The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 11, 1962, Image 3

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    Deloit Nows
Mrs. Verhune, Norfolk, spent
the weekend at the home of her
daughter, Mrs. Don Spahn. and
her son, Sam.
Mrs. G. A. Bauer and Mr. and
Mrs. Phillip Thiele were Neligh
visitors Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Temple
and daughters, Hastings, left
Monday for their home, after
.spending the weekend at the H.
Reimer home.
Mrs. G. A Bauer was a guest
New Year's Day at the Otto
Kallhoff home.
Mr. and Mrs. Milan Bom and
Kevin, Humboldt, spent Sunday
at the H. Reimer home.
Mr». Art Keuster, John
Raster and I»uis Funk are pa
tient* at the Neligh hospital,
•t la reported that Louis Funk
underwent surgery.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Reimer vis
ited the J. A. Larson home in
Ewing New Years Day.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack
were O’Neill visitors Wednesday
They called at the Rudy Morrow
Mrs. Charles Bartak returned
to the Neligh hospital Monday.
She came home Saturday for
Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bartak
were Norfolk visitors Wednesday
Mr. and Mrs. H. Reimer called
at the Lynn Carnes home in Ne
ligh Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rexin
were callers at the L. L. Bartak
home Wednesday.
M. and Mrs. Don Larson and
son and Mr. and Mrs Harold
Mlinar and daughter, O’Neill,
were Sunday dinner guest* at the
Leonard 1-arson home.
Guests at the L. L. Bartak
h<«ne Monday were Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Gibbs and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Keith Bartak and family,
Mrs Alice Lodge, Mrs. Vonme
Paul and Larry, and Mr. and
Mrs. Setting and son, Elgin
Naper News
By Mr». John Mchosctaoni
Metha Beck, Winner, S. D.,
came Sunday and spent till Mon
day with her mother, Mrs. Mary
Nicalous and Vera Lund.
Mr. and Mrs. Helmuth Holm
gren and family, Yankton, came
Sunday and spent Christmas with
his parents, the Henry Holmgrens.
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Davis
and daughter, Nevada, la., came
Sunday to spend Christmas with
his parents, the Harvey Davis’s
and with her parents, the Frank
Noziska’s, Atkinson and with
other relatives and friends.
Mr. Philip Holmgren accom
panied his grandchildren, the
Stanley Roggows, Burke, S. D.
to Estherville, la., Saturday to
spend Christmas with Mrs. Rog
gow’s parents, the Rudy Holm
grens. Mr. Philip Holmgren will
remain in Iowa to spend the win
ter months with his children.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene McLaugh
lin, Bone steel, S.D., and Mary
Martins were Christmas dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mary
Fuhrer and family.
Wednesday evening guests in
the Claus Sieh home to help Mr.
Sieh celebrate his birthday and
have their Christmas were, Mr.
and Mrs. Alvin Scheonefeld and
Sales and Service
Butte, Nebraska
Box 144
Phone 5074
37 - 38
sons, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Si eh.
Herrick, S. D., Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Stoltenberg and son, St. Paul.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Schecoefeld
and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Wagner and family, Fairfax, and
Mr. and Mrs Henry Stahlecker
and Laura.
Mrs. George Lamb, Spokane,
Wash., arrived Friday night to
spend several weeks of vacation
with her mother, Mrs. Minnie
Wentz, and with her sisters and
brothers, Art and Ted Wentz, the
Ben Fuhrer’s and Johnnie Bech
Christmas dinner guests in the
Gust Wetzler home were Mr. and
Mrs. Dick Porter and Renee,
Stanton, and Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Kibby and family.
The daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George Alexander jr. was bap
tized Ethel Ann in Sunday morn
ing services with Rev. Kenneth
Strack officiating. Sponsors for
Ethel Ann were Mr. and Mrs
Wayne Anderson.
Several boys returned home
Saturday morning from Camp
Carson, Colo., to spend the holi
days with their parents. They
were Donald Goodman, Harvey
Drummer and Ronnie Kulm.
Sunday dinner guests of Mary
Nicakms and Vera Lund were
Metha Beck, Winner, S. D., Mrs.
Freida Nicalous and Dale, Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Nuemiller and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Harley
Nicalous and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Everett Green and Dennis
and the Albert Nicalous family,
Christmas dinner guests of Leo
Blums were Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Blum and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Jerald Blum and son, Mr. and
Mrs. Melvin Blum and Jake
Sunday dinner guests in the
Ben Fuhrer home were, Mrs.
George Lamb, Spokane, Wash.,
and Minnie and Ted Wentz.
Rev. Kenneth Strack and fam
ily left Sunday after services for
Wisconsin to spend several weeks
vacation with their parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kerns
were both admitted to the Burke
hospital for medical care.
