The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 22, 1962, Image 4

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    The engagement of Mary Lynne Morrow, Hooper, to Richard Van
Valin, O'Neill, has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Morrow.
Mr. Van Valin, a teacher in O’Neill public schools, is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Van Valin, Wakefield. He is a 1961 graduate of
Wayne State Teachers college where he was affiliated with Lambda
Delta Lambda, honorary science fraternity.
Miss Morrow is a 1959 graduate of Hooper high school, and is a
junior at Wayne State.
The couple plans an August wedding.
O'Neill Locals
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Larson
and son were February 10 visi
tors of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Larson, at Clearwater.
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Jaszko
wiak will go to Lincoln Friday
where they will visit their daugh
ter, Nyla, student at the uni
versity, and attend the presenta
tion of Co-ed Follies in which she
will take part.
Edith Gallagher, Omaha, spent
the weekend in O’Neill at the
home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James Gallagher.
Omer Hoffman, Clearwater,
was a business visitor in O'Neill
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rooney left
Friday morning for a six-week
vacation to be spent visiting in
Kansas, Texas, California and
Weekend guests in the Harrison
Bridge home February 10 and 11
were their daughter. Karen,
Wajyne State Teachers college
student, and their son, Roy, and
friend, Steve Thomas, David
City, who attend Wesleyan Uni
versity, Lincoln.
Barbara Berigan, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berigan,
accompanied her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Froelich. to
Chicago last week, visiting there
from Monday to Friday.
Attend Convention
Wayne Spelts and Dennis Hansen
of Spelts Lumber company at
tended the State Lumberman’s
convention in Omaha Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday.
Bakery Redecorated
The interior of the M & M
Bakery is being given a fresh
coat of paint. The work is being
done following the closing of
business each evening.
Entertains Church Circle
Mrs. Robert Forwood enter
tained Circle HI of the First
Presbyterian church fellowship
Thursday evening at her home.
Following the business meeting a
social hour was held and refresh
ments served.
Mrs. Kyster Is Hostess
Members of the O’Monde club
met for a dinner at the Town
House Tuesday evening, Feb. 13.
Cards were played at the home
of the hostess, Mrs. Ted Kyster
and prizes were won by Mrs.
Fred Appleby, Mrs. Don Becker,
and Mrs. Jim Earley. Guests
were Mrs. Ed Cuddy and Mrs.
Don Meyer.
Entertains Wednesday
Mrs. O. W. French entertained
members of the Wednesday Af
ternoon bridge club February 14
at a luncheon at her home. In the
playing of cards prizes were won
by Mrs. C. E. Lundgren and
Mrs. French. The Valentine Day
Motif was used in table decora
tions. Mrs. D. C. Schaffer was
hostess for the meeting the pre
vious week.
Attend Omaha Fights
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McGinn
and daughter. Donna, attended
the Mid-West Golden Glove fights
in Omaha Friday and Saturday
where their son and brother.
Jack, was a contestant. Also at
tending were John McElvain,
----- |
$$ Days Specials
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
February 22, 23, 24
4 Plates, 4 cups, 4 Saucers
Save for Decoration Day
4-CAKE PANS. .*1
Many other bargains at
or less
A. P. Jaszkowiak
Gene Shoemaker, Laurence
Haynes, Marvin Johnson, D. A.
Ker sen brock. John Conard. Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Appleby and Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Hunt.
Card Party Winner*
Mrs. D. A. Kersenbrock and
Mrs. Robert Lowery, chairman
of St. Mary's card party Sunday
evening. Feb. 11, at the academy
gym. announce the following
winners of prizes: Frank Fiala
and Mrs. George Pongratz, pitch;
Mrs. Bill Biglin and Mrs. Jim
Gallagher, bridge, and Leon
Sargent and Mrs. Bob Clements,
pinochle Mrs. Nora Mullen was
winner of a special prize A large
crowd was present for the party.
Couples Club Meets
Members of the Couples club
met for a 7 p.m. dinner Sunday,
Feb, 11, at the Tropical Gardens.
After dinner they adjourned to
the home of the hosts, Mr. and
Mrs. Laurence Haynes, for cards
and prizes were won by Mrs.
Verne Reynoldson and John Con
ard, Emmet.
.Jcurii Club Meets
Mrs. Norman Gonderinger was
the hostess at the recent meeting
of the Jeudi club. Following din
ner at the M & M cafe, the group
adjourned to the Gonderinger
home for cards. Prize winners
were Mrs. Winnie Barger and
Mrs. Allan Jaszkowiak. Mrs.
