The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 15, 1962, Image 3
Begorrah! We've Got ST. PATRICK S SPECIALS ' — '-uurui'i — | Dacron Panel ^ ! CUR ! I TAINS ! t Now! $J ) ^^4^x81—White only | - coupon‘d ^ * J Cotton | < piece ; : goods : I Now 23c yd. 4 Values to 79c yd. ^ | Thousands of yards I | for your selection I t -'coupon* ~ ~ I « 4 Bkl. - Work > : over : J SHOES ! , Now* 444 , | Black - Size 8-9-10 ) | Regular 5.95 values ) - COUPON - < FREE! i $299 Spring ! HAT | with purchase of | any Spring Coat 4 19.98 or higher I Women's Sizes | - COUPON - I Nylon-Rayon ■ BLANK ! ETS i Now! 2^ . Big Double Bed Size “ Reg. 4.59 — 5 colors ^ ^-^OUPON - | Chenille < SPREAD J Now! 2^ 4 Big Double Bed Size I I^Asst. colors & styles I . ~ - coupon*-^ I I Boys' I ! RAIN- ! ! COATS | I w Rain Hood l \ Now! $2 I t Size 6-18 | Regular 2.49 Wr w w ^ I —^ouporT ~ ~ * Kleenex 200's ! TISSUE I Now! 10c | Regular 15c I This sale only! (~ -?oTipo^ ~ < Shorty ! PJ ! SETS I Now! $J | Misses size S-M-L | Values to 2.98 f '“‘-^COUPON - ^ - | Boys' ! JEANS | Now! $J 1 Regular 1.49 * Asst, colors & styles ! ~ -touPofT- ~ * . Printed Terry * I Kitchen ) ! TOWELS! ( Now ^ for $ J | J Regular 49c each * f COUPON - ! FLOUR [ : sacks t * Now for $1 * | if rib | Regular 29c » g 100 lb. size ^ 4 Bleached & washed ) COUPON - ~ I Cotton | !frocks! I Now! ) ® Broken Sizes * i Regular 2.98 ) fABULOUS ONE-TIME BUY! DRESSES1 FABRICS Regularly Found in 4”, 6” DRESSES! _ I .C.osV'^ocVM I #p\o^ .nens | sss^r---^ o«d t ---— — ■- - - — i '^' * t/ VV'WW?S99Wooonr^' O'NeilLNeb^ska^^^^-i | wool coats Plaid panel back has an easy ■winging fashion flare you’re sure to like! Styled with large round collar, 3 buttons, in brown, tan or green. 8-18. | VALUE! poplin jackets SM Great buy! Cotton poplin jacket smartly styled with knit frame collar, button tab pockets, striped rayon lining. Beige, willow, blue. 10-18. i NEWEST! | knee pants 249 Ankle Pants — 2.98 Wash n wear textured cot ton. for fun in-thesun! Black, blue, green, pink. 10-18 SKIRTS! misses', petites 98 & 3.98 Full, pleated and slim styles make your summer ward robe complete, Wash-wear cottons, rayons, Arnel K tri acetates Misses' 22-30. Pe t to izes SPUING SHOES Sizes for ASl! Better Values! r 2 Misses' flats for casual wear! Strap, tie, pump styles, in black, 4 white or tan or multi. 4Vi to 9. Girls’ spring shoes in popular strap, pump or tie styles. Black j or fresh white in sizes 8V2 to 3. Jr. Boys’ sturdy new shoes in black leather! Choose oxford or slip-on style in sizes 8 Vi to 3. ^ TERRIFIC BUY! Tots' 3-6X Jackets ONLY ^ Cotton poplin jacket just the right weight for spring Knit cellar, wristlets. Willow, blue or l<eige. 'N GIRLS' JACKETS ■S *98 & 398 Cotton poplin, flannel lining, i Beige, aqua, melon 34JX, 8-14 REG. 1.29 - TOTS' 2-6 BOXER LONGIES Wash and wear cotton cord, many colors. CHECK OUR LOW PRICES ON JACKETS! Drizzle Jacket ’ ’95 Cotton poplin is water repel lent and lined with w arm cot ton suede flannel. Knit cuffs, zip front. Men's S, M, L, XL. Wash 'n Wear! 8” Smart buy for men. Cotton poplin with laminated knit collar, cuffs and side trim. S, M. L. Hoys’ Style .. 5.95 I Boys' Reversible 4’8 Compare at 5-95! Bright plaid reverses to plain cotton random cord. Elastic side iiv serts. zipper front. Sizes 6-18. SPORT SHIRT RIOT! Men's Wash 'n Wear A Compare at 1.79 *§*5^ Cotton ginghams and broadcloths SIZES button-down or spread collar styles. Many new patterns and colors. *■ Men's Knits, Rayons, Cctfcni Prints, novelties, mesh and knits in a handsome collection of new-sea son err ors. Long or short sleeves. S. M. L. XL BOYS' WASH 'N WEAR . 1.49 BOYS' COTTON KNITS . 1.69 -*ri Wash 'n Wear MEN'S PANTS NOW ^ 98 Ripple Twist or Random Cord Cotton slacks for men are tailored for c mfor* & style. Blue black or tjre* n 28-18 BOYS' SIZES 6-18 compare at 3.49 .Jr. BOY PANTS R ;m cotton cord. - _ _ ela;; c ir.s rts. In biue, 'f 70 loue... tan. 4 u> 10. ■ »o*t Doctor stores." Regular 79c Pr. NYLONS Seamless Sol It a nylons In fashlnn rtuht honey <silor Sues H -11 Compare at 1.29 BLOUSES 99c Short sleeve styles In SprlnK MtM cotton. White, colors 32 to VI Compare at 2.49 CAPRIS 13 cotton. New colors 10 to IB. Girls' 7 »o 14 BLOUSES ONLY Terrific value! While roll-slMV* Mouses in easy-core rotten. Misses' Reg. 59c panties 39c Stock up on soft white rayon/sot ton panties! Size* 3, 8, 7, f. ——————..... . .. .. Regular 1.98 TIER SET l Flocked Dacron R polyester mi whip?. Tier 60x36”; valance 34x11'*. Buy! Duralon PANELS 4 98 PAIR I Duralon R rayon panels need no ironing. 62x81”. Ivory, champagne. Reg. 1.98 Sheet BLANKETS r7 <0x90 ' cotton sheet blanket is priced for savings! Unbleached. Regular 1.99 PILLOWS 44 21x27'’ cut sizr- pillows filled with turkey and chicken feathers.