The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 01, 1962, Image 3

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Terra* of Subnriiptlon: In Nebraska. $2.50 pel
year; elsewhere in the United States, $3 per year,
rate abroad provided upon request. All subscrip
tions payable in advance.
Entered at the postoffice in O'Neill, Holt coun
ty, Nebraska, as second-class mail matter under
the Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. This news
paper is a member of the Nebraska Press Asso
tiation. National Editorial Association and the Audit
lureau of Circulations.
Rosedale News
Carol Mahlendorf
Phono 7374
Friday evening supper guests
at the Carl Anderson home In
cluded Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Landholm and Lou Ann, Mr. and
Mrs. David Landholm, Mr. and
Mrs. Willard Landholm and fam
ily and Mrs. Emily Peterson.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Allen, Ron
nie, Pam and Vicki, Fremont,
spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Mahlendorf and fam
Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Nelson
entertained Pastor and Mrs. An
derson for dinner Wednesday at
the Town House in O’Neill.
Ronnie Boettcher and Judy
Hammon were last Thursday
supper guests at the Harry Mah
lendorf home.
Lou Ann Landholm returned to
her teaching in Omaha Sunday.
Sunday afternoon visitors at
the Harry Mahlendorf home
were Mr. and Mrs. Duane Mah
lendorf, Steven and Lynnette,
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mahlendorf
and Ronnie Witherwax. Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle Allen and family,
who had been visiting there, re
turned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Land
holm and Lou Ann were Thurs
day supper guests of the Ed
wood Martinsons.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Land
holm and Lou Ann were Tuesday
evening visitors and luncheon
guests at the Pastor Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Nelson,
Douglas and Vicki and Mrs.
Fred Nelson spent Sunday visit
ing Mrs. Ella Sedivy in Wayne.
Russel Kenaston was a Wed
nesday overnight guest at the
Harry Mahlendorf home.
Elnene and Dori Anderson
visited at the Oscar Anderson
home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Land
holm, Mr. and Mrs. George Mar
tinson and Mrs. Blair drove to
Yankton last Sunday to visit
Mrs. Landholm’s aunt who is in
the hospital.
Mrs. Harry Mahlendorf was a
Saturday afternoon visitor at the
Duane Mahlendorf home helping
Stevie celebrate his sixth birth
day. Carol Mahlendorf and Ron
nie Witherwax were evening vis
itors there.
Rev. and Mrs. Elden Berger
and son were Thursday supper
guests at the Rev. Anderson
home. Rev. Berger showed a
film at the church that evening.
Lavonne Johnson, Dori and
Elrene Anderson and Virginia
Johnson were supper guests at
the Oscar Anderson home help
ing Paula celebrate her eighth
Vicki and Douglas Nelson are
spending a few days with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Mr and Mrs. Glen Mahlendorf
were Thursday evening visitors at
the Harry Mahlendorf home.
Mrs. Ivar Johnson and Mrs.
Oscar Anderson served lunch at
the Roscdale school Friday at
the birthday party for Darwin
Johnson and Paula Anderson.
Venus News
By Mrs. Ralph Brookti«H»i***r
Viola Pospeshil returned from
Denver, Colo., Friday where she
attended the funeral of J. W.
Clayton. 72, who was the general
manager of the Derby Dome
corporation of that city. Miss
Pospeshil left for Denver Mon
day via bus from O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. LeMasters
and Mr. and Mrs. Max LeMasters
motored to Rawlins, Wyo., where
they attendel the funeral of a
sister-in-law of Mr. Le Masters.
Connie, Carolyn and Patty Le
Masters spent Thursday and Fri
day with Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dorr
and daughters. They were Friday
night guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Soren Sorensen jr.
Vlasta and Viola Pospeshil cal
led at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Brookhouser Saturday.
Dale Dorr was a Verdigre vi
sitor Saturday morning.