Gonderinger’s sister. Miss
Kathryn McCarthy, Atkinson, was
a guest.
Rebekahs Entertain
Rebekah lodge memberes en
tertained at a dinner Friday eve
ning for their husbands and for
the Odd Fellows and their wives
at the IOOF hall. The group en
joyed an evening of cards follow
ing dinner. The occasion marked
a joint celebration of Valentine
Day and the redecoration of the
hall following the recent fire
Chcz-a-Mari Meets
Mrs. Bob Cole was hostess at
a recent meeting of the Chez-a
Mari club. Following dinner at
the Town House the members
and guest, Mrs. Larry Schaffer,
adjourned to the Cole home in
Emmet for cards. Prizes were
won by Mrs. Dale French, Mrs.
Bud Cole and Mrs. E. M. Gleeson.
Honored at Dinner
Dinner guests at the Robert
Young home Sunday were Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Devall and
daughter, Kathryn; Mr. and Mrs.
R. D. Crumly and family, Page;
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Walter
and family, Chambers, and Mr.
and Mrs. Preston Jones, O’Neill.
The occasion was the 22nd wed
ding anniversary of Mrs.
Young’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Harty Entertains
Members of the Martez club
met February 6 for a dinner at
the M & M cafe after which they
adjourned to the home of the
hostess, Mrs. Pat Harty, for
cards. Prize winners were Mrs.
Hugh Birmingham and Mrs. Ira
Moss. Mrs. Max Golden was hos
tess Tuesday evening for the club
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cole, Em
met, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Earley,
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Fox and Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Jensen spent from
Friday to Sunday in Omaha. They
all attended the Golden Gloves
Midwest tournament while there.
Mrs. Hertford Entertains
Members of the Janawa club
met at the home of Mrs. Ben
Heriford for a recent club meet
ing. In the playing of cards pri
zes were won by Mrs. Esther
Morgan, Mrs. Floyd Wilson and
Mrs. Bob Moore.
Church Dates Named
Launchers Mariners will meet
at 8 p.m. Sunday in the Presby
terian fellowship hall. Thursday
at 2:30 p.m. the Women’s asso
ciation will hold its meeting and
there will be a board of trustees
meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday.
Members of the Men's council
met Monday evening in the hall
for a dinner meeting.
Mrs. R. W. Johnson, Hyannis,
visited from Friday to Monday
with her brother-in-law and sis
ter, Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Burgess,
and with her mother, Mrs. Laura
Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bright,
Orchard, were Sunday visitors in
the Burgess home. Mrs. Bright is
also a daughter of Mrs. Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Enright at
tended the Golden Gloves tourna
ment in Omaha over the week
Happy Helpers
The members of the middle and
advanced cooking projects of the
Happy Helpers 4-H chib met at
the home of their leader, Mrs.
Dwayne Philbrick. Officers were
elected as follows. President, Judy
Milnar; Secretary, Patsy David
son. and News Reporter, Lavida
Philbrick. Books were passed out
and projects were discussed.
News reporter,
Laveda Philbrick.
Injured in Fall
AMELIA — Mrs. Ralph Rees
received a painful injury to the
hip Monday morning when she
fell while in Atkinson. She has not
yet received reports from the
x-rays as to whether or not she
sustained broken bones in the
Enters Hospital
PAGE — The road main
tainer operator was called Sunday
morning to open the roads near
Mrs. Marion Parks’ home in
order that she might be taken to
the hospital for treatment of a
broken arm. The injury was sus
tained when she fell on the back
porch of her farm home early
tha; morning.
Eagle Band Parents
The Eagle Band Parents will
meet Monday at 8 p.m. in the
O’Neill public school band room.
Duane Miller, music instructor
will give a report on his trip to
Chicago. Parents of instrumental
students at the public school are
urged to attend by the president
of the organization. Refreshments
will be served.
AMELIA — Mr». Dorothy
Garwood. Amelia, announces
the engagement of her daugh
ter, Faye Ixiuise, to Carrol Du
ane Ballagh, son of .Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Ballagh. also of
An April wedding is planned.
Plan Meeting
CLEARWATER — Officers of
the Alumni association met Fri
day evening to begin plans for the
annual banquet to be held in
May. Another meeting will be
held Friday evening.
