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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1962)
jfeHE Frontier BILL RICHARDSON, Publisher BRUCE J. REHBERG. Editor Terms s? Subscription: In Nebraska. $2.50 pei year; elsewiiere in the United States, J3 per year, rate abroad provided upon request. All subscrip tions payable in advance. Entered at the postoffice in O'Neill, Holt coun ty, Nebraska, as second-class mail matter under the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. This news paper is a member of the Nebraska Press Asso ciation, National Editorial Association and the Audit tureau of Circulations. NATIONAL EDITORIAL Ewing News By Mr*. Harold Harrl* The Tuesday evening meeting of the Young Matrons pinochle club was held at the home of Mrs. Leland Welke. Mrs. George Keller was a guest. Score win ners were Mrs. Ray Funk, Mrs. Arthur Kropp and Mrs. Earl Wright. Mrs. R. H. Shain, co hostess, assisted in serving lunch. Visitors at the C. C. Hahlbeck home Sunday were Leon, Donnie and Sherry Hahlbeck, Owen Schmidt and Don Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Butler made a combined business and plea sure trip to Norfolk one day last week. Arthur Snyder jr., Central City, spent the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Sny der, while his wife and family visited her parents at Cedar Ra pids. Mrs. Loyd Angus is staying at the home of her son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Angus and daughter in Lincoln. Mrs. Merle Angus recently under went ear surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw and children returned to Columbus Monday morning after sjiending the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knapp. Boies Conoco station celebrated 25 years of business in Ewing with open house. Prize winners were Mrs. Lyman Park, Page, Mrs. Melvin Napier, Ewing, and Harold Parks, sr, Ewing. Mrs. Martha Hill was a recent visitor at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hill and family near Page. John Cork, Page, and Don Hahlbeck were overnight guests at the C. C. Hahlbeck home Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Latzel re turned to their home m Omaha Saturday after spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. George Latzel, and brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Latzel and family. The project for the Cub Scoots for the month of March will have a circus theme. Costumes, stunts and other events will be planned for the Cub Scout meeting to be held in O’Neill in April. Saturday the Cubs met at the homes of their den mothers, Mrs. William J. Boies and Mrs. Ralph Munn and from here left to deliver Good Will bags to all the homes in Ewing. Dae to the stormy weather, cars were provided by Mrs. Munn, Mr. Boies and Jim Rotherham. Mmes. Ray Funk, William J. Boies, Ralph Munn and James Rotherham went to O’Neill Thursday evening where they attended a Cub Scout meet ing held at the United Presby terian church. Mr. and Mrs. John Angus made a business trip to Neligh Saturday. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leland Welke home Sun day were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rodgers. O'Neill, and Mr and Mrs Milan Welke and daughters, Ewing. Mrs. Bob Welke and son, Kil leen, Tex., are guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Le land Welke and Bonnie. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tucker were guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Lyle Tucker, O’Neill Wed nesday, February 28, when their son, Rickie, celebrated a birth day anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Anson spent the weekend at the home of his mother, Mrs Vera Anson. They returned to Battle Creek Sunday. The Past Matron’s club and Star Kensington were entertained Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Aubrey Wood. There was a small attendance and the hours were spent socially. Lunch was served by Mrs. Wood. Thursday evening dinner and evening guests at the Aubrey Wood home were Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis and Marie. Ben Larsen was able to come home Wednesday from St. An thony’s hospital and is now convalescing at his home from a riTHii nines*. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pruden and J. H. Pruden were dinner guests Sunday at the Ben Larsen home. The occasion was in honor of the birthday anniversary of Mrs. Pruden. Mrs. S. M. Burtwistle and son, JM, were callers Saturday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pruden. The Ewing community again was hit by a weekend snowstorm Saturday with the unofficial re port of about four inches of new snow. This was followed by a strong northwest wind later in the day, continuing throughout the night and Sunday, blocking highways and country roads. Traffic was practically at a standstill. Temperatures rose slightly above the zero mark Sunday. Church attendance was small. Weekend trips were cancelled by several. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eacker who had spent a few days at Sioux City, la., came home Friday and reported much blowing snow on the highways. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Billings re turned home Saturday from Hast ings. They too, found driving hazardous. Guests at the Dewitt Gunter home are their children, Mrs. Max Graver and Mrs. Howard Pligg, both from Illinois, and Melvin Gunter, Odebolt, la. .Melvin canceled his trip h«nf Sunday due to the storm and highway conditions. Ail spent as much time as possible with their mother who is n patient at .St- Anthony’s hospital in O' Neill. Mr. and Mrs Gary Tessmer and sons spent the weekend at Rosalie with relatives. The Rev. Mrs Nina Haines and Mrs. Edna Lofquest started to Spencer Saturday morning to at tend a prayer conference. Tra veling conditions grew worse and driving hazardous, so they turned hack, stopping at O’Neill to visit Mrs. Emma Closson at St. An thony’s hospital before returning to Ewing. Mrs. Edna Lofquest, who has spent a few weeks visiting at the home of her son. Robert Lof quest and family at Fremont, re turned home Tuesday. (Last Week’s News) Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirsch mier and family were guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brittell at O’Neill Sun day. Guests Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. Josie Versaw were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Auman, Or chard and her mother, Mrs. Siems of Kent, Washington. Mrs. Helen Wright had as her guests Sunday her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Malene of Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. William Hobbs visited Sunday at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Steskal near Clearwater. Teresa Hobbs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hobbs, is a patient at St. Anthony’s hospital. Her condition shows improve ment and she is expected home the first of the week. Guests at the Wilbur Spangler home for supper Friday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Spang ler and family, Ewing. The Facts and Fun Home Ex tension club has postponed their meeting from March 1 to March 8 due to weather and road conditions. Mrs. Ralph Eacker returned home Monday from Grand Island where she has spent the past three weeks at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Fuller, while they made a business trip to Arizona and Old Mexico. Mrs. David Wright visited Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rotherham Sunday were her parents, Mr and Mrs * John Donohue and Jerry. O'Netli. . Duane Tinsley has been staying | at the Roland Bond home and attending the Ewing public school due to the bad roads. Mr. anil Mrs. Robert Bartak and family were guests at tfte home of her mother, Mrs. Laura Sp.Uler. Monday evening Mr and Mrs Sam Regan and family are making plans to move into their new residence in Ew ing the weekend. The erec tion of this new home was start ed last summer. Dean Pofahl spent Sunday with his famly at the A. F. Seaman home m Norfolk. Guests at the Alex Thramer home Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tom jack and family, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Thramer and family and Mr and Mrs. Cletus Thramer. Card games provided amusement. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Roberts were Thursday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Latzel. Try and Do Club The Try and Do Home Exten sion Club met Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Merlyn Mey er. Nine members answered to roll call. The lesson on Fall Out Shelters was given by Mrs. Ca therine lndra. Pamphlets and other literature on the subject was given to all present. Mrs. Stanley Davis, president presided at the business meeting. The club voted to give five dol lars to the Heart Fund. Mrs. Da vis served refreshments during the social hour. John and Mary Sanders, O’ Neill, were guests from Wednes day to Sunday at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Mildred Berg strom and family during the ab sence of their mother and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lar son, who had gone to Canon City, Colo., to attend the funeral of her mother. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hahlbeck were hosts for a family dinner party at their home Sunday in honor of the birthday anniversary of their granddaughter, Mrs. Ter ry Erb. Other guests were Terry Erb, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hahl beck and family and Owen Schmidt. Leon Hahlbeck came to spend the evening. Mrs. Verie Tuttle was an afternoon caller the same day. Monday callers at the C. C. Hahlbeck home were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Michael, Clearwater and Mrs. Ed Hoag, Ewing. Mrs. Dewitt Gunter, who is suf fering from a heart ailment, en tered St. Anthony’s hospital at O’Neill Saturday for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. John Turay and children were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Yelli. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hord vis ited Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Montgomery. The Frontier On Sale each Thursday morning at Safeway Store — O’Neill Golden Hotel — O’Neill Stannard’s Superette — O’Neill O’Neill Drug — O’Neill Devoy Drug — O’Neill Johnson Drug — O’Neill Wilson Drug — Atkinson Munn’s Store — Ewing McGraw’s Store — Inman Newhouse Sundries—Chambers ---- Molt New* By Mr*. H. IMnw Mr. and Mrs Dun Spahn and three children and Mrs Spahn a mother. Mrs Verhune, left Sun day. Feb 25, by car for their new home tn Oregon Tlietr fur niture was taken by truck. Mrs. Mary Steams and Mrs Maynard Stearns called at the Will Conner home Monday Mrs. Mary Stearns spent Thursday af ternoon at the Conner Iwxne. The snowstorm and heavy wind Saturday night caused a lumber of people to be stranded m town Saturday night and Sunday. The milk trucks, etc., were unahle to make their routes. The snow plows were taken off the roads until the wind went down Sunday And Spring only two weeks away! The 1 Air re family of Cham bers is moving to the lale Fred Schmidt farm which hi- purchas ed. The Kryger ranch owners pur chased the land on the west side of the road. Mrs. Schmidt is mak ing her home in Elgui following the death of her husband. Mrs. H. Reimer spent part of the weekend at tier home, return ing Saturday to Ewmg when tin storm hit here. The shower for Mrs. Charo lotte Wright which was to have been Sunday afternoon was {tostponed for the third time. Mrs. Myrtle Jewell, Dallas, S. D., is snowed in at the Johnny Bauer home. Charles Bartak made a busi ness trip to Norfolk Saturday. Iris Van Ostrand, who is employed at the Bartak s spent the weekend in her home in Ewing. One farmer’s wife started to Ne ligh with a carload of hatching eggs several times Saturday. The storm was so severe and visibili ty so poor she was forced to give up the trip. Chambers News By Mm. E. R. Carpenter A party honoring the American Legion members of Post 320 and their wives was held Friday eve ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Walter. About 20 guests were present The evening was spent at games. Lunch was served by the hostess. World Day of Prayer will be observed at the Chambers Meth odist church Friday at 2 p.m. with members of the Bethany Presbyterian Woman’s Federa tion, the Woman’s Society of Christian Service of the Cham bers and Amelia Methodist churches present. The Amelia women will be in charge of the service and the fellowship and lunch following. There were no services at the Chambers Methodist church and St. Paul’s Lutheran church Sun day. The Memorial Baptist church had services both morn ing and evening. St. Paul's church is without a resident pas tor at present. The pastor of the Clearwater Lutheran church comes to Chambers for services each Sunday when weather per mits. Furnace trouble at the Methodist church caused cancel ling of services there. Richard S. Sockman, Mission ary from India, accompanied by his wife, a native of India, and their two children will present —. i Missionary work tlwre in me* sage and color slide* Thursday from 7 to 8 p m Mr and Mr* Dick Brkin. Ewing, were visitors in the J W Waller home Sunday Mr and Mrs Lyle Waiter and daughters, Norfolk, were Friday night guests of his parents, Mr. ami Mrs. J W Waller A group of young people of the Memorial Baptist church with their sponsor* went to Ord Satur day evening to attend a ‘Youth for Christ” meeting The Don Lines Farm Sale, post plait'd from February 21 was held February 28 Due to road conditions and the severe cold, a smaller than usual crowd was