The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 04, 1962, Image 5

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    John Stellings Honored Sunday
On 50th Anniversary at Orchard
ORCHARD -- Mr. arid Mrs.
John Stelling were honored Sun
day, Dec. 31, at a dinner and
open house observance on their
50th wedding anniversary.
Folly relatives were present
for the dinner held at their home,
at which time their daughter,
Mrs. Carl Nelson, presided as
In the afternoon the reception
was held at the I region hall from
2 to 5 pm. A granddaughter.
Miss Carol Jean Drager, Lincoln,
took care of the guest hook. At
the gift table were Mrs. Dale Mc
Nabb, Ix*s Moines, la., and Mrs.
Lyle McNabb, Omaha.
Presiding at tthe coffee service
were Mrs, Roliert Utterback,
Bloomfield, and Mrs. Danny Sail
man, Norfolk Mmes. Raymond
Stevens, Louis Shrader, Fremont
Curtiss, Rolx*rt Odem, Keith
Thelander and Hoyt Sirek as
sisted with the serving.
A program was presented by
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Trease,
Mr*. Sirek and the Rev. I mane
Mr. and Mrs. Stelling were
married at the home of the
bride'* parents, Mr. and Mrs.
William Sallman. who resided
three miles south of Orchard.
Mrs. Stelling. the former Della
Sallman, was ls»rn in Meredosia,
111., April 19. 1892 Mr. Stellmg's
parents were Mr. and Mr*. Chris
Selling, and he was bom near
Bassett March 23, 1889.
The couple resided in Orchard
the entire 50 years of their mar
ried life. They are members of the
EUB church. Mr. Stelling, serv
ing as justice of peace, is a mem
ber of the Modem Woodmen of
America. His wife is a member
of the Rebekahs.
They have three daughters,
Mrs. Carl.Nelson, Orchard, Mrs.
Don Drager, Lincoln, and Mrs.
Gerald Tibbs, Norfolk; three
grandchildren and three great
Bert rinks Honored At Ewing
At Anniversary Open House
EWING Fifty years of wed
ded life were celebrated Thurs
day afternoon, Dec. 28, when Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Fink observed
their golden wedding anniversary
with open house festivities in the
United Presbyterian church an
Preceding the open house, a
dinner was served for the honor
ed couple and their families with
50 in attendance.
The anniversary cake was cut
and served by Mrs. Lee Fink and
Mrs. William Fink. Assisting
with serving were Mrs. Dave Pol
lock and Mrs. Tom Sinnard.
Granddaughters, Gayle Hall and
Sherilyn Fink, served the coffee
and punch, and grandsons,
Timotny and Greg Fink, had
charge of the guest book which
was signed by 155 guests.
A program was presented with
Harold Fink serving as master
of ceremonies. The Rev. Everett
Keesler offered prayer and the
following participated in the pro
gram, Mr. and Ms. Lewis Cop
pie, Mrs. Don Larson, Sandra
and Douglas Shrader, William
Lofquist, Leo and Walter Miller
Wendell Switzer, Joan Miller anc
Mrs. Wilbur Spangler.
Nineteen of the guests preseni
for the affair attended school ir
District 138 which is now in the
Page district.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink were
married December 13, 1911 a'
the home of the bride’s parents
Mr. and Mrs. William Ijord, neai
Page by tthe Rev. Bartley Blain
Three of the guests at oper
house Thursday were present 5(
years ago at the ceremony, Mr
Fink’s brother, George, and sis
ter, Mrs. Bert Bradeen, and Ver
non Hunter.
The Finks resided on a farm
near Page for a few years before
moving to their present home
near Ewing in 1920. They have
five children, Mrs. Abe Paul, Me
Pherson, Kan.; Harold, Oakland
Calif.; Lee, Page; William
Englewood, Colo., and Dale
Livermore, Calif. There are T
grandchildren and two grea
w m
Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes Honored
On 45th Anniversary Dec. 31
PAGE — Mr. and Mrs. N. D.
Ickes observed their 45th wed
ding anniversary Tuesday, Jan.
2, and to mark the occasion were
guests of honor at a dinner held
Sunday at Ash Grove hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Nevin Ickes jr.,
and Mr. and Mrs. Soren Soren
sen jr.. were hosts at the dinner.
The table was decorated with
holly and centered with a three
tier cake baked and decorated by
Mrs. Max LeMasters.
