the savings new Super-Torques can fl I bring in less slippage, less road wear, more fl I traction, and longer carcass life. fl I Let us take your old tires as your down fl fl payment and then you may have as long as fl fl ONE FULL YEAR to pay the remaining bal- fl fl ance. Check our Spring Trading Allowances, fl fl you'll be surprised how small the balance fl fl will be. fl fl Stop in today! Take advantage of our long fl ■ — fl deals, and even longer terms. fl GOODYEAR N°1TtADEYNOw{N Foree Tire & Supply Phone 289 O'Neill, Nebraska