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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1962)
mmmim mpvh Karen Meusch Weds Mark B. Kaup in Catholic Ceremony STUART — A double ring cere mony was performed Saturday, Mar. 3 in St. Boniface church uniiing in marriage Miss Karen Meusch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Meusch, and Mark B. Kaup, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaup, all of Stuart. The Rev. A. J. Paschang offi ciated at the 10 a.m. wedding. Music was provided by the St. Boniface choir with sister Vera accompanying. A floor-length gown of white floral nylon lace over skirts of taffeta and nylon net was worn by the bride. It was fashioned with a scalloped neckline trim med with pearls and sequins. The bodice dipped to center front in a V. A sweeping skirt of unpress ed pleats was accented with a self-bow at the back. She wore matching gauntlets with bridal •points and a ballerina length veil of lace with trim of pearl and sequins matching her dress. She carried a bouquet of white ste phanotis centered with a lavender ■orchid. Miss Carmen Meusch, Lincoln, was maid of honor. Bridesmaids Joan Davis Weds Gerald H. Hill In Omaha Rite ORCHARD - Miss Joan Pat ricia Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Davis, Omaha, be came the bride of Gerald H. Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hill, Orchard, in a 2:30 p.m. Saturday ceremony in Our Lady of Nebras ka Chapel of St. Cecilia’s cathed ral, Omaha. The Rev. Ronald Boro officiated. Attendants were Miss Barbara Neumann and J. Patrick Davis, brother of the bride. Ushers were Robert Hill, Orchard, brother of the bridegroom, and James Mur phy. After a reception at the Fire side restaurant, the couple left on a brief trip. Mr. and Mrs. Hill will reside in Omaha. Sick and Injured CHAMBERS — Mrs. Bill Loge man and infant daughter return ed home Thursday from St. An thony’s hospital. . .Donald May, who has been a patient at the Veteran’s hospital in Grand Is la*d for several weeks, return ed home Saturday. . .Mrs. Eric Retzlaff returned home Friday from Norfolk where she had been near her husband who had sur gery at the Lutheran hospital. She reports his conditio* satisfac tory. were Mrs. Raymond Meusch and Miss Bernelda Kaup, Bassett. They were dressed in identical gowns of lilac colored nylon sheer with an empire waist. Clusters of flowers formed the cap sleeves. The full gathered skirts presented a bouffant effect over taffeta and net. Their match ing hats were latticed rings of velvet with top bows and veils. They carried colonial bouquets of yellow carnations. Alvin Kaup served as best man for his brother. Groomsmen were Raymond Meusch, brother of the - bride, and Richard Kaup. Escort ing the guests to their seats were Jerry Kaup, Bassett, and Don ald Fuelberth. Following the ceremony a din ner and reception were held at the auditorium. Attending the re ception were 160 guests. The couple entertained at a wedding dance at the auditorium in the evening. The bride, a graduate of Stuart high school, is employed by the Tri-County Bank. Mr. Kaup also graduated from Stuart high school, and is pre sently eqgaged in farming and ranching. After a wedding trip, the cou ple will reside north of Stuart on the Leonard Olberding farm. Dianne Gillespie Is Named President Of Willing Workers Dianne Gillespie was elected president of the Willing Workers 4-H club at a meeting in the Bennett Gillespie home Saturday evening. Other officers are: Christine Herley, vice president; Mary Jo Walker, secretary and treasurer; Virginia Lea Walker, reporter; Jean Crabb, junior leader chair man, and Linda Edzards, recre ation leader. The leaders are Mrs. Gillespie, Mrs. Maurice Grutsch, Mrs. Ralph Walker and Carolyn Fuh rer, junior leader. Posters were made to adver tise National 4-H Club Week March 3-10 and these are placed in various business places in town. WHAT NOT EXTENSION CLUB The What Not Extension Club met Thursday