The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 28, 1961, Section Two, Image 9

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    Four Pages
Section Two
"The Voice of the Beef Empire"-North-Central Nebraska's BIGGEST Newspaper
Volume 81—Number 36 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, December 28, 1961 Seven Cents
Inman News
Ily .Mr*. Jain*** McMahan
Mr ami Mrs. Jim Ries and
daughters, Omaha, »|»ent Satur
day and Sunday visiting her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Mors
bach and family.
Mr. and John Buhimann and
son, Bartlett, were Christmas Eve
dinner g.iests of Mr. and Mrs.
James Banks and Roger.
Mrs. Josie K<«pecky was a Tues
day dinner gu<-st of Mrs. Lee Con
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Morsbach
and fan, < S D . vi
ited over the weekend with his
parents. Mr. and Mrs. David
Morsbach ami family.
Christmas evening dinner
guests of Violet, Ralph and Ruf
Sholes were Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Clark and family, O’Neill, and
Mr. and Mrs. James Sholes and
Sue Sholes, Inman.
Mr. ami Mrs. Richard Coventry
Omaha, spent Sunday and Mon
day visiting his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Kenneth Coventry and fam
ily. Ronnie Coventry, Norfolk,
spent the weekend with his par
Mr and Mrs. Don Keiley and
daughters, Norfolk, spent Sunday
evening and Monday visiting Mr.
and Mrs. W E. Kelley and fam
Brenda and Bernice Colman.
Omaha, spent the Christmas holi
days with their parents, Mr and
Mrs. George L. Colman and Ran
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Col
man entertained at an oyater sup
per and party Christmas Eve.
Those attending were Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Brunckhorst, Bar
bara and John and Mr. and Mrs.
George L. Colman and family.
Mr. and Mrs R. B. South were
overnight guests Christmas Eve
of Mr. and Mrs. J. Conard, Em
met. The group spent Christmas
Day in Atkinson with Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Troshynski and sons.
Mrs. Mary Tomlinson, Norfolk,
is spending this wi-ek at her home
in Inman and with relatives here
and in O’Neill.
A Christmas program was
given at the KLDS church Sun
day morning. Dale Kadrliffe
and Koy Kies, Atkinson, is hav
ing church services each eve
ning tliis week at the Inman
KLDS church.
Christinas guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Keyes and family
were Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pruss
arid daughters and Mr. and Mrs.
Karl Keyes.
Margaret Pruss, Clearwater, is
spending the Christmas vacation
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Pruss.
Mary Morsbach and Georgia
Herold, Norfolk Beauty school
students, silent the holiday week
end with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. David Morsbach and Mr.
and Mis. Georgie Herold.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Morsbach,
Neilgh, visited Mr. and Mrs. Da
| \fCc^>if y\/eu/ %/eaA I
^ |
...and please accept our
wishes that your |
New Year will 2
be wonderful. ♦ v *» 2
W £.wj>. !
Baker's Alinement Shop
| O'Neill, Nebraska
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y g
y g
y 1
y 2
y 2 i
s I!
y g
j ]
| add a note of thanks to our many friends g
for their much appreciated kindness.
| Niobrara Valley |
I Electric Membership Corporation!
vkl Morsbach Saturday after
Harden Anspach, O’Neill, vis
ited Mr. and Mrs. R. B. South
Mr. and Mrs, M. M. Crosser
and sons, Neligh, visited Mr. and
Mrs. David Morsbach and fam
ily Monday evening.
Carolyn Renners, student nurse
at St. Vincent hospital in Sioux
City, la., spent the Christinas
weekend visiting her parents, Mr
and Mrs. Chris Renners and Bub
Roland Hansen, Nebraska uni
versity student, is spending the
holiday vacation with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony
and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matscbol
lat were Christmas Day guests of
Mr and Mrs. Dale Matschullat
and family at Page.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Gonsior and
Charles, Omaha, spent the Christ
mas holiday with Mrs. Charles
Meyer and sons,
Mrs. Anna Smith and Ernest
Trowbridge were Christmas Day
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin
Smith and Linda, Page. Mrs. Jes
sie Cronk, Page, was also a guest.
Christmas Eve guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Smith were Mr.
and Mrs. Melvin Smith and Lin
da, Page; Mr. and Mrs Roland
Cadwallader and Randy, New
port; Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Moore
and Bill, O’Neill, and Ernest
Trowbridge, Mrs. Anna Smith and
Bert Smith, Inman.