Mr. and Mrs. Ickes were mar
ried at Grand Island January 2,
1917 with Mrs. Adolphe Zeller.
Poole, and Mrs. P. H. Thomas as
their attendants. They started
housekeeping on the Charley
Johnson farm northwest of Orch
In 1919 they bought the Charles
Davis homestead and have lived
in the Page community since that
They are the parents of eight
children: Dr. Millard W. Ickes,
Nampa. Ida.; Mrs. Marion Jack
son. Seattle, Wash.; Mrs. Nev
Kainer. Regina. Saskatchewan
Canada: Mrs. Sybil Malm be r;
Gordon; Nevin Ickes jr., Page
Mrs. Lola Jean Sorensen, As
Grove; Dr. Lionel C. Ickes, i
service in New Orleans, La., ar
Dennis, a student at the Ur
versity of Nebraska. They ha\
23 grandchildren.
The couple is semi-retired bi
still manages to keep busy wi1
various interests. Both are vei
fond of playing cards and enjc
games with their friends. Mr
Ickes has been a long-time co
respondent and feature writer fc
The Frontier.
Present for the Sunday dinn<
were the families of Soren Sore]
sen jr.. Nevin Ickes jr., Dale L
ness. Boyd Bennett. Tilden. Vei
Whittaker, Chambers, and Dea
Stevens. Atkinson; also Denn
Ickes, Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. i
M. Inness. Meadow Grove, M
and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter, Qian
bers. and Mr. and Mrs. Rawlin
Paul, Missouri Valley, la.
EL&BEItRY — Mr and Mrs
Gary Elsberry of O'Neill, son,
Robert Alien, 7 pounds 4 ounces,
Dec 27.
COUGHLIN — Mr. and Mrs.
James M. Coughlin of Denver,
Colo., son, Walter James, 7
pounds, Dec. 30. This is the cou
ple’s first child. She is the for
mer Mary Lou Wilson. The grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter
J Coughlin of Denver and Mr.
and Mrs. Eld Wilson of O’Neill.
MCKENNY — Mr. and Mrs.
James McKenny of Denver, Colo.,
daughter, Joan Ellen, Dec. 18,
Mercy hospital. Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Harding of O'Neill are
the paternal grandparents. The
couple now has two sons and two
Mrs. Arnold Oltjenbruns of Plain
view, son, 7 pounds 4 ounces,
Dec. 30. The mother is the former
Jeanne Schnabel of Clearwater.
Mrs. L. C. Schnabel is the mater
nal grandmother.
Hospital Notes
ADMISSIONS: Dec. 27 — Albert
Dahlberg of Lynch; Mrs. Gary
Elsberry and Leonard Schommer
of O’Neill; Gary Bowen of Page
and Mrs. Wayne Smith of Cham
bers. 28 — Mrs. Harry Spall, Mrs.
Await Spangler and Mrs. William
McIntosh of O’Neill; Mrs. Robert
Pruden and Mrs. George Roby
of Ewing; Mrs. Henry Kinney ol
Fremont and Vern Sageser of
Amelia. 29 — Renee Brinkman ol
Bayside, Calif.; Mrs. James Co
ventry of Inman and Mrs. Leo
Johnson of Spencer. 30 — Letta
Conrad and Mrs. John Grutsch
sr. of O’Neill and Mrs. Floyd
Whitaker of Chambers. 31 — Hen
ry Dorr and John Gallagher ol
Inman and Zoe Zastrow of O’
Neill. Jan. 1 — Nyla Ann Ohri ol
Spencer. 2 — Mrs. Duane Gray
Mrs. Hugh Birimingham, Theo
dore McKenzie and Linda Hynes
of O’Neill; Verona Frerichs ol
Page; Mrs. William Craig of Em
met; Mrs. Emil Klasna and Ro
bert P. Hamilton of Spencer. 3—
! Theresa G. Bazelman and Mrs
i Harry Spall of O’Neill.
