The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 22, 1962, Section Two, Image 9

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    Section Two P*9«
"The Voice of the Beef Empire"-North-Central Nebraska's BIGGEST Newspaper
_ Volume 81—Number 44 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, February 22, 1962 Seven Cents
Swing News
By Mrs. Harold Harris
Mrs. Martha Hill accompanied
her daughter-in-law, Mrs Ken
neth Hill, Page, to Oklahoma last
week. She was called there by
the serious illness of her mother.
Kenneth Hill is a patient in an
Omaha hospital.
The congregations of the
churches in Ewing were very
small for the regular worship
service and Sunday school, due
to the heavy snowfall during the
weekend which blocked country
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hoag,
Omaha, came to Ewing to get
her father. Perry Saiser, Friday.
They took him to (Lincoln for a
medical checkup and treatment.
At present he is staying with his
son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Saiser in Lincoln.
Larry Rotherham, who spent
the weekend with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rotherham,
returned to Lincoln Sunday.
David Rotherham spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam Lofquest and family.
Recent guests at the Fred Tams
liome were their son and daugh
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robt.
Tams sr., and two daughters,
Janelle and Donna, Battle Creek.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tucker ancf
General Repairing of
Ixicks of Ah Kinds
Oars - Homes • Businesses
Joseph P. Shanner
112 80. 4th O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Jones and soi
were dinner guests Friday eve
ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs
Lyle Tucker at O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartal
and son, accompanied by her mo
ther, Mrs. Laura Spittler, madi
a combined business and plea
sure trip to Norfolk Thursday.
Mr. and .Mrs. Wayne Shrader
went to Orchard Sunday to at
lend the funeral of Fred Scheer
who died Thursday at the Plain
view General hospital after a
lingering illness. The services
were held at St. Peter's Luther
an ehureh.
Guests for a coffee hour Wed
nesday afternoon at the Mari
Thramer home were Mrs. Jerrj
Tomjack and family, Mrs. Ale>
Thramer and family and Mrs
Cletus Thramer and family. Mrs
Mamie Boies was an evening
guest at the Thramer home. Mr
and Mrs. Clarence Funk spem
Friday evening at the Marl
Thramer home.
Mrs. Floyd Miller, Clearwatei
was a Monday afternoon visitor ai
the home of Mrs. Althea Peter
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Thramei
had as their guests Sunday eve
ning, Mr. and Mrs. Leonarc
Knapp, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tom
jack and children, Mr. and Mrs
Cletus Thramer, Mr. and Mrs
Alex Thramer, Jake Schindler an<
Joe Tagel Card games were play
ed for entertainment.
Mrs. Althea Peterson returnee
home Thursday after spending t
few days at Neligh and Granc
Island with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Latze
Beauty Shop
325 E. Douglas St. Phone 263
Complete Beauty Service
Slimliner Reducing Machine
Fall and Winter
' 2 OFF
McIntosh jewelry
407 E. Douglas Phone 1M ;
A Trusted Jeweler Is Your Best Advisor
$ $ $ $ $ $
Dollar Days
Special I!!
Rexall Facial Tissues, 200's
8 for $1.00
Household Gloves, Reg. 79c pr.
• 2 pr. for 98c
Cara Nome Hand Cream, Reg. $1.75
Now at V2 price 87c
Friendship's Garden Hand & Body Lotion,
Reg. $1.00 each
2 for $1.50
Desert Flower Cream Deodorant, Reg. $1.00
50c each
Pipes, Reg. $1.00 each
2 for $1.00
"Clic-Pic" Key Holders, Reg. $2.00
$1.00 each
Reg. $1.00 Reg. $1.50
2 for $1.00 2 for $1.50
Prices Effective
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
FEBRUARY 22, 23, 24
Bob Devoy, Pharmacist
Open Evenings and Sunday Mornings
O'Neill, Nebr.
i had as their dinner guests Sun
day evening, Mr. and Mrs. El
vin Hamilton and family.
Dean Pofahl returned home
; Monday after spending the week
end in Omaha. Mrs. Pofahl and
• children stopped at Norfolk
where they are guests of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Seamen.
Mrs. Helen Wright had as her
dinner and evening guests Thurs
day Mr. and Mrs. Larry Malena,
Norfolk, and Janet Schindler,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Davis and
children spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Van
Creger, at Meadow Grove. They
made a business trip to Columbus
Mrs. Francis Latzel and daugh
ters, Newport, spent the week at
the home of Mrs. George Latzel.
Mr. Latzel came after his fam
ily Sunday, returning home the
same day.
