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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1962)
Section Two Four Pager "The Voice of the Beef Empire"-North-Central Nebraska's BIGGEST Newspaper ___Volume 81—Number 46 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, March 8, 1962 Seven Cents Servicemen's Notes . . . Ted Boyle, seaman apprentice, USN, brother of Edward J. Boyle, Route 1, O'Neill, is serv ing aboard the tank landing ship U3S Windham County, a unit of the Pacfic Fleet Amphibious force, headquartered at San l>ie g«, which celebrated its 20th an niversary February 20. Today, approximately 20,000 men assigned to some 70 ships and supporting ijnits make up the force, commanded by Vice Adm. Howard A. Yeager. The Pacific amphibs are capable of transporting and landing combat ready Marines and their equip ment across the beaches of any trouble spot in the Pacific, the Far East or Southeast Asia. ATKINSON — Roger D. Stems, interior communications electri cian fireman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Sterns, At kinson, is serving aboard the tank landing ship USS Holmes County, a unit of the Pacific Fleet Am phibious Force, headquartered at San Diego, Calif., which cele brates its 20th anniversary Feb. 20. Established on Feb. 20, 1942, the force spearheaded sach World War LI amphibious campaigns as Guadalcanal, Leyte, Iwo Jima and Okinawa. Today, approximately 20,(XX) men assigned to some 70 ships and supporting units make up the force, commanded by Vice Adm. Howard A. Yeager. The Pacific amphibs are capable of trans [jorting and landing combat-ready Marines and their equipment across the beaches of any trouble spot in the Pacific, the Far East or Southeast Asia. James P. Barnes, aviation boatswain’s mate second class, USN, son of Mrs. Ruth Barnes, Atkinson, is serving aboard the — attack aircraft USS Hancock, which arrived, February 7, in the Hawaiian Islands enroute to join the Seventh Fleet in the Western Pacific. Upon reaching the islands, the carrier participated in “Opera tion Readiness” drills off the coast of Oahu. The vessel is car rying 10 tons of supplies that will be distributed to needy peoples overseas as part of “Operation Handclasp”. Home-ported at Ala meda, Calif., the Hancock is scheduled to visit Japan, Hong Kong and the Philippine Islands during the seven-month cruise. Lynch News By Mr*. Fred King 1-ast Week’s News Eidir and Mrs. Chase, Timmy, Kern and Judy, Hastings, visited Mrs. Gratia Craig Sunday eve ning. Iris Craig spent the weekend here with relatives. Mrs. Francis Fisher and Mrs. Melvin Miller and Danny wert Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Micanek were Sunday afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Halva were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Havranek and fam ily, Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Purviance, Leslie and Rita were Sunday din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Halva. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Havranek and family spent Saturday eve ning at Joe Halvas. Mrs. Ivan Thomson and fam ily spent Thursday afternoon vis iting Mrs. Halva as she has been ■ sick with the flu. Mr Roy Alford spent Sunday evening at Joe Halvas. Mr. and Mrs Fred King, Boyd and Blake accompanied Mr and Mrs. Bud Rutledge and Mike to Oakland, where they spent the weekend at the home of Mrs Rutledge's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R B. Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Frahm and Kurt, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Chris tensen, Mr. and Mrs. George Courtney jr. and Monett and Mar ty were afternoon callers on Mrs. Floyd France, who is home from the hospital after five and a half weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McDonald drove to Lincoln to get Boone Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Art Retzlaff and Rodney drove to Norfolk to visit Mr. Eric Retzlaff who is a pa tient at the Lutheran hospital there. He underwent surgery last Tuesday. He is still not too well. Gloria Retzlaff entertained at a 6 o’clock chili supper at her home the Spencer-Lynch Lutheran young people and Miss Hynee and Pastor and Mrs. D. Bergdorf, Spencer. Stuart News By Mn. Herb BUIk Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stracke were hosts to the Couple’s Bridge club Wednesday evening at their home. Prize winners were Bill Stracke and Mrs. Joe Wallinger; Jay Blair and Mrs. Bill Paxton, and George Minnig and Mrs. Jack McGrew. Lunch was served at the close of the evening. Mrs. OBertha Foss, Gregory, S. D., has spent the past month with her sister, Katie Papke. Albert Kirstead, Norfolk, re turned to his home last week, after having spent three weeks visiting his sister, Mrs. Katie Papke. Mrs. Don Meyers rct,.'