DISMISSALS: Dec. 27 — Mrs
Lloyd Whitaker and Mrs. Zanc
Rowse of Chambers; Paul Sed
lacek of Spencer and Jolene Stut;
of O’Neill. 28 — Mary Ann Indra
Robert Strube, Mrs. Russell Yas
ten and Sharon Velder of O’Neill:
Gary Bowen of Page and Mrs
George Roby of Ewing. 29 -
Linda Donlin, Michael Gude, Mrs
Harry Spall, Mrs. William Mein
1 tosh and Leonard Schommer o:
O’Neill; Charles Fox jr. of In
man; Mrs. Henry Kinney of Fre
mont and Mrs. Wayne Smith o
Chambers 30 — Albert Dahlberg
of Lynch and Mrs. James Coven
try of Inman. 31 — Cheryl Spal
and Mrs. Gary Elsberry and babj
of O’Neill and Mrs. Max Wan
ser of Ewing. Jan. 2 — Rene*
Brinkman of Bayside, Calif.; Mrs
Robert Pruden of Ewing; Mrs
Await Spangler and Mrs. Lyl*
Tucker of O’Neill and Mrs. D.A
Gunter of Ewing. 3 — Mrs. Hugl
Birmingham of O’Neill and Mrs
Lloyd Wintermote of Chambers
ADMISSIONS: Dec. 26 — Jai
2 — Mrs. Carl Lorensen of Fair
fax, S. D. and Mrs. Reuben Avo;
of Spencer.
DISMISSED: Mrs. Willian
Weidner jr. of Fairfax, S. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Pickering
Rodney Retzlaff, Gloria Retzlaf
and Dan Schaaf of Lynch; Mrs
Agnes Johnson, Mrs. Joe Loock
Henry Hargens, Mrs. Earl Allen
Mrs. John Carr, Gregory Hansel
and Larry Tejral of Spencer
Mrs. Walter Svatos and Larr;
Sexton of Verdel; Audrey Dop
heide and Mrs. Don Walker o
Butte and Michael Blum of Na
EXPIRED: Dec. 29 — Mrs
Josefa Sedivy, 85, of Spencer
30 — Mrs. Rose Schneiderbauei
70, of Butte.
O'Neill Locals
Farewell Party Held
A farewell dinner was give:
Sunday by Mrs. Grant Wilcos
Clearwater, in honor of Harla
Haake who left for army servic
Tuesday. Attending besides th
honored guest were Mr. an
Mrs. C. D. Hartronft, Mr. an
Mrs. Dennis Hansen and Mr. an
Mrs. Carl Haake. Clearwater.
Houseguests in the Williar
a Froelich home during the yule
! tide season were their son-in-la1
/ and daughter. Mr. and Mr:
James Vetter, their sons, Jim an
h Chuck Froelich, Washingtoi
n D. C.: also their son and daugl
d ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bi
i- Froelich, Wichita, Kan. The sei
e ior Froelichs hosted their annul
Christmas Eve dinner at th
it Town House. Present were Mj
b and Mrs. Vetter, Mr. and Mr:
y William Riley and family, Mi
y and Mrs. Bob Berigan and family
*• Mr. and Mrs. Ed Campbell sr
c~ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Campbell jr. an
>r family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fro<
lich. Chuck and Jim Froelich an
Mrs. H. J. Birmingham.
J Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hartronf
n Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hansen an
n Dean were New Years dinne
s guests at the home of Mr. an
L Mrs. Don Larson and son. 0
r. Neill.
i- Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hollida
g and daughter. Grand Island, sper
Thursday and Friday visiting s
the home of Mr and Mrs. Don
Loy, O'Neill.
Christmas guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs Don Lyons, were
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Lyons and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Lyons and son. Mr. and Mrs Bill
Modlin, Craig, also spent the holi
days at the home of Mr and
Mrs. Don Lyons.
Mr. and Mrs Elroy Lieb spent
Sunday m Randolph visiting Mr
and Mrs. Darrel Heese. New
Years Eve guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Lieb were Mr and
Mrs. Eld Tharnish and family.
Ronald Holly returned home
Wednesday to spend the holidays
with his parents, Mr and Mrs
Stanley Holly.
Betty Schultz returned to Law
rence, Kan., where she attends
the University of Kansas after
spending the holidays with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Devoy
and children and Sasun anti Ellen
Abart sjient a day in Sioux City
visiting relatives.
Meeting Is Held
The Catholic Daughters met
Tuesday evening at the KC hall
for a business meeting and social
evening. In the playing of cards,
prizes were won by Mrs. Mildred
Honke, Mrs. Ray Dendinger and
Mrs. Eld Murray.
