Page Newt Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey and boys and Mrs. M. Copes were Saturday night supper guests of Mrs. Hester Edminiten. Mr. and Mrs. “Jr” Sorensen and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, Page. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lichty, Creighton, and Mr. and Mrs. Al ex Lichtly, Brunswick, were Thursday afternoon callers at the Clarence Finch sr. home. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heiss and boys were Sunday night vis itors at the Dale Matschullat home. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart were Sunday dinner and lunch guests of Mr. anil Mrs. Art Mil ler, Chambers. Enroute home the Stewarts stopped at the Robert Gray home. Also there were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tegeler and Den nis Murfin, Atkinson. Private Veldon Gray is home on a two week leave from Camp Carson, Colorado, and is home visiting his parents, the Robert Grays. He returns to Carson for further schooling in base transportation. Bid or Bye club met Wednes day with Mrs. Frank Cronk. Bridge was played with high score honors going to Mrs. Harold Heiss. Larry Mudloff got too close to a fence Thursday while breaking in a colt. A piece of wood two inches long went into the calf of his leg. Medical aid was needed to remove it. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart were Monday night supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Haynes. Mr. and Mrs. L. Henry, Col ridge, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Johnson and Mrs. Emma Morris, Fre mont, were weekend guests here visiting Paul and Bill Neubauer. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynsiki visited Friday in the Hugh Tro shynski home, Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Warneke, Tilden and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat were dinner and sup per guests of Mr. and Mrs. An ton ,Nissen, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen jr. Mr. and Mrs. Art Sufficool and family, Verdigre, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tyler, Fremont and Mr. and Mrs. “Jr” Finch and fam ily were Sunday dinner and sup per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Finch sr. On Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. Allan Gross, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Park, Page, and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Troshynski and Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Mitties, Orchard, at tended a basketball game at Wayne State Teacher’s college. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohn, De loit, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bee laert and Becky and Mrs. Marie Beelaert, Ewing, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ro bert Prill. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Park and Kelly were Sunday dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lydon, Ewing. In the afternoon they called on Mr. and Mrs. Mar tin Pofahl, Ewing. The members of the Hetp-U Club entertained their husbands at a card party Wednesday night at the Ervin Held home. Prizes were won by Ervin Held, Mrs. Ora Caskey, Kenneth Waring, Mrs. Clarence Finch and Mrs. Kenneth Waring. Hostesses were Mmes. William Buxton, Kenneth Waring and Ervin Held. FRITZ'S Body Shop 24 Hr. Wrecker Service Complete Body Work Glass Cut & Installed - PHONE - 86 Day - 473 Night O’NEILL. NEBR. 30tfc - : Mr. and Mr*. N. D. Ickes were Sunday dinner and supper guests of Mr. and Mra. Frank Belmar, Ewing. On Thursday Mmes. Lorenz Riege, Otto Matschullat, Clarence Dobbins and Jessie Cronk attend ed at the Lutheran church in Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher were Wednesday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Switzer, O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs Merwyn French jr and Mr. and Mrs. “Bud’' Ickes were Friday night callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Mat schullat. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher, Mr. and Mrs. William Sorensen, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Asher, Mr. and Mrs. George Wettlaufer, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher, Atkinson, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Don Nissen. Cards were played with William Sor ensen, Mrs. George Wettlaufer and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher winning prizes. The Junior MYF met in the basement of the Page Metho dist church Sunday evening. The lesson was given by Lyle ileiss, and Marilyn Max gave the devotion. It was deckled to hold an iee skating party at the Don Nissen place in the near future. Roberta Asher served lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heiss, ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. John Steinberg, returned home last Tuesday after a few days visiting in Colorado. The Steinbergs visit ed his sister, Mrs. Anna Span hower, and son, Warren, in Den ver. The Heisses visited their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fink and family, Broomfield, Colo. Election of officers were held Wednesday when Mrs. I. O. Woods entertained nine mem bers and one guest, Mrs. Clar ence Stevens, of RNA kensing ton. Mrs. Fried u. Asher is the now president. Other officers included Mrs. Alta Finch, vice president, and Mrs. Anton Nis sen, secretary and treasurer. The Senior MYF met Sunday night at the Methodist church. Alvin Crumly was in charge of the lesson. A pancake supper to be held Wednesday night was dis cussed. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stauffer sponsored the group. Next Sunday night Peggy Sue Kelly will have the lesson. Lunch was served by Juanita Ragland. SOS met Friday night at the home of Mrs. Ethel Waring. Cards were played with Mrs. Al ta Finch winning a special prize. NOK club met at the home of Mrs. Arthur Grass Thursday. The members did their own fancy work. Mrs. Lyndley Crumly will be the next hostess. A no-host dinner was held at the John Steinberg home in hon or of the birthday of George Clasey. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Alton Braddock, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heiss and Mr. and Mrs. George Clasey. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roach and Mrs. Dan Troshynski were Thurs day night guests in the Frank Belmar home at Ewing. The group played cards. Mrs. J. W. Finch was hostess to members of the Neighborhood club when it met with her Wed nesday afternoon. Mrs. Louise Heese won a special prize. Mrs. George Wettlaufer will be the next hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Harmon and family were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Harmon at Bassett. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edd Stewart were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and family, Gene Mudloff, Larry Dale and Norman, Page, Owen Donahoe and Jim Sullivan, O’Neill. After noon callers were Mrs. H. 0. Hill and children and Mrs. Paul Goel ter and Melanie, Orchard. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Haynes were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Heiss and Bonnie and Mrs. Jessie Cronk. The Rev. and Mrs. Robert Lin der returned home Friday, bring ing Joey Linder and Cecilia Pa'ul ley, Tucson, Ariz., home with ! them. The children will make their home with the Linders. Mrs. Roger Bowen accompanied - I Jast: bring in a sample of your soil. We I will have it accurately analyzed and tell you exactly what it will require in Lincoln Pellet-Sized Fertilizers to produce the yields you want. Lincoln Pellet-Sized Fertilizers—available in all Chemix grades—produce better re sults because they are formu- i; lated in Nebraska for Nebraska soils and crops. See Us Right Away West Lumber & Coal Phone 2651 Page, Nebr. 1 them to and from Arizona where she visited members of her fam ily. Dick Linder stayed with the Carl Maxes while his parents were away. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge were Sunday afternoon and lunch guests of their daughter and Mrs. Lewis Copple and family, Nor folk. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kelly, Mrs. Anna Thompson, Page, and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Grimes and daughter, Cham bers, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Hansen, Wayne. The Hansens have mov ed into their new home, moving here from Carroll. ivii. ami ivua. aaiwiu uiauic and Mrs. Mary Huston went to Atkinson Friday night to attend a family church supper. The Rev. Elmor Blain is the church pas tor and is the son of the Harold Blains. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Blain and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Spear, Grand Island, were Saturday af ternoon and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Blain. Mrs. Clara Eggen, Battle Creek, spent a week visiting at the Eld Eggen home. The Eggens took her to the Chris Stelling home in Orchard where she will visit with them. The Frontier— Dorsey News By Mrm. Harold Otbora Leman Huber and Buss Greene helped at the Osborn home Satur day and Sunday, as Harold has been ill for over a week. The men were trying to get water running from the house to the barn, but discovered it had fro zen iv during the severe cold weather. Gordon Barta helped with mu sic Saturday night at a benefit dance for the March of Dimes. Several from this community attended the farm sale of Ray W11 c* Mrs. Carrie Hunter hasn’t been feeling as well as usjal the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Cihlar are feeling better and are recovering from the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wells and boys visited at the Howard Slack home Wednesday. Robert accom panied Howard Slack and Ly]e Wells to the Wilson sale. The wo men visited their mother, Mrs. Howard Slack. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carson called at the Osborn home Tues day forenoon. Guests at the Harold Osborn home Friday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Leman Huber and Mr. and Mrs. Buss Greene The Hu ber* brought their ice cream freezer ao they could make ice cream for a treat. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Millard, South Sioux City, drove here Sun day morning, bringing Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Millard and girls to the Osborn home. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Millard also drove to Spen cer to visit with J. E. Millard's mother and sister and family. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruzicka and Mr. and Mrs. Roger Rosenkrans attended the meeting of the school board members which was held in O’Neill Wednesday. Lynch News By Mr*. Fred Kin* The Junior MYF met at the First Methodist church Saturday afternoon with 13 present. Tommy Thomson served lunch at the close of the meeflng. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Dodson, Schuyler, spent Friday evening and Saturday at the Don Flan ders home. Mrs. Vic Pickering, O’Neill, spent Saturday at the Reno Boelter home. Mr. and .Mrs Wilmer Craw ford and Steve were called to Omaha Sunday due to the ill ness of Janice Crawford. Mr. and Mr*. Art Retxlaff, Gloria and Rodney spent Friday afternoon in Norfulk They visit ed Mrs. Retxlaff * sister, Mrs. Elmer Laubsch and family at Pierce. The Walther League of the Spencer and Lynch Christ Lu theran churches held a skating party at the Harold Micanek dam Sunday afternoon. A wie ner roust was held afterward*. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Marcellus and Mr. and Mrs Henry Waech ter were in town Sunday visiting at the home of Rose and Rile Brunson and the G. L. Mulhair home. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Craig, Norfolk, and their grandson, Douglas Sydow, spent Sunday at the Fred Spencer home. Iris Craig was a weekend guest there. Mrs. Gratia Craig also spent Sunday mere. The Missionary Circle No. l will meet next February 6 at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Ken neth McMeen. The Missionary Circle No. 2 will meet next Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs Har lan Holz. The leader will be Mrs. Lloyd Spencer. Kay Carbon and Mrs. Verna Kalkowski have been confined to file hospital due to pneumon ia. Mr. and Mrs. Dem Jukumsrn were in Lincoln Saturday on busi ness Mr and Mra Harlan Hols. Virginia and Leslie accompanied litem there. The Rev. Glen Dyer k con ducting a study on the "Funda mentals of t'arpenlertng" at 7.30 every .Monday evening nl lltr Wesleyan parsonage. AU buys between the age* of 12 and IS are welcome. Mr. and Mrs. McDowell were guests Sunday evening at the Lawrence Hoy home. Litrell Pickering, boa Angeles, Calif., came Wednesday for a visit with relatives here He works for the TWA and came by plane to Omaha. Mrs. Floyd France is not feel ing as well as desired. She has noi been able to have her arm set yet as her cold is quite bad one is at at. .nmv** s nuapiuu in Sio.ix City. la., and was taken there by ambulance Friday after she fell and broke her arm. Mrs. Homer Grimm spent Sun day afternoon with Mrs. Whet ham Mrs. Whetham and her sister accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Bob Whetham to Niobrara late Sunday afternoon to visit Mrs. Alice Whetham and Mrs. Hart land at Niobrara. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Elsasser were in O’Neill on business Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. Leman Huber and Mr and Mr*. Bu» Greene w*rr Sunday dinner and auinwf of Mr. and Mr* Pal <*boroe They all enjoyed homemade »e cream. Mr* Leman Huhrr and Mr*. Ray Mulhair were in BuUe Mon day afternoon. Jim Svato* was a Friday af ternoon guest at Leman Huber a. Joyce MoGiU *i»nt Sunday af ternoon at the Dill Spencer home. Elmer Hull returned Imrae Wednesday. Jna. M, alter hav ing aurgery January 15 at the Sit. Joseph haapttal in sh»u» ('tty, la. He accompanied Mr. and Mrs. BUI Spencer and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hull home. Those who called on Mr. Hull Sunday were Mr and Mrs Wal ter DeVall, Midway. Mr. and Mr* Guy Hull. Mr* BUI Speitcer and Joyce McGill. * a am a t . B B I tl j\fi§u„y hiuik mw Bill Spencer spent Friday evening with Mrs Bud Stewart and fam ily. Mr and Mrs Bill Spencer spent Tuesday in O'Neill and called on Mrs Hoy Lowry. Mr. Will Cay wood, New Orleans, La , came about January 17 to stay with her. Phone Your News to The Frontier Phone 788 ^-,, I I NKiSww* I mame-^.'I0®/ FOR JUICE C«"! ■ I ^>assrwew..-* | I5nU5nCE Armour's LBS. ^B^B ^^^B W mm ^B^P ^iJB bs ^^^b KCudahy's3V2-OZ* ( ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I . S. D. A. Choice Lb. M <; olden Ripe Florida Juice — Large Size Lb. f BAB MM M MB ________ __ _ I 'bananas oranges 10c!WILSON ,UMP"PART qt ft 9 I U. S. D. A. Choice — Sirloin Lb. I \ 2 its.for rr-A^cc p :r*FRANK5 steak 896 I ! 7flc Z-^->2 7QC t-bones 99c Is JL # SPUDS . $2.29 1 f 7 1 8 » * «**» IJ> I t ~t 5 w w w i Lbs‘ ■ # RIB STEAK.69c ( DUNCAN HINES - WHITE - CHOCOLATE - LEMON SUPREME - YELLOW $ — I , CAKE pkgs. _ 303 CANS STOCKTON ACKLEY - CREAM STYLE tPBB-ii' I PAGE E-VAP Kraft Miniature IOV2-0*. Pkfs. Marshmelows .. 2/49c King Bee Bottle Syrup.10c Wilson's 12-oz. Can Bif. 39c Detergent Giant Sire Tide.75c ^» Kraft Assorted 5-oz. -Jars Cheese Spread . 3/89c Brown and Powdered 1-Lb. Pkgs. Sugar.2/29c TOP C value C