evening, March 1 at the home of Mrs. Donald You nie. Roll call was given by each person giving her husband's mid dle name. The lesson on window treatment was given by Mrs. Marvin Miller. A gift was pre sented to Mrs. Garlan Schoen rock who is moving to Hastings, Nebraska. Mrs. John Edzards and Mrs. Ray Rowe were guests. A book containing information on home shelters was passed around for viewing. The next meeting will be April 5 at the home of Mrs. Vernon Carpenter. The les son will be on fabric selections. i WISH LA I! EN GAGED CLEARWATER- Mr. and Mr?. Ered Lau, Norfolk, have an nounced the engagement and ap proaching marriage of their daughter, Judy, to Larry Meyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meyer, Norfolk. The wedding will take place June 24. A Poem From Mrs. Eby . •. —Just Little Things— John did no miracles, but all things John spoke of this Man were true — John 10:41 You may be discontent with yojrself. You are are no genius just laid on the shelf. Medio croty is the law of our existence but plod right on with indomit able persistence. Jesus said of John: “There hath not appear ed a greater than he.” John’s business was just bearing wit ness, don't you see. He was content to be just a voice, that men might think and make Jesus their choice. Just a voice may be your lot, heard but not seen then some time forgot. Do the common little things as beneath His eye, we may never see fruition but we sure can try. We just might do more good than we know, sowing seeds that start thought streams to flow; starting a life toward heaven above, to think ing of Christ and His infinite love. Many little things all around us, that to Christ seem important but to as seem anonymous. In World War II a spectacular res cue was made; of 300,000 sol diers from Dunkirk, ’twas said. They were rescued by destroy ers, freighters and battle ships, too, and many “little ships”, anything that would float, its part could do. They by hund reds played a major role, res cuing soldiers to the very last sojl. Just work for the Lord, where ever you can. Names will not count when before Him we stand. Lord, though our work be forever unseen, help us to do what we can, always faith ful 1 and clean. (Della Stuart Eby) O'Neill Locals Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nelson were Tuesday visitors in Sioux City last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Trupp en tertained friends at dinner Sat urday evening. Cards furnished entertainment for the evening. Mrs. John Stuifbergen went to Norfolk Tuesday where she vis ited her brother, Robert Blinn and son, Gary. She attended a senior class play while there in which her nephew, Gary, took part. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Moore at tended a State Bottlers conven tion in Grand Island February 22 and 23. Mrs. Winnie Barger returned from Lincoln Thursday. She at tended funeral services there February 27 for an aunt. Leaves for Omaha Jack Everitt left Sunday for Omaha where he will enter a barbering school as soon as space can be arranged for additional students. He will be employed at the Yacht club during his school ing there. His wife and children will remain in O’Neill. Firemen Called VERDIGRE — The volunteer firemen responded to a call Tues day at 7 a.m. to the ranch home of Otto Pischel, 15 miles north west of Verdigre. The fire was in the chimney and caused only minor damage. Purchases House Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Harding, Meek, have purchased the Owen Davidson house which is located across the street from the New Deal Produce station. It is known as the former Ray Kurtz resi dence and is presently occupied by the Carl Grosse family. The Hardings plan to move in the near future. Suffers Injuries EWING—Mrs. Emma Closson, a longtime resident of the Ewing community, fell Thursday while downtown, breaking a hip and arm. She was taken to St. An thony’s hospital at O’Neill for medical care. Mrs. Inez Burch, Arizona