The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 18, 1962, Image 5

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    Naper News
By Mr*. John NcboonbMun
Reinhold Mayers
Celebrate Their
45th Anniversary
The Bill Broekemeier family
entertained relatives at a dinner
Sunday at their home honoring
tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rein
hold Mayer on their 43th wed
ding anniversary. Others present
for the dinner besides the hon
ored couple were Clarence Mey
er, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sieh and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Mar
lin Carstens and family. A cake
was baked and decorated by Mrs.
Carstens for the event which
was served with ice cream in the
Julius Serr went to Clearwater
Monday -to visit with his brother,
Ered Serr, ami in the Jim Mlnar
ik home. He returned home Tues
Herman Windmeyer took his
niece, Donna, and also Steven
Brauer to New Ulm, Minn., Wed
nesday where they will resume
their college work after spend
■■■(, urcn uuiiuays wun meir par
ents. Mr. Windmeyer returned
home Friday.
Mrs. Leona Lamb, Spokane,
Wash., Mrs. Minnie Wentz and
Ted were Tuesday supjier guests
in the Albert Bechtold liome.
Evening visitors were Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Fuhrer.
Mr and Mrs. Wayne Aiders
and family, and Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Conklin, Spencer, were Sun
day dinner guests in the Walter
Aiders home to help their daugh
ter, Lou Ann, celebrate her loth
birthday. Mr. and Mrs. August
Ahlers were later guests.
Sunday visitors in the Mary
Nicalous and Vera Lund home
were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ni
calous and sons, Butte, Mrs.
Freida Nicalous and Dale and
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Nicalojs
and sons.
Recent dinner guests in the
Donald Schmitz home were Mr.
and Mrs. Vern Green, Mr. and
Mrs. Martin Vogt and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Rolf and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Green
and sons, Mrs. Lyle Vaughn sr.
and Paul, and Mrs. Darrel Teck,
all of Herrick, S. D.; Mr. and
Mrs. Lyle Vaughn jr. and family,
Hartford, S. D., and Mr. and Mrs
Lyle Klein and family, Bonesteel,
S. D. From Naper were Gene
Reisselmans and family, Everett
Greens and Dennis, Don Moodys
and family, Ray Vaughns and
daughters, Jim Blums and fam
ily, and George Alexanders sr.
Visitors and luncheon guests were
the Ken Katzers, Wayne and Dot
nis Katzer.
Mr. and Mrs, Orville Vane
took their daughter, Kathy, to
medical clinic at Lincoln Tues
A number of women helped
Mrs. Kreid.i Hlakkolb celebrate
her birthday anniversary at her
home Thursday.
Friday evening guests in thi
William Ullrich home to hel]
their grandsons, Lonnie and Mik
Mite hel, celebrate their birth
days were the Dallas Ullricl
family, Johnnie Mitchels am
sons and Albert Bechtoids.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Davis an<
Mrs. William Blakkolb wen
Sunday dinner guests in th<
Glenn Allpress home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Herrmani
returned home Sunday eveninj
from California where they vis
itetl with relatives since the las
of November.
George Kramer brought his
father, Pete Kramer, home
Thursday from the .Methodist
liospital in Omaha where he
had iwen a medical patient for
the past eight days.
Mrs. Stella Cunningham return
ed home Wednesday after spend
ing the holiday season with hei
family, the Ray Cunninghams ir
Omaha and the Clint Rebers fam
ily in Hoskins.
Dorsey News
By Mm. Harold Osborn
Lee Brady sr. was a Monday
dinner guest at the Thomas His
cocks home.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cihlar were
Butte business callers Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Osborn
took their daughter, Ruth, to
Lynch Sunday afternoon so she
could get a ride to Wayne where
she is attending college.
Roger Rosenkrans was a busi
ness caller in Inman Monday.
Marlyn Graham accompanied
the Cecil Millers to Creighton
Sunday to visit at the Faulter
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Tuch vis
ited at the T. J. and Howard
Graham homes Sunday afternoon,
Jan. 7.
Mrs. Clay Mashino was called
to Lynch Monday afternoon to
get her daughter, Thelma, who
became ill in school.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mitchell
and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta
were Tuesday evening supper
guests at the liome of Mr. and
Mrs. George Prokop in Bristow.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Wells and
Donna, and Howard Wells drove
to Sioux City, la., where Don
na had a medical check-up.
Donna came home with a re
port that she is improving.