Honored at Party
Mrs. Agnes Gaffney, Emmet,
who is leaving this week to make
her home with a niece in Kentuc
ky, was guest of honor at a fare
well party held Thursday in the
Methodist church parlors at Em
met. Thirty-three women were
present for the affair. Mrs. Gaff
ney was presented a gift after
which lunch was served. Mrs.
Florence Abart and Mrs. John
Gonard were in charge of ar
1 tlllgCIIlCIllO.
Stuart News
By Mrs. Herb Skaia
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lockmon
and family had as their New
Years day guests, Mr. and Mrs.
Joe Schmaderer and family and
Sally Brewster.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Christensen,
Omaha, were Tuesday until
Thursday guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Dwaine Lockmon.
Mr. and Mrs. Dwaine Ulrich,
Glen and Carolyn, spent New
Years day at Atkinson with Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Ulrich.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murphy.
Wayne, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Dwaine Ulrich and fam
Friday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Steinha'user were Mr
and Mrs. Fred Hoffman, Lincoln
and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hoffman.
Danny Hoffman was a Satur
day overnight guest of Mr. anc
Mrs. Jimmy Hoffman.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steinhaus
er were Christmas dinner guest!
at the William Morgan home ir
Atkinson. Christmas week visitor!
in the Steinhauser home were Mr
and Mrs. A. Kruger and sons
Wanewega, Wis., and Mrs. Roj
Gilg and children, Atkinson. Fri
; day dinner guests were Mr. anc
Mrs. Fred Hoffman and boys
Lincoln, and Mr. and Mrs. Wil
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs
Kasper Harley were Mr. and Mrs
Blaine Garwood and sons, Mr
and Mrs. Richard McConnell anc
family, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Har
ley and family, Mr. and Mrs. A1
i vin Harley and family, Plain
view and Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Snyder and family, Fort Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Skaia enter
i tained at three tables of pitch
Sunday evening at their home
, Prize winners were Keith King
Mrs. Mike Cadwallader, Don Cad
i wallader, Mrs. Keith King anc
Glen Cadwallader. Mr. and Mrs
, Mike Cadwallader will have th<
f next party January 12.
New Years dinner guests of Mr
nnrl A T «... ^ TIT • _ 1
o. ua TT C1UUUOU am
’ family were Mr. and Mrs. Gler
! Cadwallader and family and Mr
and Mrs. Harry Hood and boys
r Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Shattuck.
Oxford, were Wednesday sup
[ per and overnight guests at the
L. H. Steinhauser home. The
Shattucks are former Stuart re
sidents. When he (Shine) was
superintendent of the Stuart
Power plant.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Steinhause:
entertained at supper and card:
, Saturday evening honoring thei:
son, Tony, who is home iron
Wayne State college for the holi
days. Guests included Mr. an<
Mrs. Jim Steinhauser and son
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Dobrovoln;
and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Rober
3 Smith, Don Fuller, Don Allison
Chicago and Tom Brewster, Lin
3 coin.
3 Mr. and Mrs. Lou Skala arriv
* ed Sunday evening to visit a fev
j days at the home of their son
^ Herb Skala and family, Mr. an<
j Mrs. Skala returned to thei
home at Alliance Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnsoi
3 and daughters spent from Decern
- ber 21 to December 31 at Grants
c H. M., visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ter
; ry Johnson and family and Mr
j and M-s. Marvin (Red) Johnsoi
t and family
i- Mr. and Mrs. Vernon McCluri
j entertained four tables of pitcl
i- players Sunday evening at thei
J home. Prize winners were Elgi
e Irish, Mrs. Harry Cadwallader
•. Clifford Nelson and Mr. and Mrs
i. Frank Johnson. Mr. and Mrs
. Harold Butler will have the nex
party January 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Butler ha<
3 a pre-New Years dinner Sunda;
>. with Mr. and Mrs. Garold Butle
.j and boys and Mr. and Mrs. Mar
Yin Butler and boys as guests.
; Sunday afternoon and eveninj
j visitors at the Frank Steinhause:
r home were Mrs. John Steinhause:
j and sister, Mrs. Emma Kosizek
Oakland, Calif.