Sunday dinner guests in the
Glenn Allpress home were Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Davis, Mr. and
Mrs. Max Higgins and daughters
and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Davis
and daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Beam
and family, Mr. and Mrs Wayne
Faatz and family, joined other
relatives for a Christmas dinner
in the William Fuhrer home in
Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Mitchel
and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Baker and family, Mr. and Mrs.
II I. II I I ■» I
• •
first of a series
y# " * v x
One of the most important programs helping protect the
public safety in Nebraska is conducted by the state’s Volunteer
Fire Departments.
Volunteer firemen serve bravely without compensation,
giving generously of their time to protect the lives and belongings
of every member of their communities.
Ak-Sar-Ben is proud to honor annually the Volunteer Fire
Departments and the individuals who are making these outstand
ing contributions to Nebraska.
We are also happy to underwrite half of the cost of the annual
state school conducted for the training of these volunteer firemen.
Headquarters .. . 201 Patterson Building,
Omaha, Nebraska
' I
• •
Albert Bechtold and Shirley and
Mr. and Mr*. Berrne Ludemann
and son were Christmas dinner
guests in the William Ullrich
Ewing News
By Mrs. Harold Harris
The Facts and Fun Home Ex
tension club met Thursday af
ternoon at the home of Mrs.
C. R. Alhers. Mrs. Ben Larsen,
who grows violets as a hobby
was the leader, assisted by Mrs.
J. L. Pruden. All officers re-elect
ed in September began their 1962
terms. They are Mrs. Pruden,
president; Mrs. Ella Ziems, vice
president; Mrs. H R. Harris,
secretary-treasurer and publicity
chairman; Mrs. Ralph Eacker,
music chairman, Mrs. Harry
Van Horn, reading, and Mrs.
Chester Taylor, health. Twelve
members were present and one
guest, Mrs. Earl Pierson. A
social hour with refreshments,
served by the hostess, brought
the meeting to a close.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dunaiway
have returned to their home in
Ewing after spending New
Year’s weekend with relatives in
Council Bluffs, la.
Mrs. Mildred Wright and fam
l\y wciu lu uidiuu'is
31 to attend a family gathering at
the home of her mother, Mrs.
Bertha Lehlmen.
Mrs. Mildred Wright accom
panied by Mrs. Keith Biddle
come, went to Norfolk Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cue, Co
lumbus, spent the New Year’s
weekend at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Lee. Other vis
itors were Mr. and Mrs. John
Tomjack, Elaine and Mary, Mel
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Ruby,
who had spent the holidays with
their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. James Ruby and
family, in California returned
home Wednesday. Their son,
James, who is in the U. S. Navy
was also home on leave.
Hazel Ruby and Elsie Chase
were O’Neill visitors Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Rockey
and family returned home Thurs
day from the holiday vacation
spent in Florida with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R.G. Rockey.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cunning
ham, O’Neill, spent New Year’s
Day at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Pierson.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Walter,
Atkinson, are spending a few
days in Ewing visiting relatives
and friends.
Lynne Rotherham, who spent
a part of the holiday vacation at
the Lyle MoNabb home in Om
aha returned home Thursday
with her brother, Larry Rother
ham, who spent New Year’s va
cation at the parental home. He
returned to Lincoln Wednesday.
The lesson for the Womens So
ciety of Christian Service was
presented by Mrs. Curtis Ro
berts at the Wednesday meeting
held at the First Methodist
church parlors. She was assisted
by Mmes. Ray Sedivy, Anna Pol
lock, J. L. Pruden and Fred
Bollwitt. Mrs. Roberts was al
son in charge of the devotional
period with Mrs. Bollwitt as pi
anist. A report of WSCS work in
Alaska was given by Mrs. Earl
Van Ostrand. Mrs. James Tins
ley read an article about the
Navajo Indians. The visiting
committee for January will be
Mrs. Lester Spragg and Mrs.
Van Ostrand. A card was read
from Mrs. Earl Billings who has
been under a doctor’s care at
Hastings and a card was sent
to Mrs. Ralph Eacker, hospita
lized at Grand Island. Mrs. Pru
den gave a reading for the open
ing of the meeting conducted by
Mrs. James Tinsley. Sixteen
members answered roll call. Re
freshment hostesses were Mrs.
Dewitt Hoke and Mrs. Bollwitt.
New officers presiding at the
regular meeting of the Christian
Mothers, held Tuesday evening
at St. Dominic’s Hall were: Mrs.
Joseph Kaczor, president; Mrs.
David Burk, vice president;
Mrs. John Miller, secretary, and
Mrs. Gail Boies, treasurer. At
the business meeting in charge
of Mrs. Kaczor. St. Rose’s cir
cle was requested to sponsor a
public card party during Janu
ary. Mrs. Ray Funk is the chair
man. Preceding the business
meeting, the group met at St.
Peter’s church where prayers
of the confraternity were recited.
Card games were played during
the social hour. Refreshment
hostesses were: Mmes. Ralph
Munn, Rose Bauer, Merton
Dierks and Merle Sehi.
