Ewing News Hy Mrs. Ilumld tlulTUi Donald Black, U. S. Army, who has been sending a furlogh in the Ewing community, will leave January 8 by plane for Fort Dix New Jersey on his way back to Germany where he is stationed. Mr and Mrs. J. L. Pruden en tertained at a family dinner par ty Christmas Day at their home. Present were J. H. Pruden, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Burtwistle and son, Mr. and Mrs. John Pruden and son, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pruden and son, Mr. and Mrs. B. Larsen and Floyd Tucker. Guests at the Will Waiter home for Christmas were their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Walter and family, Clear water. Mrs. Hallie Maben had as her guests on Christmas her sister. Mrs. Jessie Wjnner, Omaha, Mrs Anita Lee and Virtus, Ewing. Thursday dinner and evening guests at the H. R. Harris home were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ol son. Mr and Mrs. J. L. Pruden |, and M r. and Mrs. S. M. Burt ' wistle and son were Saturday eve- ( ning guests at the liome of Mr. ' and Mrs. Richard Burtwistle. < Mr. and Mrs. Ray Butler took ' their grandson, Douglas McDon- , aid, win) had spent a part of the I holiday vacation with them, back , to his home in Norfolk Wednes-11 day. Eleanor Pollock spent a part of the holiday vacation with her mo ther, Mrs. Anna Pollock, return ing to Omaha Sunday. Merle Lee and sister, Mrs. Wanda Brown, Omaha, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lee, during the holidays. Jill Marie, the four-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Let Fink, was baptized December 17 at the worship service at the United Presbyterian church. Dr. William H. Ross officiated. Guests at the home of Mrs. Edna Lofquest, Sunday, were the Rev and Mrs. Everett Keelser and family and Mrs. Fern Pol lock. Ina Bennett spent Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Butler drove to Vermillion, S. D., Sunday to spend the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. McDonald. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Boies Sunday were her mother, Mrs. Charles Luben, Inman, and Mr. and Mrs. I Raymond Luben, Fremont. i ' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sutherland | j and son, Terry, North Platte, called at the home of Mr. and j Mrs. Lyle Dicrks and other friends in Ewing Tuesday. The j Sutherlands are former resi dents of Ewing. Dr. and Mrs. Merton Dierks and son, Jon, spent Christmas with her parents and other rela tives at Manhattan, Kan. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack and children spent Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Taylor, at Oakdale. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ryan and Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Scott of Niobrara were guests December 25 at the G. D. Ryan home. Guests New Year’s Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knapp were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knapp, Sioux Falls, S. D., Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw and child ren, Columbus, and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack and children, Ew ing. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis and Marie attended a family gather ing New Year’s Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Barton at Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shrader and children returned home from Lincoln Wednesday where they had spent a few days with rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noffke and his mother, Mrs. Pauline Noffke drove to Fort Thompson, S. D. Wednesday to spend the day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ver non Cronin. Mr. and Mrs. W’ilbur Bennett, Ina Bennett and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke attended a meeting of the Order of the Eastern Star at O’Neill Friday evening. Mrs. Maynard Morrow. O’Neill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bennett, became a member. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Drey and children, guests at the homes of George Jefferies and Mrs. Lor raine Wright for a few days, re turned to their home in Omaha Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bergs trom and family have returned to their home at Cumber land, la., af ter spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Bergstrom. Other recent gu< sis at the Bergstrom home were Mr and Mrs. Carl Johnson and fam ily, Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis and Marie spent Sunday visiting h s mother, Mrs. Gertrude Davis and son, Kenneth Davis at Orchard. The Thursday Night pitch club was entertained December 28 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. D Ryan. All members were pre sent. Prize winners were Mrs. William Spence, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tuttle, and Charles Ro therham. The January meeting will be held at the Waldo Davis home. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cloyd had as their guests Christmas Day their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Napier and son. Sterling, Kan., Mr. and Mrs. Les lie Brokaw and family, Norfolk, and George Timmerman, Plain view. The CYO of St. John’s church sponsored a teenage dance Wed nesday evening at St. Dominies hall. They were assisted by the youth of St. Peter's parish. Chap erons were Mr. and Mrs Jerry Tom jack, Mr and Mrs. Mark Thramer, Mr. ami Mrs K. Bar tak and the Rev. Kubart of St. John’s. There was a good at tendance. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Napier and son left Friday to return to the,r home in Sterling, Kan., af ter spending a KHlay vacation with relatives in Ewing and com munity. Mr and Mrs. Waldo Davis, their daughter, Marie, and Jane Spragg were Norfolk visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rother ham and Lynne, accompanied by Cathy, Billy and Patty Lofquest, were Norfolk visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Schiffbauer sr., Norfolk, attended the fun eral of their three-month-old great granddaughter, Mary Teressa Steskal, held Wednesday at 9t. Peter's church. They also calle 1 at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Hobbs and family. Larry Rotherham returned to Lincoln Wednesday after spend Ing Christmas with his parents, Mr. arsl Mrs. Charles Rotherham Mrs 1J. L. Pruden and daugh ter, Mrs. S. M. Burtwurtle, were Grand Msland visitors Thursday. Jane and Vickie Spragg return ed home New Year's Day from Omaha where they had spent the holiday vacation with relatives. Guests for New Year's Day at the Charles Rotherham home were Mr. and Mrs Lyle McNabb and family, Lincoln. Guests at the Martin Van Conet heme Christmas Day were her fa,her, George Burk, Clare Tom jack, Mr and Mrs. Gordon Wat son, O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. David Burk and family, Mr. and Mrs Charles McDonald and Mrs. Mar ilyn Burk and family of Ewmg George Van Conet was a gjest of his aunt, Mrs. Marilyn Burk and family, in the country for the holiday vacation. David Rotherham, who under went surgery a few days ago, is convalescing satisfactorily at his home in Ewing. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! Clearwater News Mn. Charles CwtrlgM H In ter &-S3M School vacation came to a close here, and school resumed Tues day, Jan. 2. The kindergarten class will begin Monday. January 15. Mr. an 1 Mrs Gary Miller and daughter are spending the holi day vacation at the Ruben Rand quist home. Jim Bennett. Denver, visited relatives and friends here last week. Jess Flowers has received word of the death of hi* sister, Mrs. Otto Garnet, Independence, Mo. Mrs. Garnet was Ha-years old at time of death. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Nore and . family. Lincoln, have been vaca tion guests of the Simon Nores and Earl Flowers families. Mrs. John Knievel, Freddie and Beverly and Ruth Ann Knievel returned Saturday from Milwau kee, Wis., where they visited Pa tricia Knievel in a convent there. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ander son were hostesses to a Neigh borbood card party Friday night in their home. Three table# of pitch were enjoy i-d Prize win ners were Mrs Walter Mwnebn > ker, Avalt Sanne, Mrs Sterling Legate and Williani Knievel. Mr anil Mrs Don Luben. Weep tng Water, spent the holiday weekend at the Howard Luben and F H Brandt homes. Firemen were called ojt Wed nesday night to the W Kuhl home southwest of town where a chim ney fire caused alarm. It was quickly brought under control. George Klabenes jr., Fort Car son, Colo., is spending the holi days with hut parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Klabenes sr . and other relatives. Carl llaake ami Mrs. Lovtna Moore were married Christmas night at Norfolk. Mrs. Moore is a beauty o|»erator in Oakdal*-. Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Lund t«K>k LcRoy's mother. Mrs. Marie Lund, to Rochester last week to the Mayo clinic where she will receive treatment Mrs. Rose Belrner returned to her borne last week from the XU den Community hospital. John Raster is a patient in the Neligh twapital where he was admitted Tuesday of last week Mrs. Henry Ziems is another Clearwaterite receiving treatment in the Neligh hospital. Mr. and Mrs Melvin Jacobsen were Friday night gueats of Mr and Mrs Charles Outright. Mr and Mrs. F D. Brandt ! at>ent Saturday night at tla* Ho * ward l.uben home. Larry James flnttril. Chambers, was a week end guest til the Lul>ens The family of Vtr Thompson left Saturday to |oi« Hr. Thompson at Aurora where they will make their home. Tiv the 1-'runner Want Ads - - \ \ I I I I j For prospectuses write DIVERSIFIED SERVICES. INC. Investors Bldg.. Minneapolis 2, Minnesota Or out, cfip and mat/ coupon below DUANE ANDERSON Box S61 O’Neil], Nebr. Please send the prospectus describ ing the investment company or com panies checked below: D Investors Mutual, Inc ► O Investors Stock Fund, Inc □ Investors Selective Fund, Inc. D Investors Group Canadian Fund Ltd. O Investors Variable Payment Fund, Inc Name Address_ City_Zone Stotn_ - , 4 DR. D. E. DAVID OPTOMETRIST Oomplete Visual (We Contact Lcmm By Appointment Phone 2101 Spencer, Nebraska -. - James Davidson & Sons PLUMBING & HEATING Service Since 1901 ■ Winter A Hu miner \lr (• >mlll Ion I us (iM _ Oil _ 1" ROBB ROSS PEANUT ( Fresh Frozen — Our Bov 10-oz. Pkg. 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