Several in Hospital
CLEARWATER — Several from
this community have been recent
patients in hospitals. Included in
this number are the following:
Mrs. Martha Wilcox, who is
spending a few days at the Char
les Hartronft home in O’Neil]
since being dismissed from the
Neligh hospital; Fred Lee, who
is a patient in the Tilden hos
pital; Michelle, seven-mcnth-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mel
vin Lund, who re-entered Ante
lope Memorial hospital February
14 after being dismissed three
days earlier, and Lloyd Ashcraft,
who spent a few days in Ante
lope Memorial hospital at Neligh
last week.
Honored on Birthday
Brittell was guest of honor at a
birthday party Friday evening at
the Howard Luben home. Others
present were Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Hubei and daughters, Mr. Brittell
and Larry James.
To Reorganize
Medcalf, leader for the Stitch and
Hoe 4-H club has announced that
a special meeting will be held
February 24 at the Marvin Koin
zen home to reorganize the club.
New members are welcome to at
tend the meeting.
Retires from Company
Anna S. Mathre has retired
from her duties at Northwestern
Bell Telephone company after 32
years of service in the traffic de
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thorin drove
to Park Rapids, Minn. Saturday
to bring Mrs. Thorin’s brother,
Bill Edwards, back to O’Neill.
While there Ed caught his limit
of 1-lb crappies. They returned
President Elected
Aces High bridge club met at
the home of Mrs. Gene Hastreit
er Friday. Winners were Mrs. Ed
Pa'ulson and Mrs. Pat Jacqhes.
Guests were Mrs. Arlon Miles
and Mrs. Arnott Buxton. Mrs.
Dermot Erlington was elected
president. The next meeting will ,
be with Mrs. Jacques.
Lodge Meeting Held
VERDIGRE — Tony C. Paesl, «
John Pavlik, Mario Custer, Fred
Marshall, Floyd Hildreth and
Vac Randa attended a regular
communication of Ionic Lodge 87, .
AF & AM, at the Niobrara temple
Thursday evening. Plans were
made for a meeting Thursday
evening which will honor the
George Washington holiday.
Robert Donohoe and Jerry
Graham were business visitors in
Sioux City over the weekend.
rink * VaIcah _
The Midway 4-H club met at
the home of Sue and Larry Nel
son February 13 for re-organiz
ing. There were 10 regular mem
bers present and two new mem
bers, Karla Anson and Pamela
Crawford.. Year books were made
out, projects selected and lead
ers of each project named. Next
meeting will be April 13 with
Sharon and Karla Anson. Jean
ette Woidneck, reporter.
Address Received
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Grosse have
received the following address for
their son: A/3c Kenneth C.
Grosse. AF 17609157 CMR4, Box
16263 3386th Sch. Sqd., Keesler
AFB. Miss. Grosse is now study
ing in an electronics school.
Wins Cash Prize
VENUS — Mrs. George Jeffrey
has been awarded a 5100 prize in
a recent contest sponsored by
Auto Lite battery in conjunction
with the Ford Motor company.
The contest consisted of 25-word
Grenier Promoted
To Store Manager
Carroll Grenier, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Grenier, O’Neill, has
been promoted to manager of the
Hested store at Douglas. Wyo.
He was assistant manager at
the Grand Lsland Hested store,
prior to this promotion, going to
Grand Island from O'Neill where
he had a similar position at Lee
store. He moved from here in
March. 1961.
Grenier left Grand Island last
week for his new position and his
wife, the former Rose Ann Schaf
fer. daughter of Mrs. Clara
Schaffer, O'Neill, will join him
as soon as housing can be ob
Receive Word of
Marriage of Son
PAGE — Won! has been re
ceived from SP/4 Ronald E.
Summers, son of Mr, and Mrs.
L. G. Summers, Page, telling of
his marriage to Nancy Bishop,
Lincoln. January 5, at Tampa,
Fla. where he is presently sta
Mr. Summers has spent three
years in the army, including a
year in Samur. France, and has
enlisted for six more years of
Atkinson Youth Wins
Leadership Contest
ATKINSON Richard Galyen,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Gal
yen, is the winner of the Youth
Leadership contest sponsored by
the Benevolent and Protective
Order of Elks, No. 1790, Ains
Galyen, a senior in Atkinson
high school, was awarded $50 for
first place. He is active in
athletics and student government
and is in the livestock business
for himself.
Orchard Theatre
To Open in March
ORCHARD — The Rex theatre
which has been closed during the
winter months, will open the first
week in March.
