The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 08, 1962, Section Two, Image 10

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    Amelia News
ily Minn Klornac* Unlwy
Wyoming Guests
Visit in Amelia
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Radford,
Mrs. Golrja Nachtman and Bert
Sybrant, Douglas, Wyo., were vis
iting relatives in the Amelia and
Chambers vicinity last week. The
Radfords went to Neligh to at
tend the golden wedding anniver
sary celebration of Mr. Radford’s
parents Sunday. Mrs. Radford is
the former Hazel Coolidge, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Coolidge.
Mrs. Nachtman visited her bro
ther, Guy Blake, who is still hos
pitalized in O’Neill and also her
sister, Mrs. Hamp (Gladys)
Smith, Mr. Sybrant is their bro
The Pine Grove 4-H Hustlers
club met with the Lloyd Waldo
children Saturday afternoon.
B. W. Waldo writes to his fam
ily that he is now visiting rela
tives in Montana, after returning
from Alaska where he had ac
companied his son Harold.
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Svatos and
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus vis
ited at the Frank Pierce's Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Black
more went to Lucas, S. D. Mon
day of last week where they vis
ited his sister ami brother-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Scott. Mr
Blackmore also went to the Doc
tor at Burke for a medical treat
ment while there.
Mr. and Mrs. Gale Fix, Scotts
bluff, came Saturday, bringing
Mrs. Alice Prewitt home. Her
daughter, Sharon, stayed at
Scottsbluff for a longer visit. Mr.
and Mrs. Gale Fix and Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle Fix were supper guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fix Sat
urday. Mr. and Mrs. Gale Fix
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Slaymaker,
Don and Ricky were Sunday din
ner guests at the Elmer Fix
Rodney, Scott and Cathy Fix
spent the weekend with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Er
nest Lane, at Newport. Their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Fix, were
Sunday dinner guests at the Lane
home, and the children returned
home with their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Or land Fry rear,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gruenberg,
Linda and Carol were Sjnday din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam Fryrear. Mr. and Mrs. Gale
Fix, Scottstoluff, were Sunday af
ternoon callers there.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White vis
ited Glenn’s uncle, Cheever Moss,
while in Omaha last weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees drove
to Burwell Sunday afternoon to
visit Mrs. Emma Matthauser. Mr.
and Mrs. Wilbur Kizer, Ord, were
also visiting there.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peterson,
Mr. and Mrs. Art Doolittle and
Dale and Donna Humphrey, At
kinson, were sapper guests Sun
day evening at Bob Adairs.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce and
Mrs. Charles Bligh went to At
kinson Monday where Mrs. Pierce
went to a doctor for a check up.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Edwards
went to Long Pine Sunday to visit
their brother-in-law, Ira Goodwin.
Mr. Goodwin is an invalid. His
wife, Elsie (Snelson) Goodwin,
died recently and his sister, Mrs.
Clara Carpenter, California, came
to care for him for a couple of
months. Mr. Goodwin has visit
ed here several times.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton
entertained at supper Sunday
evening for the following guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gilman, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Coday, Mr. and
Mrs. Dick Doolittle, Mr. and Mrs.
Dunk Peterson, and Mr. and Mrs.
Amos Ninham. The evening was
spent playing cards.
Mrs. M. B. Kennedy accompan
ied Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Bly
to Lincoln over the weekend. She
visited her son, Hale and family,
and the Blys visited his sister
and mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White and
Venita, Joyce and Bruce Burge
went to Omaha Friday afternoon
and visited until Sunday with
their son-in-law and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bailey.
Joyce and Bruce visited their sis
ter, Mrs. Paul Nielsen and fam
Maynard Coleman brought the
mail from Atkinson Saturday as
the regular carriers, Mr. and
Mrs. Dwight Keany, spent the
weekend in Omaha visiting her
Drotner-in-law and sister, Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Gladfelter.
Mrs. Bernard Blackmore and
Mrs. May Sageser visited the
Lindseys Tuesday afternoon.