Mrs. N. Ule and Mrs. Jennie
Chmiel, O’Neill, visited Thursday
at the home of Mrs. Joe Tum
jack. Other callers during the
week at the Tomjack home were
Mrs. George Latzel and her
guests, Mrs. Francis Latzel and
daughters, Newport.
Mrs. Norman Depew, Neligh,
was a caller Monday at the home
of her son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts.
Mrs. L. M. Oater, who has
bi-en ill, was able to resume
her duties Tuesday at the Or
chard high school. Iua Bennett
II IU1IK U A I I* It! j IV IICI UUlll >
in the Clearwater Public School
after spending several days at
home with a severe cold.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Odom, Or
chard, were Saturday dinner
guests at the Wayne Shrader
home. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett
Young and family, Omaha, were
evening guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grim re
turned home Saturday from Sioux
City, la., where they had been
overnight guests of relatives.
They also visited her sister who
is hospitalized there.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schindler
were overnight guests Sunday at
the home of her brother, Delano
Scholl. Mr. Schindler returned to
Omaha Monday while Mrs. Schin
dler remained for a longer visit
with relatives.
A-2c and Mrs. Gene Siems left
Wednesday for Rapid City, S. D.,
where they will make their home
at 619 Quincey Ave. Mrs. Siems
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James Mlnarik.
Carl Michael, Clearwater, was
a caller at the C. C. Hahlbeck
home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Schroeder
had as their dinner and evening
guests Thursday, Mr. and Mrs.
James Mlnarik and Larry.
Mr. and Mrs. James Mlnarik
were Sunday guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Don Mackel and
family, Elgin.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Rockey, ac
companied by Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Loewe, Clearwater, went to
Omaha Saturday to attend the
Golden Glove bouts in which two
brothers of Mrs. Rockey’s, Roger
and "Butch” Pofahl, participat
ed. Fred Hupp, Kansas City, ac
companied the Rockeys home. He
is an uncle of Mrs. Rockey.
Mrs Judy Eggerling, Norfolk,
and Beverly Bartak, Wayne State
Teachers college, came Friday to
spend the weekend with their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bar
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Billings re
turned home Tuesday from Hast
ings on a combined business and
pleasure trip.
Mr. and Mrs. John Pruden and
3on drove to Sioux Falls, S. D.,
Friday to spend the day with rela
tives and lnends.
Mrs. Ernest Pierson went to
O'Neill Friday to consult a doc
tor and entered St. Anthony's
hospital for treatment.
Mrs. Anna Savidge had as her
guests Saturday afternoon Mrs.
Charles Bartiik and fmily, Ewing,
Mrs. Judy Eggerling, Norfolk,
and Beverly Bartak, Wayne.
The regular meeting of the “No
Thank You” Tops ciub was held
Thursday afternoon at the C. C.
Hahlbeck home. A new applica
tion for membership was receiv
ed Plans were rnaue to gift wrap
articles to be sent to the national
Tops convention to be held in Mil
waukee, Wis. in April. These will
be sold at auction. The group also
plans to purchase banquet tickets
for State Recognition Day to be
held in Lincoln March 31. The
club had an 11 ^ pound in weight
loss for the week.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Harris
and daughter, Bertha, made a
business trip to Norfolk Thursday.
They returned home by way of
Plainview, where Bertha remain
ed to resume her duties at the
General hospital after spending
a few days at home.
Mrs. L. Ule and Mrs. S. Chmiel,
O’Neill were Wednesday visitors
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Flovd Lee
Last Week’s News—
Eighty women gathered at St.
Peter’s Catholic church Monday
evening, Feb. 12, to hear the Rev.
Didacus Dunn, OFM, Pittsburg,
Pa., representative from the
national center of confraternities
of Christians Mothers, as he en
couraged the women in their
vocation as wives and mothers.
Hostesses for the social hour at
St. Dominic’s hall were Mmes.
Charles Rotherham, William Lof
quest, William Hobbs, Clifford
Steskal, George Keller and
Wayne Pollock.
Recent guests at the John Mil
ler home were Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Miller and family, Oak
dale, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Schollmeyer and family of Crof
ton and Mrs. Anna Miller of Ew
Attending the 4-H leaders train
ing meeting held at O’Neill
February 12 were Mrs. Leo Mil
ler, Mrs. John Miller, William
Hubei and Archie Cleveland.
O'Neill visitors last week were
Mrs. Bertha Archer, Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Knapp, Mrs. Wil
liam Emesti, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
Kreitziger, Dean Pofahl and Mr.
and Mrs. Francis Huemesser.