present The family reports that prices, with the exceptkm of a few things, was quite- satisfac tory. Kieth Hulsey accompanied by bis mother, Mrs Eugene Halsey, and Mr. and Mrs G H Grimes drove to Milford Saturday The Halseys visited Mrs. Halsey's son-in-law and daughter, Mr anti Mrs. Dick Read ami daughters, and the Grimeses visited their son ami daughter-tn-law. Mr and Mrs. Clarence Grimes and fam ily. There was no school in District 137 Monday This includes the town school and six county schools Mr. Butenhorst came to Chambers from Stuart Sunday evening and Mr Chronopulos came from Grand Island Sunday evening. Mrs LeRoy Holcomb, student at Kearney State Teachers col lege, spent the weekend at home. Due to the death of her mother, Mrs Floyd Whitaker, she was unable to return to her school duties until Wednesday. The Woman's .Society «*f Chris Uan Service met Thursday at the home id Mr* Sieve Shavllk The lesson was presented by Mrs. Glen Adam* with Mrs. Shavllk in charge at the worship The president. Mrs Gaius Winter mote, (iresided at a short rou tine business session Some ar ticles, purchased with memorial money, were displayed. The meeting closed with prayer fol lowed by lunch served by Mrs. T. E New house and Mrs Eu gene Halsey An Extension dub trainer meet ing was held Friday at the bane of Mrs. G H Grimes All clubs from the Chambers Center were represented. The ALmni committee rejs'rts that plans are developing for the annual Alumni banquet which will be held May 2» in the new high sclionl gymnasium THE MAN FROM EQUITABLE ASKS Furinera and Itaneherw, ItilsIiieKhillrn, I’mlrsslunsl Wen and Women Will you leave your family a j Home ... or <i Mortgage Fur Information Write HARVEY TOMPKINS Inmutt. Nebraska LET THE MAN FROM EQUITABLE BRING YOU PEACE OF MIND (I I FENIAN MOON ROCKET I I launching I I 30 AmOnalwa;^ I 2 FREE SHOWINGS I ' p m- and 3 P-1"- - K. C. Hall I "GOD’S OWN I COW COUNTRY" I 2Er2£S »7ASf,cS2i?'2®«| I free coffee I AND DONUTS Shure, and it'll be a Big Day for One and All! St. Patrick's Day Saturday, Mar. 17 *30 in Prizes $10°° - - (500 - <500 - $2» FOR THE BEST DRESSED LEPRECHAUN Open to all children of the O'Neill trade area under 13 years of age. Dress like you think a lepre chaun should look and come to town ready for the contest. Free Treats for each entrant Leprechaun Judging will follow immediately after the Moon Shot either at Launch Site or in the K. C. Hall MANY OTHER ATTRACTIONS TO BE ANNOUNCED TRY TO WIN PADDY'S PIG Guess exactly what he'll weigh at 5 p.m. Mar. 17 Winner gets the pig LUCKY SHAMROCK COUPONS BRING BARGAINS FOR THE SHOPPERS I SPONSORED BY THE O'NEILL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE | BBH WBM ■ I t KLENZO ANTISEPTIC ORAL SPRAY NEW! CONCENTRATED! Soothes Simple Throat Irritations 59c New From Rexall!! MASCARA NOME APPLICATOR Glamorize your eyes with color Goes on fast! Really lasts! 4 Waterproof Colors Just 75c Try more than one at this price Diabetic Supplies We feature a complete line of supplies for the Diabetic Pa tient-Insulin, Syringes. Needles, Alcohol, Cotton, Testing Equip ment. Also, for those for whom sugar is restricted from their diet, we feature sugarless gum, candy, and cough drops—and delicious dietetic ice cream, made without sugar. Animal Health Products Make DEVOY S REXALL DRUG your headquarters for ail your animal health needs. Again this spring, as always, we will have Triple and Double Vaccines at prices you will like. Don’t forget to stock up now on medications for the treatment of scours —we carry scours medicines by the leading manufacturers. PRESCRIPTIONS Choose your pharmacist as carefully as you chose your family physician. The next time your doctor gives you a pre scription, have it filled by a PRESCRIPTION SPECIALIST— have it filled at DEVOY'S REXALL DRUG. Remember, DE VOY’S is open evenings until 9:00 with a Registered Pharmacist on duty to fill your prescriptions. DEVOY REXALL Drug Bob Devoy, Pharmacist Open Evenings and Sunday Mornings O'Neill, Nebr. SPRING COAT LAY-AWAY SALE! 19“ Look at the low. low price on these rare fashion finds! Up-to-the minute styles for budget-minded fashionables—-wools and wool blends in the smart new cardigan or collared styles. And, we have them in sizes scaled to "just fit” the junior petite figure (5-15), as well as missses’ 8 to 18. A Wool/cashmere with stitch detail. Turquoise, bamboo B Wool twist weave with notched collar. Eeige or green C Junior petite wool plaid cardigan. In beige or lilac Price* and offer* apply to cl Gc«ol«-owrvcd ord m r^oft Deo lor Store*.