visitor at Ewing the past several weeks, also fell while downtown Tuesday, cracking her shoulder bone in two places. She is receiving medical attention at St. Anthony’s. Card Party Sunday Friends of St. Mary's will hold a card party Sunday from 8:3C to 10:30 p.m. in the gymnasium Pitch, pinochle and bridge pri zes will be presented and refresh ments will be served. Mrs. Ar nott Buxton and Mrs. Orville Sindelar are co-chairmen. Lynch Service Friday LYNCH — The World Day o P^-er will be held Friday at ! p.fft. in the Wesleyan Methodis church. All churches are invitee to participate in the service. Address Received LYNCH — Friends have re ceived word from former Lynel residents. Dr. and Mrs. Do: Wyrens. who report that they ar< living in California. Their ad dress is 369 Buck Avenue, Bo: 338. Vacaville, Calif. The coupli has three daughters. Entertain at Luncheon Mrs. George Peterson sr. ax* Mrs. O. W. French entertained a a luncheon Friday afternoon fo the members of the Dorcas sc ciety of the Methodist church 1 Quilting was enjoyed by the mem bers during the afternoon. Mrs. Schmitz Entertains Members of the Card-tie-Yaks club met Wednesday night at the home of Mrs. Bernard Schmitz Prize winners in the playing of cards were Mmes. A1 Hamik, Owen Parkinson, Richard Mc Lain and Bill Haverkamp. Re freshments were served at the close of the evening. Meet for Dinner BCA club members met at the Town House Tuesday for a 7 p.m. dinner, after which they ad journed to the home of the hos tess, Mrs. M. L. Burney, for bridge. Prize winners were Mrs. Virgil Laursen and Mrs. Wiiuud Barger. Mrs LaVeta Lehn was a guest. Mr. and Mrs. Math Noethe, Sutherland, la., were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schmitz February 26. The visit ors were enroute to their home from a three-week visit in Cali fornia. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Reynoldson and son, Lincoln, visited from Saturday to Monday in the homes of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Verne Reynoldson and Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Marcellas. Allen is attending barbering school in Lin coln. Several students spent the weekend in O'Neill with their par ents and among them were Gary Jeffries, Joan Wilson and Larry Tomlinson, University of Nebras ka; Bill Nelson, Sonita Wilson and Karen Bridge, Wayne State Teachers college, and Roy Bridge, Wesleyan university. Attends Funeral Mike Trupp attended funeral services Friday at Norfolk for Raymond Cook, who died Febru ary 27 at Omaha. Mr Cook was employed a number of years by the Sidles company at Norfolk and Omaha. Also attending the services from here were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schenzel. Mrs. Arthur Givens, Stuart, vis ited Friday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Pongratz. Mr. and Mrs. D. D. DeBolt spent Thursday in Omaha on busi ness. Accompanying them was Mrs. Tom Kelly, Page, who vis ited her father, Lyle Abney, In man, who underwent surgery in Omaha last week. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ziska and Linda were Friday supper and evening guests at the Marvin Ziska home. Mrs. Harlan Peter sen and daughter were also eve ning guests. To Assist ouths Members of the WSCS will as sist financially the high school youths and their chaperones who plan to attend the MYF convoca tion to be held in Lincoln March 30, 31 and April 1. The members met Thursday at the First Meth odist church basement for a regu lar meeting conducted by Mrs. Roy Wayman. They decided to present six new Bibles to be used by societies and Sunday school. The program was given by Mrs. 