Valentine parties were the high
light of the week in the Ewing,
grade school Wednesday after
noon, February 14. Valentines
were exchanged and lunch was
served by the students. Treats
were given by the teachers.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Norwood
and Arlene Pelletier were recent
Elgin visitors. They also called
Thursday - Friday - Saturday
FEBRUARY 22 - 23 - 24
Reg. 6.95 WORK SHOE
While 66
Heavy cowhide uppers on heavy Corklite sole.
All sewed construction, Goodyear welt sole.
Seamless back. No nails. Sizes 3Vi to 12.
Clothing Shoes
O'Neill Nebraska
* I ^^
on Mrs Rene Libby at Neligh.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Roberts
and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ro
berts had as their dinner guests
at the CUrtis Roberts home
February 11. Mr and Mrs. Ken
neth Hurtig and Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Hurtig and son. Larry Hur
tig. Orchard, was also an eve
ning guest.
The Young Matrons' Pinochle
club met February U at the Ray
Funk home. Mrs. Kermit Jef
feries. Mrs. Wiliam J. Boies,
Mrs. Earl Wright and Mrs. Gail
Boies received prizes. Mrs. Jerry
Rotherham was a guest. Mrs.
Funk and Mrs. Thomas Eacker,
co-hostess, carried out a Valen
tine theme in prizes and the
luncheon menu.
Mrs. Laura Spittler had as her
dinner guests Tuesday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartak and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Funk and family.
Amelia News
By MImi Florence Lindsey
Mrs. George Fullerton return
ed home February 11 from Rapid
City, S. D., where she visited her
brother-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Moore, Jackie and
Pat. Mrs. Moore brought her to
Kadoka, S. D., where they were
met by Mr. Fullerton. She had
intended to come by plane, but
due to the dense fog plans had
to be changed.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Waldo, Con
nie, Cole and Timothy, Miles
City, Mont., and Mr. and Mrs.
B. W. Waldo were Wednesday
evening supper guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Waldo and family. Pat
is a nephew of B. W. Waldo and
they brought Mr. Waldo home af
ter he had visited them enroute
home from Alaska. They were al
so supper guests at Ken Werners
in Chambers Thursday evening.
They left for their home at Miles
City Friday.
Mrs. Harold Waldo and daugh
ter, Judy, left Cheyenne, Wyo.,
Saturday morning to join Mr. Wal
do at their new home in Fair
banks, Alaska. They stayed over
night in Seattle, Wash., and then
went by jet plane arriving there
in three hours. Their other
daughter, Barbara, is attending
college at Lander, Wyo., and will
join them at the close of the
schol term.
Mrs. Helen Pokorny was plea
santly surprised Wednesday eve
ning, Feb. 14, when a group of
friends and relatives dropped in
to help her celebrate the occa
sion. Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Steve Sladek and family and
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Schmit and
family, Osmond, Mr. and Mrs.
John Peter and Ardis, “Grand
ma” Julia Sladek and son,
George, Mr. and Mrs. Lad Sla
dek and Betty and Arlis Ed
wards. The evening was spent
65 or over?
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66 and over shows bow to
one combination of emotion
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tion to add years to your life
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Imt aail coupon TODAY!
Enrollment ends:
March 15
Oscar Spitzenberger
429 N. 3rd, O’Neill, Xebr.
Phone 888
Oscar Sphxenberger
j M facts about cost and cover- I
I 09m of Senior Security plan along |
■ uMfc FKE copy of “HOW TO UVE
I BOUGH" beoMr guide.
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I <*y.2—. I
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playing card*
A Urge crimd uf neighbor*
and friend* charts arird >fr.
and Mr*. Lyle Ummer Thur»
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs Hugh Carr, O'
Neill. \ lsiteri their *ons, Gene and
Durreli Carr and their families.
Tuesday and Wednesday uf la*t
Vern Sageser. Hienie Frahm
and Dick Doolittle accompanied
Van Robinson to Valentine Wed
nesday, Feb. 7. to attend a bull
Mrs. Kielh McMillen and
daughters, Sandra and Cynthia,
Highgrove, Calif., are visiting her
brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and
Mrs. George Fullerton, Mrs. Mc
Millen and the girls came to
Omaha Wednesday and were met
by Mr. and Mrs. Gene Skala and
Kelley, Freemont, and visited at
their home until Mr. and Mrs.
Fullerton went to Fremont to get
them and bring them to their
Twelve members erf the WSCS
met at the home of Mrs. Mary
Sageser Wednesday for an all
day meeting. Mrs. Vern Sageser
led the special study lesson on
“The Meaning of Suffering”.