The “flu bug” has been going
rampant in this community the
past week. The Frahm girls,
Patty and Karen Sue went to
the doctor Friday; Debbie Waldo
was out of school most of the
week. Others ill were Mrs. Elmer
Coolidge, Mr. and Mrs. Svatos,
Mrs. Lindsey, Mrs. May Sage
ser, Mrs. Vern Sageser, Mrs.
Blake Ott, Mrs. Gertie Adair and
Mrs. Rees.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Briggs took
their little daughter, Diane, to the
doctor in Burwell Thursday. She
had a temperature of 106 and a
sore throat. The doctor immedi
ately wrapped her in cold wet
towels to reduce her fever. She
is much better at present.
Mrs. Frank Pierce came home
Thursday from her second stay
in the Atkinson hospital. She is
feeling much better now.
The WSCS met with Mrs. Blake
Ott Wednesday afternoon.
Bob Adair has been helping
Dunk Peterson do some carpen
ter work at August Pospichals
the past week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Everett
entertained their card club Fri
day evening.
Mrs. Lovina Thompson, Mc
Pherson, Kan., has been visiting
her sons, Stanley, Vernon and
Gene Thompson and families, the
past week.
Barbara Thompson, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Thomp
son, is a kindergartener at Swan
Lake school since the beginning
of the semester.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Grimes,
Chambers, visited Mr. and Mrs.
Zane Edwards Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Beckwith
and family, Page, visited her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard
Vern Sageser and Bernard
Blackmore attended a bull sale
at Grand Island Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus
attended a birthday dinner Sun
day at the Roy Backhaus home
in honor of Roy’s anniversary.
Mrs. Edith Andersen, Mrs.
Lindsey and Florence visited at
the Charles McMillen’s in Atkin
son Sunday. Mrs. Julia White is
now making her home with the
Me Mi liens as she had not beej
feeling well lately. Her son-in-lai
; and daughter, Mr. and Mrs
; Frank Braddock, Watertown
1 S.D., and her son Ray White, Om
aha, had been there daring th<
weekend to help Mrs. Whiti
move her things.
Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Adair, am
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eve ret
and Harley were Sunday dinne
- guests with Mrs. Gertie Adair.
Sunday evening, Jan. 28, visit
ors at the Dean Prewitt homi
, were Mr. and Mrs. Hershal Hal
stead. Tuesday evening, Jan. 30
? visitors at the Prewitt home wen
> Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Clemen;
and family.
? Friday overnight guests at tin
Dean Prewitt home were Mr. an<
, Mrs. Hushel Halstead. Lori Pre
I witt returned home with Mr. an<
Mrs. Halstead for a few days.
Sunday dinner guests at tbi
Dean Prewitt home were Mr. an<
1 Mrs. Clifford Clemens and fam
Mrs. Elmer Gxilidge, Mrs
Vern Sageser and Mrs. Mai
> Sageser called on Mrs. Berth;
[ Sammons Wednesday afternoon
Harold Whitcomb, oldest son
1 of Mr. and Mrs. Hank Whit
comb, went to Omaha Wednes
day for his physical examina
tion for army induction.
Beverly Whitcomb returned tc
her work at the air base in Oma
ha Saturday after being home foi
i a week or more recuperating
from an appendectomy.
Mr. and Mrs. Dunk Petersor
returned home Wednesday frorr
Casper, Wyo., where they visitec
their son, Don and wife. Thej
were caught in a storm while
there and reported it similar t£
the ones we experienced in 1941
and 1949.
Mrs. Lew Backhaus observec
her birthday anniversary Wednes
day and celebrated it by prepar
ing dinner and taking it to the
home of Mrs. Bertha Sammons
Mr. Backhaus joined them foi
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Sageser
i Mrs. May Sageser and Mrs. Gu;
Pospichal were O’Neill visitor*
Ewing News
By Mrs. Harold Hants
Miss Hansen
Is Honored
At Shower
Many gifts were presented tc
Miss Janet Hansen at a miscel
laneous shower held in her honor
at the Coffee Club cafe Thursday
evening. Mrs. Charles Roberts,
Mrs. Delbert Carl jr., and Mrs.