'Norman Wayman, assisted by Mrs. Glenn Kennicott who show ed film strips. The study lesson will start March 7 at 2 p.m. in the church basement and will be taught by Mrs. Kennicott. A des sert luncheon was served by Mrs. H. G. Kruse and Mrs. Tony Asi mus. The evening meeting will be held March 15 at 8 p.m. in the church basement. Honored on Birthday Larene Lorenz celebrated ..jter 11th birthday Monday and was guest of honor at a dinner at the home of her grandfather, Fred Lorenz. A “doll” birthday cake was presented Lorene from Con nie Coufal. Lorene is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lor enz. Twist Party Held Melvin Sanders was host at a “twist” party at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sanders, Satorday evening. Fol lowing an evening of dancing lunch was served to the large group of young people. Martez Club Meets Mrs. Mabel McKenna enter tained the Martez club Tuesday evening. Following dinner at the M & M cafe the guests played cards at the home of the hostess with Mrs. Guy Cole and Mrs. Ira Moss winning prizes. Guests were Mrs. Cole and Mrs. D. C. Schaf fer. Mrs. Gallagher Entertains Members of the Delta Dek club met for a 7 p.m. dinner at the M & M cafe Thursday evening after which they adjourned to the home of the hostess. Mrs. Ed Gallagher, for bridge. Mrs. Ho mer Mullen was high score win ner in cards. Mrs. Cole Is Hostess Members of the Chez-a-Mari club met for a dinner Wednes day evening, Feb. 28, at the Town House. Cards were played at the home of the hostess, Mrs. Bud Cole at Emmet and prizes were won by Mrs. Joe Stutz, Mrs. D. A. Kersenbrock and Mrs. William Artus. Guests were Mrs. Larry Schaffer and Mrs. Don Becker. I Association Meets I Women of the First Presbyter I lan church held their associa tion meeting Thursday afternoon in the Fellowship hall. A lesson was given on “Missionaries to Columbia, South America” by i Mrs. Roy Humrich. Hostesses i were Mmes. Dwight Harder, » chairman, C. E. Lundgren. Arlo Hiatt, Leon Melior and Darrell t Baker. ft -i Wins Third Place Pinkerman’s TV team took third place with 2-a score of 2,330 1 in the recent Women’s City Bowl t ling tournament. It was erron - eously reported that foarth place . winners, the First National Bank team, had taken the third place spot. Nell Harding won first place in the singles with 534. Ita* Benefit ‘-('ones'* Mrs. Bud Cole entertained at a "coffee” at her home in Em met Friday afternoon. The guests donated to the Heart fund. Mrs Cole is Heart Drive chairman at Emmet. M & M Club Meets Mrs. H. G. Kruse served a dessert supper Tuesday evening, Feb. 27, to members of the M & M club when they met at her iiome. In the playing of cards, prizes were won by Mrs. L. A. Burgess and Mrs. Harold Lind berg. Addresses Young Folks Mrs. Robert Pappenheimer was guest speaker at a Wednesday evening meeting of the Presby terian church and the Methodist church high school youths. The affair was held in the Presby terian church fellowship hall. Re freshments were served. Mrs. Lundgren Fintertains Members of the Wednesday af temoon bridge club met Febru ary 28 at the M & M cafe for a luncheon. Bridge was played at the home of the hostess, Mrs. C. E. Lundgren, and prizes were won by Mrs. Lundgren and Mrs. French. Entertians at Dinner Mrs. O. W. French entertained at a dinner Friday evening in the M & M cafe for her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dale French and family. The oc casion marked Dale’s birthday and a decorated cake was pre sented to the guest of honor. Entertains at Party Mrs. Carl Schenzel entertained a group of women at a card par ty Thursday evening at her home. In the playing of cards Mrs. Bud Tibbetts had high score and Mrs. Mike Trupp won the traveling prize. Mrs. Hessen Is Hostess Mrs. Norman Hesson entertain ed members of the BBC club at her home Wednesday evening, Feb. 28. Prize winners were Mrs. Don Kellner, Mrs. Mike Trupp and Mrs. John Hermsen. Refresh ments were served at the close of the evening. Meeting Held The meeting of the Grattan Hustler 4-H club was held last month at the courthouse annex. Projects were discussed and the members enjoyed games and re freshments. Sixteen members were present. The next meeting will be held Sunday at the an nex. Barbara McVay, reporter. Si*clety to Convene St. Patrick’s Altar society will have its