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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1962)
MK. AND MRS. If KRM A N IIOIXOMH, Chambers, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with o|>en house at the Methodist church parlors Saturday aftern<M>n, Mar. 10. The couple, married March 10. 1012, started housekeeping on the place northeast of Cham bers which has been their home the 50 years of their married life. They are the parents of one son, I.eRoy, and have two grandsons, Cary and Call Holcomb. Jacquelyn Barnhart, Ronald Mott Are Married at Neligh EWING — Miss Jacquelyn Barnhart, daughter of Mrs. Es thermae Barnhart, Neligh, and Ronald Mott, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Mott, Ewing, were united in marriage Sunday, Mar. 11, at the First Methodist church in Neligh. Performing the 2:30 p.m. dou ble ring ceremony was the Rev. Lisle W. Mcwmaw. Mrs. Mar guarite Carnes was organist and she accompanied the vocalist, Mrs. Glen Carpenter. An ivory satin strapless dress with long sleeved lace jacket was worn by the bride, who was giv en in marriage by her great un cle, Harry Mulhair, Lynch. The jacket had a scalloped neckline and tiny pearl buttons at the wrists and front. A wide scalloped hem completed the floor length, full gathered skirt on the dress which was made by the bride’s mother. She carried a white Bi ble centered with yellow roses. Miss Sandy Baker, Neligh, was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Sharon Mott, sister of the bridegroom and Miss Gloria Berg, Neligh. They wore identical dresses of medium blue lace ov er blue taffeta with cummerbunds ✓ of blue taffeta. Light blue hats and bouquets of blue carnations completed their ensembles. Serving as best man was Wal ter Miller. Groomsmen were the Rev. George Francis and Rolland Johnson, both of Neligh. Ushering were Dale McKnight and Lau rence Lange, also of Neligh. Sisters of the couple, Velena Barnhart, Neligh, and Tammy Mott, were flower girls. Steve DeCamp, Neligh, was ring bear er. Candlelighters were Kerry Barnhart, Neligh, brother of the bride, and Jim DeCamp. Approximately 100 guests at tended the reception held in the church parlors following the cer emony. Mrs. John Strode, Nor folk, cut and served the wedding cake. Miss Ninzel Barkdoll pour ed the coffee and Miss 9haron Peterson served, the punch. Ser vers were Miss Marietta Lange and Miss Gay Thompson. Mrs. Harry Mulhair was in charge of the guest book. Arranging gifts were Miss Ruth Mewmaw and Miss Sharon Peterson. The bride graduated in 1961 from Neligh high school and prior to her marriage was employed at Wanek Drug store in Neligh. Mr. Mott is a graduate of Mc Pherson, Kansas high school and is presently employed on the Vern Huckfeldt farm where the couple is making their home. E'ittle as a month est in HAMILTON FUNDS. Hamilton is an investment >mmon sfocki in over 80 American companies, lump [ or monthly payment plans available. | Dl KLIN D. DeBOLT Phone 267 } P. O. Box 207 — O’Neill, Nebr. Please send prospectus booklet without obligation. v I Name ) Addreu j City State ! NOW... I IS THE TIME TO rUY^ S/ li\ VESTINGHOUSE ROOM AIR - CONDITIONERS I BEAT m HIAT AND SAVE Everything Must Got Terrific Values . . . Big Savings On All Appliances. Buy On Easy Terms . • • Hurry, Limited Quantities! Easy Terms! Consumers Public Power Dist. O'Neill Locals Mr. and Mrs. Jot in Allen and family, Grand Island, and Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Allen and Rick and William Roach, Page, were guests of Mary Dusatko Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rooney re turned Sunday afternoon from a month’s vacation in Phoenix, Am., and California. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Henggler returned to their home in Fre mont following a recent visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Langan. A number of American Legion and Auxiliary members at O' Neill attended the Holt County Legion and Auxiliary meeting at Atkinson Sunday. Irene S'tenger, who teaches in Petersburg, was a Friday dinner guest of Audree Nelson. She was on her way to Lynch to spend the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Allan P. Jaszko wiak visited their daughter, Ny la, in Lincoln Friday. Nyla is a student at the University of Ne braska. Mrs. Jaszkowiak attend ed a meeting of the Delta Gam ma Sorority Mothers Club which was held at the Governor’s Man sion. Mrs. Morrison presented a fashion program. Miss Jean Mor rison, daughter of Governor and Mrs. Morrison, is a member of the Delta Gamma Sorority. Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Gleeson left Thursday morning for several days of vacation at Tucson, Ariz. He will be back in his office Ap ril 2. Mrs. Clauson Is Hostess Members of the Merry Mix club met Friday for a 1 p.m. lunch eon at the M & M cafe. The group then adjourned to the home of the hostess, Mrs. H. D. Clau son, for an afternoon of cards. Winners at bridge were Mrs. H. G. Kruse and Mrs. Clauson. BBC Club Meets Mrs. John Hermsen entertain ed the BBC club at her home Wednesday evening, Mar. 14. In the playing of cards prizes were won by Mrs. John Pitham, Mrs. Orville Nickeson and Mrs. Ed Schmidt. Refreshments were served at the close of the eve ning. Bake Sale Planned The women of the First Pres byterian church will hold a bake sale Saturday at Shelhamers Food store. They will also serve lunch daring the day at the snack bar there. Enters Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Max Golden went to Omaha Friday and boarded a * plane for Kansas City where Mr. ! Golden entered St. Mary’s hos- f pital for medical treatment. The Goldens’ son-in-law and daughter, • Dr. and Mrs. Richard Owens, re side in Kansas City and Mrs. Golden will remain with them dur ing her husband’s hospitalization, Transferred Richard McNair, son of Mrs. Bertha McNair, has been trans ferred to the marksmanship de tachment of the infantry division. ' He is now stationed near Schaf- 1 fenberg, Germany. His address: 3rd Inf. Div., Marks. Det., APO 162, New York, N. Y. Hancocks Move Word from Mr. and Mrs. Claude ' Hancock informs that they have i moved from Los Angeles and are _ now living at 2209 Crenshaw Blvd., Apt. 116, in San Bernardi no, Calif. They plan to visit O’- I Neill again this summer. Celebrates 87th Birthday Mr. and Mrs. John Harrington entertained at dinner Saturday in honor of the birthday of his mo ther, Mrs. Anna Donlin who was 87. Other guests were her son-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Murra/, and Ann Murray, Spencer. Celebrates 78th Birthday Anton Jirak was pleasantly sur prised on his 78th birthday Tues day evening by the following rela tives: Mrs. Agnes Brockman, Francis Peters and Marty Mul len and Messrs, and Mmes. Rudy Brockman, Jim Havranek jr. and family, Don Marcellus and fam ily, Charles Kalina sr., John Fi ala and family, Joe Kalina and Charles Kaliana jr. Joe Celebrates Birthday g Mr. and Mrs. John DeWitt en- 1 tertained at a birthday party Satr B urday. Mar. 10, in honor of their 1 son, Joe’s sixth birthday. Mrs. I DeWitt took Joe and his guests to the M & M cafe for lunch and to the show afterwards. Mrs. Harris Entertains Members of the M & M club met at the home of Mrs. Esther Harris Tuesday evening, Mar. 13, for a 7:30 dessert supper. In the playing of cards pr»e* were won by Mrs. D. H. Clauson and Mrs. Harris. Mrs. C. W. Porter Was a guest Injuries Hand CELIA — LeRoy Hoffman re ceived a painful injury Wednes day morning, Mar. 14, when he caught his hand in a winch, crushing and dislocating the j~>int of the middle finger on his left hand. Because of the severe swelling, the joint has not yet been restored in place. Entertain at Party Riverside — Mr. and Mrs. Dave Pollock were hosts at a party at their home Sunday afternoon. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Art Busshardt and family and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Pollock and family, Neligh; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Richards, Orchard, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fry. Refreshments were served. Has 36 Years Service NAPER — Max Brown has completed 36 years of service in the maintenance division of the State Highway department. He first started his employment March 1, 1926. Nephew Wes DELOIT — Elmo Morris, 46, Wahoo, nephew of Lambert Bar tak, died unexpectedly last week. Due to blocked roads and storm conditions, relatives from here were unable to attend the fun eral. Miss Sinclair Honored LYNCH — Rosalee Sinclair, Bristow, was guest of honor at a bridal shower at the Trinity Lu theran church basement in Bris tow Saturday afternoon. About 100 guests were present. Partici pating in the program was Mrs. Mary Ann Loukota. Card Party Held LYNCH — The Catholic Altar society card party Sunday was at tended by 60 persons. Serving lunch were Mines. Larry Ellis, Ed Heiser, C. Haselhorst, Dwayne Cassidy and Ed Anderson. It was held in the BVM Assumption church hall. Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Thorell >f Bristow announce the engage nent of their daughter, Barbara Marie, Omaha, to Ale Jay A. [■nines, Offutt Air Force Base. \irman (iaincs is the son of Mr. tnd Mrs. Jerry Gaines, Pomona, L'alif. A June 3 wedding is plan ted. Ewing — Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Stamp have announced the engagement of their daughter, Judith, to Joe John Thoendel. son at Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Thoendel, all of Ewing. The couple plans a May wed ding. I Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Timmer mans, Stuart, announce the en gagement of their daughter. (Wenrose Marie, to Monty (\ Weymouth, son of Mr. mil Mrs. Vem Weymouth, ('hadron. Miss Timmermans is a senior at ('hadron State Teachers col lege. She Is a member of the Zeta Alpha sorority. Mr. Wey mouth is a junior at (XTC. He is a member of the Omega Oil Epsilon Fraternity. An August wedding is plan ned. ST ANTHONY’S SALMEN — Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Salmen of O’Neill, son, James Raymond, 11 pounds 3/4 ounce, Mar. 12. DEVOY — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Devoy of O’Neill, daughter, Su san Clare, 9 pounds 9Vi ounces, Mar. 12. WATSON — Mr. and Mrs. Stan ley Watson of O’Neill, daughter,.,, Janice Anne, 6 pounds 11 3/4 oun ces, Mar. 14. PRITCHETT — Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pritchett of O’Neill, son, 7 pounds 10Vi ounces, Mar. 15. MCCABE — Mr. and Mrs. Matt McCabe of Page, son, Robert Mathew, 7 pounds 14Vi ounces, Mar. 16. COUSINS — Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Cousins of O'Neill, daughter, Patricia Jean, 8 pounds 5 3/4 ounces, Mar. 17. PONGRATZ — Mr. and Mrs. Duane Pongratz of O’Neill, daugh ter, 7 pounds 11 Vi ounces, Mar 20. SALTZ — Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Saltz of Page, son, 7 pounds 2 ounces, Mar. 20. ATKINSON MEMORIAL PETERSON — Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peterson of Amelia, son, Clinton Randolph, 7 pounds 13 ounces, Mar. 12. SHALD — Mr. and Mrs. George Shald of Stuart, daughter, Debra Lynn, 9 pounds 11 ounces, Mar. 13. MITCHELL — Mr. and Mrs. Larry Mitchell of Atkinson, son, Todd Duane, 7 poands 11% oun ces, Mar. 16. TIELKE — Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Tielke of Atkinson, son, Don ald Raymond, 7 pounds, Mar. 17. SACRED HEART WICKERSHAM - Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wickersham of Lynch, son, John Ray, 8 pounds 6 ounces, Mar. 14. ELSEWHERE CLAUSSEN — Mr. and Mrs. . Willard Claussen, Thorp, Wis., daughter, nine pounds, nine oun ces, March 6. Mrs. John Ciaus sen, O’Neill, is the paternal Grandmother. The Claussens now have three daughters and one son. The baby has been named Ca therine Joyce. She suffered a breathing difficulty soon after birth and was placed under oxy gen for a time. Latest reports from the Claussens state that she is doing fine now. HOFFMANN — Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Hoffmann of Storm Lake, la., daughter, Carolyn Ma rie, 7 3/4 pounds, Mar. 13. Mrs. Hoffmann is the former Cathryn Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilson of O'Neill. Mrs. Wil *on is presently visiting her daughter and family. RESSEL — Mr and Mrs. Ron ald Ressel of 11612 Faculty Drive, Norwalk. Calif.. daughter, 