Richard Williamson were in
charge of the entertainment, all
prizes going to the bride-to-be.
Miss Marsha Gilsdorf was in
charge of the gift book with Mrs.
Carl and Mrs. Williamson as
sisting. Others assisting with the
shower were Mrs. Josephine Els
ton and Mrs. Robert Pruden. Out
of-town guests came from Nor
folk. Neligh, Orchard and O’
Mrs. Gene Zimmerman and
Mrs. C. C. Hahlbeck became
KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensib
ly) graduates at the party of the
Ewing “No, Thank You” Tops
club held at the J. L. Pruden
home Thursday evening with
Mrs. S. M. Burtwistle as hostess.
Mrs. Hahlbeck was a winner of
a prize for the January weight
loss. At the business meeting,
Mrs. Burtwistle presiding, State
Recognization Day March 31, at
Lincoln was the main topic for
discussion. Group singing opened
the session. Dues and fines were
collected. Mrs. Burtwistle served
a low calorie luncheon.
Mr. and Mrs. James Mlnarik
were hosts at a family gathering
at their home Sunday. The oc
casion was in honor of the birth
day anniversary of their daugh
ter, Mrs. Don Mackel, and their
daughter, Karen and fiance, A/2c
Gene Siems, Rapid City air
base, S. D. A dinner was served
and the afternoon hours were
spent informally. Present besides
the honored guests were Mr. and
Mrs. Dwight Schroeder and fami
ly and Don Mackel and family,
Elizabeth Lynne, the month
old-daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
> Dean Pofahl, wan baptised Mun
ir day at the Concordia Lutheran
church In Oearwater. Mpomor*
, were her uncle •‘Butch’* Pofahl
and Vondell (.laser. Cedar
. Rapids, who was represented by
her mother, Mrs. R. E. Glaser.
Following the service, dinner
| was served at the Dean Pofahl
home. Other guests were
Elisabeth Lynne’s grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Sea
man. Norfolk, and Mrs. Lou!*
Pofahl and Mr. Glaser.
Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mrs. Minnie Larson were
[ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wining and
family. Chambers; Max Kip
ple, Inman; Avis Armfield, At
, kinson, and Mr. and Mrs. Cres
. sel Anderson and family, Bloom
field. Mrs. Larson accompanied
. the Anderson family home for a
1 visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack,
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
1 Mark Thramer and Mike, attend
ed a card party at the Everett
Taylor home in Oakdale January
• The Rev. Mrs. Nina Haines was
i honored Tuesday evening at a
surprise pot-luck supper at the
home of Mrs. Amy Jacobsen in
celebration of her birthday and
also the beginning of her second
year of work in the Church of
the Nazarene in Ewing.
\Tr onH rc Torw* TVstonlr
;ind Steve and Cathy were dinner
guests Sunday at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett
Taylor, at Oakdale,
i Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gunter,
Odebolt, la., were Friday after
noon and evening at the home of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. De
witt Gunter.
Dr. William H. Ross accompa
nied Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester
Schlotman to Valparaiso Tues
day to attend the funeral of
Mr. Schlotman’s mother.
Guests at the R. H. Shain home
Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Nor
vald Borden and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Burnett, Rapid
City, S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Borden, Washington, D. C.; Mrs.
Marsha Borden and family,
Hastings; Mr. and Mrs. Fern
Cashatt, Butte; Mrs. Warren
Black, Albion; Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Borden and family, Oma
ha, and other relatives of S. E.
Borden whose funeral was held
Sunday afternoon at the First
Methodist church in Ewing.
Luncheon guests at the home
of Mrs. Eula Eppenbach Sun
day were Larry Siscus. Bob Ver
.- —
ges. student ministers from the
Nebraska Christian college. Nor
folk. and I.lnda Harden, also a
student at the college
Weekend guests at the home
of Mrs Joe Tomjaok were Mr.
and Mrs. John Tomjnck. Mel
l>eta. Other guests Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs Frank Hawk. Leo
and Donald. Ewing, and Mr. and
Mrs. Leslie Herley and Janet,
Clearwater. Mrs. George I-atzel
was a Monday visitor of Mrs
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Luln-n.