Glenn W'aring, owner, states
that he will run shows four nights
a week, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Friday and Saturday.
Bruce E. VVeier, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Harold E. Weler, O’
Neill was graduated “cum laude’’
at Wayne State Teachers college
at the end of the first semester,
and will presently join the facul
ty of Monticello college, Alton,
He will assume a teaching
position in the foreign language
department where he will in
struct (ierman. He will reside at
1700 State Street in Alton.
Weier, a graduate of St. Mary’s
academy, received his bachelors
degree at Wayne where he was a
member of the honor role five
times. In 1958 he was named a
’All-State Center” on the Nebras
ka All-State football team.
Hospital Notes
ADMITTED: Feb. 13 — Mrs.
John Liska, Mrs. William Wilkin
son and Mrs. Orville Eckhoff, O'
Neill; Mrs. James Coventry, In
man, and Mrs. William Conners,
Ewing. 14 — Ed Flood, Mrs. Dale
Beilin, Frank Clements, Danny,
Curtis and Judy Morrow, O’Neiil.
15 — Mrs. Paul Johnson, Mrs.
D. Edward Murphy and Mrs.
Lewis Coker, O’Neill; .Mrs. Elwyn
Robertson, Chambers; Mrs. Joe
Milacek, Bristow, and Raymond
Stamp, Inman. 16 — Merle Thur
k>w, Stuart; George Fick, Inman;
Mrs. Ernest Pierson, Ewing;
Mrs. Genevieve Harty, Mrs. Clar
ence Gokie, Mrs. Edward Glee
son and Mrs. Kenneth Hunt, all
of O’Neill. 17 — Cindy Sue Paul
son and Jack Taylor, O’Neill. 18
—Mrs. Marion Parks, Page; Flor
ence Ponton, O’Neill; Raymond
Lahmann, Ewing; Mrs. Jack
Tarr, Lynch, and Mrs. Don Mey
ers, Stuart. 19 — Mrs. Maurice
Cavanaugh and Mrs. Dale Wil
son, O’Neill. 20 — Mrs. George
Ramold, Inman.
DISMISSED: Feb. 13 — Duane
Lehmann, Ewing, and Mrs. Clar
ence Gokie and Jan Humrich,
O’Neill. 14 — Mrs. Henry Holm
gren, Naper; Dale Mudloff, Page,
and Mrs. Billy Perry, O’Neill.
15 — Frank Clements, Kirk Gries,
Joe Jereske and Mrs. Paul John
son, O’Neill; Mrs. Alfred Schi
lousky and son, Ewing, and Mrs.
La Mont Miller and son and Mrs.
John Schipman. Chambers. 16 —
Mrs. Frances Teske, Danny, Cur
tis and Judy Morrow and Kath
leen Hamik. O'Neill; R. B. South,
Inman, and Mrs. E. R. Stewart,
Page. 17—Mrs. Elwyn Robertson,
Chambers; Mrs John Laska and
son and Mrs. Kenneth Hunt. O'
Neill, and Mrs. James Coventry,
Inman. 18 — Mrs. Joe Milacek.
Bristow and Mrs. Orville Eckhoff
and daughter, O’Neill. 19 — Cindy
Sue Paulsen, Mrs. Dale Beilin
and son, Mrs. Ed Glee son, Ed
Flood, Mrs. Genevieve Harty,
and Regina Parks, O’Neill;
George Fick, Inman; Mrs. Mar
ion Parks, Page; E. E. Dewey,
Chambers, and Mrs. William Cor,
ners, Ewing.
.ADMITTED Peb 1J - Mr#
Johanna Hamm of Stuart and
Mrs RusaeU Miner of O'Neill 13
— Mrs Francis Lee of Atkinson.
14 — Mrs Donald Mitchell, Mrs.
Ray Timmerman and Mrs Albert
Wasson of Atkinson IS — Mrs.
Ed Coufal and Mrs. Vernon
Heyne of Stuart; Anton W'etch
raan and Mrs Lillie Steskal of
Atkinson and Mrs. Sarah Weber
of Butte 16 — Mrs Richard Hen
ning of O’Neill; Raymond Keogh
of Atkinson and Harry porter of
Stuart. 18 — Mrs. Justin Butter
field of Inman; Joseph Shanner
of O’Neill; Mrs. Vivian Vaughn;
Alois Wcwe! and Mrs. Susanna
Tushla of Atkinson.