The Boy Scouts enjoyed a
Christinas party at the school
house Thursday evening. The
Scouts presented gifts to the
three leaders, Horace Sholes,
Clifford Sawyer and -lames
Many young people of Inman
went caroling Thursday evening.
The group was sponsored by the
Methodist MYF. A chili feed was
enjoyed at the close of the eve
ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis F. Kopecky and Dick.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds
and family were Christmas Eve
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gay Hull
and family, Lynch. Nyla Reynolds
was an overnight guest of Gay
lene Hull in the Gay Hull home.
Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds and Guy
and Sharlene were overnight
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Mr. and Mrs. George Geary
and family, Clearwater, were
Monday visitors in Inman.
Mrs. Cal Geary and Marlene
are spending a few days in Craig
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gary Nel
son and daughter and Kenneth
Weidcend guests in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Ira L. Watson and
Sam were Mrs. Verna Warner
and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Lang
ley and daughters, Lisa and Sara,
Omaha. The Langley family, Mrs.
Warner and Mr. and Mrs. Wat
son and Sam were Christmas
Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
Watson and family in O'Neill.
Mrs. James Kelley and Kay
Kelley left Wednesday for San
Diego, Calif., to spend the Christ
mas holidays with Mrs. Kelley’s
son, Neal Kelley of the U. S.
Marine Corps, and also with Mr.
and Mrs. Grimeo Leavines and
Shirley Luben, .Devils Lake, N.
D., is spending the holidays vis
iting her mother, Mrs. Charles
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Butter
field and son, Mr. and Mrs. Lar
ry Butterfield and family and
Jackie Butterfield, all of Kan
sas, spent the Christmas weekend
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Justin Sat
terfield and family and with rela
tives in O’Neill.
Charles Scholkneyer, O’NeiE,
visited Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hartr
and family Saturday evening
Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry
were Christmas Eve guests o?
Mr and Mrs. Ralph McElvaio
Mr and Mrs. Albert Reynolds
and family were Saturday ev*
ning guests of Mr and Mrs. Ber
Reynolds at Neligh. Mr. and Mr$
Frank Ruffing, Winner, S. D,
were Sunday dinner guests of Mr
and Mrs. Albert Reynolds. Thi
Albert Reynolds family were
Christmas Day guests of Mr. anc
Mrs. Adolph Sedivy at Bristow
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore an®
their granddaughter, Jackie Gal
higher, spent Thursday night a:
the Oliver Andersen home ip
Grand Island. Friday morning
Jackie left on the train for Saji
Bernardino, Calif., where she wil
spend two weeks visiting rela
Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Moore ami
Bill spent Christmas at the Fred
Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Mick Gsl
lagher and Tim also joini-d the
family there Christmas night.
Paul Bittner took his sister,
Mrs. Leo Mossman, to Norfolk
Thursday where she continued on
by plane for Lawrence, Kan., to
spend the holidays with her son
in-law and daughter, Dr. and
Mrs. Robert Gillahan and daugh
Mr. and Mrs. James Sobotka
and Mary Lou left Thursday eve
ning for Buhl, Idaho, to spend
the holidays with Mrs. Sobotka’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Stark and other friends and rela
Mr. and Mrs. William McElvain
and son’s, Seattle, Wash., arrived
Saturday morning to visit Mrs.
.VIcElvain’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Coventry and Bill and with
relatives and friends in O’Neill.
Ned Kelley and Keith Kivett,
Wayne Teachers college students,
arrived Thursday to spend the
holidays with their parents, Mr
and Mrs. W. E. Kelley and Mr.
and Mrs. Vaden Kivett.
David Morsbach entered St.
Anthony's hospital Friday evening
for medical treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Watson
left Wednesday for Rapid City,
S. D. to spend the holidays with
their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Watson.
Mrs. Charles Luben spent sev
eral days last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Norbert Clark and daugh
ter at O’Neill.
Janet Gallagher left Thursday
for San Bernardino, Calif., to
spend the holidays visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Elwin Cronk and fam
Mr. and Mrs. Newman Card
left Thursday for Chadron to
spend the holidays with relatives
Sam Watson, arrived Friday
evening to spend the holidays
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ira L. Watson.
Mrs. Woodrow Gaughenbaugh
and Carol spent several days last
week visiting relatives in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hansen
and Yvonne left Thursday eve
ning for Minnesota where they
will spend the Christmas vaca
Marilyn Siders, Karon Brown
and Gene Butterfield, Grand Is
land business college students, ar
rived Thursday evening to spend
the holiday vacation with their
parents, Mrs. Ray Siders, Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbur Brown and Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Butterfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kelly and
family. Wisner, were Christmas
day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
! MMffllLffMft
I S NEW Ym j
| Coyne Hardware f
|Melvin Ruzicka Reed HerleyS
Mr and Mr*. Clifford Sawyer
and Mick Spent Christmas day in
Grand Island with Mr and Mrs
Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs
Clifford Sawyer and Mick were
Mr, and Mrs. Larry Sawyer and
daughters, O’Neill.