Sunday dinner and supper
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Brookhouser were Mr.
and Mrs. Larry Brookhouser,
Gand Island, and Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Brookhouser.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Waring.
Creighton, spent Saturday night
and Sunday with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Gerald Waring.
Billie Marcellus, O’Neill, cal
led at the Ralph Brookhouser
home Monday afternoon. Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Caskey were supper
llictl CVCIUIlg.
Mrs. Fern Morsett is helping
with the house work at the Wen
dell Strope home.
Monday evening visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Block near Star were Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Caskey and Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser.
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Boelter,
Creighton, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil
lis Boelter were Monday visitors
at the home of their mother, Mrs.
Edna Boelter.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Waring
were Monday visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Lysle Johnson
and sons.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Faulhaber
were Tuesday evening visitors at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ora
Caskey and sons.
Mrs. George Jeffrey and Mrs.
Leo Jundt, Creighton, went to
Omaha Tuesday where they
visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Mitchell and helped
their grandson, Jeffrey Jay cele
brate his first birthday. Mr.
Mitchell, who was recently hos
pitalized with a back ailment,
is feeling better now.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch
jr., were Creighton visitors Wed
Nineteen attended the Help U
club party held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Held January
24. Ten-point pitch was played.
Maper News
By Mrs. John ttcbuckum
Several friends and neighbors
gathered at the Grant Reber
home Friday evening to help Mr.
Reber celebrate his birthday.
Those attending were Mr anti
Mrs. Larry Juracek, Winner. S.
D.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gahoy
and family and Mrs. Mamie
Cahoy, Bo nest eel, S. D.; Mr and
Mrs William Goodman sr.. Mr.
and Mrs Neil Helenbolt, Mr. and
Mrs. William Vogt. Mr. and Mrs.
Ward Barnes, Mr. and Mrs.
George Sieh, Mr. and Mrs Milo
Reber, Mr. and Mrs. Hayward
Mueller, Mr. and Mrs Con Sat
tler, Mr. and Mrs William Ull
rich and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sieh.
The evening was spent playing
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fuhrer and
family and Mrs. Mary Martin
were Sunday dinner guests in the
Gene McLaughlin home near
Bonesteel, S. D.
Several ladies helped Mrs.
August Ahlers celebrate her
birthday at her home Wednesday
afternoon Evening visitors were
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ahlers and
The seniors class and their
sponsor, Mr. Opp, traveled to O'
Neill Saturday morning to have
their pictures taken at the photo
wn t* urairu iu a
dinner at the M & M cafe by
the photo shop and a show after
wards while waiting for their
proofs. Mrs. Oliver Whitley and
Mrs. Gene Reisselman drove cars
as well as Mr. Opp and Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. William Ullrich
and Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Ullrich
and family visited Sunday eve
ning in the Johnnie Mitchel home
near Spencer.
Julius Serr took Mr. and Mrs.
Chris Serr and Norman, Pax
ton, S. D., to Omaha Sunday,
Jan. 14, where Normiui Serr
consulted a doctor about his
leg. They returned home Wed
Mrs. Dallas Ullrich and Jeffrey
spent from Wednesday until Fri
day with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Baker.
The West End club held a meet
ing at the home of Mrs. Wayne
Scheonefeld Friday, Jan. 19.
Twelve members were present.
The new year books were filled
and new goals were decided. The
president reported on the council
meeting. The lesson “The Good
Egg" was presented. Roll call
for February will be accompa
nied by giving an article for a
Valentine “grab bag."
A good sized crowd turned out
Friday night at the town hall,
despite cold weather, to see the
basketball games between the
seventh and eighth grade and
freshmen. The second game was
between the local town team and
Gregory town team for the polio
benefit. Winners were the seventh
and eighth grades and the Naper
town team. A total of $46.46 was
realized for the benefit.