There will be one more lesson
on this subject.
The Merry Matrons club met
with Mrs. Bernie Kennedy Thurs
Mrs. Clifford Clemens and
children went to O’Neill Thurs
day to visit her sister, Mrs. Dale
Beilin and baby boy at the hos
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brau pur
chased a three-bedroom home in
Omaha recently. Mrs. Brau is
the former RaeDee Wickham,
granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Pierce.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Black
more, Mrs. Max Sageser, Mr.
and Mrs. Hienie Frahm and fam
ily and Mrs. Maude Forbes were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Vern Sageser.
Dale Doolittle was an O'Neill
caller Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White and
Venita were Sunday dinner guests
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
S. C. Barnett.
Mrs. Kieth McMillen and girls
called on Mrs. May Sageser and
Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Barnett Sat
Pete Frahm returned home the
later part of the week from a vis
it with his daughter, Mrs. Jer
ome Krutz ana family, near Stan
ton. He built 'some storage clos
ets for Mrs. Forbes later in the
Mr and Mr». Tommie Doolittle
ami the girls went to vunt the Art
Doolittles Thursday evening, who
were spending the evening with
the Ira Liermans The Tommie
Doolittles also went to the Lier
mans to spend the evening
The Rev Chambers was surprts
ed recently at a birthday party
at the home ol Mr and Mrs
Glenn White Tlawe present were
Tenus Madsen ami son. Neal. Mr
and Mrs. Louis Burgett awl
Wayne. Mr and Mrs Paul Fish
er, Mr. and Mrs Clyde Burge,
Joyce and Bruce, Mr. am! Mrs.
Clayton Burge, Esther and Ruth.
Mrs Chambers, Wilma and Dar
lene. Veruta White ami Edward
Coohdge Illness kejH Mrs Mad
sen and Mrs. Lizzie Dexter at
A sm*w storm struck liere Sat
urday night and Sunday which
amounted to about six to eight
inches. There was nut much wind
and Monday morning was u clear
morning. We hope the snow will
soun melt Indore those Nebras
ka winds do begin to blow
B W Waldo and his nrttfiew.
Pat Waldo and family. Miles
City. Mont . were dinner guest*
Thursday id the Floyd Ac kies
home ne;<r Burwell.
Servicemen's Notes . . .
Ronald S Holly, sonarman sen
man. CSN. mo of Mr and Mrs
Stanley Holly, O'Neill is serving
alstard the radar picket destroyer
IJSS O'Hare. operating as a unit
of our Sixth Fleet tn the Mediter
During the cruise, the O'Hare,
a unit of I*eatroyer Squardrun '.’6,
will serve as a unit of tlio Sixth
Fleet's anti-air warfare team
while participating in exercises
involving other naval units of
«xtr North Atlantic Treaty Or
ganization (NATO) allies
Tile O'Hare is one of four radar
picket destroyers in the Navy
which carries titc advanced
electronic installation, Electronic
Data System I EDS) width is used
for long-range aircraft and mis
sile detection.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Scripter
FRI., FEB. 23 -1 P.M.
IXK’ATKI): S mllr* north of Atkinson on HlKhwuy II.
28 Head of Hogs including
16 feeder pigs
2 gilts to farrow in March
10 sows to farrow in March
TKRMH: CASH. No property t« In- removed until nettled lor.
Roy Klrwan, Kd Thorlit, Chuck Mahony
Auction Service, Butte mid O’Neill
Wind Silencer A
Reg. 1.49 W I
Pair 1
Johnson Holiday Car A
Washing Creme 9 1
Exterior Porch A
FixtUr® Reg. 1.95 9 I
4-Tine gm^
Fork Handle ^ A
Reg. 1.45 I
Wallpaper Patterns 1
Bundle |
— — _ . ■ ■
Plastic Cote Car
Spray Paint
Reg. 1.49
Rubber Welcome
Reg. 1.49
10-Pc. Twist
Drill Set
Reg. 1-49
Stove Bolt
Assortment ^
Reg. 1.19
Family Pack
Light Bulbs
Reg. 1.25
Car Chamois JL
Reg. 1.29 I
16-oz. Hi-CJoss —
Enamel (jfi
Spray Faint II
Reg. 1.39 I
Ml Colors Hi-GioM M
Enamel ^ J
Pint I
Ironing Board
Pad & Cover 4
^ Reg. 1.98 I
Household _
Re*. 1.39 1
Many more uoiiar uay items too Numerous to