Fremont, and his mother, Mrs
Charles Luben. Inman, spent Sun
day at the William J. Boies home.
Mrs. Charles Luben remained for
a longer visit, returning to her
home Tuesday.
Mrs. Maud Brion. Neligh, and
her guest, Mrs. John Gachis,
Oakland. Calif., were dinner
guests Thursday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Brion. The
women were also overnight
guests Monday at the Brion
Mr. and Mrs R. S. Brion drove
to Chambers Sunday to visit at
the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Walter.
Mrs. Ralph Eacker went to
Grand Island Sunday to visit at
the home of her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome
Fuller and family.
Melvin Pruden, Fort Riley.
• | » » »<»■ J U WUIIUUJ V * Vlltlv*u
ler at the Ben I^arsen home.
Dr. and Mrs. Leo Spittler and
family, Norfolk, were guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ro
bert Bartak, Stfiday.
Leonard Knapp went to Norfolk
Monday to attend a Mobil Oil
Mr. and Mrs. John Turay took
their daughter, Connie, to Oma
ha Saturday where she under
went surgery again on her hip
Mary Ann Bauer returned to
Lincoln Sunday after spending the
weekend with her mother, Mrs.
Rose Bauer.
Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Wood
made a combined business and
pleasure trip to Omaha and Lin
coln Thursday and Friday. While
in Omaha they visited A. A. Al
den, a patient at the University
Catherine Bauer and Mrs.
Rachel Van Conet, accompanied
by Mary Ann Bauer and Bertha
Harris, attended a teachers’
meeting Saturday afternoon at the
courthouse in O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson
spent Sunday’ at the home of
their son-in-law and daughter
Mr and Mrs Oscar Wilson In
Van Ida Weike was a weekend
guest at the home of her mother
Mrs Harriet Weike, returning
Sunday to Newman Grove where
she teaches.
Judy Tinsley. Wayne, came
Friday to spend the weekend at
the home of her parents. Mr and
Mrs. James Tinsley.
Venus News
By Mrs. Italph Hruoklntuaer
Blocks Plan Moving
Soon to Neligh Home
Many from this vicinity at
tended the farm sale of Mr. and
Mrs. Altn-rt Block January 29.
Mr. and Mrs. Block will move to
Neligh in the near future where
they have purchased a liome
A number of the members of
the Work and Fun club met at a
special meeting at the home of
their president, Mrs. F. E.
i Fierce, Monday evening, Jan. 29
Mr*. Pierre nerved refreshment*
at the elo»e of the meeting.
tin. II W. niark *M l«
I >1 tajl/rd at the l.unilbrr*
hospital last week.
The Help V cltili can! party
whi held January 31 at the home
til Mr and Mr*. Otto Matsrhullat.
Pitch was played at five tables
l*rue winner* were Irvin Held,
Mr* Kenneth Waring, Alla Finch
and George Jeffrey Wanda
Boelter received a apeelal prize.
Lunch wa» served at the ckiae of
the evening. Hostesses were Mr*.
Ora Caskey, Mrs George Jef
frey and Mr* Mataehullat.
January 31 Mr. and Mr* Clar
ence Finch Jr . anti Itandy were
dinner guest* at the Alta Finch
home at Page.
Sunt lay, Jan. 28. dinner and
supper guest* at the home of
their parents. Mr. and Mrs Clar
ence finch, were Mr. anti Mr*.
Kenneth Tyler. Fremont; Mr and
Mrs. Arthur Suffiaool, Craig and
Steven, Verdigre, ami Mr. ami
Mr*. Clarence Finch Jr., and
Mrs. F,ln»er Edminsteu, N irtb
Platte, was a visitor at Uie home
of Mr. and Mrs. George Jeffrey
and furnily Sunday.