regular meeting Thurs day, Mar. 15, at 8 p.m. in St. Mary’s gymnasium. St. Helen’s guild will be in charge of the meeting. Completes Training AMELIA — Mrs. Bertha Sam mons received word from her grandson, Duane Sammons, that he had completed his basic train ing at Lackland Air Force Base in Texas, and has been trans ferred to Lowry AFB at Denver, Colo. Building Damaged EWING — The Ewing fire de partment was called about noon Thursday to the Ray Tucker home when they discovered a fire in their wash house. The fire men responded immediately to the call but the fire made such progress before being discovered that the building was very much damaged. Mrs. Hawk Is Hostess Merry Matrons Extension club met with Mrs. Jim Hawk for a recent meeting attended by nine members and one guest, Mrs. John Hawk. Roll call was answer ed by naming favorite foods. A get well card was sent to Mrs. William Hubei who is in St. An thony’s hospital. Next meeting will be March 15 with Mrs. Leo Lydon. Surprise Party Held Mr. and Mrs. Bill Whalen were honored at a surprise farewell party Friday evening at their home when friends called with refreshments for a social eve ning. The Whalens are moving from the neighborhood and en tertaining for them were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawk and Donald, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hawk, Mr. and Mrs. Robbert Kreiziger, Bill Hu bei, Billie and Janet. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Block have returned from Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., where they visited their son, Radean, clerk typist at post headquarters. Radean has been transferred to Fort Benning, Ga. At The Courthouse COUNTY COURT— Mar. 7—John P. Nekolite, Ains worth, night speeding, fined $25 and costs, officer E. M. Hastrei ter. Mar. 1—L. W. Minor, Omaha no operators license and illega use of dealer plates, fined $5C and costs, officer R. L. Gude. links ST. ANTHONY’S MEYER — Mr. and Mrs. Don aid Meyer of O'Neill, son. David Lee, 5 pounds 1 ounce, Mar. 1. SHAW — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw of O’Neill, daughter, Helen Elizabeth, 8 pounds 84 ounces. Mar. 1. HARKINS — Mr. and Mrs Ralph Harkms of Bartlett, daughter, Donna Darlene, 7 pounds 54 ounces Mar. 1. PETERSON — Rev and Mrs. Robert Peterson of Bristow, daughter, Lori Kaye, 8 pounds 34 ounces, Feb. 28 RAUTERKUS — Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Rauterkus of O'Neill, son, Patrick Lynn, 8 pounds 154 oun ces, Feb. 28. WANSER — Mr. and Mrs. Ter ry Wanser of Ewing, son, Gary Jerome, 9 pounds ^4 ounce, Feb. 28. ATKINSON MEMORIAL HARTMAN — Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hartman of Bassett, daughter, Barbara Jean, 6 pounds 13 ounces Feb. 28 ALLEN — Mr. and Mrs. James Allen of Bassett, daughter, Chris tine Roxanne, 6 pounds 10 oun ces Feb. 27. MITCHELL — Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell of Spencer, daugh ter, Jo Ellen, 7 pounds 6 oun ces, March 3. ELSEWHERE FUHRER — Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fahrer of Casper, Wyo., daughter, Valerie Sue, 7 pounds, Feb. 24. The couple now has two daughters and a son. Mrs. Fuh rer is the former Patty Moody. CLARK — Capt. and Mrs. F. J. Clark of Dayton, Ohio, daughter, Mary Elizabeth. 7 pounds 5 oun ces, Feb. 13. Mrs. Florence Clark of Stuart is the paternal grand mother. She is visiting her son and family at present. LIBBY — Mr. and Mrs. Gene Libby of Manitou Springs, Colo., son, 9 pounds, March 5. Mrs. Lib by is the former Ilene Walters, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Walters of O’Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Loren Libby of Inman are the paternal grandparents. HEMMER — Mr. and Mrs. Jo seph Hemmer of Clearwater, daughter, 6 pounds 9 ounces, Fob. 27, Norfolk hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Walters of Clearwa ter are the maternal grandpar ents. LUNDQUIST — Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Lundquist