The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 22, 1962, FARM and HOME section, Image 14
Geigy creators of chemicals for modern agriculture —at planting time apply ATRAZINE or SIMAZINE HERBICIDE One application of Atrazine or Simazine herbicide eliminates weed nuisance controls broadleaf weeds and grasses right through to harvest These safe, modern weed killers can reduce or eliminate cultivations, save seasonal labor demands, and help you get higher yields by keeping weeds out of corn. FREE WEED CONTROL MANUAL Learn the latest methods in the science of weed control. Mail a postcard for your free 32-page full color manual of instruction f for Atrazine and Simazine herbicides. Address Geigy Agricul p tural Chemicals, Saw Mill River Road, Ardsley, N. Y., Dept. RG-2. Geigy herbicides are available as * ATKAZINE MW (80% wettable powder) * SIMAZINE S8W (80% wettable powder) * ATKAZINE 2M (20% granules) * ATKAZINE 1M (10% granules) (Saha yClBw oni at/ia tons or dot msecTic/oes GEIGY AGRICULTURAL CHEMICALS Division of Geigy Chemical Corporation • S«w Mill River Road, Ardaisy. N Y.