New Years Day guests of Mr
p and Mrs. Jimmy Hoffman ant
t girls were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoff
t man and Danny, Mr. and Mrs
Frank Johnson and girls and Mr.
and Mrs. Dudley Hailigan, Bas
Darlene Huffman and Linda
Ankney, Lincoln, returned humt
Monday after having spent the
holiday week with their patents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hoffman and
Mr and Mrs. Charles Ankney.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ramm en
tertained Mr. and Mrs Ralph
Beck, Atkinson Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Stewart, Newport; Mr and Mrs.
Bob Ramm, and Mrs Johanna
Ramm at a New Years evening
dinner at their borne.
Mr. and Mrs Gene Ranun and
family were Christmas Day din
ner guests of Mr. ami Mrs. Julian
Anderson at Long Pine.
Pre-Christmas Day dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gardner
Gill and family were Mr. and
Mrs. Darline Lockmon, Norfolk;
Mr and Mrs. Dennie Lockmon
and Christy, Omaha and Mr. and
Mrs. Gary Lockmon, Kathie and
Thursday dinner guests of Mr
and Mrs. Dwaine Dickmon were
Mr and Mrs. Earl Christensen
and Mr. and Mrs. M. M. <Shme>
Shattjck, Oxford.
Carolyn and Dorothy Hoffman
were Sunday overnight guests of
Danny Hoffman.
Amelia News
By Miti Florence Limlney
Mrs. Nellie Halcomb and Mr
and Mrs. Bill Brinkman and three
daughters, Bayside, Calif., were
here to spend Christmas with
the Clyde Burge and Hugh Car:
families. Mrs. Holcomb is the
mother of Mrs. Burge and Mrs
Carr and Mrs. Brinkman is theii
sister. One of the Brinkman;
daughters became ill with £
throat infection while here ane
was a patient in the O’Neill hos
pital a few days.
Mrs. Nellie Hitchcock, Mr. am
Mrs. Lew Forbes, Atkinson, Mr
and Mrs. Roy Forbes and family
Rock Rapids, Minn, and Mr. am
Mrs. Alvin Forbes, Gerald am
Lesley, Fort Collins, Colo., wen
Christmas day callers with Mr
and Mrs. Irvin Forbes and Don
Mr. and Mrs. William Fryrea
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierc
were supper guests Thursday eve
ning with Mr. and Mrs. Lew Back
Mr. and Mrs. Dunk Petersoi
entertained Saturday evening fo
several friends. Those presen
were their son, Don Peterson am
wife, Casper, Wyo., Mr. and Mr:
Paul Johnston, Schuyler, Mr. am
Mrs. Bob Rees, Denver, Mr. am
Mrs. Jack Gilman, Omaha, Mi
and Mrs. George Fullerton, Mi
and Mrs. Lee Gilman, Mr. am
Mrs. Charles Everett, Mr. an
Mrs. Dick Doolittle and Mr:
Gene Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bligl
who have been visiting her pai
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce
went to Neligh Wednesday to vii
it his relatives, returning to he
parents home £o spend Ne
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Beckwit
and family, Page, visited her pai
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Blacl
more New Years day. Thei
daughter, Connie Beckwith, ha
been staying with her grandp
Blackmore while Mrs. Blacl
more was hospitalized.
Mrs. Vern Sageser, Mrs. Lin
Sageser and Mrs. Edith Andei
sen called on Mrs. Bernard Blacl
more New Years afternoon fc
short visits. She had just returi
ed home from the hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Doolittle
Jack, Bill and Terry, and Mr:
Amy Slaymaker spent New Year
with the Darold Slaymaker fan
ily at Albion.
Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Carr, D<
bra and Darla were Christma
eve guests with Mrs. Carrs pai
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Petei
and on Christmas day with hi
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Car
and family in O’Neill.
Don Adams visited his frienc
Johnny Briener, Palmer, fror
Thursday to Saturday.
Rosea nne Blake returned t
Grand Island Tuesday afte
spending her vacation with he
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gu
Blake. She attends business scho*
Mrs. Leu Backhaus visited a
the Merwyn French home nea
Page last Tuewday Mrs French
served lunch in Danish fa.dona
consisting of coffee and Danish
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Milton re
turned Friday to their home in
Denver, Colo, after spending
Christmas with her brother and
family, the Glenn Whites. Grand
pa H S White accompanied them
to th ir home and will spend
the waiter with them
Mr. and Mrs. Gale Fix and
family, SciHtsbluff. returned
home Wednesday after spending
Christmas here with their respec
tive parents. Mr and Mrs El
mer Fix and Mrs. Alice Prewitt
and families.