James Davidson & Sons
Service Since 1901
I lUBAI A| Winter & Summer
American Standard Plumbing Fixtures
Youngstown Kitchens
Sheet Metal Work
M3 E. Doug Ian _Phone 264 O’Neill, Nebr.
Up To 60% Of Purchase Price
$10,000.00 COVERAGE — ONLY $29.00 PER YEAR
See Al Gaskill
Insurance Agency
Phone 710 O'Neill, Nebr.
"No Membership Fees to Pay"
Valentine's Day
Thrill her with a l>eautiful Heart Box of delicious PANG
BURN'S Western Style Chocolates. Everyone loves PANG
BURN’S. She’s sure to be your Valentine with a box of PANG
BURN’S from DEVOY’S REXALL DRUG. See our beautiful
heart boxes—
From 69c
\ ou 11 find V alentines to fit every need on Valentine’s Day
at DEVOY S. Pick your Valentines now from our selection—we
still have a wide selection from which to choose.
The youngsters enjoy giving and receiving Valentines. Pick
up a supply for your children from our stock of Children’s
Valentines in cello packs at—
10c, 25c, 39c, and 49c
A nice cosmetic set by Coty. Revlon, Cara Nome or Shulton
makes an ideal Valentine gift—one that will be appreciated. Pick
out a nice cosmetic Valentine Gift at DEVON’S—we will gladly
wrap it for you.
Now—Timed Release Gives 10-Hour Cold Relief!
Medication released at timed interv als provides up to 10
hours relief from sneezing, nasal congestion, stuffed-up nose,
watery eyes due to common colds or hay fever.
15 Capsules.$1.39
■ ■■■■ mh ■■■§ wmm wmmm mmm m mmma mmm mmm m
New Way to Stop Coughs!
One tiny tablet actually calms the nerves that make you
cough. Stops coughing due to colds up to six full hours. s«h
even for children.
20 Tablet Bottle.$1.49
Upset Stomach? Here's Antacid Relief that Starts
in Minutes—Lasts Hours
Six active ingredients work in relay to provide fast relief
from heartburn, gas and acid-upset stomach. Get Bisma-Rex
Choose your Pharmacist as carefully as you chose your
family doctor. The next time vour doctor gives you a prescription
have it filled at DEVOY’S REXALL DRUG. Remember. DE
VOY’S is where you will find a Registered Pharmacist on duty
until 9:00 P.M. for your convenience.
Bob Devoy, Pharmacist
Open Evenings and Sunday Mornings
O'Neill, Nebr.
WED„ FEB. 14
25 Choice Homed Hereford Bulls
.Ages, Yearlings, 2 yr. olds, S yr. olds and 4 yr. olds roming
from the herds of Perry Cargill and son, Scotia; Louis Zahm,
Spalding; Chas. Taylor. St. Paul; Elmer Olson. Greeley; Paul
Weitzki, Ericson; R. H. Knapp. Ord; Walter Peters. St. Libory;
Donovan and Leon Gantham, Scotia.
Included win be: Crusty, Larry Domino, Beau Aster, Pioneer
Shadow. Double Pioneer, H & D Tone Lad. and Donation, bred
15 Choice Polled Hereford Bulls
3 and 3 yr. olds, from the herds of Melvin Hinkle. Spalding:
Herman Brockman, BnrweD, Eldon Psota, Ord. These are a
-pended lot of Polled Hereford-.
— For further information, write or phone —
L. <J. Walt hers. Anct. O. J. Walthers, Mgr.
Tuesday, Feb. 13 - 7:30 p.m.
At the Burke Sale Barn, Burke, S. D.
27 HEAD HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, 2-5 years old
13 HEAD GUERNSEY HEIFERS. 2-5 years old
All calfhood vaccinated for Bangs and tested for TB and
Bangs. Production records will be furnished. Half of these heifers
will be fresh by sale day and the other half in two weeks. These
are the choice cows picked from a herd we purchased in Wiscon
Jake and Jack Reutter
For assistance in making out your 1961
Income Tax Return, see—
Golden Hotel Corner
Phone 106 - O'Neill
Shop the
| .... ■
New Low Price
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