DISMISSALS Feb. 13 - Mrs
George Higgins and baby of Na
per anil Terry Kinzie of Butte.
14 — Mrs. Ray LeMunyan and
baby and Mrs. Ray Estes and ba
by of Stuart. 15 — Mrs. Albert
Smith and baby of Atkinson and
Anton JIrak of O’Neill 16 — Mi s
Ed Coufal and Mrs. Vernon
Heyne of Stuart. 17 — Mrs. Rus
sell Miner and baby of O’Neill
and Raymond Keogh of Atkinson.
18 — airs. Donald Mitchell and
baby, Mrs. Ray Timmerman and
baby and Mrs. Albert Wasson and
baby of Atkinson. 19 — Mrs.
Francis Lee of Atkinson and Mi s.
Richard Henning of O'Neill.
LASKA — Mr. and Mrs. John
Laska, O’Neill, son, Gregory
Alan, 7 pounds, 6 ounces, Feb.
ECKHOFF — Mr. and Mrs. Or
ville Eckhoff, O’Neill, daughter.
Kathleen Dee, 7 pounds, 15 oun
ces, Feb. 14.
BELLIN — Mr. and Mrs. Char
les Dale Beilin, O’Neill, son,
Charles Layne, 7 pounds, Feb. 15.
COKER — Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Coker, O’Neill, daughter, Julie
Kay, 5 pounds, 12 and 3/4 ounces,
Feb. 1C.
RAMOLD — Mr. and Mrs. G.
Ramold, Inman, daughter, 8
pounds Vt ounce, Feb. 20.
MITCHELL — Mr. and Mrs.
Donald MitcheLl of Atkinson,
daughter, Debora Gale, 7 pounds
14 ounces, Feb. 14.
MINER — Mr. and Mrs. Rus
sell Miner of O’Neill, son, Jess
Lee, 10 pounds, Feb. 13.
WASSON — Mr. and Mrs. Al
bert Wasson of Atkinson, daugh
ter, Sally Lynn, 8 pounds 12 oun
ces, Feb. 14.
TIMMERMAN — Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Timmerman of Atkinson,
son, Edward Charles, 7 pounds
14 ounces, Feb. 14.
HENNING — Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Henning of O’Neill, son,
Jeffrey Todd, 4 pounds 4 ounces,
Feb. 16.
STOKELY — Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Stokely of Valentine,
daughter, Theresa Helen, 7
pounds 5 ounces, Feb. 7. The
Stokelys have two sons, Tommy
and Joe. Mr. Stokely was for
mer assistant county agent here
and Mrs. Stokely is the former
Helen Engler of Stuart. The
grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Stokely of Lincoln and
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Engler of
ELEY — Mr. and Mrs. Johnny
Eley of Orchard, son, Craig, Feb.
NORTH — Mr. and Mrs. Loring
North of Brunswick, daughter, 7
pounds 4 3/4 ounces, Feb. 11.
Mrs. North is the former Lois
Forbes, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. John Forbes. This is the
couple’s first child.
CRAWFORD — Mr. and Mrs.
Ronald Crawford, Riverton, Wyo.,
daughter, Theresa Ann, Feb. 17.
The couple has another daughter.
GRUBB — Sp. 4 and Mrs. Ste
ven R. Grubb of Lawton, Okla.,
son, Steven Robert jr., 8 pounds
2 ounces, Feb. 3. This is the cou
ple’s first child. Mrs. H. B. Hub
bard of Chambers is the ereat
SHIPP — Mr. and Mrs. Shipp,
Columbus, son, 8 pounds, Feb.
13. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schroe
der, Ewing, are the maternal
TIMMERMAN — Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Timmerman, (Mr. Timmer
man is employed at the Bob Clif
ford ranch!, son, Feb. 14.
AREHART — Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Arehart, Ewing, son, 8
pounds, born at Neligh hospital
Feb. 15.
Orchard Drive Nets
$388 for Polio
ORCHARD — Mrs. Ken Bruce,
local Polio chairman, reports a
total of $388.65 collected during
the drive.
Several activities were sponsor
ed and organizations, as well as
individuals, contributed.
Sweetheart Banquet
Held at Orchard
lowship members held their an
nual Sweetheart banquet Satur
day evening which was attended
by 45 persons.