%-ton, 4-speed, just completely over
1955 FORD
Vi-ton, V-8, 3-speed transmission.
V-8, radio, heater, Ford-o-Matic.
6-passenger, V-8. One owner and sharp.
1959 FORD
2-door, V-8, Ford-o-AAatic, radio and
heater, exceptionally clean.
It's where you buy that countsI I
Your Ford Dealer Is the place to buy 1
Used tracks >
We stand behind every used car I
and used truck we selll |
316 E. Fremont O’Neill, Nebr.
i Howard H>U» had surgery and
k recovering satisfactorily in
e St. Vincent hospital.
a Mr and Mrs. Harold Osborn
were supper guests at the
Greene's Thursday evening. Har
old attended a telephone meet
ing and Mary visited at the
Mrs. Robert Wells is helping
, at the Clifford Wells home, as
, Clifford is recovering from dental
> work.
Loren Pmkerman is recover
, ing after having a seige of the
I trumps. Several more cases ha\e
been reported in Lynch,
j Claude Pickering shelled corn
; for Frank McDonald Friday. On
. his way home he shelled some
for Harold Osborn.
, Mrs. Robert Wells helped at
, tl»e Howard Wells home Friday as
! Howard is still in Sioux City
where he underwent surgery
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cihlar were
Verdigre visitors Friday.
John Derickson called at the
Harold Osborn home Sunday.
Celia News
Mm. Merrill Andemoa
ivir. ana Mrs. wuoer Coleman
visited at the home of their
daughter. Mrs. Victor Frickel and
family Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Heiser and
family were Saturday evening
supper guests at the Henry Dob
rovolny home. Mr. and Mrs. Du
ane Beck and family and Mrs.
Helen Beck were evening guests.
Gail and Kathie Putnam were
guests of the Alex Frickel fam
ily Friday until Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil McCul
lough, Bassett, were Sunday din
ner and supper guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill
Anderson. Mrs. McCullough and
Mrs. Andersen are cousins.
Dorothy Scott was a dinner
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Duane
Beck Sunday.
Vicki Frickel was a guest Fri
day of Jean Mohr.
Mrs. Mark Hendricks, Mrs.
Omer Poynts and Mrs. Robert
Hendricks attended a post-nup
tial shower Friday evening at
the home of Mrs. Richard Klin
ger for Mrs. Lonnie Sandall,
iormerly Miss Sandra Klinger.
Mrs. Wayne Root was hostess.
Sunday dinner guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Hendricks were the Rev. and
Mrs. Elmore Blain and sons and
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wayman and
family, O’Neill.
Bobby Hendricks was honored
on his seventh birthday at a sup
per Thursday at the home of
his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mark Hendricks. Other guests
were his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Hendricks, Becky, Rickey
and Rhonda; and his great*
grandmother, Mrs. Omer Poynts
and Mr. Poynts.
The Mark Hendricks family
talked by telephone Saturday eve
ning to Mark's brother, Harold
at McAllen, Tex., and he report
ed freeze damage in the Rio
Grande Valley to be very detri
mental, not only to the fruit crop
but the fruit trees also. Some
livestock has perished due to the
severe weather conditions and
loss of fish was reported in the
Rio Grande River. Mr. Hendricks
saiu me loss wouia run into mil
lions of dollars.
The Celia Homemakers Exten
sion club will meet Tuesday,
Jan. 23, at the home of Mrs. Hel
en Beck in Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Omer Foynts
spent Thursday until Saturday at
the Mark Hendricks home.
Evelyn Slaymaker spent Sun
day as a guest of Edith Chaffin.
Linda Chaffin spent the day in
Atkinson with Linda O’Connell.
Bob Hipke spent Sunday after
noon at the home of his cousin,
Charles Chaffin.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Focken,
Wakefield , came Saturday eve
ning and spent Sunday with
Paul’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Focken.
Vanita Scbwindt entertained at
a skating party Sunday afternoon.
Present were, Vicki, Beverly,
Glen, Rodney, Harold and Ger
old Frickel and Joan, Patty and
Eddie Straka.
Mr. and Mrs. John Sicheneder
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
James Sicheneder were dinner
guests Sunday at the Frank
Sicheneder home.
John Sicheneder helped at
Butte Saturday with the furniture
disposal sale of his great aunt,
Mrs. Rose Schneiderbauer. who
died recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Ander
son were guests at an oyster sup
per Monday night at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McMil
lian in Atkinson.
Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman. Gary and
Roger attended church services
at the Christ Lutheran church at
O’Neill Sunday Mrs. Hoffman
was organist.
Mrs. LeRoy Hoffman has two
new beginners. Christina Wat
noffer and Steven Srhaaf. They
started to school January 8.
Judy and Diane Mommsen,
sen, daughters of Mr. and Mrs.
Gerhard Mommsen, spent the
weekend at the LeRoy Hoffman
home while their parents were in
Omaha. Mrs. Mommsen under
went surgery at the Methodist
hospital Tuesday. They returned
home Sunday. The girls stayed
at the Louis Kliments and at
tended school during the week.
Some of the young folks at
tended a skating party Sunday
afternoon at the Natchel Rzeszo
tarski home. Present were Ro
ger and Gary Hoffman, Judy and
Diane Mommsen, Carolyn Gold
fuss and Linda Asher and her
sister. Mrs. Rzeszotarski served
Ed Hoffman and his grandson,
Roger went to Morristown, S.D.,
rm., ,Mn,i.. 4 _..t___ 41__
, WUI*. »| nwvt V UIVJ f
ited at the home of Ed's brother,
Henry Hoffman and family, re
turning home Sunday.
Lynch News
By Mrs. Fred King
Elder T. A. Tyson, who helped
Elder Chase conduct service at
the Seventh Day Adventist church
several weeks ago, was the
speaker at this church last Sab
Janice Crawford, Omaha, spent
the weekend at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Retzlaff,
Chambers, were supper guests
Friday night at the Art Retzlaft
The new gymnasium lunch
room is being used now- About
130 to 1X0 students are served
hot lunches each day.
Mrs. VVilmer Crawford and
Steve were guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Coleman Sun
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Kalkowski
were callers at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Xavier Kalkowski Sun
day afternoon.
Ernie Chore, Bristow, and Mrs.
Dwayne Lockmon, Stuart, were
business callers Friday at the
Youinr l/;
Mrs- Bill Spencer and family
called Monday afternoon on Mrs.
Bud Stewart and family.
Elmer Hull underwent sur
gery at St. Joseph’s hospital,
room 334, Sioux City, la., Mon
day morning. Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Hull and Wayne Boelter
went there Sunday to be with
him. Mrs. Boelter has been
there for several days. Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Hull were also
there from Harlan, la-, and
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull spent
Sunday with him.
Diana and Karen Spencer spent |
Sunday night with their grand- j
mother, Mrs. Elmer Hull.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Thompson
took Mrs. Howard Wells to Sioux
City, la., Saturday to be with |
her husband who had surgery on
his back.
Mr. and Mrs. Bus Greene spent
Monday evening at Leman Hu
bers Mr. and Mrs. Pat Osborn
were Thursday evening supper
guests at Buss Greens. Mr. and
Mrs. Leman Huber also called
there in the evening.
Mrs. Leman Huber surprised
her mother, Mrs. George
Thayer, when she had Lena
Johnson, Mrs. Mike Picklapp
and Mr. and Mrs. Stu String
fellow for dinner for Mrs.
Thayer’s 81st birthday. The eve
ning was spent in visiting
Mr. and Mrs Jake Erlenbush
and Mrs. Ray Mulhair attended
Mrs. Vondicka’s funeral at Ver
del Saturday. Mrs. Vondicka was
an aunt of Mrs. Mulhair and Mrs.
Mr and Mrs. Don Stuart were
Sunday dinner guests at Wayne
Blairs at Spencer.
Join Farm Bureau
In 1962 j
FAMILIES producing all agricultural products- FARM BUREAU
UNITED for the purpose of:
1. Analyzing our problems
2. Formulating action
FARM BUREAU is active in 49 states and Puerto Rico, and
has a membership of over 1.600,000 farm families. THREE out of
FOUR organized farm families belong to FARM BUREAU
Only farmers and ranchers may hold office in FARM BUREAU,
which is supported only by DIRECT. VOLUNTARY payment of
dues, and NOT by a check-off.
FARM BUREAU gives Farmers and Ranchers an effective
means of telling Congress what they want. FARM BUREAU re
presentatives work to get your policies carred out.
FARM BUREAU maintains a full-time representative in the
State Unicameral. Agriculture’s viewpoint democratically ar
rived at by an extensive process of POLICY DEVELOPMENT
is agressively presented and defended by FARM BUREAU.