of Clearwater, daughter, 7 pounds 5 ounces, Feb. 26, Antelope hospital, Neligh. Mrs. Violet Thompson is the ma ternal grandmother. Mrs. Lund quist is the former Norma Jean Thompson. KREITLER — Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kreitler of Los Angeles, Calif., daughter, Carleen Michele, Feb. 22. The couple has a son, Jeff. Mrs. Kreitler is the former Carma LaFrenz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walt LaFrenz of Or chard. KOPP — Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kopp of Sun Vale, Calif., son, Thomas Paul, 8 pounds 9 ounces, Feb. 17. Mrs. Flora Young of Orchard is the maternal grand mother. GRIBBLE — Mr. and Mrs. Ber nard Gribble of Chambers, daughter, 5 pounds 2 ounces, Feb. 25, Antelope Memorial hospital, Neligh. The paternal grandpar ents are Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gribble of Chambers. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S ADMITTED: Feb. 28 — Mrs. Robert Peterson of Bristow; Mrs. Terry Wanser of Ewing; Mrs. D. Robert Peterson, Mrs. Donald Meyer, Mrs. Hubert Rauterkus, Mrs. Robert Shaw and Mrs. John Buckholtz of O’Neill. Mar. 1 — Mrs. Ralph Harkins of Bartlett; Mrs. Inez H. Burch of Chandler, Ariz., Mrs. Andrew Closson of Ewing and Mrs. Frances Ziemer of O’Neil1. 2 — Mrs. Allen Har gens of Spencer; Mrs. Emma Kemper of Page and Mrs. Mike London of O’Neill. 3 — Mrs. Ro bert Devoy of O’Neill; Mrs. Es mond Weber of Denver, Colo.; Fred Craig of Page and Guy L. Blake of Chambers. 4 — Richard Strobe of O’Neill and Roy E. Rees of Ewing. 5 — Ivan Potter of Lynch. 6 — Mrs. Stanley El-1 kins of Chambers, Mrs. H. B. Black of Spencer; Mrs. William McIntosh of O’Neill; John M. Gallagher of Inman and Steven Alberts of Page. 3 — Tim Sehi and Kenneth Barlow of Ewing and Philip Allendorfer of O'Neill DISMISSED: Feb. 28 — Mrs. Mary Bosn, Mrs. Robert Sanders and son, Mrs. James Mullen and Patrick Pribil of O’Neill; Ben Larsen of Ewing. Mar. 1 — Mrs. Nelle Snyder of Atkinson; Mrs. Ernest Pierson of Ewing; Mrs. John Pruss and David Lee Meyer of O’Neill; Mrs. John Sorenson of Page; Mrs. William Loge mann and baby and Peter J. Brown of Chambers. 2 — Mrs. Larry Ruegge and baby of Atkin son; Mrs. Marvelene Garwood, Russel Garwood and Mrs. Alien Hargens of Spencer; Teresa Hobbs Janet Hansen Weds Sgt. Marvin Carl At Norfolk Rite EWING — Miss Janet Marie Hansen, daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Edwin C. Hansen, Norfolk, became the bride of Sgt Marvin Carl, son of Mrs. Arthur R.iroe de and Delbert Carl Sr., Ewing, February 10 in the Sacred Heart church at Norfolk The Rev Leonard Ficence offi ciated at the 10 double ring ceremony before an altar decor ated with twin bouquets of pink and white carnations. Mrs Ralph Dopheide, Norfolk, was soloist, accompanied by Miss Patricia Stutosman, Norfolk, or ganist. The bride wore a floor-length gown designed with a fitted bo dice of chantilly lace overlaid with mother of pearl sequins, a modified Sabrina neckline and long tapered sleeve*s. The skirt of nylon tulle layers over satin with a center panel of lace, ended in a chapel train. Her fingertip veil of imported tulle and French lace was held in place by a crown trimmed with Swedish mother of pearl sequins. She car ried a cascade of red roses and ivy. Miss Joyce Eldine Hansen, Nor folk, was maid of honor for her sister. Bridesmaids were Miss Marsha Gilsdorf and Miss Ber nice Hahn. They wore gowns of champagne lace over satin sheaths and bouffant overskirts of nylon tulle. Their colonial bouquets were of pink and white carnations Richard Williamson was best man. Larry Hansen, Norfolk, brother of the bride, and Melvin Pruden were groomsmen. Usher* were Jini Hansen, brother of the bride, ami Robert Eggerling, o,.tn of Norfolk. David Engiehu upt ami Julie Williamson were ring bearer and flower girl, respectively. Following the ceremony a re ception was held at the Sacred Heart gymnasium. The cake was cut and seived by Mrs. Jess Decke and