Mr and Mrs Max Dixsun and
son, Scottsbluff, spent Christmas
with her mother. Mrs, Alice Pre
witt. Mr> Prewitt and daughter,
Sharon returned home with the
Dixsons for a visit.
Vern Sageser entered St An
thony's hospital in O'Neill Thurs
day and was a pneumonia patient
there for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bailey re
turned to Omaha Friday after a
visit through the Christmas holi
day with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Glenn White.
Mr. and Mrs. William Rkkel
and twins, Ruth anti Rali«h. and
Debbie, Bellevue, Ohio, visited at
the Elmer Coolidge home over
New Years. Mr. Rkkel is Mrs
Coolidges nephew.
Joan Fullerton was home from
Lincoln to spend Christmas wit!
her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Har
old Fullerton and sister, Beth
Beth returned to Lincoln witli
Joan and visited until the New
Year holiday when they returnee
home. Joan went back to hei
work Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Brau, Om
aha, came Friday evening tt
spend the New Year weekend a
the home of her grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce, an<
also her parents, Mr. and Mrs
Charles Bligh, Alliance, who wen
also visiting at the Pierce home
I Mr. and Mrs. Bob Adair wen
10 umana inursaay where Bol
• recieved a medical check-up a
1 the clinic. He also has an ap
1 pointment with Doctors in Min
■ neapolis, Minn, for a check-u]
following a heart operation ii
the spring.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adams an
r Don were Now Years dinne
: guests at the Tom Marry horn
in O’Neill.
Mrs. Lavina Thompson an
daughter, Marilyn, McPhersor
1 Kan., were here to spend th
r holidays with her sons, Vernor
t Stanley and Gene Thompson fan
1 ilies.
Dorothy Fisher returned t
i Greenville, 111., Sunday afte
I spending the holidays with he
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pai
Mrs. Paul Nielsen, Rodney an
i Bradley, and a little girl frien
returned to their home in Omah
Tuesday after visiting her pa:
> ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burg
and family since Wednesday <
the previous week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Follertt
r entertained at dinner New Yea:
v Day for several of the Doolitt
families. Mrs. Fullerton’s mothe
h Mrs. Tom Doolittle was also ol
serving her birthday anniversar,
Mrs. Bernard Blackmore wi
r able to return home New Yeai
d day from the Burwell hospiti
a following major surgery Decen
ber 18.
New Years dinner guests «
k Earnie Johnstons were Mr. ar
Mrs. Clyde Widman and Marci;
Mr. and Mrs. Leu Backhaus, Mr
r Vern Sageser, Mrs. Link Sagest
and Mrs. Edith Andersen.
Mrs. Lindsey and Florent
, were guests at dinner at the horr
of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees c
s New Years day. They watche
the Rose parade on TV and i
the afternoon the ladies went I
Atkinson and visited Mrs. Ev
s Backhaus and Caroline, Mr
Julia White, Mr. and Mrs. Cha
les McMillen and Mrs. Rosa Sn«
s son.
r Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hodsoi
Taylor, Mrs. George Hodson ar
1, daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Le
a ter Parsons, Asotin, Wash, wet
Sunday visitors in the Gler
o White home.
r Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees we;
r to Norfolk Wednesday to attei
y the funeral of their sister-in-la-v
>1 Mrs. Ross Rees.
Mr. and Mrs. S. C Barnett wei
it at Glenn Whites’ New Years da
r Mr. and Mrs. Leon Skala, M
i Johnson Drug Store
Phone 118 O'Neill, Nebraska
» '
Rental 52.00 Week or
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New Smith Corona Portables
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Record Books for Home or Business
ami Mra Gem- Skala and Kelley
were here to **«d New Yaurs
with the Mar' ll D»whttiea and
George Fullertons
Mr, and Mra Lew Sperling and
family. Coteidiekl, spent the New
Year holiday with the Lloyd Wal
do family.
Mrs Julia White, Atkinson. Mr
ami Mrs. Frank Rraddurk. Water
town, S. D , and Mr and Mra.
W K Hagland, Page, were
Christinas dinner guests at Elmer
Cooltdge's. Mra. White and the
Braddocks were guests at the
Glenn White home for supper.