You Need Farm Bureau, and
Farm Bureau Needs You!
Deloit News
By Mm. H. IMntr
Mrs Charles Bartak returned
home from the Neligh hospital
Monday, after being hospitalized
for five weeks Her mother, Mrs.
Anna Savage, spent Thursday
and Friday at the Bartak home.
Iris Van Ostrand is presently
employed at the farm home.
Mr and Mrs Watson McDon
ald visited the Richard McDon
ald home near Neligh Friday.
Mrs. McDonald was ill due to the
Mr. and Mrs. Watson McDonald
were Thursday night guests at
an oyster supper at the H. J.
Karpgeweit home.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rcimer
were Sunday dinner guest* at
the H. D. Mattson home. O'
Neill in honor of Henry's birth
•lay anniversary.
Anita Lee visited Mrs. H. Rei
mer Thursday evening in Ew
Due to the extremely cold wea
ther news is scarce this week.
farmers and ranchers were busy
caring for their stock and doing
The HEO club met Thursday
at the Ewald Spahn home. Games
were played for entertainment.
Lunch was served by the hostess.
The February meeting will be
with Mrs. Maynard Stearns.
Mrs. Bill Gibbs and baby
daughter came home from the
Norfolk hospital Thursday. The
three other children stayed at
the L. L. Bartak home while the
mother was gone.
Ewald Spahn spent Thursday
afternoon at the R. M. Tomjack
Mrs. Carl Christon, who lives
in Midland, Tex., reports a tem
perature of 8 degree’s above zero
Wednesday, Jan. 10.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Haake, Oak
dale, Mrs. Sidney Anderson and
Tr. and Mrs. H. Reimer spent
Sunday at the Howard Manson
home in O’Neill.
KC Council Has
VERDIGRE Newly-elected
officers were installed at the
first meeting of the Knight of
Columbus Ctfuncil 5218 in St.
Wenceslaus parish Wednesday.
Jan 10 by George M Ponton,
Elgin, district deputy.
Installed were the following:
John A llerout, grand knight;
George J. Vondracek, deputy
grand knight; Jackie Welch,
chancellor; Philip L. Schreier.
recorder; Edwin S. Pavlik,
financial secretary.
Ray Sukup, treasurer; Willard
F. Tichy. advocate; Paul M
Sukup, lecturer; Ted Havercamp,
warden; Joseph L. Sladek, inside
guard. Jotin Lapesch, outside
guard, ami Fred E Dittrick Joe
Jacot jr, ami Alvin Pavelka.
Meetings will la* held every
second Thursday of each month
with the next meeting Feliruary
Open House
Held Jan. 10
For Trowbridge
INMAN — Ernest Trowbridge
was honored Thursday on his 80th
birthday when his sister, Mrs.
Jessie Cronk entertained at open
house attended by 71 guests at
her home in Page.
At noon a family dinner was
served to the following brothers
and sisters: Mrs. Anna Smith,
Inman; Mr and Mrs. Earl
Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Trowbridge and Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Miller, Ewing, and Mrs.
Jessie Cronk, Page, !>eside the
honored guest.
A brother, Elton Trowbridge,
Saratoga, Wyo., telephoned his
congratulations. Open house fes
tivities were held during the af
tern(X)n hours. The birthday cake
was baked and decorated by Mrs
Lewis F Kopecky, Inman.
Mr. Trowbridge resides in In
man with his sister, Mrs. Anna
Funeral Rites
Wednesday for
M. L. Sageser
AMELIA Funeral sen ices
were held here Wednesday. Jan.
10. for one of the okLtune settlers
in the Chandlers and Amelia
communities, M L t Lank»
Sageser, 93, who died January 7
at the ltussctt hospital.
The serv ices were . in the
Amelia Methodist church and
liurial was in the Chamber*
M 1. Sageser was born in
Woodhutl. III. .! arm.ii y It. 1 S*US
to James and Mary Sageser The
family moved to Aft on. la., in
ami lived there until M
when they migrated by covered
wagon to Chandlers.
He was married to IJIlian May
Cl a u son March 17, 1898. They
established their home in a sod
house two and one-half miles
south of Amelia ami lived there
for more than 60 years Two sons
were liorn to this couple Mr.
and Mrs. Sageser moved to
Amelia in Novemtier, 1980.