Mrs. Jessie Kock, lakh of Norfolk Mrs. Harvey Podulil, Stanton, served the punch, and Mrs. Henry Zaunner, Tilden, poured coffee. Servers were Mrs. Robert Shaples, Tilden, ami Miss Karol Kamrath, Madison. Presid ing at the guest book was Mrs. Delbert Carl jr In charge of the gifts were Mrs. Richard William son, Mrs. Robert Eggerling and Miss Virginia Clark, all of Nor folk. and Mrs. Charles Roberts, Ewing. The bride is a graduate of Ne ligh high school, Norfolk Junior college and the Sacred Heart School of Nursing at Yankton, S. D. She is now employed at the State Hospital in Norfolk. The bridegroom graduated from Ewing high school and attended the C. E. School of Commerce at Omaha. He is presently serv ing in the U. S. Arrny, stationed at Ft. Riley, Kan. and Mrs. Marvin Larson of Ew ing. 3 — Mrs. Esmond Weber of Denver, Colo. 4 — Mrs. Richard Blum of Pickstown, S. D.; Mrs. Terry Wanser and baby of Ew ing; Mrs. Robert Peterson and baby of Bristow; Mrs. John Buck holtz, Mrs. Robert Shaw and ba by and Mrs. Donald Meyer of O’Neill. 5 — Mrs. M. V. Land reth of Page; Mrs. Robert D" voy and Mrs. H Dauterkus and baby of O’Neill. 6 — Mrs. I Burch of Chandler, Ariz.; Mr. R. Har gan of Atkinsn. 2 — Joseph Shan kins of Bartlett and Mrs. Stan ley Elkins of Chambers. 7 — Mrs. Frank Clyde and Mrs. Will iam McIntosh of O’Neill. EXPIRED: Feb. 28 — Eldon Henderson of Orchard. Mar. 3 — Mrs. Floyd Whitaker of Cham bers. ATKINSON MEMORIAL ADMITTED: Feb. 26 — Mrs. Donald Mills of Atkinson and Charles Skopec of Emmet. 27 — Mrs. John West of Stuart and Mrs. James Allen and Mrs. Ken neth Hartman of Bassett. 28 — Mrs. William Morgan and John Wondercheck of Atkinson. Mar. 1 — Lester Porter of Atkinson. 3 — Mrs. Mary Laible of Stuart; Mrs. John Mitchell of Spencer and Mrs. Roy Doke of Newport. 4— Mrs. Vernon Berry of Atkinson. 5 — Mrs. Jerry Morton and Les- . ter Nelson of Bassett and Mrs. Dean Frick of Lincoln. 6 — Mrs. Charles Ferguson of Ainsworth. DISMLS9ED: Feb. 27 — Mrs. Jack Bailey of O’Neill; Leonard Anderson of Newport and Mrs. I Elmer Schaffer and George Gold fuss of Atkinson 28 — Mrs. Vi vian Vaughn and Mrs. Wayne Root of Atkinson and Charles Sko pec of Emmet. Mar. 1 — Mrs. Gerald Reiman of Naix-r; Rich ard Young anti Mrs. William Mor gan of Atkinson. 2 — Joe Shu ti ne r of O’Neill and Mrs. Sarah Weber of Butte. 4 — Mrs. James Allen and Mrs. Kenneth Hartman of Bassett and Mrs. Roy Doke of Newport. 5 — Mrs. Delbert Gen tele of Stuart and John Wonder check, Lester Porter and Mrs. John Keating of Atkinson. 6 — Mrs. Donald Mills and Mrs. Ver non Berry of Atkinson and Mrs. John West of Stuart. SACRED HEART PRESENT — Baby Donald David jr., Mrs. Clyde Fisher, Wallace Fredrickson, Mrs. Pat Langan and Henry Maly of Spen cer; Mrs. Lester Derickson and Melvin P^acck of Lynch; Mrs. Mary Heiser of Monowi; Joaeph Kubik of O’Neill; Mrs. Amelia Mineburg of Bristow and Hugh Roberts and Mrs. Herman Wilken of Fairfax, S. D. DISMISSED: Feb. 27 — Ches ter Miller and Mrs. Eliza Coop er of Lynch. 28 — Mrs. Gary Vogt of Sioux Falls, 3. D.; Mrs. Etta Bennett of Naper and Mrs. Adena Jackson of Spencer. Mar. 2 — Wayne Christensen and Stan ley Streit of Lynch. 4 — Mrs. Donald David of Spencer. 5 — Nicolaus Sieler of Butte and Char les A Drickey of Bristow. Paul Shierk INSURANCE AOENCT O'NEILL, NEBR .-.f Ad ----J ] Sibscribe Now! j * Subscription Blank f < THE FRONTIER ’ | 114 N®. 4th O'Neal, Nebraska ) 4 » g Please enter my subscrfctioo t® The Frontier for «ae year, to | be delivered by mail. I enclose: $3.5* (in Nebraska), S3-M (out- , ^ side Nebraska). ,, 4 > 4 » . Name . a " Address . w 4 | 4 .» James Davidson & Sons PLUMBING & HEATING Service Since 1901 ■ A ■ a ■ na ma Winter & Summer LENNOX .rrrrs, American Standard Plumbing Fixtures Youngstown Kitchens Sheet Metal Work 513 E. Douglas _Phone 264O^'eill, Nebr. PLANNING A WEDDING? PHONE 788 THE FRONTIER, FOR Invitations Thank You Cards Napkins Get our Prices Before you Buy See Our g>wplw Before m Tm Choose I The Frontier