Mra Clayton Burge was ideas
antiy surprised Chriatmaa eve
ning when her staler, Rowena.
pltoned her. Slie had just arrived
at her home in Carthage. Mo.,
from her work in Africa Rowena
had to come home because of
her health
Mr. ami Mrs. Roller t Bailey
went to Mason City, la to visit
his parents for the rest of the
hi »l>day.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Collier
and children, Arcadia, and Mr.
and Mrs M H Madsen and Neal
were visitors in the Glenn White
home Christinas afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs August posjnchal
went to Dwight Wednesday to at
tend the wedding of Joan Mako
vicka, daughter of Mr. and Mr*
Joe Makovieka, Thursday
Mr. and Mrs Lew Mars, and
Mr. and Mrs Truman Tabor were
New Years eve guests at Mr and
Mrs. August Puspichals.
Mr ami Mrs. Elmer Coolklge
and their nephew, William Rickel
and family, Bellevue, Ohio, were
guests New Years day at turkey
dinner at the William Ragland
, home at Page.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Forbes
Gerald and Lesly, Fort Collins
i Colo., were in Amelia Tuesday
calling on old friends.
Rev. and Mrs. Ernest Cham
bers, Wilma and Darlene, acorni
pamed Glenn White and daughter
Vemta, to Sargent, New Yeari
’ eve to attend a missionary serv
ice given by the Paul Stewarts o
Bolivia. They went to the Ralpl
Hudson home in Taylor for lati
* lunch.
Mrs. Clayton Burge has been il
and not able to care for her fam
Uy for a few days. Mrs. Gleni
r White has been taking care o
them the past week
The Lindseys returned homi
Wednesday from Omaha wher
’ they spent Christmas with tin
e Strenger family. Mrs. Strenger i
'* Mrs. Lindsey's daughter. Mi
Strenger is in very poor healtl
and this was the first Chnstma
0 in the past five years that he ha<
r been able to be home, bavin
1 -
been confined tn the Veterans'
hospital other years
Mrs E lith Andersen visited at
Clyde WnWnnn* Sunday afternoon
Mr. and Mrs Delbert Edwards,
Arils and Zane. and Mrs Char
les McMillen attended the funeral
of Mrs Ira Goodwin at L>ng
l*ine Ttfuraday. Mrs (esslwin was
tt sister to Mrs Edwards snd
Mrs. McMtllen
Sally Landrum went home with
tier cousins, the Andy Rob-tk chil
dren, Homer, after Christina* and
came home by bus later in the
week The llobaks had been here
to spetal Christmas with tier bro
ther, UtU Sammons aiul family
and were Christmas eve guests
with her sunt Mrs Blake Ott atal
A Poem
From Mrs. Eby . • •
—The New Year—
Today wr stand at the vast un
known, whether <sir way we'll
have or one we've overthrown,
But let's go forth snd p<»araa
without fear, though changes
may come and war may seem
near For here's n cheering,
comforting thought, Our Lord
takes cure of the ones He has
lx High!
From Him come springs that will
never run dry. Here are founts
snd live springs that our God
will supply The land sometimes
valleys and sometimes hills,
sometime* just mere trickles,
then overflow spills.
If all werr dead level the dullness
would oppress. The hills contact
rain for fr utfullness bless, and
though the way lie difficult, lie
knows am) shows His hills are
protection from our worst of
foes, though sometimes hard to
climb t'will be » good new
year. So let's do away with
forbodlng and fear
For He leads us on by paths
we did not know, ujwurd He
leads us (hough our otejm he
i slow, though we inay falter and
■ faint on the way, though dark
ness nnd storms obscure the
I day. Yet when the clouds
are all gone we know He's lend
i mg us on He still leads us on
1 through unrequited years,
through all our dreamed of
■ hopes and fears.
• lie still guides us on through fill
* the tangled maze of loss, aor
s row and of overclouded days;
we know lie still leads to a
l bridght and Happy New Yeur
;md may faith reach beyond our
1 old doubts and fear,
j (Della Stuart Bby)
S In West O'Neill
e |
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Now under new management with men
cooks, serving regular meals and short orders
lt of all kinds.
i! A good place to eat and enjoy your meals.
r Pleasant waitresses, a really clean place to bring
your family.
n Fish served at ail times
a -. —
1956 Ford
4-door, V-8, straight stick
1953 Buick
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All Priced for A Quick Sale
Phone 33
31# E. Fremont O'Neill, Xebr.