Get this 4-piece copper-tone butter warmer / for only $100 with purchase of butter Butter up French toast, pancakes and waffles ... seafoods ... popcorn . . . biscuits and breads . . . vegetables . . . easily and elegantly with this charming 4-piece butter warmer set. It’s a beauty, it’s a value. Just a dollar and proof of purchase from any brand of butter. Remember, on any hot food, in any cooked food or on your table, there’s nothing like pure butter. Butter gives you more in flavor--the fresh, creamy flavor that comes only from pure country cream. No wonder everything tastes so much better with pure cream butter! american dairy association *2*° value for only *i°° Four-piece eet: copper-tone warmer, tray, candle holder with candle plus black enamel stand. Deep etched copper-tone finish will not tarnish. 5 inches high. Warmer holds H cup or 1H sticks butter. Butter Wanner Box RG Torrance, Calif. Please send me_Butter Warmers. I’m enclosing a name panel from a butter carton or other proof of purchase, plus $1.00 for each Butter Warmer. Name Street---__ City—-Zone-State__ This offer expires June 30, 1962. Void in any state or locality where taxed or prohibited.