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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1962)
Celia News Mrs. Merrill Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Krickel arrived March 5 at the Connie Krickel home from Kt. Ord, Calif., where Ronald just recent ly completed a six-month train ing period. They are now making their home at Blair where Ron ald is employed as engineer witn the Soil Conservation service. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Anderson were Sunday dinner guests of Mr .and Mrs. Herman Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heiser at tended the funeral of Grant Mas ters at Wood Lake Thursday. Mr. Masters was the uncle of Mrs. Beck and Mrs. Heiser. The Beck children stayed with their grand mother, Mrs. Helen Beck, in At kinsonl. Mr. and Mis. John Sicheneder called at the Connie Krickel home Kriday. Mr. and Mrs. Roliert Collins and family came Kriday, Mar. 2, and spent the weekend with Mrs. Collins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Connie Krickel. The Rev. and Mrs. Elmore Blain and sons were dinner and supper guests at the Robert Hen dricks home Kriday. Krank Schaaf was a dinner - guest Friday at the Victor Frick el home. Kloyd Oslxime has been in the vicinity clearing roads and re moving snow from around hay stacks to enable stockmen to get through to hay supply. He has been having considerable trouble as drifts are very hard to pene trate, thus making progress slow. Connie Krickel has ail ad vantage over Ills neighbors. When he gets tired of being siiowImiuihI lie takes hi the air in his Taylor Craft, lie finds it very useful in loeating move ments of the road-elearing crews. Church services were conduct ed at the Wesleyan Methodist church in Atkinson Sunday, the first since Kebruary 25. The Rev. Charles Phipps, Conference pres ident, delivered the morning mes sage. ivir. find ivirs. itaymonu lzuuias and family were supper and eve ning guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Meyer sr. Mre. Mark Hendricks received a letter from Mrs. Edna Woods, Mears, Mich., in which she re ports feeling much improved. She was released from the hos pital February 6, and is staying with Mrs. Edna Wheeler, Hart, | Mich. She is unable to move about and doctors say recovery | will lie slow. The inclement weather is caus- | ing cattlemen much concern with calves beginning to arrive and in some instances hay supply is be- , coming acute. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck were . hosts March 9 to a card party at I their home attended by seven couples. Present were Mr. and | Mrs. Natchel Rzeszotarski and son, Tommy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank | Kilmurry, Mr. and Mrs. James Sicheneder and daughter. Peggy, j Mr. and Mrs. John Sicheneder and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hoffman and sons, and Mr. and Mrs. John Schwindt and Vanita. Prize winners were Mr. and Mrs. Rzeszotarski, Mrs. James Sich eneder and John Schwindt. The group will meet with Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Mommsen March 23 for the next party. Charles Chaffin was compelled to’ miss school Friday because of an infected toe which the doctor thought was caused by a sand burr. Marilyn Risor was honoree at a birthday dinner Friday evening, Mar. 9. given by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Risor at their home in the Meek community. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKathnie and family, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Risor and Maude Rouse, O'Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keyes, Mrs. Blanch Rouse, Mildred Keyes and Marvin Rouse, Inman. Meek News By Mrs. Fred Lindberg There were mixed reactions on the part of the school children as to their snow bound vacation. Some were happy over the situa tion, while others regretted loos ing time and having to making it up. After the storm subsided Wednesday there were some teachers patiently waiting for the “go ahead" signal to resume school again. Doris Filips, District 38 and Twila Hicks, District 27 held school Thursday and Friday. Ma bel Devall, District 80, Eloise Johnson, District 49 tl22), Isla Braun, District 1 and Lela Risor did not have school last week. Lela returned from Butte Wed nesday but was unable to get home so spent the night at the Dave Jensen home. Thursday she made it home by walking part way. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nelson and Paul Arden, returning home from O'Neill Sunday evening, found the county road east of midway blocked with snow. Paul and Paul Arden left the car at Os wald Druekes and walked home. Mrs. Nelson stayed at the Drue ke home until Tuesday when she walked one and a half miles to the Edward Kaczor home. Paul opened up the road with his cat erpillar and brought her home Wednesday. Garold Risor and Marilyn and Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Ansor and girls were Wednesday visi tors at Virgil Hubbys. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Roberts anc boys were Friday evening visi tors at the Sam Robertson home Carl Hallgromson, Newport brought a snow scoop on hi: truck and cleared the yards anc corrals at his new farm home getting it ready for occupancy. Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson Larry and Sue were Friday eve ning visitors at the Merlin Ar dcrson home and Stanley Davis, Omaha, and Norma Walters were Saturday night visitors. Tresa and Patsy Watson have been staying at the Carl Krogh home. Mrs. Stanley Watson and two smaller children have been staying with her sister, Mrs. James Butts at O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Searles and girls were Saturday dinner gaests at the Clarence Ernst home. The Happy 15 Bird club at the Meek school met March 7-9. The members are to bring all the ma terial for bird houses and feeders to their next meeting. The club planned another hike March 21. Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Anson and girls were Sunday dinner guests at the Oliver Anson home at Atkinson, and Mr. and Mrs. ^ Leland Anson and family, Spen cer, were afternoon callers. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Devall and Diane were Friday evening vis itors at the Marion Woidneck home. Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson and family were Saturday eve ning visitors at the Dewayne An son home. John Schmitz spent the week end at home, and is planning to return to Omaha Monday. He has more medical treatments to take in Omaha. Gary, Stevie and Ronnie Han sen, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Ken ms Hansen, celebrated their birthdays during the snowbound vacation. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. William Hansen and children and Mrs. John Nolan. Many families from this com munity attended the St. Patrick’s day celebration in O’Neill Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence House and boys were Wednesday eve ning callers at the Howard and I>elbort Rouse homes, also at the Edward Kaczor home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walters left for Manitou Springs, Colo., Wednesday evening where they plan to visit at the Gene Libby home and get acquainted with their new grandson. Enroate they stopped overnight with her sister, Mrs. Bertha Hayden, at Wiggins, Cok>. They plan to arrive home Monday evening. Sunday supper guests at the Walter Dcvall home were Mr. and Mrs. Preston Jones and Mearl, Ralph and Thelma Y*>ung and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Young. Mr. and Mrs Austin Searlea. Darla and Rortda were Thursday dinner guests at the Clarence Ernst home. Mr. and Mrs. Roman Fillip were Sunday dinner guests at the Dewayne Anson home. Mr. and Mrs Allen Walters and buys were Friday evening sujiper guests St the Merlin Anderson home. Mr snd Mrs. Delbert House and family wen* evening callers. Gene Krogh. Northfield. Minn , was an overnight guest at the Carl Krogh home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Anson were Fnday evening visitors at the Walter Devall home ^IE. I YOU ALWAYS | I GET MORE | I WHEN ) I YOU SAVE I Top Value STAMPS j Stamps_ | ^COUPON I ( FREE SO FREE | | ih Get These Wonderful Gifts with CTOP VALUE STAMPS MIT-SHEL LEADER SIAAOWSCM TACKlf BOX MINNOW BUCKET BOOKS 1 BOOK k jk 4Bk 4Hk 4^ 4^ ig^ 4^ 4Bk ARMOURS STAR — FULLY COOKED HAM i I Corn Fed | USDA Choice lb. 1^ II Mj i RIB STEAK ... 69c CTCJII^ g USDA Choice Chuck Per lb. | |^^^|^ ] STEAK. 59c Fresh Beef Per J LIVER.39c lEa ■BVfl Ends and Pieces 5-lb. box mm ] BACON.89c_MM _ " BONELESS HEEL OF THE ROUND SWIFTS \ RUMP ROAST Lb. QQc ROAST Lb. CQc MINCED HAM < 017 DD m |bs. <4 no . Boneless Defatted No Waste Boneless Defatted No Waste ■***• ▼ ww Aux ._. * * _ ■ KRAFT BULK CHEESE SAMPLES . THURSDAY' from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. FRIDAY from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. SATURDAY' from 1 p.m. to ^ p.m. COLBY CHEESE .... Ib.~59c NATURAL CHEDDAR lb. 67c MAYFLOWER SHARP lb. 71c CASINO BLUE .lb. 75c CASINO BRICK .... lb. 65c 71c KUMINOST CHEESE lb. 89c CHEDDAR CHEESE .. 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