Chambers News
By Mrs. E. R. Carpenter
Mr. and Mrs. Richarl Wright
held a closing out sale at their
place in Chambers. It was well
attended and prices were very
satisfactory. The family plans to
move to Washington in about a
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Holcomb,
Aurora, were overnight guests in
the L. V. Cooper home Thursday.
Arthur Fluckey, Omaha, came
Sunday to visit his aunt, Mrs. Art
Fluckey,' at St. Anthony’s hospi
tal. He Was a supper guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Vem Wilkinson and j
also visited in the Loy Fluckey
home before returning home.
A going away party was held
Sunday evening at St. Paul’s
Lutheran church in honor of the
Rev. and Mrs. Roten, family
A large crowd attended. A film
“Mission of India” was shown.
A program was presented dur
ing the lunch hour. A purse was
presented the family as a gift
from the Ladies Aid.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Walter, Nor
folk, visited his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Walter, one day last
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Jarman
spent the weekend at Wood Lake
with their laughter, Mrs. Bill
Ganser and family.
The teachers and pupils of the
primary and nursery department
of the Lutheran Sunday school
gave a party for the Roten child
ren at the church Saturday.
Mrs. LeRoy Holcomb, student
at Kearney State college, spent
the weekend at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter
were Sunlay guests in the Dean j
Stevens home at Atkinson.
Mrs. Marie Smith, teacher in
Valley Center school, was a din
ner guest in the Jack Wining
home Thursday evening.
Dale Adams spent the weekend
with friends at Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Milan Welke and
girls, Ewing, and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Scott and family. O’Neill,
were Sunlay dinner guests of
their parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hertel,
Chambers and Mrs. Helen Clouse
and Mr. and Mrs Bus Clouse
and family Bartlett, were Sunday
dinner guests of Mr anil Mrs.
Cecil Clouse and family.
Mr. anl Mrs Gordon Fluckey
and two toys. Hastings came Sat
urday and visited his mother,
Mrs. Art Fluckey, at St An
thony's hospital iSey wen* over
night guests of his brother-in-law
ami sister, Mrs Vem Wilkinson.
Saturday night, returning tome
Several friends ami neigh tors
went to the Green home Thurs
day evening to help Ralph Green
celebrate hts birthday anni
Eleven friends gathered at the
home of VI rs. Ola Krmer Thurs
day evening to help her cele
brate her birthday anniversary
The evening was spent playing
cards, l.uncli was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jutte were
Sunday visitors in the Sam Young
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Werner
ana Daoy, umana, were weekend
guests in the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wer
Mr. and Mrs James Platt made
a trip to Omaha the first of the
Sunday dinner guests of Mrs.
Charlotte Honeywell were Mr
and Mrs. Frank Urban, Mr. and
Mrs Seymore Harkins anl Mr J
and Mrs. Clarence Knox, Ewing
Afternoon callers were Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Truax, Neligh, and
Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell,
Chamber* Church
Sunday - Church school 10 a.
m.; Worship 11 a.m.
Monday — Junior choir rehear
sal 7:30 p.m.; Junior MYF 8 p.
m.; Adult choir rehearsal 8 p.m.
Tuesday — Junior membership
class 4:15 p.m
Ameliu Church
Sunday The Hour of Wor
ship 9:30 a.m.; The Church
School 10:30 a.m.; Bible Study 8
In the night »u taken to the
Ttw honor roll for Royal la
aa follows: seniors Tom Rund
qulat. Marlene Rader. Jean Pet
eraon; sophomore • Barbara
hospital at Plalnvww suffering
from a hark ailment sustained
when she fell while practicing
basket ball with her popit* Otag
ttoeus revealed that the aclatic
Mrs. Harry Sessions. Santa
Monica. Calif., mother of Ken
neth Eyer, was called here bv
the illness of a slater at O'Neill
nerve was affected and she wa*
put in traction for several days
Her condition unproved sufficient
ly so that she could tie brought
home Thursday where she is re
cu|ieratmg Her place In school
is being filled by Mrs Charley
The boy* (mm the Granuner
Room were in Ewing for a scrim
mage game Thursday. Ewing
Royal News
By Mr*. R. J. tiering
The BTC Club held an all-day
meeting at the home at Mr# Oil
ver Dempster Thursday. Mr*.