Mr. Sageser was one of tthc
early breeders of Hereford cattle
in Holt county. He was actve in
many civic improvement affairs
including the moving of the
Amelia Methodist church from
Green Valley to its present site
He served as a member of the
school liourd of the Glecd school
for 50 years, and heliicd build
the Amelia telephone line, repair
ing and servicing lines and
phones for many years, lie was
a long-tme memlier of the I OOF
lodge in Chamliers
Surviving are his wife, May;
two sons, Vem, Amelia, and
Bower, Manhattan, Kan ; one
grandson. Floyd E., Prairie Vil
lage, Kan , and one granddaugh
ter, Sandra, Manhattan. Kan.,
and three great grandchildren.
Pallbearers were Clyde Wid
man, Bernard Blackmore, Hei
nie Erahm, Ernest Johnston,
George Fullerton and Beryl Wal
John Krogh Dies
January 12 in
A former resident of this com
munity, John Krogh, 73. died
Friday. Jim 12. in Woods Rest
Home at Farit mult. Minn . after
a lingering illness
Funeral services were held
Monday at 2 pm in the As
sembly of God church at Fari
bault, liurtal was in Meadow
Ridge cemetery.
John Krogh was lorn February
16, 1888 at Weichel. Norway He
was married to Inez Mamin in
1910 at Pender and (lie couple
farmed 30 years In ttie Spalding.
Owmlera and O'Neill communi
ties lefore moving to Minnesota
in 1940
He is survived by his wife,
Inez; four sons, Carl, O'Neill,
Johnny, Antioch, Calif , Gene.
Nftrthfield. Minn. and Alvin.
Farduiult; two daughters. Mrs
John Piruit, Chadmn, ami Mrs
Dun McClellan, O'Neill; 24 grund
children ami eight great grand
Former Lynch Family
Settled in Illinois
LYNCH Izdters received re
cently from the D. T. Hawley
family stale that they are miw
settled in their home at 544 l’hil
lippa St., Hinsdale, 111 . a suburb
of Chicago.
Flder Hawley was pastor of the
Seventh l»ay Adventist church at
Lynch alxHit six years ago. He
is now associated with the staff
at a sanitarium at Hinsdale, and
prior to Ids move there, was with
his family In Karachi. Pakistan
as a hospital chaplain
Too Late to Classify
I/)ST Wednesday a 2 wheel hand
cart for moving articles some
where between Clearwater and
Kwing. Reward for return. Ph.
726 O’Neill, collect. 39c
i IHC No. 56 baler, 1961 model, (like new)
IHC "H" 1954, new rubber
IHC Super "C" 1953, new rubber
IHC Super "A" 1953, new rubber
Allis Chalmers WD 1953, livepower, new rubber
30 ft. Valley hydraulic rake, 1961 model
24 ft. Barrey hydraulic rake, 1961 model
IHC No. 24 mower for "A" INT.
IHC No. 24 mower for "C" INT.
Ford Dearborn mower and attachments
2 — Complete No. 24 INT. power trail mowers for
H or M
2 — Complete No. 24 INT. power trail mowers for
WD or WD-45
Attachments for "H" or "M" with trail mower with
Wisconsin 7Vi H.P. motor
2 — Bale wagons, new rubber
1950 3/i-ton pickup with 7x9 stock rack, new j
2 — 8x25 cable rack tires
2 — 9x36 tractor tires
Lots of new 15 and 16" implement tires
2 — 2 wheel trailers
2 — 7 ft. INT. mower bars, completely overhauled
40 INT. sickles
10 Ford sickles
Lots of new repairs for INT. mowers
5 — Complete sets of new pittmans
New stock saddle
Sickle grinder and discs with new electric motor
1 — % electric motor
3 — Vi electric motor
Sickle changer
Pitch forks and shovels
HAY BOOM Lots of Good I
and pitcher and attachments SHOP TOOLS
To Mount on Most Loaders This is a very clean assortment of shop tools
2 — Complete bedroom sets Dinette set, complete Zenith skelgas 30-in. stove
| Davenport and chair Kelvinator 7-ft. refrigerator, 12x14 rug and pad, (new)
Platform rocker 1956 model Lots of dishes and household
Roli-a-Way bed, % size INT. 11 ft. deep freeze, 1955 items
Writing desk model Speed Queen washing machine
TERMS: CASH. No property removed until settled for
V ** • ,
Richard and Evelyn Wright
M. Grossnicklaus, auctioneer Chambers State Bank, clerk
—■ i a—i ' M