7 pounds 5 ounces, Mar. 16 Mr. and Mrs Harry McKay of O’Neill and Mr. and Mr*. Harry Ressel of Park Rapids, Minn are the grandparent*. WOOLK.OCK — Rev and Mrs. L. D. Wooucock of Imperial, Mo., son. Mar 19. Mr. and Mrs Char les Mulford of Stuart are the ma ternal grandparents. Mrs. Wood cock is the former Laura Mul ford. The couple now has two sons and two daughters UPTON — Mr. and Mrs. Ger ald Upton of Atkinson, daughter, 8 pounds 13 ounces, Mar. 10. Mrs. Upton is the former Darleen Bur gess of Emmet. SANNE — Mr and Mrs. Adolph Sanne of Clearwater, son, Terry Scott, 7 pounds 12 ounces, March 10. SELTING — Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Selting of Elgin, son, 8 pounds 9 ounces, March 14. Mrs Selting is the former Nancy Paul of De loit. The couple has another son, BEEBEE — Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert BeeBee of Omaha, son, Tim othy, 7 pounds 13 ounces, Mar. 6. Mrs. Beebee is the former El len Adams, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Adams of Fairfax, S. D. COOPER — Mr. and Mrs. James Cooper of Orchard, sons, Dennis Wayne, 7 pounds 15 oun ces, Mar. 8. JOHNSON —Mr. and Mrs. Wes ley Johnson of Columbus, daugh ter, Julie Lin, 8 pounds 13 ounces. Mar. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Harry 9parrow of Orchard are the grandparents. GRUBBS — Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Grubbs of Norfolk, son, Mark Allen, 8 pounds 6 ounces, Mar. 8. HAUF — Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Hauf of Orchard, son, 7 pounds 8 ounces, Mar. 6. muelhose — Mr. and Mrs. Don McElhose of Verdigre, daughter, 6 pounds, Mar. 14. Mrs. McElhose is the former Di ann Pavlik, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vennie Pavlik of Verdigre. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McElhose of Verdigre are tlie paternal grandparents. This is their first grandchild. KNUTSON — Mr. and Mrs. Or ville Knutson of Verdigre, son, Mar. 6. The Knutsons now have six children. Mrs. Milton Hrbek of Verdigre is the maternal grandmother. KEMPER — Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Kemper of Osage, Kan., son, Douglas Allan. Mar. 12. The paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kemper of Page. Mrs. Frieda Asher and Mrs. Emma Kemper of Page arp the great- grandmothers. HOPPE — Mr. and Mrs. Ro ger Hoppe of Milford, daughter, Christine Carol, 6 pounds 13'4 ounces, Mar. 12. Mrs. Hoppe is the former G1 »ria Grimes, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grimes, former Chambers resi dents. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Grimes of Chambers are the great-grandparents. RENINGER — Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reninger of Columbus, Ohio, son, Steven William, 8 pounds, Mar. 5. The Reningers have four other children. Mr. and Mrs. William Reninger and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter of Cham bers are the grandparents. KUGLER — Mr. and Mrs. Wyvern Kugler of Chambers, daughter, Patricia > Marie, Mar. 19, Lutheran hospital, Norfolk. The couple has three other child ren. Mrs. Kugler is the former Wilmadeen Yenne of Bartlett. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S ADMITTED: Mar. 14 — Mrs. j Stanley Watson, Raymond Fox i and David Lee Meyer of O’Neill; Carolyn Hargens of Spencer and Mrs. Raymond Heiss of Page. 151 — Mrs. Archie Bright, Mrs. Jo seph Pritchell and baby, Melvin' Meyer, Emil Adamson sr. and Garner Clark of O’Neill; Steven Alberts of Page and Joseph Al berts of Ainsworth. 16 — Marvin Miller, Dorothy Gorgen and Char- ■ les Patrick Cavanaugh of O’Neill; * Mrs. Matt McCabe, Floyd Wertz and Mrs. Lena Orr of Page and Mrs. Frank Sands of Inman. 17 — Mrs. William Cousins and Thomas Miller of Chambers and George Van Every of O’Neill; WATCH ’EM GROW! I mt>i W T’„ LEXINGTON MILL A ELEVATOK COMPANY LEXINGTON, NEBKA SKA Lexington Mills Jim Batts, Mjr. O’Neill \ I 4-1! CU B LKAI1EK8 Lnwrenoe SWrdla, Stuart. and Mrs. Hnrold >1 Ilnur, O’Neill, lire shown here rrcHitie (heir diplomas from lloll County Agent John IturtNUik, They are two of u rlaaa of 24 who re crivnl their diplomas Monday afternoon during On- final session of tile hasic course for 4-11 lastders. 