Mr and Mrs Robert Hutton
and family, Omaha, spent the
Christmas weekend visiting Mr
•nd Mrs T. D. Hutton.
David Sobotka, Norfolk Junior
college student, is sending the
holiday vacation with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sobol
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Keyes.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Keyes, Mar
vin Rouse and Mildred Keyes at
tended funeral services for Miss
Mollie Taylor Tuesday afternoon
at Battle Creek.
Harvey Tompkins, Waverly
spent from Wednesday to Sunday
visiting his mother, Mrs Ethel
Tompkins. He returned to Waver
ly Sunday accompanied by his
mother who will spend a few days
in Waverly.
Joe Peters, Norfolk, spent a
couple of days last week with his
Raymond Heck, Ewing, spent
■ the Christmas weekend visiting
his brother-in-law and staler, Mr.
and Mrs Kenneth Kestenholu ami
Mr. and Mrs Leo Sobotka ami
family. Columbus, visited Satur
day evening and Sunday with
John Sobotka ami Harold
John and Harold Sobotka spent
Christmas day in Norfolk visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sobotka
and family.
Harold Sobotka, Valentine, spent
tile Christmas weekend visiting
his father. John Sobotka
Mrs. L. E Stamp returned Fri
day from Omaha where she
spent a few weeks receiving medi
cal treatment
Mr. ami Mrs. E E Clark were
Christmas day guests of Mr. and
Mrs Bert Wine hell and family,
Christmas guests of Mrs
Blanche Rouse were Mr anil
Mrs. Gerald Risor and family,
O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs Milton Me
Kathnic and family, Atkinson and
Marvin Rouse ami Mildred Keyes,
(Last Week's News)
Mr. and Mrs Sam Kelley,
Omaha, spent the weekend visit
mg Mr and Mrs. W E Kelley
and family and Mr and Mrs
James Kelley.
Mr and Mrs Tt* mm J Da
v.s. Inman, are spending Christ
mas with their son-in-law and
daughter, Dr and Mrs J K
Bridges and daughter, Jana Let*,
at Fremont.
Members of the RI US ch .rt h
enjoyed a turke> supper at the
church uiuwx Saturday evening
An exchange of gilts lor the
children of tlie church folk>wed
die meal.
Mrs Louie Fiedler, Aurora.
Ill , spent front Friday until M>m
day visiting Mr ami Mrs Karl
Keyes, Mr and Mrs Donald
Keyes and family and Mildred
Ne 1 Kelley, Wayne Teachers
College student, spent the week
end visiting his parents, Mr and
Mrs W E Kelley and family
Recent visitors in the h anr of
Mrs. Ray Siders included Mr
and Mrs. Gerakl Snyder and Ka
thy and Mr. and Mrs. Jot* Bar
tos, all of O’Neill
Mrs. Charles Meyer spent a coii
pie of days last week in Lincoln
Pupils of Willow Lake sc ho >1
south of Inman, presented their
Christmas program Monday eve
rung at the schonlhouse, A nice
sued crowd attended Lunch was
served at the close of the eve
ning Mr* James Kelley is the
Mr* Chari** lajben entertained
the Neighborhood club at a cant
party Saturday evening at her
home At (lie flour of the evening
lunch was served
Ttie Inman Worker* Project
club met Wednesday. Dec 13, at
the country home of Mrs Clif
ford Sobotka for a Christmas par
ty Mra Baldwin, vice president
c inducted the business session
Thu was followed by an afternoon
of games and exchange of gifts
when Santa was present and
'mystery pals" were revealed
Namr were again ilrawn for
nexi year. Mrs S-botka served
a lunch in keeping with ; •
Chris ma* season
An early December meeting
was plumed for the Inman Com
imuuty club which met Monday
night at the seboolhouar. Follow
ing the business session. Mr ami
Mrs Hey noli Is passed out mater
nils in fail-out shelters Tills
was f< Bowed by a gift exchange
Everyone then enjoyed luncit
Mr and Mra Tom Hatton were
on the coffee Committee The
next meeting will lie on the re
gulnr date m January
’*^B ^B ^B W ^B ■ ^■?l|Ms§M$ :j,.
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