; i I s i-' f a ■'!: ■ ! i liillBillti iiiliai II l,! ife ai: ®1S Ilia, iSlil? 111 i SailiSifisi Sis SiiliiaiaaiBliii|| - I Whiter! Lighter! Finer Texture! No sifting needed! This different flour, milled a dif ferent way, gives you bread texture like angel food cake (See Pillsbury loaf on left.) Reason: more flour particlet contain protein, so essential for better bread! Higher cake than bread flour ever made yeti Never before could so perfect a bread flour do so well with a cake. And only Ptllsbury mills this new flour! Sift or not? You decide. Just remember sifting’s for accurate measure . . . which guarantees your very BEST Cake! Bread dough handles nicer I Both doughs above have been kneaded equally; new Pillsbury Flour dough (left) already cleans board, isn’t sticky. It’s easy to work with! Requires shorter kneading time! Strong dough! Won’t mushroom! Dough made with ordinary flour sometimes mushrooms. But it can’t happen with Pillsbury’s new Flour. This dough firms up, stands up ... in the pan, in the oven. Better-balanced protein! BEST OF ALL BARGAINS! ^fcxXxlSTORE COUPONbcXXl_■ ^5^) T SAVE 25 T x On New Improved x x Pillsbury’s BEST Flour in * x the big Red Arrow Sack x , p IS lb*. and up p X TO OCOCM: If you allow 2b4 toward the purchase price of the X X shove product when this coupon is presented to you l>y a retail X X customer, issuing manufacturer will redeem for 1S4 plus 21 ban- X X dling cost, providing you surrender coupon to manufacturer's X y salesman or mail to address below. Limit one coupon per pur- y u chase. Void unless initially acquired in the manner provided V 2 above or where prohibited, taxed or otherwise restricted dr alnised 5 X (Mod only in U.&A. Cash value 1/10* X P THC PALM (MY CO, P. O. MX Ml, MINNCAPOLIS M, MINN. C 8£1I ~~|XXX|hlQdn03 /save ( 25* < \ CLIP THIS \ COUPON Takes the “scare” right out of bread making even for beginners Here’s a flour so different that even a beginner can turn out a fine loaf of bread with it. And no sifting! So different that one lady in Scott County tried it and, after thirty years of bread making, turned out the finest loaves of her career. So different that even though it costa us more, we’re selling it for the reg ular price. It will pay us in the long run. You’ll buy more. So different that your loaves will stay fresh and moist longer ... if you can keep the family from eating them up long enough to prove it. Making bread is a happy thing to (jo. It makes you feel good. And it makbs you proud, when you turn out per fectly shaped, glowing loaves. TVy it. Try it with this different flour. Look for the Mg Red Arrow Sack! NO EXTRA COST! W ALL PURPOSE f FLOUR ▼ Comes in the 25-lb and larger sacks that most breadbakers prefer \ ... because only the best will do: Pillsbury’s BEST Flour