15. juuii muri ui rawing. to Casper Winkler of Atkinson and Mrs Walter B. Johnson of Page. 19 — Robert Los eke of Cham bers; Mrs. Jack Richard Tuylor, Harry Lansworth and Miss Jean ne Lohaus of O'Neill; Joseph Al berts til Ainsworth and Mrs. Dwayne Saltz of Page. 20 — Ole Larsen and Cecil Paxton of Chambers; Keith Tomjack of Ew ing and Mrs. Philip Allendorfer and Owen Donohoe of O'Neill. DISMISSED: Mar. 14 — Leo Vandersnick of Ewing; Mrs. John M Gallagher and Robert Geary of Inman; Fred Craig of Page; Alfred Walter of Chambers; Mrs. Joseph Keller and baby of Spen cer; Mrs. William Sammons and baby of Amelia; Mrs. Mark Ber bers and Melvin Meyer of O’ Neill. 15 — Mrs. Pete Nissen of Page; Mrs. Allen Hargens and baby and Mrs. John Cassidy of Spencer; Mrs. Katie Kahler of Bone steel, S. D. and Mrs. Rich ard Salmon and baby of O'Neill 16 — Mrs. Richard Sunderman and baby of Ewing and Joseph Alberts of Ainsworth. 17 — Will iam Hull, Mrs. Joe Pritchett and baby, Emil Adamson sr. and Mrs. Stanley Watson and baby of O’ Neill and Mrs. Raymond Reiss of Page. 18 Mrs. Robert Devoy and baby and Howard Jackson of O’Neill and Steven Alberts of Page. 19 — Raymond Fox, Gar ner Clark, Melvin Meyer, and Marvin Miller of O’Neill- 20 — Mrs. Matt McCabe and baby of Page; Carolyn Hargens of Silen cer and David Lee Meyer and Mrs. Jack Richard Taylor of O' Neill. ATKINSON MEMORIAL ADMITTED: Mar. 12 - Mrs. Phebie Davis of Atkinson and Mrs. Charles Peterson of Amelia. 13 — Mrs. Charles Shald of Stu art and LaVerne Claussen of At kinson. 14 — Mrs. George Sko P«*C ill C^llllliri l*> Marr of Atkinson. 16 — Mrs Lar ry Mitchell and Mrs Ralph Rles of Atkinson. Mrs James Davis of Stuart and Mrs. Kenneth Itugg less of Emmet. 17 — Mrs. Ro bert Tielke of Atkinson and Mrs. Mae Ruf of Chambers. 18 — Deb ra Tasler ami Mrs. Lew Verzal of Atkinson and Mrs Murk Kaup of Stuart. 19 — James H«*ranek of Atkinson and A J. Kaup of Stuart. DISMISSED: Mur. .15 — Mrs. Gerald Upton and baby of At kinson. 16 — La Verne Clu.isscu of Atkinson. 17 — Mrs. Charles Peterson and buiby of Amelia, Mrs Charles Shuld and baby of Stuart and Warren Marr of At kinson snd Mrs. Kenneth Kugg less of Emmet. SACKED HEART PRESENT — Mar. 19 — Mrs. Pansy Cave of Niobrara; Mis. Minnie Coltran of Aruika; Mrs. Lena Connot, Mrs. Clara Hahn, John Schominer and John Maly of Spencer; Mrs. Katherine Cran ford, Mrs. Willard Kmmr, Mrs Vac Jedlicka, Louis Nelson and Mrs. Margaret Zepf of Lynch; Frunk Ertz and Mrs. Mary Hei ser of Mo now i; Algot Sandberg and Mrs. Lawrence Smalley of Bristow and John Tiefenthaler of Butte. DISMISSED: Mar. 14 — Baby Janeil Thea Courtney of Lynch and Baby Donald Eugene David jr. of Spencer. 15 Warren Pres cott and Mrs. Don MoDowall of Lynch and Mrs. Glen Rihanek of Monowi. 16 — Mrs. Florence Mauch of Butte. 17 — Mrs. Harold Wickersham and baby and John Bowman of Lynch and Muster Daniel Wirth of Verdel. 19 — Arneva Drapeaux of Verdel} Mrs. Robert Anderson of Spencer and Alfred Stanek of Lynch. EXPIRED: Mar. 16 — Mrs. Amelia Mineburg, 79, of Bristow. SPECIAL CATTLE SALE MONDAY, MARCH 26 We have a lot of fine cattle listed for this sale hul can use a lot more a* there are plenty of buyer* for all clasnes. We Hold over 000 hogs and 200 cattle on the sale last Monday. The top m Butcher Hog* at 16.25 and went to Wilbur Bennett, Ewing, Don I.arson, Ewing, and Urban Bros, or Ewing. All the good hogs over $10.00. Special Combination Sale Saturday, April 7 We will sell everything In machinery and furniture line. Also Dairy Calve* and Milk Cow*. If you have anything, li*t them now so we may advertise it on our large Hale Kill. _ The business place* in Ewing are all having outstanding special* for that day, April 7. — Let us try your next consignment and join our grow ing list of satisfied customers. EWING LIVESTOCK MARKET We Handle Farm and Ranch Sales Terry, Larry and Max Wanser Phone 19 or 70 Ewing A Nationally Certified Market REDEEM COUPON AT BOTTOM OF THIS REMEMBER... SAFEWAY GIVES GOLD BOND STAMPS TOO!