Richard Bruce served as toast
master and the following par
ticipated in the program: The
Rev. Duane Lenz, Janelle Lauten
schlager, Warren Hill, Jan Wit
hee, Linda Barton and The Rock
Guest speaker was Roger
Horano. students from McCor
mick seminary in Chicago, serv-r
ing a year's internship at the:
Presbyterian church in Elgin.
Decorations were in the Valen
tine Day motif. Serving the ban
quet were Mmes. L. Withee, W.
Lautenschlager. C. Juracek, B.
Fletcher and G. Hamill. i
ATKINSON — Wayne OoJyen, Atkinaon Font dealer, na* reeenlly
m-Ii'cIhI by the Ford .Motor i'om|Mtm to a|»peur on u denier (nuiel
to diM'iina the dealer'* role in the tMeeeaa ol hi* wml ear operation.
The (utnel Man video taped at atwttoa in t ldeafto February 7. Mr.
Oalyeti In allow n here with other member* of the panel (I. to r.l
Oalyell, Itill Blnskovieh, Bert Wolfe and Maury Kemp.
World War I
Veterans Meet
Auxiliary of World War 1 Vet
erans met Monday evening with
a large attendance at the Legion
State president, Mrs. Lulu Nor
deen, Norfolk, was present to in
stall the following officers: Mrs.
Gladys Cunningham, president;
Mrs. Loretta Hynes, treasurer;
Mrs. Pauline Benze, secretary;
Mrs. Goldie Tucker, chaplain.
Mrs. Rose Minton, first vice
president; Mrs. Catherine Mur
phy, second vice president; Mrs.
Martha Wills, guard; Mrs. Isa
belle Moore, conductress; Mrs.
Goldie Heriford, musician; Mrs.
Ethel Auman, patriotic instruc
tor; Mrs. Marie Lowery, one
year trustee and Mrs. Moore,
A past president pin was pre
sented to the retiring president,
Mrs. Isabelle Moore, for her
many acts of service to the Aux
After the business meeting a so
cial hour was held with the Vet
erans. Hostesses were Mmes.
Auman, Benze, Mary Bowen and
Grace Borg.
Sam Watson Named
To Dean's List
INMAN — Sam Watson, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson, Inman,
was one of 57 honor students
named to the Dean's List at Ne
braska Wesleyan university, Ijn
Co-op to Sponsor
Engine Clinic
A .special "Save A breakdown"
engine clinic program for Holt
county farmers will Ik* presented
at the legion elub Tuesday by
tiie llolt County Co-op association.
The program will help farmers
in tills area reduce operating
costs and raise engine perfor
mance of cars, trucks, tractors
and farm vehicles, according to
the association manager, llarvie
Jim Garrison, special repre
sentative of the Oonaumers Co
operative association, Kansas
City, Mo., will conduct the cllnle.
A question anl answer period will
also he held.
teraa, IB, son of Mr. iuul Mrs.
.lot- Viterna, has been (lumen as
the Comhiiskrr Boys Stater
under the sponsorship of Mm Ver
digre American Region Post 259.
lie is it junior and Is active in
FFA work, presently serving as
tier president of the local FFA
cliapU-r. Vltcrna is a member of
the MVF eliureh choir and the
Farmers I’nlon Voirth group. He
participated In the junior class
play, basketball, football, track
and chorus and recently was
awarded a blue ribbon In the Dis
trict IV I'T'A contest at N’ellgh
in the public speaking depart
The Boys State representative
was president of the Niobrara
section of Farmers fnlon Youth
group, and Is now vice president.
This month he will deliver his
speech at the state convention of
the Farmers I'rilon at Grand
Island and will take part In a
panel discussion group.
It f
KWIMi — Clayton Hoke Imm
bwn wlecU-d aa the Kwing
representative at Boys State In
Lincoln to he held in dune. He In
sponsored by the Kwing Ameri
can Legion.
$$ Days Specials
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
February 22, 23, 24
LINGERIE.$2*9 to $Q99
Values to 14.98. Broken sizes in slips, baby dolls, waltz gowns and
Just 13. If you can find your size, they are real buy*. Values to
1 Group
JEWELRY.l/2 Original price
Just 12. Values to 510.
Values to 15. Just 8 left.
BLOUSES.$2 £ $3
Values to 5.98.
SWEATERS .... .$3 to $7
Broken sizes, values to 12.98.
SKIRTS . .7 .$3 to $6
Sizes 10-12. Values to 12.98. Just 14.
Winnie Barger, owner O'Neill