Otto Schnering, Founder
Represented by*
O’Neill. Nebraska
Phone 4*0
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright and
sons joined members of the fam
ily at the home of her brother
in-law and stater, Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Gillogly. at Inman to spend
New Year's Day.
Cindy Savidge, Oakdale, and
Cathy Bartak spent last week
with their grandmother, Mrs An
na Savidge They returned home
Saturday Mrs. Savidge and Mrs.
Inei Jaake were guests Christ
mas Day at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Savidge at Oakdale.
Mr. and Mrs Roberto Tams
and family. Battle Creek were
afternoon and luncheon guests at
the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Tams, New Year’s
Day. Mr. and Mrs. Leon AUe
mang and son, Norfolk, were re
cent callers at the Tams home
in Ewing.
Guests at the home of the Rev.
and Mrs. Lester Spragg New
Year's Eve were Mr. and Mrs.
Aubrey Wood and Mr. and Mrs
Waldo Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. R S. Brion and
sons spent New Year's Day with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs J. W
Walter, at Chambers.
Mrs. Kittie Fry was a guest
New Year’s Day at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Napier.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rother
ham and family went to O’Neill
Christmas to join a family ga
thering at the home of her grand
father, T. J. Donohoe.
A New Year’s eve gathering
was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Rotherham. Present
were Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ro
therham and family, Niobrara;
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bredcn
kemp and sons, York; Bemadine
Rotherham, Columbus, and Mr.
and Mrs. Ivan Wright and fam
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright had
ax their guest* Christmas Day
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H<«asw
and family. Orchard; Mr and
Mrs Stanley Bartoa and Mr and
Mrs Merlyn Shaw, O'Neill. Mr.
and Mrs Glen Gillogly and fam
ily, Inman, Mr. and Mrs David
Wright. Clifford Jurac«-k and
Fred Wright, Ewing, and Bever
ly Snider, Clearwater
Mr and Mrs Harold Parks jr.
had as their guests Sunday her
sister, Mrs. Dean Clayton and
family, Sacramento, Calif.; Mr
and Mrs. Harold Parks sr , Ew
ing, and Mr. and Mrs. Rdaert
Parks and family, Gering
Mr and Mrs Terry Erb en
tertained New Year's Day at a
family dinner. Present were Mr.
and Mrs Clifford Hahlbeck and
family, Mr and Mrs. C. C. Hahl
beck, Mrs. Amelia Larsen and
Ora Tucker, Ewing; Mr. and
Mrs Arthur Erb and family and
Mr and Mrs. Clifford Erb, Or
chard, and Mr and Mrs. Jerry
Hahlbeck, Norfolk t
Sunday guests at the C. C.
Hahlbeck borne were Mr. and
Mrs. Jerry Hahlbeck. Norfolk,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larson,
Page, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Michael, Clearwater.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Conner spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Eben Graf ft
Mrs. Thomas Eacker and
children drove to Grand Is
land to spend New Year’s Day
with Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Full
er and family and Mrs. Ralph
A family gathering was held
New Year's Day at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk. A din
ner was served and the afternoon
hours were spent informally.
Present were Mrs. Laura Spittler,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bartak and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Regan
and children, Mrs. Bertha Archer
and Mra. Nellie (Corner
Mr. and Mra. Roland Horde
were guests of Hewitt Gunter
Mrs. Eva Kacaor was honored
guest at a dinner at the Ben
Larsen home Thursday evening
in honor uf her birthday anniver
sary Others present were Mr
and Mrs Roland Horde, Mrs El
la Ziems and Mr and Mra. Will
Mr and Mrs Howard Miller,
North Platte, called at the homes
of hts sisters, Mrs Jessie Angus
and Mrs Ed Hoag. Tuesday.
Mrs Althea Peterson Is spend
ing the holidays in California
with her daughter. Mrs. L Miller
and family.
Sunday guests at the Ben Lar
sen home were tier nephew, Jo
seph Clinch and wife, Omaha.
Sp 4 Melvin Pruden, Fort Riley.
Kansas, and Rita Larson, Page,
vuuted Sunday with Mr and Mra.
Lamen. Mr and Mm Henry
Clinch arid son returned to Otn
aha Wednesday after attending a
lew day* with the Lametta
Mr. and Mrs John LaUel hod
aa their gnetU Sunday Mr am!
Mra Eddie Karcor and family
and Mr. and Mm August Thiele
anti family.
Mr and Mra L A Hobbs were
host* at a family dinner al their
home Chrtatonaa Day.
Mrs Ho* Harding returned U>
her home In O'Netll Tuesday af
ter attending a few days With her
aondn-Uiw and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs L A. IliMw Mr and Mrs
Hubbs were guests New Year's
Day at the home of Mr and Mr*.
William Hobbs.
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For assistance in making out your 1961
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Phone 106 - O'Neill
Lowest Prices Say
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O'Neill, Nebr.|
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