*Ti?1 home Friday evening after hav ing surgery in Omaha. Roland Holbrook, son, of Mr and Mrs. Albert Holbrook, re turned home Friday from Fort Carson, Colo., where he has been stationed with the army. He received his discharge from the service. Saturday afternoon callers of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steinhauser were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kaup of Forsyth, Montana. Mrs. Katie Papke and Mrs. T Qflf O rnit1? *-» C y»/-» L/\f ♦cvr-i'/lr. nv. tertained three tables at a pitch party Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. Papke. Theresa Levi will have the next party in two weeks. Alice Sweet, Omaha, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Elsie Sweet. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Timmer mans and Lois, Mr. and Mrs. Marlie Fetherston and family, Atkinson, had a surprise birth day party for Mrs. Charles An kney at her home March 2. Joan Timmermans, Wayne, Junior Goebel and Linda Ankney, Lin coln, were also guests. The eve ning was spent playing cards. Cake and homemade ice cream were brought by the guests. Jerfy Heyne, Toney Steinhau ser, Janice Myers and Larry Wewel spent the weekend with their parents. Kay Myers, Atkinson, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Myers. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Callista Weichman were Mr. and Mrs. Vince Rotherham and fami ly, Niobrara, Mr. and Mrs. George Kohle and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Milton (Dude) Weichman and daughter. Friday evening callers of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cadwallader were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Taylor and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cadwallader. Joan Timmermans, Wayne, spent the weekend visiting her parents, ■ Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Timmermans, and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marlie Fetherston and family, Atkinson. Dick Keidel and Beckie, Wayne State Teachers College, spent the weekend visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Keidel. Mr and Mrs. Glenn Cadwal lader entertained at a Pitch par ty Saturday evening at then home Prize winners were Mike Cadwallader, Bob Cadwallader, Mrs. Joe Colson, Joe Colson and Mrs. Herb Skala The next par ty will be in two weeks on March 16 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keith King Sunday afternoon and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cad wallader were Mr and Mrs. Herb Skala and family. Rev. Herbert Young attended a three day Nebraska Ministers Convocation at Hastings. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wewel and family was Carman Meusch, Lincoln. Sunday afternoon callers of Mr and Mrs. Paul Wewel and fam ily were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mik sch. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Weichman, Atkinson, were surprised Sunday when their relatives brought Sun day dinner. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wewel, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weichman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weich man and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Weichman all of Stuart, Mrs. Dora Wallinger, Marilyn and Donna and Mr. and Mrs. Alois Wewel, Atkinson. Weekend guests of Mrs. Callis ta Weichman were Mr. and Mrs. Vince Rotherham and family, Niobrara. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Halligan and son of Dwight, Darlene Hoff man, Lincoln, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoffman and Danny. was decided to wait until next month Lunch was served at the close of the evening by Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keyes assisted by Mr. and Mrs Cal Geary. Mr. and Mrs Harvey Tomp kins and Neil, Waverly, and Mrs Ethel Tompkins, Inman, were Saturday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Han sen and family. Mr and Mrs. Dean Banks and family returned to their home m Lincoln Friday after visiting in the home of Mr and Mrs. James Banks and Roger and also with relatives at Chambers. WSt'S of 'the Inman Methodist church inet Thur<ala\ afternoon at the church annex for their regular meeting. A good crowd, including the Inman Eighth grade rlaaa, several ol the tear her* ol lnnuui school and several Irom Page enjoyed 'lutes shown by Mrs. Carroll French ol their work while they were missionaries tn the Congo. At the close of the afternoon lunch was served by Mrs. Toni Hutton and Mrs. Mary Hartl gaa. Mr. anil Mrs. William Mors bach, Clearwater, and Mrs Eh zabeth Morabach, Inman, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach and Mary Mrs Elizabetli Morsbach re turned Sunday from several weeks visit at Fremont with Mr anil Mrs. C. C. Hackett ami fam ily and also at Nehgh in Hie Levi Morsbach home ami Clearwater with Mr ami Mrs William Mors bach and family. Mr*. Wendell Km* left Monday for her home in Ray, Utah, after •tpending acveral days visiting her parenla, Mr and Mrs Em met! Stamp Ed ami Hill Clark, O'Neill, are visiting this week with their grandparents, Mr and Mr* E K Clark Mr amt Mrs. Albert Reynold* and daughter* visited Saturday evening with Mr* Kaye Pinker man at O'Neill. Phone Your News to The Frontier Phone 788 INCOME TAX SERVICE For assistance in making out your 1961 Income Tax Return, see— FLORENCE PONTON Golden Hotel Corner Phone 106 - O'Neill i Referee's Sale Real Estate 400 ACRES March 19, 1962, 2:00 p.m. Courthouse, O'Neill, Nebr. LEGAL DESCRIPTION — --- EYz NEV4 Sec. 3; SE 1 /4 Sec. 10, SW 1 /4 Sec. 11, Twp 26, Range 13, Holt County, Nebraska. This farm is known as the Ed Harvey place, located in South Fork bottom of the Cham bers valley, consists of a half section of best wet hay land and eighty acres of upland hay and pasture. (Located 2% miles west and 2 miles north of the town of Cham bers.) Improvements are modest but ade quate. This property will be sold at auction to the highest bidder subject to court confirmation. Immediate possession. For additional information see the undersigned. JOHN R. GALLAGHER WM. W. GRIFFIN Referee Attorney O'Neill, Nebr. O'Neill, Nebr. POSTPONED Fourth Annual Angus Production BulljjSale O'Neill Livestock Market O'Neill, Nebraska 50 BULLS "The Home of Champions" Saturday, March 10th E. L. MINER, O'Neill, Nebr. DALLMONT ERICKSON, Clearwater, Nebr. BLAINE GARWOOD, Amelia, Nebr. DANZEL ANDERSON, Elgin, Nebr. I Inman News By Mrs. James McMahan (Last Week’s News) Woodward Gaughenbaugh spent several days this past week with his family here as he went through on his way to Great Falls, Mont. Mr. Gaughenbaugh is employed by North American Van Lines. A small group attended Com munity Club Monday evening at the school assembly room. Walter Fick had planned to show slides of his recent trip to Pennsylvan ia but due to the small crowd it ROYAL THEATRE Thurs. Mar. » Family Night “THE TRAPP FAMILY” Color by DeLuxe Ruth Leuwerik Hans Holt Maria Holst Josef Meinrad Friedrich Domin Hilde Von Stoltz Fri.-Sat. Mar. 9-10 Tommy Noonan Pete Marshall Barbara Eden (that cool cutie) “SWINGIN’ ALONG” Cinemascope Color by DeLuxe Sun.-Mon.-Tues. Mar. It-12-13 “BACHELOR FLAT” Tuesday Weld Richard Beymer Terry Thomas Celeste Holm Color by DeLuxe Cinemascope Wed.-Thurs. Mar. 14-15 Family Night “THE TWO LITTLE BEARS” Eddie Albert Jane Wyatt Cinemascope Color ▼ INVENTORY CLEARANCE Philco Duomatic Hi-Speed Washer-Dryer Only $395 plus your present laundry equipment. Special Terms! Special Prices! We’re cleaning house! ■ V v - • n 2) W^EMERGENC^^^m ■ ^NLOADING M H| Men * Rohlee H Alligator Type Women’* Hindu-*! Heel gg| OXFORDS ■ PUMPS PUMPS ■Bf flHK Keg. 1«.95 value ^B By Miracle Trend ||v wlrnele I rend NOW' 12.95 value Keg. 12.95 ■ 1295pr. | 599 pr. g99 pr. J I B WOMEN'S TIES and FLATS ^B B Williams and Petite Debs ^^B ■ Values to 6.95 ^^B I V J99 pair WOMEN'S STACKED HEELS By Williams—Black or Bone ^^B^ , Reg. 6.99 ^49 pair ^^B Childrens’ Nylon Velvet and leather SHOES ^B Hell known brands Ret;. 5.95 value 376 ■r,'s Has,i, BBB _ HBH €99 pr. ^^B GrandPrizeTB will be awarded _ | Saturday, M My| IB war. |jjjjj| W Hiirf- iUUl V«€#! for your favorite ^^^B