Dempster took the place of Mr*
Kenneth Bridge whose family I*
ill with the flu. Present were
Mr and Mrs E E Blmkmore
Mr and Mrs Art Bridge, Mr
and Mrs Andrew Jensen, Mr
and Mr* Waldo Rodgers. Mr
and Mrs Harold Mitchell and
Mr and Mrs. T. Kirby Mrs
Edna Johnston, president, was
unable to be present because of
illness The next meeting will be
with Mrs Kenneth Bridge
Mrs. Warren Holm. rural
teacher, polio chairman for Roy
al supervised a benefit card par
ty Saturday evening, and later
at four table*. High *core prize
winner* were Mrs. Ora Caskey .
and Irvin Held Low score prize |
winners were Mrs. Clarence
Finch sr., and Kenneth Waring
Mrs Kenneth Waring received
traveling. Hostesses were Mrs.
Irvin Held. Mrs. Kenneth War
ing and Mrs Wm. Buxton. The
later was not able to tie pre
sent due to illness.
Inman News
By Mr*. James McMahan
- - -.——————————————
David Sobotka, Norfolk Junior
college student, spent the week
end visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Lewis Sobotka.
Kieth Kivett, Wayne Teachers
college student, spent the week
enl visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Vaden Kivett.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kelley
and Ann visited Mr. and Mrs.
Don Kelley and family, Norfolk,
Sunday afternoon. The I>on
Kelley's oldest daughter, Kim,
has been a patient in a Norfolk
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds
and daughters were guests Sun
day in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Gay Hull and family. Lynch.
Mrs. John Conard, Emmet,
visited Mr. and Mrs. R. B. South
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Kopejtka
and family have moved into the
Tom Engelhaupt rent property
in the east part of town.
Mrs. Raymond Fosler, Beat
rice, is visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Emmet Stamp and
familv fnr a fhtv rlavc
Mr. and Mrs. John Gallagher
returned to their farm home Sun
lay after spending a few weeks
visiting their daughter, Mrs.
Frances May and Jean Ann in
Mrs. James McMahan attended
a stated meeting of Symphony
Chapter OES Thursday evening in
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. South
visited Mr. and Mrs. John Con
ard, Emmet, Frilay.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sanders
and daughter, O’Neill, visited Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Peters and Larry
Friday evening.
B. Butterfield, who is employed
at Norfolk, spent the week end
with his family.
Joe Peters, who is employed at
Norfolk spent a couple of days
last week with his family.
Mrs. Pauline Anderl and Fran
cis have returned from Denver,
Colo., where they spent a few
days visiting relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony
and family visited Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Matschullat at Page Sunday
Terry Anthony, Charlotte But
terfield, Lorraine Butterfield and
Sharon Morrow had charge of the
church services at the Methodist
chuch Sunday in the absence of
Reverend Robert Linder.
Harvey Tompkins, Waverly,
came Monday evening to visit his
mother, Mrs. L. R. Tompkins.
Gene Butterfield, Karon Brown
and Marilyn Siders, who attend
business school at Grand Island,
spent the weekend in the homes
of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Butterfield,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown and
Mrs. Ray Siders. Rosanna Spanel,
Ansley, was a weekend guest of
Marilyn Siders.
Mrs. Ray Siders was a Tuesday
evening dinner guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Tom Cunningham and son,
O'Neill. The occasion was Mrs.
Siders’ birthday anniversary.
Bernice Colman, Omaha, spent
the weekend visiting her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Col
man, and attending the wedding
of her sister, Brenda, and Rus
sell Brandt.
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